Aliza Dichter on Fri, 20 Jul 2001 04:37:53 +0200 (CEST) |
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<nettime> What About Media? |
[MSword doc attachment deleted @ nettime--mod] Dear Genoa folks, I've noticed that media and telecommunications issues don't seem to be addressed in the Genoa Social Forum. One of the goals of (nonprofit, public-interest media and democracy site) is to help activists and civil society groups and communities understand that media is a fundamental struggle. Free, diverse accessible media for the people is something we must fight for, no matter what other struggles we are working on. For more information, please visit I am attaching a document (and pasting unformatted version below) that is very much a DRAFT. It is unfinished and still in progress but begins to argue why media issues must become part of the larger struggle. It was developed for the U.S. and is currently in English and Spanish. We welcome ideas and suggestions for improving it and hope that you might find it useful. You are welcome to print it out , post it and pass it around and use any of the information to help in the effort to make media one of the rights we are fighting for. For more information, please visit For 20 years of documents and declarations about THE RIGHT TO COMMUNICATE please visit: If you are concerned about media, please visit the site (there is also an email newsletter). If you have a Web site that addresses media issues, please sign up as an affiliate. Aliza Dichter Senior Editor MediaChannel [email protected] Eye On Global Media ================================================= *GET FREE WEEKLY UPDATES FROM MEDIACHANNEL.ORG* To subscribe, send a blank message to: [email protected] Or sign up on our home page MediaChannel: the nonprofit, public interest network of over 700 media-issues groups worldwide. ================================================= DRAFT 10 Reasons Media Matters to Social Justice Organizers Media strategy is a part of every campaign. But with corporate media growing more powerful and independent alternatives endangered, getting the message out is harder than ever. Activists, organizers, educators and independent journalists worldwide are calling for action in these media struggles: 1. Media Set The Agenda: Why We Must Monitor The Media And Respond To Coverage News often ignores crucial community issues --- and can shape support for public policies. 2. Consolidation, Corporate Control, Power and Politics: An Anti-Trust Fight? Can mega-corporations dominating the media possibly be a legitimate watchdog on abuse of corporate power? 3. The Battle To Preserve Public Space: Media's Message Is "Shut Up And Shop!" Activists are challenging commercials in classrooms and ads that blanket neighborhoods and public parks. 4. Public Broadcasting: Abandoning Its Noncommercial, Public Service Mission? Developed to serve diversity, citizenship and experimentation, now serving ratings, funders and congress? 5. Independent Media: How Can We Support And Sustain Independent Alternatives? Alternative, non-corporate and ethnic media offer a progressive voice against the Right's well-funded media. 6. Community Radio And Television: The Airwaves Belong To The People Microradio can be a forum for community issues and voices, and public access TV is a right. Can they be saved? 7. Broadband Open Access: Will The Information Highway Become A Private Shopping Mall? The Internet might be a revolution of free communication and information, but access for all is at risk. 8. Media Literacy: Teaching Our Children How To Understand And Interpret The Media Flood Media contain messages about gender, race and class. Kids will learn them unless they learn to decode them. 9. New Media Means New Labor Issues Communities seek training and access to new jobs, while layoffs, mergers and telecom policy affect thousands. 10. Global Information Equality: Fighting For The Right To Communicate Poverty also means loss of control over culture, communication and access to information and technology. FOR MORE INFORMATION: MediaChannel is a nonprofit, public interest network of hundreds of media-issues groups worldwide. Dedicated to exploring the political, cultural and social role of media, provides: News, reports and perspectives; tips and strategies for grassroots pr; issue guides; access to global and local groups; action alerts; manifestoes and proposals from activists and advocates; best practices models for using communication for social change; tools to teach about media and youth; community media resources and more. Please visit We welcome your participation, feedback and input. MediaChannel is produced by Globalvision New Media in partnership with Globalvision New Media � 1600 Broadway � Suite 700 � NY, NY 10019 � 212-246-0202 Media Matters Some Facts And Figures From The MediaChannel Network: ? Since 1996 big media has spent over $111.3 million lobbying congress and the White House. Media companies are among the biggest donors to political campaigns and the biggest campaign expense is � advertising in the media. (Center for Public Integrity) ? Project Censored 2000 finds the most unreported stories are those that expose abuses of corporate and state power or when corporate interest is opposed to public interest. ? Global media markets controlled by 7 multi-national corporations (Monthly Review) ? Of 1700 daily U.S. newspapers, 98% have local monopolies. (Independent Press Association) ? While over 65% of TV shows feature sexual content, they show risks, responsibilities and safe sex less than 10% of the time (Kaiser Family Foundation) ? The number one magic wish of girls 11-17 is to be thinner (Media Education Foundation) ? Diversity on prime time television is dropping. Latinos are only 2% of the prime-time population and mostly in minor roles. (Children Now) ? Minorities make up 11.1% of media workers, and 45% of newspapers hire no minorities at all. Minority journalists are three times as likely to be unemployed as white ones. (MediaFile) ? The average person is exposed to 3600 advertisements per day. (Media Education Foundation) ? Violent topics fill 40-50% of all local TV news time. (Rocky Mountain Media Watch) Says Barbara Eirehrich, "Sensationalized crime coverage� lays the groundwork for grotesquely punitive criminal justice measures" ? 90% of all Internet users are in industrialized countries, with the United States and Canada alone accounting for 57% of the total. (ILO) ? Launched just one day before the WTO protests, the activist news site received more than 1.5 million visitors from around the world during that week The network of IMCs has grown to over 40 locations in more than 10 countries, on four continents. (MediaFile) FOR MORE INFORMATION: DIEZ RAZONES por las cuales los medios de comunicaci�n deben importar a las organizaciones comuitarias buscadoras de justicia social. Estrategias para el acceso a los medios de comunicaci�n son generalmente parte de toda campa�a desarrollada por las organizaciones comunitarias que buscan justicia social. Debido al poder descomunal alcanzado por las grandes corporaciones de las telecomunicaciones y a sus crecientes niveles de influencia en la sociedad global de hoy, el acceso a los medios y la supervivencia de medios alternativos e independientes son permanentemente amenazados por el poder totalizante de los grandes medios. En el panorama actual, lograr que mensajes de inter�s social provenientes de organizaciones comunitarias se comuniquen a la poblaci�n es cada m�s dif�cil y complejo. Debido al fen�meno anterior activistas del �rea de las comunicaciones, l�deres comunitarios y organizaciones sociales hoy claman para que se tomen medidas en contra del poder totalizante de los grandes medios de comunicaci�n: 1. Los grandes medios imponen la agenda. Las grandes corporaciones de las telecomunicacines generalmente deciden la informaci�n que la poblaci�n recibe, ignorando as� asuntos cruciales y de inter�s comunitario y acrecentando con ello el nivel de su influencia sobre los organismos que dise�an las pol�ticas de comunicaciones. 2. Consolidacion del poder de las grandes corporaciones y luchas antimonopolios. Las organizaciones comunitarias est�n llamadas a vigilar permanentemente contra los abusos de poder de los grandes medios de comunicaci�n como una respuesta para aminorar su poder de influencia en el ambiente pol�tico, social y cultural. 3. El comercialismo de los grandes medios en la educaci�n. Las organizaciones comunitarias deben luchar por la preservaci�n de un espacio p�blico libre del poder del comercio y de los intereses privados. Toda imagen que incentive la comercializaci�n de principios debe alejarse de lugares donde se educan ni�os y comunidades. 4. Medios de comunicaci�n verdaderamente p�blicos. Las organizaciones buscadoras de justicia social deben soportar alternativas no comerciales de comunicaci�n para crear as� diversidad en el servicio p�blico y sentido de pertenencia entre medios y poblaci�n. 5. Por unos medios de comunicaci�n independientes. �c�mo organizaciones e individuos pueden apoyar alternativas de medios independientes?. Mientras organismos y corporaciones conservadoras gastan recursos para lograr el control definitivo de los medios, las organizaciones m�s abiertas y liberales parecen adormilarse en este asunto. Por ello las organizaciones comunitarias son la alternativa para luchar por unos medios independientes y alejados del poder totalizante de los grandes capitales. 6. Radio y televisi�n comunitaria. Las ondas radiales y de televis�n (espectro electromagn�tico) petenecen a la gente, por ello las organizaciones comunitarias poseen derechos inalienables de acceso a dichas ondas. Emisoras de radio y canales de televisi�n comunitarios son la base para la diseminaci�n de mensajes de importancia comunitaria. 7. Acceso a internet. La autopista de informaci�n virtual, internet, no puede convertirse en un gigantesco centro comercial con espacios limitados solamente para el poder de los grandes capitales. Las organizaciones comuitarias deben buscar acceso a estos canales para prevenir el control de los mismos por parte de los grandes medios privados. 8. Educaci�n en medios de comunicaci�n. Los planes educativos deben incluir propuestas que ense�en a los ni�os sobre el funcionamiento, operaci�n y derechos de la poblaci�n a accerder a los medios de comunicaci�n. Comunidades escolares deben aprender a reconocer y prevenir mensajes portadores de estigmas acerca de raza, g�nero o clase social. 9. Trabajo, trabajadores y medios de comunicaci�n. Las organizaciones de trabajadores deben contemplar su acceso permanente a los medios de comunicaci�n, m�xime cuando las nuevas pol�ticas de telecomunicaciones afectan a muchos de sus miembros. Medios independientes son sin�nimo de nuevas oportunidades y acceso a informacion laboral completa. Una informaci�n objetiva y completa debe incluir nuevas pol�ticas laborales, derechos, oportunidades de capacitaci�n, nuevos empleos y noticias sobre empleados y empleadores. 10. Informaci�n global equitativa. Las organizaciones comunitarias deben luchar por el derecho a informaci�n objetiva sobre asuntos concernientes a sus comunidades. Los medios deben estar abiertos a comunicar las amenazas de la pobreza global de la misma manera como lo hacen con las cada vez m�s limitadas fantasias de la econom�a global. Para mayor informaci�n: Media Channel es una organizaci�n no gubernamental, de inter�s p�blico, sin �nimo de lucro, interesada en asuntos relacionados con los medios de comunicaci�n. Mediachannel se dedica a explorar el papel social, pol�tico y cultural de los medios de comunicaci�n. MediaChannel is produced by Globalvision New Media in partnership with Globalvision New Media � 1600 Broadway � Suite 700 � NY, NY 10019 � 212-246-0202 # distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission # <nettime> is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: [email protected] and "info nettime-l" in the msg body # archive: contact: [email protected]