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E'va Tettenborn <[email protected]> essay collection "t.whid" <[email protected]> WebSite Unseen #25 Launches Patrick Lichty <[email protected]> Looking Glass Exhibit Update [email protected] (KOGO) SNOOPIES roger szmulewicz <[email protected]> FIFTY ONE'S FLASH Michael <[email protected]> New Job opportunities at the Lux Centre laudible <[email protected]> n ew stuff<< martin dodge <[email protected]> Cyber-Geography Research Bulletin, Vol. 2, No. 01 officegallery <[email protected]> 7/21 - office/gallery panel discussion Melentie Pandilovski <[email protected]> UNDERSTANDING THE BALKANS "no art" <[email protected]> NETworked Exposures - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2000 20:41:09 +0200 From: E'va Tettenborn <[email protected]> Subject: essay collection We are soliciting critical papers to be included in a collection on death and the corpse. Essays should investigate events or cultural phenomena that focus on the actual display of corpses in public, for example the German exhibit "Koerperwelten". Of particular interest are works investigating the spectacular aspects of such events. Topics may include but are not limited to: o the real corpse as art, art and the corpse o the aesthetics of death o the corpse as public phenomenon o corpses and freak shows o anatomy and the public, public anatomy o ethical questions Please send abstracts (2 pages) by 09/30/2000 to: Eva Tettenborn Binghamton University, SUNY Department of English PO Box 6000 Binghamton, NY 13902-6000 or e-mail abstracts to [email protected] (please do not send attachments) The deadline for the completed paper is 11/30/00. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2000 18:54:46 -0400 From: "t.whid" <[email protected]> Subject: WebSite Unseen #25 Launches MTAA (M.River & T.Whid Art Associates) are proud to announce the launch of our newest WebSite Unseen #25: Ten Digital Ready-Mades. WebSite Unseen #25 was commissioned by Patricia Harris, she found out about WebSite Unseen through the Fluxlist listserv. Check it out at MT Enterprises WorldWide +++ about MTAA MTAA is a Brooklyn-based conceptual and net art collaboration of the artists M. River and T. Whid. Visit their online contextualization, MT Enterprises WorldWide, at about MT Enterprises WorldWide: is the fake corporate front for M.River & T.Whid Art Associates (MTAA). has been the portal to all of MTAA's online art practice since February of 1999 as well as a commercial contextualization for the MTAA collaborative. is committed to providing the best in online artainment and supporting the online artainment community. runs solely on contributions from M.River & T.Whid, as well as enlightened collectors of MTAA art and artifacts. is for-profit, but as yet, is a loosing proposition. -- = = = <<<<t.whid>>>> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2000 18:45:36 -0500 From: Patrick Lichty <[email protected]> Subject: Looking Glass Exhibit Update Release Date: July 15, 2000 Index: 1: Lev Manovich Essay Added 2: Link changes and site changes 3: Suggestions Lev Manovich Essay, "The Interface as a New Aesthetic Genre" added to TTLG texts. The Through the Looking Glass exhibition, sponsored by the Beachwood center for the Arts in Beachwood Ohio, continues its year-long exhibition of many of the leading names of online art and cultural criticism with the addition of Lev Manovich's essay, "The Interface as a New Aesthetic Genre". The essay, an adaptation of Manovich's presentation at the Sins of Change: Media Arts in Transition conference held at the Walker Art Center, deals with the aesthetics of the computer interface and its role in the shaping of paradigms within digital culture. Note: Due to a server glitch, the intro page may show a very long table. We will try to get this fixed soon. Bio of Lev Manovich Lev Manovich is an artist and a theorist of new media. His book "The Language of New Media" will be published by MIT Press in 2000. Manovich was born in Moscow where he studied fine arts, architecture and computer science. He received an M.A. in experimental psychology from NYU [1988] and a Ph.D. in Visual and Cultural Studies from University of Rochester [1993]. Manovich has been working with computer animation, digital cinema, digital photography, and interactive multimedia since 1984. He has been teaching digital arts since 1992. Manovich lectures widely on new media theory and aestetics, and his writings have been published in many countries. In 1995 he was awarded a Mellon Fellowship in Art Criticism by California Institute of the Arts. Currently he is an Assistant Professor at the University of California, San Diego were he teaches studio and theory classes in digital arts. 2:LINKS AND SITE CHANGES Several visitors to the TTLG website have remarked that a number of virtual exhibitors' links are not incorrect or inoperable. This is due to the fact that a number of the projects are ongoing or time-based. As such, 'linkrot' is inevitable. At this time, our best solution is to inform you which sites are no longer accessible. If you find another, please let us know. 3:SUGGESTIONS The addition of Lev Manovich's essay signals the final planned expansion of the TTLG exhibition until its official end on March 30, 2001. Currently the exhibition serves as a media resource for the arts community, and the potential for additional activity exists. The question is posed: As the net is always in flux, should TTLG evolve with the digital environment until its close date? What more could be done? More artists, texts? Online forums? We would like to hear your comments. However, please bear in mind that additional functions will be determined byt he time and resources of the curator and the BCA. Thank you for your support of this landmark show, as it is the first of its kind in Northeast Ohio, and in many ways, the first show of its kind, period. Best, Patrick Lichty Curator - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2000 12:19:32 +0200 From: [email protected] (KOGO) Subject: SNOOPIES 20th july 20h at EXPO 3000 Kopernikus Strasse 1 in Friedrichshain SNOOPIES *candy factory Takuji Kogo Tetsu Takagi Philip Horst Welcome your home. As you know here is not so comfortable now you are afraid of your stupid noisy dog will kill some child also always harassment phone is ringing, but it will be ok, you have some good couch, also some of extotic decoration with some japanese style, or also you have a minimal art. but it's now getting dusty. maybe you should just sit here, and wondering about how to kill your neighbours, who laughed you when you walked the street. or you should pay them back about the harassment messages. you must get good idea here. so welcome back your home. Takuji KOGO [email protected] mobile 0706 667 5586 4-34-8,101 Nishi-Ikebukuro Toshimaku Tokyo Japan code 171-0021 ______________________________________________________ *candy factory 2-131 Hinodecho Nakaku Yokohama Kanagawa Japan - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 13:03:30 +0200 From: roger szmulewicz <[email protected]> Subject: FIFTY ONE'S FLASH FIFTY ONE'S FLASH Chers " photophiles " Vous avez �t� nombreux � nous t�moigner votre int�r�t lors de l�exposition de lancement consacr�e � l�artiste belge Panamarenko. En ce mois estival, nous organisons un accrochage visant � vous faire d�couvrir quelques uns des photographes qui font partie de notre collection permanente. Au sein d�une galerie accueillante, Fifty One vous plonge dans un univers consacr� � 100% � la photographie. Cet art relativement jeune ( pr�s de 150 ans ) ne cesse d��voluer et de nous �tonner. Le pouvoir d�une photo est inestimable: capable de nous �mouvoir ou de nous parler - avec la m�me intensit� qu�un film muet- elle allie l�esth�tisme � la communication. Tout comme dans un tableau , on peut tous y retrouver des parts de soi ou quelque chose qui nous interpelle inexplicablement . Comme promis , nous organisons , des la rentr�e, deux expositions th�matiques ( dont nous vous informerons prochainement ) : l�une sera consacr�e � plusieurs photographes contemporains ( Sam Tayler-wood , Tracey Moffatt, Gregory Crewdson, Massimo Vitali, Yasumasa Morimura,.....) . Ayant rompu avec la philosophie de la photographie classique - d�sireuse d��tre une fid�le reproduction de la r�alit� - ces artistes contemporains ont d�velopp� un langage qui leur est propre. Explorant les possibilit�s infinies de ce moyen d�expression , ils d�livrent des documents emplis d�observations sociales et psychologiques. L�autre exposition vous fera voyager au coeur de la photographie africaine grace � Seydou Keita, Malick Sidibe, Ojeikere, Azaglo,..... Mais d�ici l� , un accrochage regroupant plusieurs maitres internationaux et quelques coup de coeur . L�americain Peter Beard , dont on ne montre que tr�s rarement les oeuvres en Belgique . Cet amoureux de l�Afrique s�installe au Kenya, afin de s� immiscer dans la savane qui le passionne tangiblement. Son objectif y capture les animaux sauvage et l�ambiance d�crite par la romanci�re Karen Blixen. Ses photos et collages sont emprunt�s de son sang, des mots de son journal de bord et de sa touche r�solument � beardienne �. Parmi les autres photographes , nous vous proposons : Kate Schemerhorn dont les photos surprennent - avec beaucoup d�esth�tisme -les Americains en plein univers de fun; Fred Meylan aux d�formations abracadabrantes; l�artiste polyvalent, inspir� par la mode et New York, William Klein; l�Anglais David Bailey; et la sensibilit� des images de mode de la Fran�aise Sarah Moon. Infos pratiques: accrochage : du 15 ao�t au 8 septembre expo: Contemporary Group Show: du 8 septembre au 14 octobre expo � Africa: Past- Present �: du 19 octobre au 25 novembre FIFTY ONE , Zirkstraat 20 � 2000 Anvers, ouvert du mardi au dimanche de 11 � 18h tel 03/289 84 58 fax 03/2898459 email: [email protected] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Date: 17 Jul 00 20:38:41 +0800 From: Michael <[email protected]> Subject: New Job opportunities at the Lux Centre The Lux Centre for Film, Video + Digital Arts The Lux is Britain�s leading, international centre for film, video and digital arts delivering a vibrant exhibition programme, housing the largest archive of artists� film and video in Europe and providing unrivalled resources for production, distribution and education. The Lux is a continually evolving organisation at the juncture of film and the visual arts with a strong commitment to emerging media After a highly successful 3 years as Cinema Programmer and Head of Press and Marketing two of Lux�s finest team members are leaving to take up positions at the British Film Institute. Helen De Witt our Cinema Programmer is taking on the position of BFI Programme Manager and Lars Drinkrow our Head of Press and Marketing is moving on to the post of Marketing Manager for the London Film Festival. In view of these changes the Lux is actively seeking to fill the following vacancies: Cinema Curator (20-25K) To programme the Lux Cinema and contribute to the exhibition policy of the Lux Centre. This is a unique opportunity to contribute to the Lux�s artistic development at a crucial time in the developments of new exhibition strategies and audiences. Candidates should have excellent knowledge of independent film culture, understanding and interest in the visual and digital arts and strong experience of curating and programming events and venues. Head of Press and Marketing (20-25k) To direct the Lux�s press and marketing strategies in the field of visual arts and cinema. This post will oversee the development of the Lux identity and branding with particular emphasis on the development of on-line marketing, sponsorship and audience development. This is a great opportunity for a creative individual to impact on all aspects of the Lux�s visibility and success. Contact [email protected] for a form and further details. Deadline for receipt of applications: Monday 14 August 2000. Many apologies for possible multiple postings. Michael Maziere Director Lux Centre 2-4 Hoxton Square London N1 6NU - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 22:26:43 +0800 From: laudible <[email protected]> Subject: n ew stuff<< > >> .. . << < .. >> :: things to hear and see... // the bright new face is up and seems to be / running sweetly // ~while sounds are appearing at re::newed pace recent additions_ __- // jim denley + kevarkian/ m.chest / delire / chris caines / pimmon / andrew kettle / dj kevarkian vs hiaz gmachl / / j.kennedy + m.chest / seo & andrew kettle / jacques soddell/// in the pipe line . >> the klor, the loop orchestra, nkkn>>> among others.. . . ++streaming occurs_++ hydrogen juke box . .. . _-- with zinaK and martinNg .. 2RESFM 89.7MhZ . wednesday 9pm-midnight .. . ... .*live/ followed by ++ furthermore... w/ rik rue .&. shannon o'neill . _ _ ___ from . 2MBS-FM 102.5MHz . ... fortnightly on wednesday evenings midnight-3a.m.*live/ ++all times :: sydney time ____ . to bail from these posts just ask . __ .. . << < .. >> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 18:55:29 +0100 (GMT) From: martin dodge <[email protected]> Subject: Cyber-Geography Research Bulletin, Vol. 2, No. 01 ========================================================================== == Cyber-Geography Research Bulletin, Vol. 2, No. 01, 17th July 2000 == == < > == == < ISSN 1471-3489 > == ========================================================================== SPONSORED BY C O R P E X DOMAIN NAME REGISTRATION WEB HOSTING E-COMMERCE Tel: +44 (0)20 7430 8000 Email: [email protected] Web: Welcome to the Cyber-Geography Research Bulletin. This is a regular, free, email bulletin to inform you of changes and new additions made to the Geography of Cyberspace Directory and the Atlas of Cyberspaces on the Cyber-Geography Research web site. The bulletin is distributed about once a month, depending on how much time I have available for my cyberspace exploration. This bulletin is available on the Web at <> I am happy to acknowledge the support of CORPEX. They are kindly sponsoring the Cyber-Geography Research web site. =========================================== * New Book * MAPPING CYBERSPACE * New Book* =========================================== Over the past two years I have been writing a book examining how cyberspace is being mapped and visualised. The book is called Mapping Cyberspace and is coauthored with a fellow geographer Rob Kitchin. The book is now complete and will be published by Routledge at the end of September 2000. I hope that it will be of interest to many subscribers to this bulletin. The book chapters are as follows, Introducing Cyberspace Geographies of the Information Society Geographies of Cyberspace Introducing the Cartographies of Cyberspace Mapping Information and Communication Technologies Spatialising Cyberspace Mapping Asynchronous Media Mapping Synchronous Media Spatial Cognition of Cyberspace Imaginative Mappings of Cyberspace Future Mappings of Cyberspace A website supporting the book with all the images and maps featured is under construction at <> Paperback (ISBN 0-415-19884-4): 19.99 pounds / $32.99 Hardback (ISBN 0-415-19883-6): 60 pounds / $99 If you are really interested the book is now listed on and can be pre-ordered. - - ===================================== The Geography of Cyberspace Directory ===================================== * ography_of_cyberspace.html * * * New for the "Mapping the Internet" section: * A Cybergeography project in Germany, by Inga Klas. ( ) * A second version of the striking 'Whole Internet Map', showing the Internet as measured on the 1st of January 2000 has been released by Peacock Maps. ( ) New in the "Network Topology Maps" section: * The Hong Kong Cyber Map, by IDG Communications, provide a comprehensive source of detailed information on interconnections between Hong Kong and international ISPs. ( ) New in the "Visualising Information Space" section: * WebBrain ( ) visual browsing Web directory by ( ) * Herman I., Melanon G. & Scott Marshall M., 2000, "Graph Visualization and Navigation in Information Visualization: a Survey", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol. 6, No. 1, pages 24-4. ( ) * Browser Bashers, by Daniel Lyons. Forbes Magazine, 15th May 2000. ( ) * Information Visualization Resources by Gary Ng, University of Manchester. ( ) New for the "Global Internet Diffusion" section: * Continental Shift, Wired Magazine, July 2000, page 137-138. (No information online) New in the "Internet Statistics" section: * Internet Pulse by Keynote Systems. ( ) * Zook, M., (2000), "Internet Metrics: Using Host and Domain Counts to Map the Internet", Telecommunications Policy, Volume 24, No. 6/7, July/August 2000. ( ) * Foley P., 2000, "Whose Net? Characteristics of Internet users in the UK", report for the Policy Action Team 15 on ICTs and Social Exclusion, February 2000. ( ) * The 'Bow Tie' map of the Web by researchers at IBM Research Almaden, Compaq Corporate Research Laboratories and AltaVista, May 2000. See their paper for full details, ) - Broder, A., et al., 2000, "Graph Structure in the web", paper presented at the the Ninth Internation World-Wide Web Conference, 15-19th May 2000, Amsterdam. ( ) * Odlyzko A., (1999), "The Current State and Likely Evolution of the Intenet". Proceedings of Globecom'99, IEEE, pp. 1869-1875. ( ) * International Bandwidth 2000, a report by TeleGeography. Provides a most comprehensive guide to global bandwidth supply and demand. April 2000. ( ) New for the "References" section: * Buyukkokten O., Cho J., Garcia-Molina. H. & Gravano, L., 2000, "Exploiting geographical location information of web pages", Proceedings of Workshop on Web Databases (WebDB'99), June 1999. ( ) * Dodge, M. & Kitchin, R., 2000, "Exposing the 'Second Text' of Maps of the Net", Journal of Computer-Mediated Communcation, June 2000, Vol. 5, No. 4. ( ) * Dodge, M & Kitchin, R., 2000, Mapping Cyberspace, Routledge: London. ( ) * Janelle, D. & Hodge D. (Eds.), 2000, Information, Place and Cyberspace: Issues in Accessibility, Springer-Verlag: Berlin. ( ) * Malamud C. & Rose M.T., 2000, "Maps, Space, and Other Metaphors for Metadata", Mappa.Mundi Magazine, 1st April 2000. ( ) New for the "Conferences" section: * INET'00: Internet Global Summit: Global Distributed Intelligence for Everyone, 18-21th July 2000, Yokohama, Japan. ( ) * The Ninth Internation World-Wide Web Conference, 15-19th May 2000, Amsterdam, Holland. ( ) New for the "Miscellaneous" section: * Course title: "Geography of Cyberspace", spring 2000; Lecturer: Susan Pomeroy; Institution: Department of Geography, University of California, Berkeley. ( ) ======================= An Atlas of Cyberspaces ======================= * * * * * * * Italian Language * New for the "Cables & Satellites" page: * Street level map of the fibreoptic backbone network in Palo Alto, California. ( ) * Network route maps for GST Telecommunications, including street level one for Albuquerque and Tucson. ( ) * Maps of the Global Crossing network infrastructure for Europe and South America. ( ) New for the "Topology" page: * Graph of the gnutella network by Steve G. Steinberg. ( ) * WebBrain visual web directory browsing. ( ) New on the "Information Spaces" page: * The UBUBU 3d bookmark using icons on planets. ( ) New one the "ISP Maps" page: * The IP backbone network of BTnet in the United Kingdom. ( ) * Dynamic network maps of the backbone of Uninett, serving the education and research sector in Norway. ( ) * An interactive network map of the TeliaNet Internet backbone, which includes details on the link capacities. ( ) New for the "Virtual Worlds and MUDs" page: * A range of maps of the geography of EverQuest, a massive 3D RPG game. ( ) - EQ Atlas ( ) - Kunark Mapping Project ( ) - Chizuyu's Map Shop of the Norrath ( ) Please remember there is a US mirror site for the Atlas of Cyberspaces at (This mirror is kindly provided by the TeleGeography, Inc.) ================= Map of the Month ================= * * Map of the Month columns in Mappa.Mundi Magazine. * June's column looked at mapping the virtual city in AlphaWorld. ( ) =================================== Mapping-Cyberspace Discussion List =================================== If you're interested in discussing the wider issues of measuring and mapping the Internet and the Web why not join the new Mapping-Cyberspace List. It is a free and unmoderated mailing list. Full details on the list and how to join are available at: <> Or just send email to: [email protected] with the message: join mapping-cyberspace firstname lastname (E.g. join mapping-cyberspace John Smith) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ thanks for your attention martin dodge ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I welcome your comments on the usefulness of the bulletin and also on my Web pages. Suggestions for new information on the theme of the geography of the Internet, WWW and Cyberspace are also welcome. Send them to [email protected]. (Copyright (c) Martin Dodge, 2000) martin dodge cyber geography research centre for advanced spatial analysis, university college london gower street, london, wc1e 6bt, united kingdom email: [email protected] tel: +44 (0)207 679 1782 < - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 10:09:06 -0700 (PDT) From: officegallery <[email protected]> Subject: 7/21 - office/gallery panel discussion Friday, July 21st at 7:30pm in the office/gallery's newly renovated "training room" on the 18th floor of 111 Sutter Street (at the corner of Sutter and Montgomery) San Francisco, CA the office/gallery presents a conversation about the effects of private funding on individual research in the field of visual art. In conjunction with the current exhibition titled HARD COPY, (interpretation of "hard copies" of art on the internet) this discussion will use internet/digital related mediums as a catalyst for moving the conversation through the intricacies of private vs. public support for individual artists. Panelists include: Amy Franceschini (FutureFarmers), Scott Beale (Laughing Squid Web Hosting), Matt Biederman (SFMoMA/ATA), Manuel Labor (South to the Future), Courtney Fink (Capp Street Project/CCAC), and Lee Montgomery. The office/gallery is a "by appointment only" location for work by contemporary artists operated 'covertly' in the San Francisco Offices of a National Life Insurance and Financial Securities Firm. PLEASE DO NOT SEND SNAIL MAIL TO THE OFFICE/GALLERY WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING THE WEBSITE FOR OUR ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES ADDRESS! Donations for this event will be accepted, but are not required. For additional information, please call us at (415) 733-6574, or visit our website at - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 15:33:44 +0200 From: Melentie Pandilovski <[email protected]> Subject: UNDERSTANDING THE BALKANS The Conference Understanding the Balkans is to take place in the period October 13 - October 16, 2000 in Hotel Belvi in Ohrid. I would urge the interested in the below noted subject and themes to write to me. Best regards, Melentie -------------------------------------------------- Contemporary Art Center - Skopje; Melentie Pandilovski - Director Tel/Fax: ++389. ++389. Mobile: +389.70.217.075, Orce Nikolov 109, 1000 Skopje, Republic of Macedonia e-mail: [email protected] ------------------------------------------------- UNDERSTANDING THE BALKANS October 13 - October 16, 2000 Hotel Belvi in Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia Organizer (organization and contact person): Contemporary Art Center - Skopje; Melentie Pandilovski - Director Tel/Fax: ++389. ++389. Mobile: +389.70.217.075, Orce Nikolov 109, 1000 Skopje, Republic of Macedonia e-mail: [email protected] General Idea of the Conference: The rapid changes that the countries of South-East Europe are confronted with make it a necessity and essential challenge to perform a certain "archaeological cut" through the different heterogeneous layers of the Balkan region. Therefore the international Conference UNDERSTANDING THE BALKANS is conceived as a challenge to examining the alteration stratum of the Balkans concentrating strongly on questions of society, culture, art, and history. Reflections and analysis dedicated to these complex issues will be examined during the Conference. UNDERSTANDING THE BALKANS will in this goal try to focus on examining the intersection of the acquired codes in the social, historical, cultural, we have used on the Balkans in our immediate past as well as in considering the changes through which our societies, and culture, are undergoing over the past decades. The Conference is especially interested in investigating the deeper reasons for on-going conflicts in the region. The Conference will focus on finding ways of concordant common social, political and economic structure to emerge in the new Balkan societies and thus admitting that each region has its own specifics shall try to find a link connecting to the cumulative cultural achievements of the past. UNDERSTANDING THE BALKANS is open to the investigating of substantially higher synergistic systems on the Balkans and will urge the creation of new visions of the artists, theoreticians, historians, sociologists, and philosophers and will concentrate on finding a common platform in which the present historic and cultural gaps can be bypassed. Being conceived as an encounter of artists, technologies and visionaries the Conference also welcomes various projects using information technology and different multi-media applications, life sciences, etc. Themes to be discussed: 1. Codes Not Understood: Reasons and Consequences 2. Identities: Creation and Use 3. Mediated Images: Theory and Creation 4. Networks: New Quality or Redundant Accumulation The format of the Conference: UNDERSTANDING THE BALKANS is inviting 30 leading thinkers from the Balkan region as well as outside from it, covering a wide expertise (historians, sociologists, philosophers, scientists, culturologists, and artists). Proceedings: (November-December 2000) The proceedings will be published in English and Macedonian with a possible translation to the other Balkan languages. Deadline: The deadline for application is September 15, 2000. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - From: "no art" <[email protected]> Subject: NETworked Exposures Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 15:53:33 EDT A web-based component to socio-interactive or NETworked "exposures" that could be thought of as an intermittent and ongoing series of interruptions amidst the otherwise mass proliferation of images and/or texts in the service of capital... or maybe something else entirely. ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission # <nettime> is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: [email protected] and "info nettime-l" in the msg body # archive: contact: [email protected]