brian carroll on Thu, 28 Jun 2001 22:12:10 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> internetontology

>ShelfLife, No. 8 (28 June 2001)
>ShelfLife, a weekly executive news summary for information 
>professionals, is a free service of RLG, the not-for-profit 
>membership corporation of more than 160 universities, national 
>libraries, archives, museums -- and other institutions with 
>remarkable collections for research and learning. RLG was created in 
>1974 as the Research Libraries Group. ShelfLife provides context for 
>RLG's major initiatives, which celebrate the power of knowledge to 
>grow, to live, and to last.
>More and more organizations and disciplines of study are creating 
>their own ontologies for more efficient Web searches. Among other 
>benefits, ontologies -- explicit formal specifications of the terms 
>in the domain and relations among them -- allow users to share a 
>common understanding of the structure of information among people or 
>software agents. Ontologies may be highly specific, such as those in 
>the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and medicine, or 
>created for more general usage. For example, the United Nations 
>Development Program and Dun & Bradstreet combined efforts to develop 
>the UNSPSC ontology, which provides terminology for products and 
>services. To help sort out the whys and hows, two Stanford 
>University authors have published something of a beginner's guide to 
>creating a useful and usable ontology (available at the URL below). 
>The guide describes an ontology-development methodology for 
>declarative frame-based systems (they used Protege 2000), lists 
>steps in the development process and addresses the complex issues of 
>defining class hierarchies and properties of classes and instances. 
>The authors note there is no single correct ontology for any domain. 
>Ontology design is a creative process and no two ontologies designed 
>by different people would be the same. The potential applications 
>and a designer's understanding and view of the domain will 
>undoubtedly affect ontology design choices. (Ontology Development 
>101: A Guide to Creating Your First Ontology, Stanford University)
>  ShelfLife is published by RLG in collaboration with NewsScan Inc. 
>We welcome your comments, and ask that you send them to 
>[email protected].
>Visit us at, where we honor the past, think about 
>the future, and welcome the opportunity to join you and all our 
>friends in making a difference today.

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