Gary Chapman on 19 Aug 2000 23:22:47 -0000 |
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Re: <nettime> L.A. Times column, 8/14/00 -- Tech Policy |
Thanks to Geert Lovink for passing on to me Ronda Hauben's response, on nettime, to my recent column in The Los Angeles Times about US science and technology policy and the election this year. In general I agree with a lot of what Ronda has to say, as I usually do, however we disagree about some things. Unfortunately, I think the things we disagree with are fairly subtle and would require a very long online discussion to explain. But I will offer some thoughts here in response to Ronda's critique. Ronda is absolutely correct to point out that the Clinton administration has presided over the privatization of the Internet, and, even more, the privatization of ALL telecommunications in the United States. What was once considered a more or less public resource, managed through monopoly agreements and government regulation, has been turned over, without much public debate, into private assets. However, I think given the political context of the U.S. these days, and the drive towards competitive services on telecom networks, this was inevitable. And not necessarily evil, although we certainly could have cut a much better deal. I personally don't believe I would be uploading this file at 384 Kbps if it were not for some modest amount of competition in the telecom market in the U.S. On the other hand, we do need to fight for open access, open standards, public space, more democratic oversight of telecom policy and the Internet, etc. These are issues I've worked on for quite a few years now, so I think I can say I understand this fight and know its context and history in the U.S. Ronda seems to think, because of my column, that I'm against basic research, or basic scientific research. Nothing could be further from the truth. The issue that we've been fighting in the U.S. is that we (many progressive activists who work on science policy) believe that basic scientific research should be INCREASED, but -- the all-important but -- supplemented with and guided by "national goals" that are democratically derived. Republicans don't believe in national goals for science policy. They don't want any intermediate or "bridge" programs between basic research and the private sector. This is an old, Vannevar Bush-era model of science policy that other nations abandoned long ago. Ronda's ideal of the "old Internet," the one fostered by ARPA, was actually NOT the kind of basic research Republicans favor, but a real technology development program of the kind that progressive science policy activists support. (It was in the Pentagon because that was the only place where it could be supported for many years.) The ARPAnet program was developing technologies, deploying them, fostering the intermediate sector of technological R&D, and "gluing" all these things together with a vision that came from Licklider and Taylor and others. This is exactly what the Republicans would kill, were it to appear again in some modern form. When we attack the "black box" model of science, we mean a model of science that is purely and EXCLUSIVELY "science for science's sake," something disconnected from any social goals, democratic oversight, interdisciplinary collaboration for public purposes, any connection to "'technology pull," etc. In other words, a priesthood of science that gets to build an empire of government grants and elite facilities that have no obligation to the public interest. Not only that, this fosters wasteful and anachronistic competition between scientific fields -- scientists all scrambling for their piece of the funding pie -- rule by paternalistic and conservative organizations of elite science like the National Academies, and all sorts of other things that are the exact opposite of what Ronda advocates. Ronda writes, "Neither the Republican nor the Democratic parties in the US have any vision for the future or for how to provide for the public benefit." Absolutely correct, although I tried to argue that there is a significant difference of degree between the two parties, especially when former Congressman Robert S. Walker is on board in the Bush campaign. He would dismantle everything Ronda would support, while Gore and his supporters would be a little closer to what she wants, although not nearly enough to satisfy her. She also writes, "But there also needs to be ways found for support for public interest objectives rather than for commercial objectives for the results of research." Again, absolutely correct. In fact, this is what The 21st Century Project, which I direct, has been all about for the past ten years. It's my obligation to point out that we were making headway on this project prior to 1994, when Democrats controlled the Congress. After 1994, all progress toward this goal came to a screeching halt. In fact, the progressive coalition working on science and technology policy essentially gave up on Washington, D.C., after November 1994. (Ronda should see the testimony Dick Sclove and I submitted to the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology in September 1994, and then compare what we said needed to be done with what has been done since then. Our testimony is at Ronda and I are on the same side, although her hope for a noncommercial, public interest Internet that looks like what the Internet seemed to look like in the 1980s is, to me, utopian and hopeless. I think the Internet of that time can serve as a benchmark and an ideal for what we should fight to protect, but going back to that time is not in the cards. -- Gary [email protected] # distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission # <nettime> is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: [email protected] and "info nettime-l" in the msg body # archive: contact: [email protected]