nettime's frequent flyer on Thu, 4 Oct 2001 23:25:37 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> Conferences and Events [9x]

Table of Contents:

     "lothringer13/halle" <[email protected]>                                    

   Symposium Bauhaus Dessau Serve City                                             
     Ute Lenssen <[email protected]>                                         

   Book Presentation Catalogue of Strategies (Frankfurt am Main, Oct. 10)          
     "geert lovink" <[email protected]>                                                

   ***ENDURING FREEDOM***                                                          
     "Benedict Seymour" <[email protected]>                               

   Premiere from The Hacktivists, a film by Ian Walker                             
     "geert lovink" <[email protected]>                                                

   Neuerscheinung: TEXT+KRITIK 152 "Digitale Literatur"                            
     "Dr. Clemens Heucke" <[email protected]>                 

   The program of the Impakt Festival 2001 is online                               
     Impakt Organization <[email protected]>                                            

   3rd Global Conference: Perspectives on Evil and Human Wickedness                
     "ben moretti" <[email protected]>                                         

   BOUNCE [email protected]: Header field too long (>1024)                   
     [email protected]                                                 

   Please forward to all our friends.......                                        
     Andrew Haas <[email protected]>                                                

   plug'n'politix, Zurich 5-7 oktober                                              
     nicholas <[email protected]>                                                    


Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2001 21:11:20 +0200
From: "lothringer13/halle" <[email protected]>
Subject: 3.10.++++lothringer13/halle


Kunst und Immersion
Vortr�ge mit Diskussion
3. Oktober, 19 h
Eintritt: frei

Vortr�ge und Diskussion mit Masaki Fujihata (Tokio, Medienk�nstler),
Paul Sermon (Manchester, Medienk�nstler), Lawrence Wallen (Berlin,
Architekt und Medienk�nstler)

Konzept und Moderation: Dr. Gerhard Blechinger, Vorsitzender des
Medienforums M�nchen und Prorektor der Hochschule f�r Gestaltung und Kunst

Der Hang der Kunst zur totalit�ren Form im Gesamtkunstwerk und in der
k�nstlerischen Avantgarde hat auch in der Medienkunst einen Namen
gefunden: Immersion. Immersive Kunstwerke in der Medienkunst sind
computergest�tzte Installationen, die den gesamten Wahrnehmungskreis des
Betrachters ansprechen.

Naive Vorstellungen von immersiver Comuterkunst waren nicht selten von
LSD-generierten Abenteuern der siebiger Jahre inspiriert. Der Computer
als Rationalismusmaschine sollte in der immersiven Totale den Blick
befreien auf den Kern der Welt. Die Rede von der Wahrheit in der Kunst
m�ndet stets in Verdinglichung der Kunst und in der Verabsolutierung des
K�nstlers als gottgleiches Sch�pfer-Subjekt. Das gilt f�r Andr� Bretons
Kugelhagel auf das Publikum genauso wie f�r Stockhausens j�ngste Ekphrasis
auf den 11. September als �das gr��te Kunstwerk, das es �berhaupt gibt f�r
den gesamten Kosmos�.

Wie mu� Kunst Stellung beziehen zu diesem abendl�ndischen Fundamentalismus?

Das Medienforum fragt Protagonisten, die sich dem Thema wiederum mit
abendl�ndischen Kulturtechniken und gleichsam seitw�rts n�hern. Mit
Ironie, cusanischem Experiment und dem Versuch von Bildung. Die
Dekonstruktion von Immersion als Alternative zum totalit�ren Denken.

Masaki Fujihata (Tokio, Medienk�nstler)
Geb. 1954 in Tokyo, Japan. Er studierte von 1975 bis 1981 an der Tokyo
University, Dept.of History of Art und galt bald durch seine Arbeiten
Mandala 1983 (1983), Miroku-Maitreya (1984) und verschiedene
Computeranimationen als einer der Pioniere japanischer Computerkunst.
Anfang der 90er Jahre erweiterte Fujihata sein Oeuvre mit
computerunterst�tzten Installationen und Skulpturen. Seine Ausstellung
Removable Reality (1992) setzte in der Zusammenarbeit mit dem
Architekten Kei'ichi Irie neue Akzente f�r raumbezogene Installationen.
Fujihata war Teilnehmer der Siggraph 1983 und 1984, sowie der
Ausstellung New Video Japan, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1986.
Seine Installation Global Interior Project I (1995) wurde zuerst in der
Ausstellung InterCommunication 1995 in Tokyo gezeigt und erhielt 1996
die Goldene Nica des Prix Ars Electronica, Linz. Seit 1990 hat Masaki
Fujihata einen Lehrauftrag an der Kei� gijuku University, Tokyo, f�r
Environmental Information.

Paul Sermon (Manchester, Medienk�nstler)
geb. 1966 in Oxford, England. Studierte 1985 - 88 bei Professor Roy
Ascott an der University of Wales. Preistr�ger des Prix Ars Electronica
in der Kategorie "interaktive Kunst" f�r die Installation "Think about
the People now", in Linz 1991. 1993 als Artist in Residence am ZKM
Karlsruhe f�r die Produktion der Video-Konferenz "Telematic Vision".
Preistr�ger des "Sparkey Award" vom Interactive Media Festival Los
Angeles 1994 f�r die Videoinstallation "Telematic Dreaming". Seit 2000
Dozent f�r Creative Technology an der University of Salford, Research
Centre for Art & Design, Manchester, England.

Lawrence Wallen (Australien, Medienk�nstler)
Geb. 1961 in Melbourne (Australien) ist Medienk�nstler und Architekt.
Seit 1987 verbindet er in den Bereichen Video, Film, Animation und
Interaktion sowie Installation und Performance Neue Musik, elektronische
Medien und architektonischen Raum. Er arbeitete in verschiedenen Projekten
an der Sydney Opera. In Stuttgart wurde seine Cross Media Oper Iosis
aufgef�hrt. F�r den Deutschen Pavillon der Expo 2000 in Hannover
installierte er Natur virtuell: The Garden. Seine j�ngste Arbeit fand in
Dresden statt, wo er zur Auff�hrung von Haydens Messias in der Kreuzkirche
eine Realtime-Videoinstallation realisierte.

Veranstalter: Eine Veranstaltung im Rahmen der Veranstaltungsreihe
MedienKunstPerspektiven des [m] Medienforums M�nchen e.V. und des
Kulturreferats der LH M�nchen in Kooperation mit der lothringer13/halle.

MKP 2001 Konzept und Organisation: Dr. Christian Schoen



make-world festival
conference | exhibitions | performances | workshops
18 - 21 OCTOBER 2001  MUNICH
muffathalle + lothringer13
[email protected]

Ort f�r aktuelle Kunst und neue Medien
Lothringer Str. 13
D-81667 Muenchen
T: +89-4 48 69 61
F: +89-6 88 62 44


Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2001 10:03:23 +0200
From: Ute Lenssen <[email protected]>
Subject: Symposium Bauhaus Dessau Serve City

(Please excuse cross posting!)


living and working in the interactive city
wohnen und arbeiten in der interaktiven dienstleistungsstadt
12 + 13 oktober 2001

Services were considered to be the future of urban development in the
20th century. Now interactive media rationalise the service
sector. They change our habitual patterns of communication, of space and
time. The spatial urban structure of the 20th century , the
separation of working and living, of private and public is eroding.
How is urban space transformed, when the work place becomes ubiquitous,
when services like finances and retail business turn into e-commerce,
when private households are digitalised, when the private house becomes
the place for working and everybody can create his or her own public
sphere? What will be the design of these collisions? These questions
will be subject to discussion on an international symposium addressing
design and architecture, planning cultural studies, communication theory
and economy. The symposium marks the beginning of the Bauhaus Dessau
Foundation's annual program 2001/2002, Serve City.

Die Dienstleistungsstadt war die Zukunft des 20. Jahrhunderts, nun
werden die Dienstleistungen durch interaktive Medien rationalisiert.
Kommunikationsformen �ndern sich und mit ihnen die Vorstellungen von
Raum und Zeit. Die r�umliche Struktur der Stadt des 20. Jahrhunderts,
die Trennung von Arbeiten und Wohnen, von privat und �ffentlich l�sen
sich auf. Wie ver�ndert sich der st�dtische Raum, wenn der Arbeitsplatz
�berall sein kann, wenn Dienstleistungen wie Handel und Banken �ber das
Netz abgewickelt werden, wenn private Haushalte digitalisiert werden,
wenn die Wohnung zum Arbeitsort wird und jeder seine private
�ffentlichkeit herstellen kann? Wie sind solche Entwicklungen zu

Ein internationales Symposium mit Beitr�gen aus Architektur und Design,
den Kultur- und Kommunikationswissenschaften und �konomie wird diese
Fragen debattieren. Das Symposium ist die Auftaktveranstaltung f�r das
III. Bauhaus Kolleg und das Jahresprogramm 2001/2002 Serve City. Die
interaktive Dienstleistungsstadt wird Thema des Bauhaus-Kollegs wie auch
Gegenstand von Workshops und Entw�rfen, von Konferenzen und
Ausstellungen sein.

serve city wohnen und arbeiten in der interaktiven dienstleistungsstadt
serve city living and working in the interactive city

programm program 

Freitag / Friday 12. 10. 2001

9. 30 - 11. 30 ServeCity

Begr�ssung und Einf�hrung / Welcome and Introduction
Omar Akbar, Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau

Telekommunikation und st�dtischer Raum / Telecommunication and urban
Paul Drewe, Technical University Delft

Virtualit�t und relationale R�ume / Virtuality and spatial relations
Martina L�w, Martin-Luther-Universit�t Halle

13. 00 - 18. 00 Wohnen und Arbeiten in der interaktiven
Dienstleistungsstadt / Collisions of work and living, private and public

Die Produktion des Raums der Fl�sse - Unternehmenskulturen / Producing
the space of flows: office culture
James Slevin, University of Amsterdam

Das Design des Raums der Fl�ssse / Designing the space of flows
Sevil Peach, London

Wohnen zwischen Ver�ffentlichung und Privatisierung / Living -
renegotiating the private sphere
Elisabeth Kremer, Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau

Telematisierte Hausarbeit? Interaktiver Haushalt und Dienstleistungen /
Telematized Housework: Interactive households and services
Uta Meier, Justus-Liebig-Universit�t, Gie�en

Kollisionen der R�ume und Zeichen Designing the Collisions of Spaces and
LO/ TEK, New York

Samstag / Saturday 13.10.2001

10. 00 - 14. 00 Die Architektur der interaktiven Dienstleistungsstadt /
Crossover in Architecture

Eingeschlossen im Bild / Enclosed in the Image
Beatriz Colomina, Princeton University

Dagmar Richter, University of California, Los Angeles

Inklusive Architekturen / Inclusive Architecture
Tobias Walliser, UN Studio Amsterdam

Architektur f�r eine wissensbasierte �konomie / Architecture for a
knowledge economy
Patrik Schumacher, Architectural Association, London

Bauhaus Dessau Room 235
Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau
Gropiusallee 38 D 06846 Dessau
Tel +49( 0) 340- 6508- 250
Fax +49( 0) 340- 6508- 226
e- mail service@ bauhaus-dessau. de
Eine Simultan�bersetzung deutsch/ englisch und englisch/ deutsch wird
Simultaneous translation German/ English and English/ German will be

Eine Live- �bertragung der Veranstaltung im Internet finden Sie unter
pnm:// 62. 153. 199.55: 554/ encoder/ kolleg
The Symposium will be broadcasted life on the Internet at pnm:// 62.
153. 199.55: 554/ encoder/ kolleg
Unkostenbeitrag / Admission DM 50 / DM 20 Wir bitten um vorherige
Anmeldung / Please register in advance

An beiden Tagen k�nnen Sie um 20 h Nico and the Navigators mit Lilli in
Putgarden auf der Bauhausb�hne sehen.
On both days at 8 p. m. Nico and the Navigators will show their
production Lilli in Putgarden in the Bauhaus Theater.

Ute Lenssen

Bauhaus Dessau Foundation
Project Manager

Gropiusallee 38
06846 Dessau

Tel: ++49 (0)340-6508-402,
Fax: ++49 (0)340-6508-404
E-mail: [email protected]


Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2001 11:43:38 +1000
From: "geert lovink" <[email protected]>
Subject: Book Presentation Catalogue of Strategies (Frankfurt am Main, Oct. 10)

From: "Andreas Kallfelz" <[email protected]>

Netzkultur 2.0  / Catalogue of Strategies

Wednesday Oct. 10, 9 p.m.

Am Staedelshof 6 (LM Ausstellungsraum), Frankfurt
Organisation: Andreas Kallfelz - Tel./Fax ++49-69-5978859 -
[email protected]
Partner: BIS Publishers / Gingko Press

Book-Presentation: Catalogue of Strategies (M. Gerritzen, G. Lovink, M.
Bruisma; BIS Publishers/Gingko Press 2001)

The CATALOGUE OF STRATEGIES documents a period of 10 years of graphic-, web-
and TV-design by Mieke Gerritzen and her co-workers in the recently founded
firm NL-Design. Gerritzen has coined a unique own style. Words and phrases
here often are used as pictorial elements, whole pages and books are
designed with text. Thus the text looses its function as a mere commentary,
the accompaniment of a pictorial message, or a detached narration, it
becomes itself an icon, a text image that transforms a content into a moment
of action. These forms of design are inseparable from the practical contexts
within which they developed. So the CATALOGUE OF STRATEGIES is also sort of
a work book which focuses on the connection of contents, design and
practical activities and shows how design takes an own specific role within
campaigns, conferences and other activist contexts, yet creating an
independent aesthetic dimension. URL of NL-Design: The
Dutch presentation of the book took place in Amsterdam on September 22.
Catalogue of Strategies will have a global distribution.

Lectures, Talk, Images: Netzkultur 2.0

The downturn of the internet-economy and the disintegration of digital
utopia - not long time ago having governed the minds - don't make net
culture less relevant today, but lead to a fundamental change of alignment.
Fantasies of our future virtual bodies and living environments have lost
their logic the daily grind and the increasingly perceived problems of the
real world. At the same time the net as a field of conflict is gaining ever
higher importance.

So "net-weariness" is not on the agenda, but instead an increased concern
with the political, economic and cultural circumstances, net-internally
as -externally. "Net-culture" and "net-criticism" are an important potential
counterweight against tightening economic and political power structures.
But it's important to stay pragmatic and not to end in isolated self-centred
attitudes. Practically this means to use creative skills and to establish
and defend autonomous areas, in which an independent and content-based
reflection can articulate and gain momentum.


Prof. Manfred Fassler is a communication scientist and cultural
anthropologist at Frankfurt University. He is also in charge of the research
project "cyberpoiesis", focusing on the working contexts of net designers,
artists and theorists and on "ambivalent" modes of net-based cultural
production. He is also co-organiser of "Entwerfen" (Oct./Nov. 2001), a
conference on contemporary knowledge production.

Mieke Gerritzen is among the most influential and innovative graphic and web
designers in the Netherlands and embeds her work in various
interdisciplinary contexts. Recently she founded her own firm NL-Design.
Also she is head of the design department of Sandberg Institute in Amsterdam
and initiated the screen-design-competition "International Browserday",
which after Amsterdam and New york is going to take place in Berlin this
year for the fifth time.

Petra Ilyes is a cultural anthropologist and currently working on a
comprehensive investigation of the impact of the ICT-industry on peripheral
societies. She will report on her recent field excursion to Silicon Valley
2001, along with a digital slide show.

Sebastian L�tgert from Berlin since 1998 operates several net portals like "" or "". At first sight they remind you of commercial
websites, offering various functionalities, decorated with seductive banners
etc. Actually however they contain tools and contents which in a useful
ironic way work anti-commercially and support autonomous and subversive

Geert Lovink, Dutch media theorist and net activist who currently lives in
Australia will moderate the event. He is a member of Agentur Bilwet, and
together with Pit Schultz he founded in 1995 "nettime", one of the most
influential mailing lists on the "net discourse". He initiated a number of
important conferences and net culture projects and has written extensively
on media, political and cultural movements and "net criticism". For the last
time he was in Frankfurt with "Tulipomania Dotcom", a conference on the "new
economy" in Kunstverein.

Niels Werber, literary and media theorist, focuses among others on the
misrelation between HiTech utopias of the digital elite and the actual
social transformations taking place around them. Recent texts also examine
the technology discourse in the bourgeois feature pages or the relationship
of "global terrorism" and "cyberwars"


Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2001 16:48:02 +0100
From: "Benedict Seymour" <[email protected]>

Please come along to this discussion, and send this invite on to anyone
you think might be interested in coming. Thanks very much, and hopefully
see you there,
Ben Seymour
(apologies for any cross-posting)

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------

E N D U R I N G   F R E E D O M
Debating the 'war on terror'

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------

Have the meanings of words like 'war', 'social control', 'freedom' and
'security' changed beyond recognition in the present crisis?

What are the implications of the new state of emergency for political
action and dissent?

Are inherited forms of protest and 'anti-violence' adequate to confront
this situation?

Enduring Freedom is a completely open forum for discussion of these
issues. We have no celebrity speakers or party agenda, but everybody is

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------

8pm Wednesday 3 October 2001
Unit 61, Regents Studios, 8 Andrews Road, Bethnal Green, London, E8 4QN.
United Kingdom.
info: 07949 239 415

For help with locating the venue:


Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2001 22:42:41 +1000
From: "geert lovink" <[email protected]>
Subject: Premiere from The Hacktivists, a film by Ian Walker

From: "Ian Walker" <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 5:17 PM
Subject: Correction: The Hacktivists is on Wed 10th

"THE HACKTIVISTS" - The revolution will be digitised!!


It's my pleasure to invite you all to the world premiere of my first
one-hour of television as director.  To be broadcast on ABC-TV later this
year, the 55-minute opus makes its first public outing at Popcorn Taxi (in
conjunction with TILT, dLux's Tactical Media Conference).

"Fire up your browser as we journey into cyberspace and beyond to meet THE
HACKTIVISTS, who might be just one click away from a virtual revolution.  At
the very least, they're making politics fun again."

Time: 7:30 pm - tickets on sale from 6:30pm
Date: Wednesday 10 October 2001
Where: Valhalla Cinema
Address: 166 Glebe Point Road, Glebe
Entry: $13 / $11 Concession (sorry no bookings)

So polish up your 3D glasses, book the babysitter, and see you in the bar
afterwards for some shameless backslapping and outrageous pronouncments on
the future of documentary film-making...or maybe just a quiet beer or two to
comisserate.  It nearly killed me, so now its your turn to be tortured!


Ian Walker
Director - "Information War: The Hacktivists"
Hilton Cordell Productions
54 Simpson St Bondi Beach NSW 2026
t: +61.2.93654346 m: 0414.851533
e: [email protected]


In the "information war" of the new millenium, the first shots have already
been fired.  And the "internet warriors" might be just one click away from a
virtual revolution.

So begins the story of THE HACKTIVISTS, a one-hour documentary which
provides a cutting edge snapshot of cultural subversion at the dawn of the
digital age.  It explores the exponential growth in anti-capitalist activism
around the world and the new nodes of protest available via computers and
the internet.  It�s a movement that�s leaderless, global, anarchic and
chaotic...the internet come to life!  And its coming soon to a website and a
city near you.

We meet the faces behind the groups behind the electronic protests designed
to take capitalism offline. Theirs is a world where sit-ins have become
"virtual" and where negative publicity after an "online attack" can send a
company�s shareprice plummeting or shatter the image of the target
institution.  We hear the killer story of the legendary TOYWAR of 1999,
where a US$8 billion online toy corporation was crushed when tens of
thousands of internet activists joined in a massive online "swarm" in order
to cripple its website and stop it doing business.

THE HACKTIVISTS gets inside secret organisations like ELECTRONIC DISTURBANCE
by avatars such as RE:no and METAC0M...their "operations" have codenames
like MAIL-O-MATIC or DIGITAL ZAPATISMO.  We unmask the key players in the
international world of internet activism.  Can they save the world...or are
they "cyber terrorists" intent on breaking the law...or maybe just naughty
little geekboys intent on causing some digital mischief from the comfort of
their own homes?

The film plays out like a sly detective story. Across four continents, the
four main characters are revealed as planning an online protest for A20, the
next fixture in the ongoing "carnival against capitalism"Sthe Summit of the
Americas meeting in Quebec City in April 2001.  Prisons are being cleared
and a second wall built around the old walled city as Canada prepares for
it�s biggest peacetime security operation.  Canadian NART VILLENEUVE is
taking a bus from Toronto to be the "eyes and ears" of the online protest.
We see him retreating under teargas attack while chatting live with his
fellow hacktivists via his laptop and cellphone.  French codeslinger RENAUD
COURVOISIER is offering up the latest version of his protest "drawing tool"
which sends a message to the target website with every stroke of the mouse.
PAUL MOBBS and his ELECTROHIPPIES are masterminding the whole operation from
an old farmhouse in Wales which is without hot water.

But the "cybersleuth" is on their trail.  With the upsurge in web-based
activism has come a promising new enterprise...internet intelligence
agencies employed by big name companies to keep tabs on the hacktivists.
BEN VENZKE is a man at the top of his profession.  "Now you can sit halfway
around the world and shut down a company�s ability to operate on the other
side of the world by clicking a couple of buttons."   Proving his point are
the Quebec police, who admit to shutting down their website during the
Summit in fear of Electrohippy attack. "The fact that they were so easily
intimidated by the potential of information attack is a real augury of the
future," says US defence analyst JOHN ARQUILA.  "Hacktivism works and it
will work even better as time goes by."


the (h)ac(k)tivists
an australian/french coproduction for abc-tv australia & arte france
directed by ian walker
produced by chris hilton (aus), peter day (uk) & laurent bocahut(fr)
edited by chris johnson


Date: Wed, 03 Oct 2001 14:22:38 +0100
From: "Dr. Clemens Heucke" <[email protected]>
Subject: Neuerscheinung: TEXT+KRITIK 152 "Digitale Literatur"

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
zur Frankfurter Buchmesse erscheint in unserer Reihe TEXT+KRITIK das Heft 152 mit dem Titel Digitale Literatur. Darin wird im Anhang u.a. auch auf Ihre website hingewiesen. Weitere Informationen ueber Digitale Literatur finden Sie unter Der Band wird DM 32,-- kosten, und wir wuerden uns freuen, wenn Sie Ihre Besucher per Link auf das Buch aufmerksam machen koennten. 
Ihre edition text+kritik


Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2001 00:43:49 +0200
From: Impakt Organization <[email protected]>
Subject: The program of the Impakt Festival 2001 is online

The program of the Impakt Festival 2001 is online:

Please have a look.

Impakt Festival
P.O. Box 735
3500 AS  Utrecht
The Netherlands

Tel.: + 31 30 2944493 and + 31 30  2963408
Fax.: + 31 30 2944163

[email protected]


Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2001 23:25:39 GMT
From: "ben moretti" <[email protected]>
Subject: 3rd Global Conference: Perspectives on Evil and Human Wickedness

> 3rd Global Conference: Perspectives on Evil and Human Wickedness
> 15 to 20 March 2002, Prague, Czech Republic
> This inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary conference
> seeks to examine and explore issues surrounding evil
> and human wickedness. Perspectives are sought from
> those engaged in the fields of anthropology, criminology,
> cultural studies, legal studies, literature, philosophy,
> psychology, sociology, and theology. Perspectives are
> also sought from those working in the caring professions,
> the media, prison services, politics, psychiatry and other
> work-related and vocational areas.
> Papers, reports, work-in-progress and workshops are
> invited on issues related to any of the following themes;
> * the nature and sources of evil and human wickedness
> * moral intuitions about dreadful crimes
> * psychopathic behaviour - mad or bad?
> * choice, responsibility, and diminished responsibility
> * social and cultural reactions to evil and human
>     wickedness
> * the portrayal of evil and human wickedness in the media
>    and popular culture
> * suffering in literature and film
> * individual acts of evil, group violence, holocaust and
>    genocide; obligations of bystanders
> * terrorism, war, ethnic cleansing
> * the search for meaning and sense in evil and human
>    wickedness
> * the nature and tasks of theodicy
> * religious understandings of evil and human wickedness
> * postmodern approaches to evil and human wickedness
> * ecocriticism, evil and suffering
> * evil and the use/abuse of technology; evil in cyberspace
> Papers will be considered on any related theme. 300 word
> abstracts should be submitted by Friday 4th January
> 2002. Full draft papers should be submitted by Friday
> 15th February 2002.
> The conference is part of a larger series of  ongoing
> conferences, run under the general banner "At the
> Interface". It aims to bring together people from different
> areas and interests to share ideas and explore various
> discussions which are innovative and exciting.
> E-mail enquiries: <Dr Rob Fisher>[email protected]
> Website:
> Organized by: and Learning Solutions
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
- -- 
ben moretti 
mailto:[email protected]

news and events in adelaide:

(*)/ (*)


Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2001 07:16:46 -0400
From: [email protected]
Subject: BOUNCE [email protected]: Header field too long (>1024)


Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2001 17:16:46 +1000
From: Andrew Haas <[email protected]>
Subject: Please forward to all our friends.......

- --=====================_3306544==_.ALT
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed

Philosophy and Terror
A Symposium + Open Discussion

In response to the events of September 11, and in the absence of forums for 
public discussion, we invite you to join us in reflecting on possible 
changes to our ways of thinking and acting.

Ros Diprose (Philosophy, UNSW).
Richard Smith (Film, UNSW).
Andrew Haas (Philosophy, UNSW).

When: October 3, 2001.  4pm.
Where: University of New South Wales, BioMed C.
More Info: [email protected]

Andrew Haas, Ph.D.
University of New South Wales
School of Philosophy
Sydney, 2052
- --=====================_3306544==_.ALT


Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2001 10:49:07 +0200
From: nicholas <[email protected]>
Subject: plug'n'politix, Zurich 5-7 oktober

a congress about squatted internet cafes, open access initiatives,
digital activism and hotmail.

If you are involved in something related to this,
you should drop me a mail and come.

Restricted access: No press, no police.  


- -- 
gpgkey: lynx -dump | gpg --import
fingerprint F430 B1B9 2558 9C04 6C81  C236 FEBC E458 4730 23D9


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