subjesus on Fri, 27 Jul 2001 09:34:39 +0200 (CEST) |
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<nettime> G8: "Desaparecidos may have gone to the sea"... |
Italy -- 27, 7, 01 The wall of silence built around the police operate in Genova starts to show the first breaks. - The lager of Bolzaneto Yesterday, in an interview published by the newspaper "La Repubblica", a policemen - who asked to the journalist to remain anonymous - described the abuses committed in the prison of Bolzaneto and added some particulars that throw a frightening light on the whole story. The policemen said that on Monday the 16th, a special squad of the prison police (Gom), reached the prison of Bolzaneto and transformed the part destined to the G8 demonstrators, into a "lager". The Gom (Mobile Operative Group) was created in 1997 and it is currently guided by an ex general of the Sisde (secret service). According to the report, the group was author of an astonishing series of abuses, which dramatically confirms the stories narrated by the victims: the people were beaten up immediately after leaving the police van. Then, they were lined up and their heads were beaten against the walls; some were falling and pissed over, some others beaten if they weren't singing fascist songs. One witness, a freelance photographer, named Alfonso De Munno, who was "deported" in Bolzaneto on Saturday afternoon (now he has a broken foot, and other contusions) learned the song very well: "un, due, tre viva Pinochet, quattro cinque sei a morte gli ebrei, sette otto nove, il negretto non commuove" (one, two, three, viva Pinochet, five, sixth, seven, death to the Jews, eight, nine, ten, the nigger isn't touching). Both the anonymous policemen and other witnesses said the women were threaten of rape, with the police sticks. No one was allowed to go to the toilet. The smell of piss and shit was nauseating. The policemen tried to talk to some colleagues, wondering if all of this, was necessary or legitimate. The answer was: "don't worry, we are covered". - More the truth comes out, more the political situation becomes scary Any reasonable person could arguably think, that in front of such denounces, the Government would make something to make clarity, at least to save its face. But it's exactly the contrary. The request of the opposition of a fast enquiry (a quite bland request, after all), has been bounced by the majority . Massimo D'Alema, leader of the Left Democrats (DS), denounced yesterday in the Parliament the violences and the abuses labelling them as "fascist" (a strong term, rarely used by the moderated left), and accused the Government to refuse the Commission, enforcing the suspects of a direct involvement with the abuses. On the other side, the Minister of Interior, Claudio Scajola, continues to deny any abuse, to defend the police operate and accuse the opposition to cover ideologically, if not materially, the street riots and devastations. The situation of the wall against wall, risks to bring the country on the edge of an irreversible shift. It's important that all the democrats, especially EU citizens, keep their eyes well open and make pressure on their Governments, for the institution of a parliament commission of enquiry and for a clear resolution of the Italian "G8 affaire". - The "desaparecidos" might have gone to the sea The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Renato Ruggiero, excluded yesterday, in front of the Parliament, the possibility that some of the demonstrators might have disappeared. He said that these youth "might have gone to the sea" for an holiday. But the Genoa Social Forum lists of desaparacidos remains there, and some unconfirmed voices whisper that there could be 2 more deaths, both of which could be girls (the unofficial source is Paolo Cento, Green Deputy). - The Minister of Interiors give the numbers. The magistrature investigate the police operate To answer to the question of the desaparecidos, the Minister of the Interiors explained yesterday - thursday - that the people arrested are still 221. But the magistrature didn't confirm most of them. For instance, out of the 93 arrested at the school Diaz (the nocturnal raid at the GSF dormitory and press office), 90 are already released. The foreigners get immediately expelled. In this way, they cannot meet journalists or lawyers, whilst they are still in Italy. For the nocturnal raid at the GSF, the Procure of Genova asked the list of the names of the officers and of the cops who took part to it. - The Genova's Police Headquarter foresaw nazi infiltrations An internal report of Genoa Police Department, days before the riots, highlighted a possible nazi presence in the anti-G8 movement. Gavino Angius, one of the leaders of the Left Democrats (DS), showed yesterday a reserved document in the Senate Hall, asking for an immediate response from the Minister of Internal Affairs. The Genoa daily newspaper "Il Secolo XIX" published yesterday a confidential document from Genoa Police Department, describing some scenarios for the forthcoming G8 summit, along with a brief analysis of the different composition and tactics of demonstrators) during the G8. According to the report, the police, days before the demonstrations, was well aware that neofascist and neonazi groups were planning to infiltrate the demonstrators. Angius showed the document in the Parliament asking for an immediate answer from the Minister of Internal Affairs Claudio Scajola. Repubblica Online ( published large excerpts of the report: "Neonazi violence to discredit anti-G8 movement. Right wing extremists wanted to infiltrate between the White Overalls and attack the police", titles the web edition of the most sold Italian newspaper. The report, dating back to early July, is meant to give general "informations about the anti-G8 protest", but is very detailed when it comes to describe the right-wing scenario. The document openly refers to three groups active on the italian far right: Forza Nuova, Fronte Nazionale and Comunita' politica d'avanguardia. "In particular, 25-30 hardcore activists of Forza Nuova from Turin intend to infiltrate themselves between the White Overalls groups and hide in the anti-G8 demonstrators. This group [i.e. the fascists], armed with knives and other blades, aims to hit the members of police in order to discredit the whole left-wing opposition to G8." # distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission # <nettime> is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: [email protected] and "info nettime-l" in the msg body # archive: contact: [email protected]