Announcer on Mon, 28 Jan 2002 09:21:14 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime> Announcements [10x]

Table of Contents:

   V2_events during Film Festival R'dam: Model Behaviour & Urban Collisions New Yor
     Nat Muller <[email protected]>                                          

   !WSF/WEF GLOBAL SOLIDARITY BROADCAST!                                           
     jaromil <[email protected]>                                                      

   [collective jukebox 4.0] invitation                                             
     collective jukebox <[email protected]>                                          

   (((NORADIO))) program & submission                                              
     "noweb" <[email protected]>                                                        

   read_me 1.2: deadine approaching                                                
     Olga Goriunova <[email protected]>                                             

   [Fwd: Community Media Campaign UK ]                                             
     "roya.jakoby" <[email protected]>                                               

   residency, papers, 2 jobs call..                                                
     [email protected]                                                                

   Waag Newsletter January 2002                                                    
     geert <[email protected]>                                                         

   job posting                                                                     
     nnisbet <[email protected]>                                             

   [transmediale] newsletter 06 - US Department of Art and Technology              
     "transmediale" <[email protected]>                                           

   Warm Up & Internet Vote 15. Stuttgart Filmwinter                                
     " >> benjamin fischer" <[email protected]>                           


Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2002 19:02:08 +0100
From: Nat Muller <[email protected]>
Subject: V2_events during Film Festival R'dam: Model Behaviour & Urban Collisions New York

Model Behaviour
Interactive installations by Jon Thomson & Alison Craighead (GB)
Opening: Friday 25th January 2002, 18.00 hours (with the presence of the
Date: 26th January  10th February 2002
Open: 12.00  18.00 hours, closed Monday 4th February 2002
Admission: � 3,50
Location: V2_, Eendrachtsstraat 10, Rotterdam

Driving through Las Vegas�
Choose your own soundtrack by using a patch panel and a headphone, while
cruising the main strip of Las Vegas. Part road movie, part 3D driving
game. DIY cinema for devotees.

CNN Interactive just got more interactive�
Infotainment ad absurdum: add a variety of soundtracks to the monolithic
CNN Interactive website in an attempt to further mediate a moment of
infotainment -to bring a cinematic conceit to this ever changing global
news feed. CNN Interactive just got more interactive highlights the thin
lines between fact and fiction, news making and entertainment.

Visitors can dial into a wall based grid of 42 Siemens mobile telephones,
which in turn begin to call each other and create a piece of 'music.' Each
phone has been individually programmed with a different ringtone. The more
people who dial into the work, the more layered the audio becomes.

Jon Thomson & Alison Craighead have been working with video and sound since
1991. More recently they have been exploring the possibilities of the
Internet and screen based multimedia to create navigable or user led
environments. Many of their internet-based works seek to manipulate
existing data (websites, sound tracks, ring tones) in surprising, critical
and humorous ways. The latter often engenders a feeling of estrangement in
the visitor.

Recent exhibitions include 010101 Art in Technological Times� at The
Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco and Art & Money Online� at Tate Britain.

Jon Thomson studied BA Fine Art in Leicester and PG diploma Electronic
Imaging at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art in Dundee and currently
lectures at The Slade School of Fine Art in London.

Alison Craighead studied painting at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art
in Dundee and is currently a researcher into web specific art at the
University of Westminster.

More info: and on

Concept and production: V2_Organisatie, Eendrachtsstraat 10, 3012 XL

�Model Behaviour� is supported by: Cultural Affairs, City of Rotterdam,
Ministry of OC&W, Luna Internet, Siemens, KPN Mobile and The British
Council. The works are provided on Courtesy Mobile Home, London

Wiretap 7.13: Urban Collisions: New York
Date: Sunday 27th January 2002, 16.00 hours
Admission: 4,50 euro
Location: Goethe-Institut, Westersingel 9, Rotterdam

The image of a jumbo jet crashing into the WTC on September 11th is carved
in our cultural memory. Nevertheless, we have been familiarized with
similar images through blockbuster disaster movies in which national
monuments such as the WTC, the White House, the Statue of Liberty and the
Pentagon feature as terrorist targets. �Wiretap 7.13: Urban Collisions: New
York� analyses the visual representation of the attacks of September 11th
in New York from a cinematic, architectonic and cultural-symbolic point of

Jutta Zaremba (D)
Media theorist, researcher at the Department of New Media, Goethe
University Frankfurt
�MEDIA-SCRAPING: The Media-Arts� Presentation of New York Skyscrapers�
How are skyscrapers presented in media-art? Which cultural and urban myths
do they perpetuate or debunk?

Birgit Richard (D)
Professor of the Department of New Media, Goethe University of Frankfurt
�9.11. and the Culture of Shifting�
What happens when sets of fictitious images which were accepted for decades
(think of movies like �Independence Day�) are replaced by �real� images?
What is the effect on our view on images?

More info:

Concept en production: V2_Organisatie, Eendrachtsstraat 10, 3012 XL
Rotterdam and Goethe Institut Inter Nationes, Westersingel 9, 3014 GM

The Wiretap 7 series is supported by Cultural Affairs, City of Rotterdam,
Ministry of OC&W, Luna Internet, Thuiskopie Fonds, Rotterdamse
Kunststichting, Martin Behaim Haus Foundation.


Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2002 11:01:44 +0100
From: jaromil <[email protected]>

- ----- Forwarded message -----

From: "Amoshaun" <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2002 08:43:26 -0800

Apologies for crossposting...
When: January 31st-Feb 5th

The annual meeting of the World Economic Forum is leaving its long
time home in Davos, Switzerland and moving to New York City. If they
thought that the Swiss people gave them a hard time, look out: New
Yorkers will not sit by while the CEO's of the worlds largest
corporations scheme there way to more profit and devastation in the
global economy. 

The rest of the world is gathering in Porto Alegre for the World
Social Forum. Unlike the WEF the WSF brings together a broad section
of civil society, people already working hard to bring about a true
global democracy free from the grip of transnational corporations.
"Another world is possible."

IMC-New York and IMC-Brazil will be broadcasting live from both
events: bringing you the latest on the streets of New York, as well as
the visionary words and ideas of the WSF in Porto Alegre. But what
about the rest of the world?


Organize your local IMC to broadcast programming from your community
for a global solidarity broadcast! How does living in a capitalist
economy degrade local autonomy, community empowerment and grassroots
democracy? How do the actions of transnational corporations
destabilize the local economy, influence local politics and break
established unions? Tech help and free software is available.


If you are interested in participating PLEASE ATTEND THIS IRC MEETING!

NEXT IRC MEETING: Saturday, January 12th, 20:00GMT (18:00 DST in
Brazil, 21:00 Mediterranean/continental Europe time, 22:00 Greece,
12:00 Pacific coast USA, 15:00 Atlantic coast USA.

Ongoing organizing is happening on the [email protected] list
Subscribe at <>

What will the Broadcast be like?

We will have live broadcasts scheduled from as many local IMC's as
possible, taking turns broadcasting to the same web stream using the
D.R.O.P. network (Distributed Radio Open Project: The live programming will be archived
and replayed in a play list until the next live broadcast comes on.
Content will be a mix of interviews, news updates, call in's, and
revolutionary music. The broadcast stream will be mirrored by
revolutionary web casters and FM broadcasters around the world. YOU

- ---------------------------------------------------------------

In order to broadcast Brazil IMC still needs the following items:

~a Pentium II with at least 64Mb of RAM, a CD player and a soundcard

~a Mixing board

Donation contact for in kind or monetary donations:
[email protected]

- ----- End forwarded message -----

- -- 
jaromil  ][   ][  GnuPG _key__id_
EDEE F1B9 DC92 76C0 6D46  D77A 58B0 82D6 (5B6E 6D97)


Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 01:53:40 -0800
From: collective jukebox <[email protected]>
Subject: [collective jukebox 4.0] invitation

[french below] [francais plus bas]
[apologies to anyone who receives this more than once]

:::::::::: c o l l e c t i v e  j u k e b o x  4.0:::::::::::::::::::::

:::::::::: i n f o :
:::::::::: i n f o :

:::::::::: d e a d l i n e  : 18 FEB. 2002
:::::::::: p r e s e n t a t i o n  : Geneva (Switzerland),
                                                March to September 2002

You are invited to take part in Collective JukeBox project.
We look forward to your input!

L_A_U_N_C_H__O_F__T_H_E__N_E_W__V_E_R_S_I_O_N ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

A project about open and free experimental sound and music. A  provocative
sound  space  for  emergent  digital  and "on-the-edge" audio  practices.

Collective JukeBox is an open free audio "workspace", which is continuously
open since 1996. It works as a "groupware" and offers a free use of sound-
systems and internet-system, as public and working interfaces.
Autonomous and evolutive system, co-operative and international project,
Collective JukeBox is currently moderated by the audio community itself and
is a kind of continuous musical and sound laboratory open to the public
The project will use very soon multiple interfaces on the net (coop-system
server) and already in "real" life, the actual interface we will use for this
version 4.0 is a juke-box which be available in free access in Geneva during
6 months, into a convivial "audio lounge".

Join a new experimental audio community !
and become a participant of the Collective JukeBox project.

C_A_L_L__F_O_R__P_A_R_T_I_C_I_P_A_T_I_O_N ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Version 4.0 Collective JukeBox / Geneva Switzerland 1 march - 1 september 2002

be careful: short deadline for sending your contributions!
actually the collective jukebox contains 1126 audio pieces with 441 artists
all infos here:
please feel free to take part in! and please forward this invitation to
your friends.

Send your audio contributions by snail mail (CD, MD, DAT) to the postal
address below before the 18 feb. 2002 or if you want to send audio files
(MP3, OGG, QT, WAV, AIFF), just send by mail the url where we can
download them (but please don't send your contributions by email).

If you want to access to a collective ftp server for uploading your files
directly to the project, just ask the moderator by replying directly to
this message, to send you the access codes.

With your sendings, please give us your actual postal address for feedback and
the exact titles of your audio contributions and the name under which you want
to appear as an author(s).
By replying directly to this message, you can inform the moderator of your
intention to participate in the project and when you intend to send us your
audio contributions. You can find on the website the list of the new
entries in chronological order, day after day.

The project is free and all contributors can take part in this project,
with no selection and no aesthetical orientations. You can modulate and
change your contributions everytime as you want, and you can follow and
be an actor of the nexts evolutions of the project by entering the discussions
launched into the Forum Hub: the conversations platform to which you'll be
automatically subscribed as soon as you take part in the project.
The audio database (the whole audio contributions sent by the participants)
is not an archive, but a continuously evolutive and updated resource, which
each contributor can feed everytime and which be very soon continuously
available and "playable" on-line by the public as a jukebox or a radio or
finally as a new experimental audio "napster". So each participant can use
freely this system, and can update his/her audio contributions(to add, to
delete, to change, to modify or to quit the project) . Each time the whole
updated content of the "audio database" is publicly presented. Very soon,
this content can be available too on internet for the participants. We can say
that this project follows the spirits of Free Software, of Bazaar's and of
TAZ's recent ideas and investigations. It's a kind of "living organism" and
an automatic organisation.
The project can grow up only thanks to the participants.

For further information, take time to read the FAQ concerning the participation
to the project, on the website, "(how to) be in", and
to consult the documents about past presentations and realizations of the
Collective JukeBox.

Just keep the postal address for your sendings:

Collective JukeBox
BP 74
F- 06372

and the email of the project:
[email protected]


2002: opening of the new ftp space on the server as an
extension of the project on internet as a non-stop streaming radio and as an
on-line jukebox....

and we hope your participation.
Come and take friends with you.

collective jukebox moderator/
jerome joy

[french version] [version francaise]

:::::::::: c o l l e c t i v e  j u k e b o x  4.0:::::::::::::::::::::

:::::::::: i n f o :
:::::::::: i n f o :

:::::::::: d e a d l i n e  : 18 FEV. 2002
:::::::::: p r e s e n t a t i o n  : Geneve (Suisse), Mars -> Septembre 2002

Vous etes invites a participer au projet Collective JukeBox.
Nous attendons vos contributions !

L_A_N_C_E_M_E_N_T__D_E__L_A__N_O_U_V_E_L_L_E__V_E_R_S_I_O_N :::::::

Un projet experimental,ouvert et libre, sons et musiques. Un espace sonore
provocateur pour les pratiques audio numeriques et inclassables emergentes.

Collective JukeBox est un "atelier" audio ouvert et libre, qui est en fonction
continuelle depuis 1996. Il se developpe comme un "collecticiel" et offre
l'utilisation libre de sound-systems et de l'internet-system, en tant
qu'interfaces publiques et de recherche.
Systeme evolutif et autonome, projet international et cooperatif, Collective
JukeBox est constamment modere par la communaute des participants elle-
meme, et est une sorte de laboratoire sonore et musical permanent ouvert
aux auditeurs publics. Le projet utilisera tres bientot de multiples interfaces
sur le net (le coop-system server) et apparait deja dans le "reel":
l'interface actuelle que nous utilisons et qui sera celle aussi de la version
4.0 est un juke-box qui sera accessible librement et gratuitement a Geneve
durant 6 mois, dans un espace convivial, tel un "audio lounge".

Rejoignez une nouvelle communaute experimental audio !
et devenez un participant du project Collective JukeBox.

A_P_P_E_L__A__P_A_R_T_I_C_I_P_A_T_I_O_N :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Version 4.0 Collective JukeBox / Geneve Suisse 1 mars - 1 septembre 2002

attention pour l'envoi de vos contributions: le delai est court !
actuellement le Collective JukeBox contient 1126 pieces audio de 441 artists
toutes les infos sont ici:
Entrez librement dans le projet! et n'hesitez pas a faire suivre cette
invitation a vos amis.

Envoyez vos contributions audio par voie postale (CD, MD, DAT) a l'adresse ci-
dessous avant le 18 fevrier 2002 ou si vous desirez envoyer des fichiers audio
(MP3, OGG, QT, WAV, AIFF), envoyez tout simplement l'url a laquelle nous
pourrons telecharger ceux-ci. (S'il vous plait n'envoyez pas vos fichiers par

Si vous voulez acceder au serveur ftp collectif pour deposer en ligne vos
fichiers directement, demandez au moderateur, en faisant un reply direct a
ce message, afin qu'il vous communique les codes d'acces.

Joignez a vos envois votre adresse postale actuelle et les titres exacts de
vos contributions ainsi que le nom sous lequel vous voulez apparaitre en tant
En repondant directement a ce message (reply), vous pouvez informer le
moderateur de votre intention de participer au projet et quand vous pensez
envoyer vos contributions. Vous trouverez sur le site internet la liste des
"nouvelles entrees" par ordre chronologique, jour apres jour.

Le projet est libre et gratuit et tous les contributeurs peuvent participer
au projet,sans selection, ni contraintes esthetiques. Vous pouvez changer
vos contributions tout le temps, comme vous le desirez, et vous pouvez
suivre et etre un "acteur" des prochaines evolutions du projet en entrant
dans les differentes discussions lancees dans le Forum Hub: la plate-forme
de conversation a laquelle vous serez automatiquement inscrit sitot que vous
participerez au projet.
La base de donnees audio (l'ensemble des contributions audio envoyees par les
participants) n'est pas une archive, mais une ressource continuellement
evolutive et mise a jour, que chaque contributeur peut alimenter autant qu'il
le veut et quand il le veut; celle-ci sera prochainement disponible et
accessible en ligne au public  comme un jukebox ou une radio ou bien encore
comme un nouveau "napster" experimental. Ainsi chaque participant peut
utiliser le systeme avec beaucoup de liberte et peut mettre a jour ses
contributions (ajouter, supprimer, changer, modifier ou encore quitter le
projet). A chaque presentation, l'ensemble du contenu mis a jour de la base
de donnees audio est presentee integralement publiquement.
Tres prochainement, ce contenu sera accessible aussi aux participants, sur
internet. Nous pouvons dire aujourd'hui que ce projet suit et accompagne les
etats d'esprit de l'Informatique Libre, des idees et investigations recentes
autour des notions de "Bazar" et de "TAZ". C'est une sorte d'organisme vivant
et d'organisation visant a l'automatisation. Le projet ne se developpe que
grace aux participants.

Pour plus d'informations sur le projet, prenez du temps pour lire les FAQ
concernant la participation au projet, sur le site,
"(how to) be in", et consultez les documents sur les realisations et
presentations anterieures du Collective JukeBox.

Voici l'adresse postale du projet pour vos envois:

Collective JukeBox
BP 74
F- 06372

et l'adresse electronique pour joindre le moderateur:
[email protected]


2002: ouverture et lancement du nouvel espace ftp sur le serveur en tant qu'extension du projet sur internet,
qui developpera une radio non-stop en streaming et un jukebox on-line...

et nous esperons votre participation.
Venez et amenez vos amis avec vous.

collective jukebox moderateur/
jerome joy



Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 23:58:02 +0100
From: "noweb" <[email protected]>
Subject: (((NORADIO))) program & submission

( ( ( N O R A D I O ) ) ) 
Teleconnect Audio Distant 

A U D I O  P R O G R A M  :
[GMT+01:00][Real & Mp3 Stream] 
[connection @]

* 29/01/2002 - 23h00(11:00pm)
   nomusic & grandhoteldeparis
   from Nice [FR]

* 02/02/2002 - 23h00(11:00pm)
   Duo Bille
   "La p'tite maison"  (J.Pergolesi & P.Petitgenet)
   from Strasbourg [FR]

* 09/02/2002 - 21h30(09:30pm)
   SOLI Party for Fleicherei
   Noisiv Group & Beatle-Print
   from Berlin [DE] & 

A U D I O  P R O P O S A L  :
* (((NOMUSIC))) Festival 002
   Open Call to Players :
   Audio Live only via Network.
   {You need good internet access to stream} 
   >Submission : mailto:[email protected] 
   >NFO :

every tuesdays night : Dj Punisher 21h30(09:30pm) 

             Get your free job at !!!


Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2002 22:29:43 +0300
From: Olga Goriunova <[email protected]>
Subject: read_me 1.2: deadine approaching

read_me 1.2
software as a work of art
or artistic software manipulations

Four days before the deadline!

There are 60 works already submitted.


read_me festival 1.2

CONCEPT can be found here

Authors of the best works will be awarded special money prizes from "ROSIZO" and "Macros-center":
1st prize - 500 USD
2nd prize - 400 USD
3rd prize - 300 USD

Deadline: January 31, 2002
Festival: 17-19 May 2002, Moscow.

The following types of work can be referred to as artistic software:

1. Instructions (read_me) for modifying standard, commonly used software, as well as patches and anything that creates an artistic impact on software in a way not planned by the application's producers.
2. Deconstruction of existing software products, including computer games.
3. Programs written from scratch with a purpose different than the usual "rational" software purposes, i.e. the rejection of the idea of a program as a purely pragmatic tool. 

Since the curators of the festival do not consider it necessary for the framework of the artistic software categories to be too narrow, contact the curators if you are not sure if your work is suitable for read_me 1.2!
If you would like to take a look at sample artistic software works, visit our links page.

"Macros-center", Moscow


Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2002 19:54:46 -0500
From: "roya.jakoby" <[email protected]>
Subject: [Fwd: Community Media Campaign UK ]

- -------- Original Message --------
Subject: [commedia] Action alert! - Commons 2nd Reading
Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2002 16:43:59 +0000
From: Steve Buckley <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected]
To: [email protected]

To send a message, send to <[email protected]>

Dear all

If you are involved in a community media group or are a community media
supporter there is an important but short term opportunity to get your MP
to make a contribution to the campaign and to raise profile of your local

It has just been announced today that the Second Reading of the Office of
Communications Bill will take place in the House of Commons on Monday
afternoon 14 January 2002. No amendments take place at Second Reading but
the Bill will be debated in the Commons for the first time and MPs will
have an opportunity to raise issues which they consider important.

If you are ready to help with this lobbying effort you will need to
contact your MP before Monday afternoon by phoning their constituency
office, attending their constituency surgery at the weekend or by calling
the House of Commons on Monday morning on 020 7219 3000. Ask them if they
would speak in support of community media and tell them about your local
community media group.

There is a CMA briefing on the OFCOM Bill at which you can download
and fax to your MP to assist them during the debate. Further background
briefings on the Community Media Campaign can be found on the CMA campaign
pages at

You can also watch the debate on Monday on cable TV on the BBC Parliament
Channel or through the BBC website at

Best wishes

Steve Buckley
CMA Director
- ----------------------------------------------------------
            [email protected]
- ----------------------------------------------------------
Visit the Community Media Association!
- ----------------------------------------------------------

cma-l mailing list
[email protected]


Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 21:23:47 EST
From: [email protected]
Subject: residency, papers, 2 jobs call..

Call for Proposals, Artists Residencies at Visual Studies Workshop,
Rochester, NY

Proposals are being accepted for artists?esidencies in photography,
artists' books, digital video and multimedia, 8 and 16mm film and analog

Rsidencies are project based. vsw will provide access to facilities,
housing and an honorarium for up to one month, february--june, 2002.

send your proposal to: Residencies, Visual Studies Workshop, 31 Prince
Street, Rochester, NY 14607. include a project statement, resume, work
samples and a sase for return of work. include dates you are available for
a residency (preference and alternate).

Artists' Book Residencies
access and technical assistance is available for pre-press design and 
production of editioned artists?ooks. projects may also involve small digital 
editions (up to 200) or one-of-a-kind books. Facilities and equipment include 
an extensive macintosh computer lab with film and flatbed scanners, inkjet 
and laser printers and imagesetter; a graphic arts darkroom and pre-press 
facilities. although vsw press is no longer printing on the premises, 
residents who are printers have access to an 11x17" ab dick offset duplicator.

digital video, audio and multimedia residencies a new media lab is available 
with digital video capture and transfer capability. macintosh g-3s and g-4s 
with adobe premiere, final cut pro, aftereffects and macromedia director are 
available for editing and assembling video, multimedia or web-based projects. 
a midi-based sound lab with pro tools is also available. to be considered for 
residency, artists must be fluent with these digital  technologies.

film and video residencies are available for 8 and 16mm film and analog video 
production and post-production. excellent 16mm cameras and a film editing 
suite is available, as well as an s-8 viewer/editor and analog video editing 

photography residencies facilities and equipment include black and white 
darkrooms, an 8x10 enlarger, 16x20 color processor, photography studio and 
non-silver and large format darkrooms.

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2002 18:29:25 -0600
From: "Jillana Enteen" <[email protected]>
Subject: call for papers--the language of new media

The Language of New Media.
(apologies for cross posting)

(A panel proposed for the American Studies Association annual convention,
Houston, TX, November 14-17, 2002)

The language associated with new media and connected cultural and economic
forces derives almost exclusively from English (the "World Wide Web" is a
most obvious example). This panel seeks to explore the cultural contexts
surrounding the global dissemination of the language of new media. What
associations are implicit in the terms concerning information
technologies? How does the terminology circumscribe the use of new media
technologies? What are the cultural, political, social and economic
ramifications of
the spread of this language within and beyond U.S. borders?

Please send  500-word abstracts and brief c.v. by January 12, 2002 to
Jillana Enteen at
[email protected]

Jillana Enteen
[email protected]

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

April 18-20

Calling all artists, designers, activists, multimedia producers, information
architects, tactical media agents, programmers, musicians, filmmakers,
concerned citizens and critical thinkers: This is a call for a gathering of
the digital commons, and we want to hear from you!

We are interested in your ideas, projects, sounds, films, papers and
proposals concerning the future of the digital commons, and invite you to
share them with us during our three-day convergence.

The term /digital commons/ is derived from the Common Law movement in
England in the 1600s. The movement called for the protection of shared
public spaces - the "commons" - its tools and resources. Often, larger,
private interests overran the commons, and this failure of the
communities to maintain their public resources is known in the discourse as
"the tragedy of the commons".

This April 18-20, 2002, the Museum of Contemporary Art  in Chicago will host
Version>02, a digital arts and technology convergence. To initiate the first
iteration of this event, we are asking you to consider how the maintenance
of this digital commons necessitates a dialogue about intellectual property,
the balance between civil liberties and security, freedom of speech and
privacy, and the implications of free or limited access to tools and
information. We ask you to share your vision of this space, it1s present and

Version>02 is an exploration of our digital commons and an opportunity to
meet those who tend to its gardens, fences, and pathways. It is an
investigation into maintaining, expanding and designing the commons, while
ensuring the continuation of shared resources and information in all facets
of communications.

This April, Version>02, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago and
participating area galleries will provide a forum for artists, performers,
and critical thinkers. For three days and three nights, this digital arts
and technology will feature performances, film screenings, web
installations, and demonstrations from active minds of the emergent culture.

Interested? Send your questions and submissions to:
[email protected]

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

VISUAL ARTS DEPARTMENT, University of California, San Diego

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
COMPUTER ARTIST. Assistant Professor, tenure-track, beginning July 1, 2002.
Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience and based upon UC pay
scales. We seek an artist with a proven exhibition record whose work
exhibits an in-depth understanding of
computing and its relationship to contemporary art and its discourses.  UCSD
is a research university that actively promotes and supports creative work
and advanced research in computing within a broadly interdisciplinary arts
department that includes studio, media, and art history, theory and
criticism. Opportunities for developing research include grants,
state-of-the-art facilities including CRCA (Center for Research in Computing
and the Arts), the Supercomputer Center, and the new California Institute
for Telecommunications and Information Technology, and cross-campus
collaborations. Teaching will include both graduate seminars and
undergraduate courses, including courses in an Interdisciplinary Computing
and the Arts Major with the department of Music. Candidates must demonstrate
in their work and teaching a substantial engagement with the computing arts
and their relationship to broader discourses of contemporary art and

Candidate will actively participate in the ongoing development of curriculum
and facilities. Teaching will draw upon knowledge of networked
cross-platform (Linux, Macintosh, NT/Windows PC) environments. Areas of
expertise might include any of the following:; digital imaging;
multimedia authoring and publishing; graphics or sound programming; virtual
environments; computer based installation; electronics and robotics; history
and theory of new media. MFA or equivalency and teaching experience

Send letter of application, curriculum vitae, names and addresses of three
references (do not send letters of recommendation and/or placement files)
and evidence of work in the field. This evidence may be in the form of
slides, tapes, discs, publications and/or public lectures and should be
accompanied by return mailer and postage.

Susan Smith, Chair (Position #AC02-W)
University of California San Diego
Visual Arts Department (0327)
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, CA 92093-0327

All applications received by January 18, 2002, or thereafter until position
is filled, will receive thorough consideration. Please reference position
number AC02-W on all correspondence.

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
MEDIA ARTIST.  Assistant Professor, tenure-track, beginning July 1, 2002.
Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience and based on UC pay
scales.  We seek an artist with a strong exhibition record who works in
video, film, and/or photography and who is also seriously engaged with new
media, one whose practice will inventively bridge our highly ranked programs
in media and the digital arts.  UCSD is a research university that actively
promotes and supports creative work within a broadly interdisciplinary arts
department that includes studio, media, computing, and art history, theory,
and criticism.  Opportunities for developing research include grants,
state-of-the-art facilities, and cross-campus collaborations.

Teaching will include both graduate seminars and undergraduate courses in
media and new media, and the candidate will actively participate in the
ongoing development of curriculum and facilities.  Areas of computer
expertise might include, for example, film/video post-production practices;
on-line projects; interactive and web cinema; digital imaging; multimedia
authoring and publishing; virtual environments; history and theory of new
media.  MFA or equivalency and teaching experience required.

Send letter of application, curriculum vitae, names and addresses of three
references (do not send letters of recommendation and/or placement files)
and evidence of work in the field.  This evidence may be in the form of
slides, tapes, discs, publications and/or public lectures and should be
accompanied by return mailer and postage.

Susan Smith, Chair (Position #M2002-C)
University of California, San Diego
Visual Arts Department (0327)
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, California 92093-0327

All applications received by February 24, 2002, or thereafter until position
is filled, will receive thorough consideration.  Please reference position
number [M2002-C] on all correspondence.


Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2002 07:25:45 +1100
From: geert <[email protected]>
Subject: Waag Newsletter January 2002

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

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Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

via: mylene van noort ( [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> )
(Society for Old and New Media, Amsterdam)

1       CL      Key-J=20
2       SP      Makers en knoppen
3       SP      Milia 2002
4       SP      Radical Lab 2
5       IA      Cyburg

Research and development for a continuous learning process

Mid-January the prototype of Key-J was delivered; a sensory multimedia
machine allowing children to become a VJ. The VJs have to move in one =
the twelve spotlights to generate sounds and images. These are =
directly on to a big screen. In late spring Key-J will be available at
NEMO, the Amsterdam based science centre.=20 <>=20

Research and development of communications technology for performances

Big theatre companies use new techologies in their performances more =
more frequently, whereas young theatremakers cannot afford to do so. =
that reason Theaterworkshop Het Gasthuis (Amsterdam) organised a
workshop on new technologies. Eleven programmers, new media artists,
writers, performers and designers experiment this week and next with =
theatrical possibilities of KeyStroke. They are supported by Waag
Society's Sensing Presence team. A public performance takes place at 9
pm on 25 January.

Booking:  <>

3.MILIA 2002
RADICAL will be present at MILIA 2002, a conference and exhibition for
interactive content held yearly in Cannes, France. It is RADICAL's
mission to enhance the cooperation between creatives, scientists and
industry experts. <>=20
http <>  ://

The second RADICAL Lab will take place in Angoul=EAme, France. The =
theme of the RADICAL Labs, three of which are held, is the input of
creatives into application development and how this can lead to more
flexible design. Participants of this second Lab are young French
artists studying at the =C9cole Sup=E9rieure de l'Image, the location =
of the
Lab. Performance tools will be evaluated and documented in several
working groups. The results are to be published on the RADICAL site. =
Lab will test commercial multimedia software as well as more eclectic
artist-designed and artist designated tools. Special attention will be
given to KeyStroke. <>  (see France)

Customized intuitive interfaces

In the Amsterdam district Zeeburg a so-called 'digital breeding-ground'
will start on 14 February: Cyburg. Waag Society's user interfaces for
the elderly are part of the Cyburg project. Waag Society is also
involved in the setting-up of an E-lab, a virtual centre in which the
expertise of providers will be showcased.=20 <>=20


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Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 17:02:11 -0800
From: nnisbet <[email protected]>
Subject: job posting

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Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" ; format="flowed"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Hi -
please pass this around to painter types, esp. those having an 
interest in new technologies.
thanks. sorry for cross postings.

University of British Columbia
  Department of Art History, Visual Art, and Theory

The Department of Art History, Visual Art, and Theory at the 
University of British Columbia invites applications for a 
tenure-track faculty appointment in Studio Art, at the Assistant 
Professor level, beginning
July 1, 2002.

The Department seeks an individual concentrating in areas of 2-D 
media with a strong knowledge of contemporary art issues. The 
successful candidate must be prepared to teach in areas of painting, 
drawing and
printmaking and will be able to teach across traditional disciplinary 
boundaries. A good understanding of the integration of new 
technologies into traditional practices is necessary. The individual 
will be teaching in
both undergraduate and graduate programs.

The Department of Art History, Visual Art, and Theory is a 
medium-size department within a major university and so an ability to 
form interdisciplinary collaborations is an asset. The pursuit of 
studio practice
against a strong background of art historical and theoretical 
concerns is essential to our department and such ability will be 
sought in the candidates.

Requirements include a M.F.A. (or equivalent), an active national 
exhibition record and post-secondary teaching experience. A 
publication record will be an asset.

Applicants should submit the following package by February 15, 2002:
- - an application letter including a statement of artistic and 
teaching philosophies
- - visual documentation of current work (e.g.: 35mm slides to a 
maximum of 30, a cued video no longer than 12 minutes, CD Rom, and/or 
- - relevant publications including authored works and reviews
- - detailed curriculum vitae
- - the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses of 
three professional references

Applications should be sent to: Chair, Search Committee, Department 
of Art History, Visual Art, and Theory, University of British 
Columbia, Room 403-Lasserre Building, 6333 Memorial Rd., Vancouver, BC
V6T 1Z2.

In accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, this 
advertisement is directed to Canadian citizens and permanent 
residents of Canada. The University of British Columbia hires on the 
basis of merit and is
committed to employment equity. All qualified persons are encouraged 
to apply. This position is subject to final budgetary approval.

non-Canadians may apply.
Recruiting of Foreign Academics
Effective October 17, 2001, Human Resources Development Canada 
changed its policy regarding the recruitment of foreign academics. 
The  two tier policy, that has been in place since 1981, has now been 
suspended.  The following guidelines are now in effect:

=85 Advertisements must provide exposure of the vacancy to Canadian and 
permanent residents who would be potential candidates.
=85 Positions must be advertised for a reasonable period of time. This 
would normally be a one-month period.
=85 Advertisements must include the following statement:  "All 
qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and 
permanent residents will be given priority."
=85 Positions may be advertised simultaneously in Canada and abroad; 
positions cannot be advertised abroad unless they are also advertised 
in Canada.
=85 All Canadian citizens and permanent residents who meet the 
advertised requirements of the position are to be invited to 
participate in the selection process.
=85 Canadian citizens and permanent residents who are found qualified 
are to be offered the position before it can be offered to a foreign 
=85 UBC will provide HRDC specific information on the recruitment and 
selection process when requesting an employment validation for an 
academic position, including an explanation of the reason the 
position is being offered to a foreign candidate, with a report on 
the top three Canadian candidates.
UBC will report annually on the total number of academics hired, and 
the number of foreign academics hired.

- -- 
- --============_-1200201963==_ma============


Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 11:25:24 +0100
From: "transmediale" <[email protected]>
Subject: [transmediale] newsletter 06 - US Department of Art and Technology

 (please scroll down for English version)
 + + + t r a n s m e d i a l e + + + n e w s l e t t e r  06 + + +
 21.01.02 + + + t r a n s m e d i a l e . 0 2  + + +
 international media art festival + + + 5.-10. Februar 2002
 1. Ehrengast zur transmediale_eroeffnung
 2. Das US-Ministerium fuer Kunst und Technologie
 3. Der Weltweite Virtualisierungsrat
 4. Tel-SPAN
 1. Ehrengast zur transmediale_eroeffnung

 Randall M. Packer, Minister fuer Kunst und Technologie der Vereinigten
Staaten, wird die Eroeffnungsansprache der transmediale.02 halten.
US-Minister Packer engagiert sich gegen die Beschraenkung der Kunst durch
anachronistische Anschauungen und zugunsten visionaerer Ziele einer
kuenstlerischen Avantgarde. Auf der Eroeffnung der transmediale.02 wird er
seine erste Rede in Europa halten (live im Internet uebertragen von
Tel-SPAN), in der er eine von ihm initiierte Charta vorstellen wird
(Berliner Charta zur Virtualisierung), die Medienkuenstler weltweit
vereinigen soll.
 5. Februar, 19 Uhr
 Haus der Kulturen der Welt

 2. Das US-Ministerium fuer Kunst und Technologie

 Das US-Ministerium fuer Kunst und Technologie -
 http// - ist als Einrichtung der Regierung  der
 Vereinigten Staaten in erster Linie dafuer zustaendig, Kuenstlern die
 Erkundung eines weiter gefassten Kulturbegriff zu ermoeglichen, im
 Uebergang von der Idee zur Aktion. Es dient auch dem psychischen  und
 geistigen Wohlbefinden aller Amerikaner, z.B. durch die Unterstuetzung
 kultureller Bemuehungen, die gegen Auswuechse neuer medialer Technologien in
 den sozialen Bereich immunisieren. Minister Packer gilt als Garant dafuer,
 dass das Ministerium fuer Kunst und Technologie sein utopisches Versprechen
 erfuellen und seine fundamentalen Wurzeln ehren wird - nicht nur anhand der
 Darstellung von Visionen aus der Vergangenheit, sondern auch durch die
 Foerderung aller amerikanischen Medienkuenstler. Die Integration von Kunst
 und Technologie ist die kuenstlerische Realitaet des 21.  Jahrhunderts.

 3. Der Weltweite Virtualisierungsrat

 Der Weltweite Virtualisierungsrat wurde nach dem Modell der Raete
 der Vereinten Nationen gestaltet. Diese neue Initiative des US-Ministeriums
 fuer Kunst und Technologie soll kuenstlerische Kraefte fuer die
weltweite Virtualisierung mobilisieren und koordinieren. Minister
 Randall M. Packer entwirft zusammen mit seinem Stab zur Zeit eine Charta
 (Berliner Charta zur Virtualisierung), die waehrend der transmediale.02
 durch ein internationales Konsortium von dort anwesenden Kuenstlern, als
 Vertreter ihrer Nationen, ratifiziert werden soll. Bei der Eroeffnung der
 transmediale.02 werden die repraesentierenden Kuenstler die Charta in einer
 Zeremonie gemeinsam unterzeichnen. Es wird das erste globale Abkommen
 zwischen kuenstlerischer Avantgarde und internationaler Regierung sein.

 4. Tel-SPAN

 Tel-SPAN ist ein oeffentlicher Dienst des US-Ministeriums fuer Kunst und
 Technologie. Seine Aufgabe besteht darin, global Zugang zu kuenstlerischen
 Prozessen in einer zunehmend kybernetisierten Gesellschaft zu
ermoeglichen. Tel-SPAN versorgt seine Zuschauer mit live und in Echtzeit
uebertragenen kulturellen Inhalten sowie Foren, in denen kritisch
kuenstlerische Themen diskutiert und entschieden werden. Alles ohne
Bearbeitung durch Schnitt, ohne Kommentare oder Analysen und mit einer
ausgeglichenen Praesentation aller radikalen Standpunkte. Tel-SPAN versorgt
Medienkuenstler, die Einfluss auf politische und oeffentliche Prozesse
nehmen wollen, und bietet ihnen einen direkten Draht zum Publikum, ohne
dessen Ansichten zu filtern oder zu veraendern.

 + + + t r a n s m e d i a l e . 0 2 + + +  n e w s l e t t e r  06
 + + + 21-01-02 + + + t r a n s m e d i a l e . 0 2  + + +
 international media art festival + + + Feb. 5-10th, 2002
 1. Special Guest at the transmediale opening
 2. The US Department of Art and Technology
 3. The Global Virtualization Council
 4. Tel-SPAN
 1. Special Guest at the transmediale opening

 Randall M. Packer, Secretary of the US Department of Art and Technology,
will give the opening address for transmediale.02. Secretary Packer is
committed to confronting artistic constraints free from anachronistic
tendencies, defined by revolutionary practices, and dedicated to upholding
the visionary aspirations of the avant-garde. For the opening of
transmediale.02, the Secretary will deliver his first European address -
Web broadcast live over Tel-SPAN - outlining a proposed Charter (Berlin
Virtualization Charter) and its effort to catalyze the world's media
 February 5, 19.00 hrs
 Haus der Kulturen der Welt

 2. The US Department of Art and Technology

 The US Department of Art and Technology - http// - is
 the United States Government's principal agency for facilitating  the
 artist's need to extend aesthetic inquiry into the broader culture where
 ideas become real action. It also serves the psychological and spiritual
 well-being of all Americans by supporting cultural efforts that provide
 immunity from the extension of new media technologies into the social
 sphere. Secretary Packer will make certain that the Department fulfills its
 utopian promise and honors its radical heritage, not only by articulating
 the visions of the past, but by supporting the advancement of all American
 media artists embracing the integration of art and technology as the
 artistic reality of the 21st century.

 3. The Global Virtualization Council

 The Global Virtualization Council, patterned after the Councils of the
 United Nations, is a new initiative introduced by the US Department of Art &
 Technology to mobilize and coordinate artistic forces of virtualization
 internationally. Secretary Randall M. Packer, together with his staff, is
 currently drafting a Charter, referred to as the Berlin Virtualization
 Charter, to be approved by an international consortium of artists
 representing all nations attending the transmediale.02 in Berlin. At the
 opening of the transmediale.02 the artist representatives will ratify the
 Charter by participating in a collective signing ceremony. This represents
 the first global accord between the artistic avant-garde and international
 4. Tel-SPAN

 Tel-SPAN is a public service created by the US Department of Art &
 Technology. Its mission is to provide global access to the artistic process
 in an increasingly cybernated society. Tel-SPAN provides its audience access
 to live, real-time distribution of broad forms of cultural content, and to
 other forums where critical artistic issues are discussed, debated and
 decided - all without editing, commentary or analysis and with a balanced
 presentation of all radical points of view. Tel-SPAN provides media artists
 who seek to influence the political discourse, public policy, and the future
 of art a direct conduit to its audience without filtering or otherwise
 constraining their points of view.
 transmediale.02 +++ newsletter 06 +++ annette schaefer
 +++ press office +++ [email protected] +++

 Annette Sch�fer

 [go public!]
 5 - 10 february 2002
 international media art festival berlin
 klosterstr. 68-70
 10179 berlin
 fon +49 30 2472 1907
 fax +49 30 2472 1909
 Member of the European Coordination of Film Festivals E.E.I.G

the information list of transmediale
international media art festival berlin


Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2002 16:15:17 +0100
From: " >> benjamin fischer" <[email protected]>
Subject: Warm Up & Internet Vote 15. Stuttgart Filmwinter

[English version see below!]


das Warm Up zum 15. Stuttgarter Filmwinter ist gestartet!
Ab sofort koennen die nominierten Internetbeitraege fuer den Wettbewerb Neue
Medien auf der Festival Website online besucht
werden. Ihr koennt ueber die beste Arbeit abstimmen, die den Preis der Stadt
Stuttgart fuer Neue Medien ueber 2000 Euro erhaelt.

Das Ende der Abstimmung ist am 20. Januar um 14 Uhr.
Die Preisverleihung findet am 20. um 20 Uhr im Filmhaus, Friedrichstr. 23 A,
Stuttgart statt. Ihr findet die Abstimmung beim Menuepunkt "Programm" unter
"Internationaler Wettbewerb Neue Medien".

15. Stuttgarter Filmwinter - Festival for Expanded Media
Festival 17.-20. Januar 2002
Warm Up 10.-16. Januar 2002


the warm up of the 15th Stuttgart Filmwinter has started!
>From now on you can visit the nominated internet submissions for the new
media competition on our web site:
You can vote for the best internet project. The best web site will be awarde
the City of Stuttgart Prize for New Media amounting 2.000 Euro.

The voting ends on January 20 at 2 p.m. The award ceremony takes place on
the 20th at 8 p.m. at the Stuttgart Filmhaus, Friedrichstr. 23 A.
You find the voting form under "programme" and "International Competition
New Media". 

15th Stuttgart Filmwinter - Festival for Expanded Media
Festival, January 17-20, 2002
Warm Up, January 10-16, 2002


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