Announcer on 21 Mar 2001 13:37:07 -0000 |
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<nettime> Announcements [14] |
Table of Contents: 4 announcer "Phonet][r][ix" <[email protected]> TRANSDANCE research lab on DANCE & TECHNOLOGY "ALAS" <[email protected]> BeeHive Volume 4 : Issue 1 is now ONLINE! "Talan Memmott" <[email protected]> Opacity and transparency-call for entries [email protected] [[email protected]: =?iso-8859-1?B?bUB6ZbA=?= =?iso-8859-1?Q?2?= - released on www.t Florian Cramer <[email protected]> Re: <nettime> FW: Anna Kournikova Deleted by Memeright Trusted System Steev Hise <[email protected]> New mailing list for press release information Free Software Foundation <[email protected]> Privacy Lecture Series - Privacy, Autonomy, and the Limits of Technology - Monda Ana Viseu <[email protected]> WOHLFUEHLWELT turk <[email protected]> PLANETWORK EVENT IN NEW YORK!! "PLANETWORK" <[email protected]> New issue of Immediacy is now on-line Immediacy Editorial Board <[email protected]> For the Natural Death of the Work of Art [] Frieder Rusmann <[email protected]> /// 0100101110101101.ORG /// life_sharing [email protected] The Daniel Langlois Foundation Angela Plohman <[email protected]> ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2001 10:45:26 +1100 From: "Phonet][r][ix" <[email protected]> Subject: 4 announcer ------------- ] New at The Iowa Review Web, March 15 2001 mez : data][h!][bleeding texts ------------- ] Recently mez : -][selec][text: co][deP][l][oetry] _ ------------- ] . . .... ..... net.wurk][.Phonet][r][ix][ n.sert no here xXXx + .... . .??? ....... ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2001 18:01:17 +0200 From: "ALAS" <[email protected]> Subject: TRANSDANCE research lab on DANCE & TECHNOLOGY This is a multi-part message in MIME format. - ------=_NextPart_000_004A_01C0AFD5.6DBEF5A0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-7" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable ''e-phos 2001'' 3rd International Festival of Film and New Media on Art 23 May -2 June/ Athens, Greece =20 organizes=20 r e s e a r c h l a b=20 <TRANSDANCE> body, movement, technology May 23-31, 2001 =20 IME, Athens, 254 Pireos str. Greece=20 e-mail:[email protected] tel:00301-7520064-5 fax:00301-7520064 e x p l o r a t i o n a r e a s=20 =20 a) neologisms of corporeality in digital perfoming arts b) interactivity in tele perfomance as choreography phenomenon =20 =20 p a r t i c i p a n t s=20 Matt Adams, artistic director "Blast Theory"=20 Maria Anthimidou, artistic director/choreographer "Dancers Group"=20 Sophia Licouris, choreographer=20 John McCormick, choreographer "Company In Space"=20 Dimitris Papaioannou, artistic director/choreographer "Ground Group"=20 Alexandros Psichoulis, video artist Konstantinos Rigos, choreographer "Oktana Group"=20 Yacov Sharir, choreographer Konstantinos Vita, music designer Christian Ziegler, architect, multimedia designer p r o c e s s a d v i s o r=20 Scott De Lahunta =20 in collaboration with=20 British Council, IME, Dance Festival of Kalamata, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Development, Tanz Perfomance Kologne - ------=_NextPart_000_004A_01C0AFD5.6DBEF5A0 ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2001 12:04:57 -0800 From: "Talan Memmott" <[email protected]> Subject: BeeHive Volume 4 : Issue 1 is now ONLINE! ________________________________________________ BeeHive Hypertext/Hypermedia Literary Journal Volume 4 : Issue 1 |...| March 2001 ________________________________________________ ISSN: 1528-8102 ________________________________________________ IN THIS ISSUE... ________________ ON STELARC by ALAN SONDHEIM insights on and interview of Australian Performance Artist, Stelarc... >>--------<< THE GIRL AND THE WOLF by NICK MONTFORT a variable tale... >>--------<< ANIPOEMA / ANIPOEM by ANA MARIA URIBE visual poetry... >>--------<< DREAMER OF DREAMS / MY HEAD'S ALL MESSED UP by MORRIGAN short fiction... >>--------<< HELL'S FATHER by ROWAN WOLF short fiction... >>--------<< FACADES: PORTRAITS OF NEW ORLEANS by DIRK HINE photo's and verse... >>--------<< CIRCLE POEMS by PC MUNOZ (design and coding by paul ruxton) minimalist postry in DHTML... ________________________________________________ BeeHive ArcHive: ALL THE CONTENT FROM PAST ISSUES OF BEEHIVE Highlights include: TOWARD ELECTRACY : A CONVERSATION WITH GREGORY ULMER NY/SF POETRY COLLECTION : 30 Poets from San Francisco and New York DROP-KICKING THE TEXT : JULIE CHASE MIST RIDGE : BARRY SMYLIE, ROBIN BAKER, GEORGE STEPANENKO ________________________________________________ BeeHive Creative Director: Talan Memmott / [email protected] BeeHive Associate Editor: Alan Sondheim / [email protected] BeeHive Poetry Editor: Ted Warnell / [email protected] ________________________________________________ BeeHive Hypertext/Hypermedia Literary Journal is produced and published by PERCEPTICON CORPORATION SAN FRANCISCO CA USA copyright 1998-2001 ________________________________________________ Techinical Note: Due to Netscape's total departure from their own previous propritery DHTML protocols some work within BeeHive is not compatible with NETSCAPE 6.0. Over the next few months BeeHive will be working hard to make as many archived works as possible compliant with the W3C Document Object Model and NETSCAPE 6.0. ________________________________________________ ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2001 23:11:25 -0800 From: [email protected] Subject: Opacity and transparency-call for entries Opacity and transparency Protocols; dynamic IP generating; on the fly data gathering: the search for a language that delineates the current from the past. The Medium is the message. Clouds of sky, flush of toilet, a burst of laughter. What has a data-packets-infested household actually done to us? The Medium is not the message. What constitutes the kernel of netart: network as art, art rides on the network? A survey of the polemic approach to what concerns us in a wired world. submissions will be considered for an upcoming net-show featuring artists working online with those respective interests. please send url and brief statement to [email protected] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 14:49:16 +0100 From: Florian Cramer <[email protected]> Subject: [[email protected]: =?iso-8859-1?B?bUB6ZbA=?= =?iso-8859-1?Q?2?= - released on] - ----- Forwarded message from "Dr. Karlheinz Essl" <[email protected]> ----- From: "Dr. Karlheinz Essl" <[email protected]> Subject: m@ze�2 - released on PRESS RELEASE Karlheinz Essl's solo album m@ze�2 (� 1999) which was originally released as a limited CD edition with artwork by Werner Korn is now available on the Net. Thanks to you can listen to it online and download all tracks as MP3 files. More information at: Please spread the news. - -- Dr. Karlheinz Essl composition - performance - improvisation Studio for Advanced Music and Media Technology (Austria) - ----- End forwarded message ----- - -- GnuPG/PGP public key ID 3D0DACA2 ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 11:03:27 -0800 (PST) From: Steev Hise <[email protected]> Subject: Re: <nettime> FW: Anna Kournikova Deleted by Memeright Trusted System the nearer (and more possible) future may be even more scary: (courtesy Radio Luchalibre- ) Steev Hise, Automagickal Adept [email protected] - ----------------------------------------------------------------- "...dissatisfaction itself became a commodity as soon as economic abundance could extend production to the processing of such raw materials." -Guy Debord - ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 16:19:34 -0500 From: Free Software Foundation <[email protected]> Subject: New mailing list for press release information You are receiving this message because we (the Free Software Foundation and/or the GNU project) have corresponded with you in the past on a matter related to the press. Perhaps you interviewed someone from the FSF or contacted us for research on an article. Or, perhaps we simply had you recorded as a contact concerning media related issues in your organization. Because of this, we wanted to let you know about the existence of a low-traffic, moderated mailing list we have just created, called <[email protected]>. On this mailing list, we will post press releases and other information about the GNU project and the FSF that would be of interest to the media. We would like to invite you to join this list. You can join it by visiting, or by emailing <[email protected]> with a message whose contents is "subscribe". Alternatively, you can reply to this message and ask us to add you to the list. Thank you for your time. We want you to know that this unsolicited email is a one-time occurrence---simply to announce the existence of this mailing list to our existing media contacts. You won't receive press announcements unless you actually join the new mailing list. Sincerely, Public Relations Department <[email protected]> Free Software Foundation ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 16:35:42 -0500 From: Ana Viseu <[email protected]> Subject: Privacy Lecture Series - Privacy, Autonomy, and the Limits of Technology - Monday, March 26 (6 to 7,30pm) PRIVACY LECTURE SERIES <> "PRIVACY, AUTONOMY AND THE LIMITS OF TECHNOLOGY" MONDAY, March 26, 2001 TIME CHANGE: 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. George Radwanski Privacy Commissioner of Canada 140 St. George, Room 728 Faculty of Information Studies (building adjacent to Robarts Library) University of Toronto This lecture explores the relationship between technology and privacy and the impact of the new Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act. Commissioner Radwanski argues that the issue is more than simply a technological one requiring a technological solution, and that responsiblity for the protection of privacy cannot simply rest with individuals, no matter how technologically sophisticated they may be. The lectures are free of charge, and there is NO need for registration. If you would like to receive the announcements from the Privacy Lecture Series please register at <> For more info contact: Ana Viseu <[email protected]> Robert Guerra <[email protected]> - ----++++----++++---- Tudo vale a pena se a alma n�o � pequena. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 12:57:59 -0500 From: turk <[email protected]> Subject: WOHLFUEHLWELT WOHLF�HLWELT - - von den Regisseuren des Gl�cks im fundernovum in St. Veit/Glan - Glandorf, Klagenfurter Str. 87-89. Samstag, 31. M�rz 2001, ab 20 Uhr mit drehli robnik, maschek, monochrom, Dj Super Tronic und magnetpnp "Die Welt ist alles, wo man sich wohlf�hlt," hat der beliebte �sterreichische Sprachphilosoph Ludwig Wittgenstein geschrieben. Zumindest hat er es so gemeint - bzw. h�tte er es so geschrieben, wenn er inniger mit K�rnten vertraut gewesen w�re. Die auf bedingungslosen Kult hin designte Veranstaltung WOHLF�HLWELT (am 31. M�rz ab 20 Uhr im fundernovum in St. Veit/Glan - Glandorf) setzt alles daran, uns die Poesie des Fremdenverkehrs hautnah erleben zu lassen. Es geht um die �berschw�ngliche Rhetorik, mit der �sterreichische Tourismuswerbung (nicht nur, aber vor allem in K�rnten) soziale und geografische R�ume bewirbt und sie dabei zugleich im Wege einer Verwandlung hervorbringt: Einschl�gige Begriffe wie "M�rchenalm", "Aromagrotte", "Landidyll", "Sehnsuchtswelt", "Kraftpl�tze", aber auch "Wohlf�hlpauschale" oder "Spielkameradengarantie" - das sind nicht nur bizarre Wortneusch�pfungen, die an Stilbl�ten, Drogenlyrik und romantischen Seelentaumel erinnern. Diese (auch im folgenden w�rtlich zitierten) Formulierungen schaffen auch vollendete Tatsachen: das Faktum einer ebenso symbolischen wie sinnlich erlebbaren Welt in vollendeter Harmonie mit der Befindlichkeit und Kaufkraft ihrer Zielgruppen. Ist ein Hotel noch ein Geb�ude bzw. ein Beherbungsunternehmen, wenn es als "Wellness Hotel", "Harmony Hotel", "Romantik-Hotel", "Landidyll-Hotel" oder "Hotel des Gl�cks" beschworen wird? Geht es noch um etwas so Banales wie Freizeitgestaltung, wenn "Ferien mit allen Sinnen" gemacht werden? Ist das blo�e Kartenspielen gemeint, wenn von der "Kunst des Schnapsens" die Rede ist? Oder grenzt es an einen Akt der Welterschaffung, wenn ein Fremdenverkehrs(bundes)land zur "Oase des Wohlbefindens" wird und "das heimliche �sterreich" uns "wie eine andere Welt" erscheint, die zugleich "deine eigene Welt" ist? Die zwischen New-Age-Euphorie und antimodernistischer Regression lavierende Fremdenverkehrspoesie, die Heimat und Fremde ineinander verkehrt, verkn�pft spirituelle Offenbarungsmystik mit dem Urvertrauen in die konsumierenden Sinne. Es scheint um elementare Dinge zu gehen - um ein "Eintauchen", eine "Entdeckungsreise", "unterwegs zu sich selbst", durch "eine Landschaft, die die Seele mit den Archetypen des Menschseins verbindet und uns auf unbekannte Weise ankommen l�sst." Jedenfalls ist die WOHLF�HLWELT nicht einfach ein Ort, wo man unt�tig herumh�ngt, bis man sich erholt hat; vielmehr sind wir dort existenziell gefordert, aufgerufen zum ekstatischen Mensch- und In-der-Welt-Sein. Verordnungen wie "Sp�ren Sie die Magie der Landschaft!", "Genie�en Sie mit allen Sinnen!" oder "Tun Sie es einfach!" lassen daran keinen Zweifel. In diesem Sinn geht es bei WOHLF�HLWELT darum, es einfach zu tun. Im dem�tigen Bewusstsein, dass sich das Projekt der touristischen Neusch�pfung von Welt, Sinn und Menschlichkeit kaum �bertreffen oder satirisch �berh�hen l�sst, macht sich WOHLF�HLWELT einen Spa� daraus, die Fremdenverkehrspoesie einem Realit�tstauglichkeitstest zu unterziehen, sie auseinanderzunehmen und falsch wieder zusammenzubauen. WOHLF�HLWELT macht gastfreundliche Demagogie zum Kunsterlebnis, das sich anf�hlt wie Verarschung und Entertainment - mit den Mitteln von Architektur und Installation, Comedy und Performance, Variet� und Dancefloor, im Geist des produktiven Missverst�ndnisses, des Understatement, der gebrochenen Immersion und der handgreiflichen Parodie. In die WOHLF�HLWELT (und damit ganz zu uns selbst) gelangen wir durch das "Panorama des Staunens", das dem Jahrhunderte alten carinthischen Brauch des GTI-Fahrens gewidmet ist; dort k�nnen wir auf 72 Autoreifen sitzen, den Gummigeruch mit allen Sinnen in uns aufnehmen, den Sound und Speed von GTI auf Video genie�en - oder weitergehen auf unserer Entdeckungsreise, ins "Gl�ckszimmer": Sandstrand und Landschaftspanorama machen Verweilen zum Ereignis, Guckl�cher gew�hren Einblicke in unser pers�nliches Ich. Manche von uns wird es weiter ziehen, in die "Herberge der Tr�ume", wo uns ein majest�tischer (150cm hoher) PingPong-Tisch erwartet, mit Anleitungen zum Tischtennisspielen aus beliebten Spielfilmen, eingeh�llt in eine urige Speckwolke und ausgestattet mit 50 PingPong-Schl�gern, auf denen der traditionelle K�rntner Wahlspruch "Speck und Sport" ans gemeinsame Kulturerbe erinnert. Was in unserer Hektomatik-Welt oft gedankenlos "B�hne" genannt wird, ist in der WOHLF�HLWELT die "Erlebnisoase": ein Podest, in den (wahrnehmungspsychologisch ganzheitlich temperierten) K�rntner Landesfarben, auf dem anerkannte Animatoren und Unterhaltungsk�nstler uns mit ihren Possen entspannen: Satirische Darbietungen der Kulturvereine "monochrom" und "maschek" (etwa das lichtbildunterst�tzte Heimatgedicht "Unser sch�nes K�rnten") lassen uns endlich wieder Mensch sein. Dar�ber hinaus werden die weit �ber die Bundeshauptstadt hinaus beliebten Disk-Jockeys Drehli Robnik und Super Tronic uns mit deftigen Moderationen seelisch ankommen lassen und einen musikalischen Schmankerlmarkt auftischen, der den Dancefloor in einen Kraftplatz verwandelt. Abgerundet wird die Synfonie des Wohlbefindens in der "Sehnsuchtswelt", wo wir uns an der Bar einem reichen Sortiment von "Mir tut es wohl"-Getr�nken mit Vollrauschgarantie hingeben oder an f�nf Diaprojektoren Old-School-Memory spielen k�nnen. Um uns schlie�lich in jeder Facette den "Alltag als Event" empfinden zu lassen, werden die Kosettanlagen mit einer Sound-Installation bespielt, die zum "Eintauchen" einladet. Die Regisseure des Gl�cks maschek Was maschek tun, ist nur insofern Videokunst, Kabarett oder Politsatire, als man das zum Gl�ck nicht merkt. Sie tun es live oder auf Video, in Diskussionsrunden oder durch Nachvertonung von Bildmaterial aus dem staatlichen Privatfernsehen und aus dem Foto-Archiv der Flohm�rkte und Altwarentandler. Drei Tugenden halten die maschek-Welt zusammen: Bildungsanspruch, Hang zur F�lschung ohne Trennsch�rfe zum Ernstgemeinten, Hassliebe zum �sterreichischen. Besuchen Sie doch einfach die Spassfraktion der Found-Footage-Avantgarde bzw. den Bildungsfl�gel der Retro-Kultur unter monochrom der verein (seit kurzem religion) zur foerderung der selektiven rezeptionsforschung im sinne futurologischer belange im kern aus johannes grenzfurthner, evelyn fuerlinger, harald homolka list, franz ablinger, frank apunkt schneider. als hansdampf in allen codes, wo rein gar nichts einer anderen programmatik folgt als der anh�ufung von interessanz, stimuliert monochrom die organe breitfl�chig und nahezu aggressiv - schei�t einen foermlich zu mit selektion. jeder person ist es �berlassen was sie in ihrer freizeit tut. we are m�tley diskurs and you are not. auch kulturschaffende sind menschen mit gef�hlen. und obwohl wir wissen, dass wir nur staub sind, stehen wir total auf amusement. erscheinen sie zahlreich, wenn m�glich manisch (und schon vorher unter Drehli Robnik geboren 1967 in Wien-Erdberg. Unsympathischer Wiener, sprechender Disk-Jockey, Musikveranstalter (Soft Egg Caf� Vienna/Flex; 1997-2000, Hot Lotion/B72, zusammen mit Peter H�rmanseder, seit 2000); Entertainer mit selbstauferlegtem Bildungsauftrag, zeitweiliger Fernsehmoderator (Wiener Privatsender TiV 1998/99), ehemaliger Rock- und Pops�nger (Die Guten 1995-2000, RevoxRevue 1998-2000); Filmkritiker bei der Wiener Stadtzeitung Falter; Film- und Kulturwissenschaftler; diverse Publikationen zur Theorie und Geschichte des Genrekinos. Lehrbeauftragter am Institut f�r Theater-, Film- und Medienwissenschaft und am Institut f�r Geschichte der Uni Wien. Lebt seit jeher in Wien-Erdberg. DJ Super Tronic Das hochenergetische Ein-Mann-Dienstleistungsunternehmen Super Tronic agiert als Schallplattenunterhalter im genuinen Sinne. Dem kollektiven, gerne auch bis zur ekstatischen Ausgelassenheit reichenden Wohlbefinden verpflichtet, kennt er weder Hemmunungen noch falsche Scheu. Der gute Vibe ist sein Auftrag, die daf�r verwendeten musikalischen Mittel sind manigfaltig. Denn Groove ist ja bekanntlich eine Angelegenheit des Herzens, und H�user sind da, um gerockt zu werden. Architektur: magnetpnp Organisation: Herwig Turk mitverantwortlich f�r Transformator-Computer und Videokunstfestival St.Veit/Glan 1991; diverse Projekte von HILUS zwischen 1992 und 1996 unter anderem: Unitn -Mediaspace, Projektraum WUK/Wien 1993; vergessen� Projekt in Wien, NewYork, Brno, Basel, Berlin, St.Veit/Glan 1996-99; Patrik Papesch, Albert Kraschl Wir wollen die Reizschwelle nicht noch h�her setzen, sondern Sie mit "kleinen", ganz individuellen und pers�nlichen Gl�cksmomenten �berraschen. Wir bieten dieses All-Inclusive-Angebot inklusive Spielkameradengarantie nur am 31.M�rz 2001 ab 20.00 Uhr zum "Ich will"-Preis. Wir sind gl�cklich, wenn Sie zufrieden sind. Wir sind aber erst zufrieden, wenn Sie begeistert sind. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2001 08:07:45 -0800 From: "PLANETWORK" <[email protected]> Subject: PLANETWORK EVENT IN NEW YORK!! PLEASE JOIN US AND SPREAD THE WORD!!! PLANETWORK: Global Ecology and Information Technology NEW YORK OPEN CENTER SATURDAY MARCH 24, 2001 7:30 PM 83 Spring Street, New York $12* Registration: 212 219 2527 SPACE IS LIMITED!! (*First 20 tickets are FREE!! To qualify send us an email with your name in the subject line: [email protected]. You will receive a confirmation by return email) Join ENVIRONMENTAL DEFENSE, INDYMEDIA, GEEKCORPS and many other 'Cyber Greens' for a lively evening of discussion, networking and strategy for harnassing new digital media tools and the Internet to build a sustainable future. Focussed on activism and independent media, topics will range from new networking and web-based campaign strategies to click-actions; hacktivism to funding issues, as well as a discussion about the possibilities and challenges ahead in the '' world. PLANETWORK is a California-based, international, interdisciplinary "link-tank" for Cyber Greens, dedicated to providing forums for innovators from a wide range of backgrounds to share their visions of how the Internet and global information technology might help adaptively transform human culture and activate awareness of both environmental problems and their solutions. In May 2000, PLANETWORK convened a large-scale conference in San Francisco that gathered over 700 people from a wide spectrum of fields, from information technology and green e-commerce, to ecology and biology, the arts, new media and education and environmental activism. For more information: JOIN US!!!! ------------------------------ Date: 18 Mar 2001 19:30:07 MST From: Immediacy Editorial Board <[email protected]> Subject: New issue of Immediacy is now on-line The new issue of Immediacy (, the web publication of Media Studies Department of The Newschool University, is now on-line. The new issue, (Volume 2 Number 2, 2000) titled "In The Mix 2000", features the following selected student works of the past year: - - "To Dream, To Die: Stanley Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut" by Roy Brand (article) This paper examines issues concerning social criticism, the industry of fantasy, and the psychology of the view through a detailed interpretation of Stanley Kubrick's film Eyes Wide Shut. - - "Nausea: Nauseating Mortality or American Media" by Leili Gueranfar (streaming audio) A peek into what could have been the awakening, alienation, and death of American artist David Wojnarowicz. - - "125th Street Drama" by Manuel Lopez (streaming audio) Narrated in a documentary style, this "audio-fiction" portrays the collective agitation in a Harlem condominium after one of the residents has mysteriously disappeared. - - "Wildman on the ChessBoard" by Maria Lovett (streaming video) Wildman on the Chessboard is a short documentary film about a homeless chess player in Washington Square Park and the significant relationship between people and experiences in everyday life. - - "Rhythm A La Turka" by Omer Ali Kazma (streaming video) Two men seemingly obsessed with language use repetition, rhythm, and rhyme to conceal and sometimes reveal meaning in a peculiar competition. - - "Prime Time '99: The Absent Black Narrative" by Tabanitha McDaniel (article) This essay focuses on Fall 1999 when the dearth of Black representation on television became a hot issue. McDaniel examines the socio-political implications of an absent Black narrative and proposes solutions for a truly multicultural viewing experience. - - "TV Ratings: Of Myth and Reality" by Radhika Nanda (article) Nanda demystifies the circulation of commodities in the cultural universe of television in an essay that critically questions the basis of sophisticated techniques used to harness the intangible and unreprentative nature of television viewing behavior. - - "Symphony East - West" by John Plenge (streaming audio) An audio collage combining Asian and Middle Eastern music traditions with Western classical and pop instruments. - - "Media Elision" by Carol Wilder (article) "Media Elision" asks the question: Have we witnessed a complete genre meltdown in the past thirty years? Have we accomplished a complete blurring between fact and fiction, politics and entertainment? And if this is the case, what does it mean for mediated culture? - - "And now happiness �" by Tung Wang Wu (streaming video) Tung's second film, And now happiness explores the filmmaker's complicated relationship with his mother as a way of understanding his hatred from her point-of-view. - - "Sign of Times: The Promise of Prosperity" by Eric Zechman (article) Both the mainstream media and U.S. politicians continue to proclaim that these are the best of times. Eric Zechman wonders how the average American experiences this prosperity and what is the significance of the overwhelming popularity of the television game show "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" Please visit Immediacy web site for more: or mail to: [email protected] Immediacy Editorial Collective - ---------------------------------------------------------- IMMEDIACY is an on-line discussion forum for Media, Arts and Culture sponsored by The New School University Media Studies Department. e-mail: [email protected] phone: - ---------------------------------------------------------- ____________________________________________________________________ Get free email and a permanent address at ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2001 13:48:06 +0100 From: Frieder Rusmann <[email protected]> Subject: For the Natural Death of the Work of Art [] For the Natural Death of the Work of Art Frieder Rusmann ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2001 12:58:43 +0100 From: [email protected] Subject: /// 0100101110101101.ORG /// life_sharing /// PRPGND /// HTTP://WWW.0100101110101101.ORG /// # HTTP://WWW.0100101110101101.ORG/home/admin/press # HTTP://WWW.0100101110101101.ORG/home/admin/press # HTTP://WWW.0100101110101101.ORG/home/admin/press # HTTP://WWW.0100101110101101.ORG/home/admin/press # HTTP://WWW.0100101110101101.ORG/home/admin/press # HTTP://WWW.0100101110101101.ORG/home/admin/press # HTTP://WWW.0100101110101101.ORG/home/admin/press # HTTP://WWW.0100101110101101.ORG/home/admin/press # HTTP://WWW.0100101110101101.ORG/home/admin/press # HTTP://WWW.0100101110101101.ORG/home/admin/press /// from "Gallery 9 / Walker Art Centre", 01 jan 2001 /// 0100101110101101.ORG / life_sharing [�] life_sharing is an anagram of "file sharing". life_sharing is a computer sharing its hard-disk with the whole world, making all its contents accessible via Internet. "All" does�t mean a directory of the hard-disk but the whole content of the computer: programs, system (all the software used is open source), desktop, archives, tools, ongoing projects, mailboxes and so on. From the moment life_sharing started, every Internet user has free access twenty-four hours a day, 365 days a year to 0100101110101101.ORG�s computer: they can rummage through archives, search for texts or files they�re interested in, check the software, watch the "live" evolution of projects and even read 0100101110101101.ORG�s private mail. Users can access the contents through their browser, thus no particular technical abilities is required, only the basic notions necessary to surf the web. The computer contents are not periodically uploaded - thing that is usually necessary to update a web site - because 0100101110101101.ORG is working directly on the shared computer - the web server - so that users follow the development of the work in real time, they are always present and up-todate. The idea is both simple and full of implications that go beyond the concept of a work of art being an object of contemplation, and raises political, sociological, philosophical and informational issues. life_sharing determines and underlines problems and contradictions that are no loner aesthetic, they are ethical. The first of these problems is evidently privacy. life_sharing represents a radical subversion of the concept of privacy, a clear inversion of the perspective from which it has always been considered and discussed. life_sharing is the "empirical" demonstration that on the Internet is possible to experiment new forms of interaction and networking, on the condition that we are willing to leave evidently obsolete practices behind us. It is not a utopia, it is a practice that, once started, is going to become part of our everyday life. Another issue raised by life_sharing is the intellectual property question: the proposal is not a complete abolition of copyright, but its substitution with the GPL (Gnu General Public License - ). Extract from the Gnu General Public License: "Licenses for most software are designed to take away your freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GPL is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free software - to make sure the software is free for all its users. This General Public License applies to most of the Free Software Foundation�s software and to any other program whose authors commit to using it. You can apply to it to your programs too. When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new free programs; and that you know you can do this things. To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it." Untill now, the GPL, has been applied only to programs, with great succes both economical and "cultural". 0100101110101101.ORG wish to apply the open source model (so a license directly inspired by the GPL) also to works of art. This statement is a concrete proposal: to truly share intellectual properties, beginning from our own, every day. First published by Gallery 9 / Walker Art Centre for life_sharing by 0100101110101101.ORG # HTTP://WWW.0100101110101101.ORG/home/admin/press # HTTP://WWW.0100101110101101.ORG/home/admin/press # HTTP://WWW.0100101110101101.ORG/home/admin/press # HTTP://WWW.0100101110101101.ORG/home/admin/press # HTTP://WWW.0100101110101101.ORG/home/admin/press # HTTP://WWW.0100101110101101.ORG/home/admin/press # HTTP://WWW.0100101110101101.ORG/home/admin/press # HTTP://WWW.0100101110101101.ORG/home/admin/press # HTTP://WWW.0100101110101101.ORG/home/admin/press # HTTP://WWW.0100101110101101.ORG/home/admin/press /// PRPGND /// HTTP://WWW.0100101110101101.ORG /// ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 16:39:25 -0500 From: Angela Plohman <[email protected]> Subject: The Daniel Langlois Foundation Press Release The Daniel Langlois Foundation & the Cin�math�que qu�b�coise present: Red Dice by American artist Bill Seaman Montr�al, March 22, 2001 - From March 22 to April 22, the Daniel Langlois Foundation for Art, Science, and Technology is proud to present, in collaboration with the Cin�math�que qu�b�coise, Red Dice (2000) by American artist Bill Seaman. Commissioned in 1996 by the National Gallery of Canada, the interactive installation Red Dice is a homage to the poem Un coup de d�s jamais n'abolira le hasard (Dice Thrown Never Will Annul Chance), written in 1897 by the celebrated 19th-century French poet St�phane Mallarm� (1842-1898). Drawing on the still-fresh innovative force of this landmark in modern poetry, Bill Seaman has produced an arrangement of elements that invites the viewer to juggle words, images and music. Approaching Red Dice, the viewer will find an electronic tablet and pen. On the tablet, Mallarm�'s poem will appear, arranged to faithfully match the original layout of his words. Mallarm� was ahead of his time when he wrote Un coup de d�s jamais n'abolira le hasard, a revolutionary piece that challenges the reader's sense of order. The poem is sometimes considered one of the earliest examples of non-linear reading, similar to today's experience of navigating the World Wide Web. Viewers of Red Dice can digitally page through the entirety of the poem on the tablet, or they can touch the poem with the pen and activate Bill Seaman's fragments of images, words and music. Other viewers in the room can follow the actions of the person navigating the work via two projections on the wall. Seaman describes the experience of navigation in Red Dice as floating, skating over or flying between images, words and sound, in a choice of two languages, creating a "recombinant poetics." In the video that forms the base of the work, Seaman also suggests a connection between old and new technologies by showing the punched-paper programs used for the mechanical loom, the mill and the player piano-devices that are the ancestors of today's computers. "An adaptation of Mallarm�'s poem in the form of an interactive installation, Red Dice goes beyond mere illustration with its evocative power, which is enhanced by the combinatory arrangement generated by the computer program orchestrating the work's visual, acoustic, linguistic and conceptual elements," says Jean Gagnon. Born in 1956 in Kennet, Missouri, Bill Seaman began his career as a performance artist and discovered video in the 1980s. He received a Master of Science in Visual Studies in 1985 from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge. His studies there allowed him to explore interactive technology and computer-based art. In 1999, Seaman completed a PhD at the Centre for Advanced Inquiry in the Interactive Arts at the University of Wales, Newport. His work has been exhibited around the world and he has won several international awards. He is currently a professor in the Department of Design/Media Arts at the University of California, Los Angeles. The exhibition Red Dice will be presented from March 22 to April 22, 2001 in the Norman-McLaren room at the Cin�math�que qu�b�coise, 335 De Maisonneuve Boulevard East, Montr�al. For information on opening hours and admission, call (514) 842-9763 or visit - - 30 - SOURCE: Jean Gagnon Exhibition curator and Director of Programs, Daniel Langlois Foundation for Art, Science, and Technology Audrey Navarre Assistant to the Director of Programs (514) 987-7177 ------------------------------ # distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission # <nettime> is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: [email protected] and "info nettime-l" in the msg body # archive: contact: [email protected]