Jordan Crandall on Wed, 18 Jul 2001 01:03:49 +0200 (CEST) |
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<nettime> trigger |
I've been battling with a script about virtual machines that drive the representation of movement. So far, it reads as below. EXTERIOR-OPEN FIELD-DAY ZOOM IN to an eye framed by a viewfinder. PAN DOWN to a finger resting uneasily on the trigger of a rifle. Pulsing with tension, flesh pressed against metal, the routings of the combat device course through the body as the film courses through the projector. Careful breaths, quickening heartbeats, and the small vibrations of the finger mix with the staccato of the gear-driven celluloid. An eye locked on a viewfinder, a body held immobile, an image-target moving across the field of vision. What moves, how does it move, how can that movement be tracked, intercepted, recorded, re-presented? All of the moving elements synchronized in the explosive moment of "getting the shot." A target-object to be seen, saved, eliminated in a process of division: I/you, us/them, here/there. Body and machine meeting in a trigger device, awaiting the explosive act of engagement. Seeing-naming-firing. Perception orchestrated, positions and borders drawn, movements and forms contoured. A victim-picture captured in the routings between perception, technology, and the pacings of the body. INTERIOR-CONTROLROOM-DAY CUT TO a database, glistening with calculations, a slight contour of bodily movement coalescing across the grids. ZOOM IN toward the characteristics of a target. Coordination points adhere toward the recognition of a pattern. A knot of presence, subject to a network seeing. SOUND OF A "CLICK". Target grid and object align, body and representation fuse, clicked into place as in the clicking of a mouse-trigger. Speech halts, replaced by the sounds of a statistical array. An image captioned as in an old silent film. A figure made silent in order to instill a new kind of voice. A figure immobilized in order to instill a new kind of movement. A process of sensitization across the conduits of the network. -- Here the gears grind to a halt, for I am not sure how to represent the action. Which machine takes precedence? On the one hand, there is an eye-viewfinder-trigger apparatus, in which the eyes of the director, the actor, and the audience are caught. On the other hand, there is the agent-database-coupler apparatus, which positions us as subjects in another act of seeing. Can one, in fact, construct a film based upon this circuitry of vision and representation? # distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission # <nettime> is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: [email protected] and "info nettime-l" in the msg body # archive: contact: [email protected]