star.power on 2 Oct 2000 05:13:33 -0000

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<nettime> between books and cdroms and across networks

in the above url, the tech is used for cell phone displays and by logical
extention pda displays of all kinds but need not be limited to those uses.
rather in combo w/thin pda-like systems could easily form the basis for a
hybrid medium of what this thread tries to position as mutually exclusive or
competing formats.

>But books have presence, because of their physical interactivity, in
>a way that cdroms don't. 

this is far from a technologically determined situation. the lack of
physicality in digital tech is an area of research of most major corp-indust
r+d shops. xeroxparcs tilty-table is just one of many ex.s that points 2ward a
synthesis of physical interfaces w/info and digital structuring, reproduction
and transmission of data. of course the goal of many artists not assoc.ed
w/those r+d shops has also been to merge and mix these aspects. regina frank,
for instance, has been finding in�gen�ious ways to physically embody digital

from Alan Sondheim <[email protected]> 
>If this were a question of, say, a book of poetry, I'd agree. But the
>cdrom or dvd or whatever has real advantages 

this statement points again to the ambivialnce of the format when dealing
w/digitally rendered and dissemenated txts. the networking of interrelated
formats holds the most long ranging potential for all those involved. we would
reinterate here that the distinctions bewteen "copies" and "original" in the
networks are of no practical importance. and so these works are not
simulations or simultaneous but rather self-same unless permutated (in
transmission, by users or otherwise transformed). all of which points to
developing multiple ways of conceiving of these practices, processes and their


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