Florian Cramer on Mon, 27 Aug 2001 20:20:50 +0200 (CEST) |
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Re: <nettime> Automatism/Autonomy/Virtual Unconscious II |
J0SEF1NE, thanks for the great article. Just a brief remark concerning your analysis of antiorp's language: > Antiorp has, since this time, posted to these lists extensively in a > specially developed language termed 'Kroperom' or 'KROP3ROM|A9FF'. > This language, in part, relies on a logic of substitution to > reformulate the Roman alphabet's phonetic system by including all the > 256 different characters comprising the American Standard Code for > Information Interchange (ASCII), the lingua franca of computing. ...WHich, AS SUch, 1S nOt SO MucH 4|\| !nVEn7!0gn 0f 4nT!oRP/n37Ok|-|c@ nEz\/4N0vA h3RsE1f, buT A C0mm()|\| <ultUr@l TecHn!que !N TH3 W4ReZ (ha<k3RS) an|) "ZkR1p7 Ci|)|)i3" scE|\|E. WH1Le nO8()|)Y CMs to H|\v3 ReZ3@rk|-| t|-|3 h|57Ory 0f 7H31r k0de, |T |5 |)3f|NIt3ly Mu<h 0L|)3R t|-||\n aNTI0rP'z. (0n3 k()U1d p3rH4Ps c|\l1 "kR0p3r0n" 4 dI4L3<7 of "733T w4r3z Hax0RS" Z1@ng.) "kRP3R0|~||a9fF" Cmz 70 b3 4 r3FER3nC3 to the |\iphf eNc0D1nG 0ph 4uD|() fIl3S 4nD H3nce 7o |\nTY0RpZ 4udi0 |~|P3Z - 1iC3 "!5t-pL4Sm4.|~|P3" - wH!Ch 0N<E w3R3 av|\11@bL3 1gn 4 KROP3ROM Z3c7IOn 0n |-|3r \/\/Eb51TE. > For instance, in the case of a Kroperom word like > 'm9nd', the number '9' is incorporated into the word 'mind' such that the SINCE THE 1980S, THARE EXIST A C0UPLE 0F ALGORITHM1C TEXT F1LTER5 FOR THE LEX C PREPR0CESSER WHICH CAN BE C0MP1LED INT0 5T&AL0NE WAREZ!1!!S. FOR THE F1RST TW0 PARAGRAFS 0F THI5 REPLY, I USED THE "WARE2" FILTER, F0R THI5 0NE HERE, THE "B1FF" F1LTER. WHEN I F1LTER "mind" & "kroperom" THR0UGH B1FF, 1 GET "M1ND" & "KR0PER0M", T|-|R0ugh w4rez, i g3T "MYND" A|\||) "cR()peRO|~|". 17 C|~|Z lYC3LY 70 ME t|-|@7 |\nT10rp ad4p7ed sUch phYLT3rs tO h3R ()wN |\|3ed 4nd d|A1ek7. The following is your next paragraph "coolified" through b1ff and a self-written filter in Perl (I guess antiorp uses something similar): > "INE" 1N "NINE" TA KES 0N A F0NETIC R0L E. BUT ANT1ORP"S SYS TEM AL50 EXTEND5 > BEY0ND PURELY F0NETIC SUB5T1TUSHUNS. ME CAN 5EE THE BR0ADER 5Y5TEM 0F > 5UBST1TUSHUNS MORE CLEERLY 1N ANT1ORP"5 C0NVERSI0N 0F THE TERM "MASCH1NEN > KUNST" 1NT0 "M@2K!N3N KUNZT" (THE TERM 1T USE5 T0 DESCRIBE 1T5 0EUVRE). [> HERE, FOR EXAMPLE, THE " A" I5 5UBST1TUTED FOR THE " @" (HARA(TER, THE "I"] > FOR THE EXCLAMASHUN P0INT , THE "5CH" 0R "SHH" 50UND FOR A "ZK", THE "E" FOR > A "3" & 50 0N. 50ME 0F THE5E 5UB5T1TUSHUN5, WHICH REMA1N FAIRLY C0NSTANT >M1TH1N....-->KR0PER0M,....-->1NV0LVE....-->FINDING....-->A....-->KEY....--> MH1CH....-->APPR0X1M85....-->THE....-->1NVER5E....-->0F > TH_ <--> _R1G1N_L <--> CH_R_CT_R, <--> 50 <--> TH_T <--> TH_ <--> "_" <--> B_C0M_S <--> _N <--> "!" & TH_ <--> "3" <--> R_PL_C_5 > THE "E" 0R "E". IN SUM CASES THESE 5UB5T1TUSHU NS N0T 0NLY INV0LVE FIND 1NG > A CL05E ER 1NVERTED VISUAL EQUIVALENT (E.G. "!" 0R @) BUT C0MB1NE F0NETIC > & VI5UAL SUB5T1TUSHUNS IN 0NE (E.G. US1NG "3" IN PLACE 0F "E"). 1N THE5E -- http://userpage.fu-berlin.de/~cantsin/homepage/ http://www.complit.fu-berlin.de/institut/lehrpersonal/cramer.html GnuPG/PGP public key ID 3200C7BA "c u in he][l][avan" (mez, _Viro.Logic Condition][ing][ 1.1_) # distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission # <nettime> is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: [email protected] and "info nettime-l" in the msg body # archive: http://www.nettime.org contact: [email protected]