Announcer on Thu, 7 Mar 2002 00:18:21 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime> Events [x13]

Table of Contents:

   (((NOMUSIC))) - open call to audio stream players                               
     "nomusic" <[email protected]>                                                    

    Festival Internacional de Literatura Experimental                              
     matthew fuller <[email protected]>                                          

     "Ollivier Dyens" <[email protected]>                                           

   Call for the GLOBAL POETRY DAY  March 21   2002   and Karenina Niuszzzz         
     "Caterina Davinio" <[email protected]>                                             

   ISEA deadline extension                                                         
     Nina Czegledy <[email protected]>                                           

   RESISTANCE TO AUTHORITY                                                         
     "Rebecca" <[email protected]>                                             

   New Media Events at the Guggenheim: March-April 2002                            
     "Jon Ippolito" <[email protected]>                                       

     "6digit" <[email protected]>                                                    

     micr0 <[email protected]>                                                           

     fran ilich <[email protected]>                                             

   Sa, 2.03.2002, Cameron Jamie, Filmhaus + Schnittraum                            
     Maria Anna Tappeiner <[email protected]>                            

   Eduardo Kac : From Telepresence to Transgenic Art                               
     Randall Packer <[email protected]>                                             

     =?iso-8859-1?Q?Edith=2DRu=DF=2DHaus=20f=FCr?= Medienkunst  <info@edith-russ-haus


Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2002 16:10:34 +0100
From: "nomusic" <[email protected]>
Subject: (((NOMUSIC))) - open call to audio stream players

( ( ( N O M U S I C ) ) )

: : open call to audio stream players : :

NOMUSIC Tournament 002 :
09/04/2002 > 10/04/2002

Audio live performance only via network / from everywhere.

Submission : 
[email protected] 
with direct link & more 

Deadline : 26/03/2002
& final playlist 

More NFO : 

: Join now the world audio battle on : 


Date: Fri, 1 Mar 2002 09:51:32 +0100
From: matthew fuller <[email protected]>
Subject:  Festival Internacional de Literatura Experimental

En         Mexicali y Tijuana         Realizan V Festival Internacional
de         Literatura Experimental + El evento         contar con la
presencia de Miki Guadamur y su concepto         de pop electrodomstico
       + Regresa Doug Rice a Baja         California para presentar su
trabajo ms reciente         + Bajo el concepto de Simulacrum,
renen una muestra de poesa visual, videopoesa,         audiopoesa y arte
postal         + El festival se llevar a cabo una vez ms en Mexicali
    y Tijuana sin ningn costo para el pblico         + Una excelente
oportunidad para acercarse a la         experimentacin literaria
contempornea                                      14 pases estarn
 representados en Simulacrum, V Festival Internacional de
Literatura Experimental

El         prximo viernes 1 y sbado 2 de marzo de 2002 se         llevar
a cabo SIMULACRUM, el quinto festival de         literatura experimental
de la oganizacin A. V.         TEXT-FEST. El evento contar con la
representacin de         14 pases y la presencia de Miki Guadamur, Doug
Rice,         Octavia Davis y Bill Marsh.

El         evento, organizado en Mexicali desde 1998 por Bibiana
Padilla Maltos, Alejandro Espinoza y Carlos Gutirrez         Vidal,
cuenta este ao con el apoyo del Centro Cultural         Tijuana y el
Instituto de Cultura de Baja California.         Gracias a este esfuerzo
conjunto se podr realizar una         muestra de poesa visual y sonora,
adems de contar con         la presencia de los cuatro invitados en
ambas ciudades.         La sede del evento en Mexicali ser el Caf
Literario         del Teatro del Estado, as como la Sala de Video del
     Cecut en Tijuana.

Octavia         Davis y Bill Marsh fueron fundadores, junto con
Joel Kuszai, de Factory School (antes Sunbrella Network),         un
interesante proyecto de colaboracin         interdisciplinaria en la
WWW. En esta ocasin vienen a         presentar un proyecto hecho
especialmente a partir de la         idea del simulacro.

Doug         Rice es uno de los escritores norteamericanos         ms
controvertidos y autor de Blood Of Mugwump.         Su trabajo se
caracteriza por un tratamiento transautobiogrfico,         as como por
el uso de una mutagenesis sexual empleada         como elemento
estructurador del relato. La obra de Rice         trasciende toda
voluntad representacional y simbolismo         literario, y apunta
principalmente hacia una         hipertextualidad implcita. Esta es la
segunda ocasin         que Doug Rice visita nuestro pas, y
SIMULACRUM ser una excelente oportunidad para que el         pblico
entre en contacto con una muestra de la         literatura
norteamericana contempornea ms arriesgada         e interesante.

Miki         Guadamur, msico, escritor y dibujante digital,         es
autor del libro Generation Mex, publicado por         la editorial Moho.
Desde 1997 ha venido desarrollando su         concepto de pop
electrodomstico, realizando         presentaciones en galeras, bares y
cantinas, as como         durante presentaciones de revistas, fanzines y
        exposiciones. Su trabajo slo puede tener lugar en un
conjunto de escenarios tan eclctico que incluye, en el         Distrito
Federal, El Tecolote, Caja 2, El hoyo, las         instalaciones de la
Comisin Nacional del Deporte, Causa         Joven, la discoteca
Hysteria, el multiforo cultural         Alicia, la 3a. Feria del libro
en el World Trade Center,         el Bar Lul, La panadera, la Casa
Refugio         Citlaltpetl, la discobar Slava, DADA X y La Diabla; el
      Bar Iguana, el Museo Estatal de Culturas Populares, la
galera Halicarnassus y la Facultad de Artes Visuales de         la
Universidad Autnoma de Nuevo Len, en Monterrey; el         Museo de Arte
Contemporneo de Lyon, y ms         recientemente en diversos espacios en
la ciudad de Viena.

Asimismo         se ha presentado en algunos medios electrnicos como
    Radio Educacin, Radioactivo, FrecuenciaTEC, el canal 28         de
Monterrey, RadioUNAM y canal 4 de Televisa. Tambin         ha actuado en
dos cortometrajes del CUEC, Vmito         cuadrado y Porqu se tardan
tanto?,         participando en este ltimo como co-protagonista. Acerca
       de su trabajo, Miki Guadamur comenta en         una entrevista
publicada en La Jornada el 22 de octubre         de 2000:

"Lo         que hago es ms cercano al pop Televisa que al rock
mexicano, un poco ms retorcido... En el pop         electrodomstico
mezclo pedazos de canciones y hago unas         nuevas, les meto otra
meloda, rapeo, sampleo... [...]         Soy un entretenedor. Me
satisfacen parcialmente los actos         que veo en Televisa y lo que
veo en el underground         convertido en mainstream en los noventa no
me satisface         en lo absoluto... [...] ...combino todo: la
literatura,         las imgenes en video de mi espectculo y la msica.
     [...] Miki es el personaje que est en el escenario, es
fantasioso, se viste de manera llamativa de acuerdo con         el tipo
de idealizacin de la que hablo en mis         canciones; es un poco como
Ziggi Starduts; Guadamur es la         persona... [...] soy un
Andy Warhol mexicano soy un         Andy Warhol a la mitad."

SIMULACRUM,         V Festival de Literatura Experimental, se llevar a
cabo         el viernes 1 de marzo en el Caf Literario del Teatro
 del Estado, en Mexicali, y el sbado 2 en la Sala de         Video del
Centro Cultural Tijuana a partir de las 20:00         horas. SIMULACRUM
reunir una variada         seleccin de trabajos, cuyas caractersticas
van del         uso del video a la fotocopia, del arte postal al
hipertexto. La relacin de autores por pas         se distribuye de la
siguiente manera:

ARGENTINA:         Fabio Doctorovich. AUSTRALIA: Pete Spence. BRASIL:
     Almandrade, Paulo Bacedonio, Avelino de Araujo, Roberto
Keppler, Drian Ribas Marinho, Franklin Valverde.         CANAD: David
Fujino. CHILE: Claudio Rodrguez         Lanfranco. EL SALVADOR: Romeo
Galdamez. ESPAA: Csar         Reglero Campos. ESTADOS UNIDOS: Brad
Brace, David         Baptiste Chirot, Sheila Dollente, Sheppard Fairey,
       Allegra Fi Wakest, Bill Marsh, mIEKAL, Harry Polkinhorn,
Doug Rice, Nico Vassilakis. FRANCIA: Stephane Pia, Cecile Touchon, ZAV.
       ITALIA: Vittore Baroni. MXICO: Guillermo         Daz Coello,
Alejandro Espinoza Galindo, Ricardo E.         Gonsalves, Carlos Adolfo
Gutirrez Vidal, Bibiana         Padilla Maltos, Alberto RoblesT,
Tamalez, Gerardo Ypiz.         PORTUGAL: Fernando Aguiar. URUGUAY: Diego
de los Campos,         Clemente Padn. VENEZUELA: Aureliano Alfonzo.


MEXICALI         Viernes 1 de marzo de 2002         Caf Literario del
Teatro del Estado

8:00 - 8:05         Inauguracin.         8:05 - 8:45         Exposicin
de poesa visual, audiopoesa, videopoesa         y arte postal.
Presentacin de R2.         8:45 - 9:15         Presentacin del proyecto
de Octavia Davis y Bill Marsh.         9:15 - 9:35         Sonidos para
despus de despertar, polipoema de         Carlos Adolfo Gutirrez Vidal.
       9:35 - 10:20         Lectura del maestro Doug Rice.         10:20
- - 11:00         Presentacin estelar de Miki Guadamur y su pop
electrodomstico. En vivo y a todo color.

TIJUANA         Sbado 2 de marzo de 2002         Sala de video del Cecut

8:00 - 8:15         Inauguracin.         8:15 - 8:35         Muestra de
poesa visual, audiopoesa, videopoesa y         arte postal.         8:35
- - 9:05         Presentacin del proyecto de Octavia Davis y Bill Marsh.
      9:05 - 9:30         Sonidos para despus de despertar, polipoema de
Carlos         Adolfo Gutirrez Vidal.         9:30 - 10:00
Lectura del maestro Doug Rice         10:00 - 10:40         Presentacin
estelar de Miki Guadamur y su pop         electrodomstico. En vivo y a
todo color.

Mayores informes:         Alejandro Espinoza Galindo, Bibiana Padilla
     Maltos         044 686 589.2547         [email protected]
   [email protected] Carlos Adolfo Gutirrez Vidal         554.1478
       [email protected] [email protected]
       Octavia Davis y Bill Marsh         Miki


Date: Sat, 2 Mar 2002 09:23:14 -0500
From: "Ollivier Dyens" <[email protected]>
Subject: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Chair_et_M=E9tal/Metal_and_Flesh:_2002?=

Nos excuses pour les envois multiples/Sorry for cross posting

Pour vous d�sabonner: r�pondez � ce message avec l'ent�te: d�sabonnement
To unsubscribe: reply to this message with unsubscribe.

English follows:


- -Richard Barbeau : r�fl�chit � la lat�ralisation du cerveau.

- -Suren Erkman : nous propose une r�flexion sur l'�cologie industrielle.
Comment int�grer l'industrie � un mod�le �cologique durable.

- -Alexandre Leupin : nous propose une r�flexion sur les sauts

- -Marine Van Hoof : nous pr�sente un essai sur le cyberf�minisme.

- -Paulina Borsook : examine ce qu'elle appelle le � software way of
knowledge �.

- -Herv� Fischer: dresse une liste des 30 lois paradoxales du num�rique.

- -Charles Bourget: voit dans le cyberspace des caract�ristiques de la
cosmologie chr�tienne pr�-moderne.

- -Steve Mann: se postionne en faveur d'un syst�me de sousveillance plut�t que
de surveillance pour contrer le terrorisme.

- -Rosi Braidotti : examine la question du corps face et dans les

- -Istvan Csicsery-Ronay : sugg�re d'explorer le sublime dans le post humain.

- -Lise-H�l�ne Larin: pr�sente une oeuvre en quicktime Vr

- - Nicolas Clauss en shockwave et

- -Ollivier Dyens en vrml.



- -Richard Barbeau : examines the brain lateralization.

- -Suren Erkman : suggest a way to integrate environmental concerns to
industrial production.

- -Alexandre Leupin : offers a reflexion on epistemological cuts.

- -Marine Van Hoof : reflects on cyberfeminism.

- -Herv� Fischer: creates a list of the digital age 30 paradoxical laws.

- -Paulina Borsook : examines �the software way of knowledge �.

- -Charles Bourget: sees pre-modern Christian characteristics in cyberspace.

- -Steve Mann: favors a system of "sousveillance" instead of surveillance to
respond to terrorism.

- -Rosi Braidotti : studies the relationship between the body and technology.

- -Istvan Csicsery-Ronay : explores the emergence of the sublime in the

- -Lise-H�l�ne Larin: offers a netart work in quicktime vr

- - Nicolas Clauss in shockwave


- -Ollivier Dyens in vrml.


Date: Sun, 3 Mar 2002 16:19:12 -0000
From: "Caterina Davinio" <[email protected]>
Subject: Call for the GLOBAL POETRY DAY  March 21   2002   and Karenina Niuszzzz

21 marzo 2002 /  March 21   2002  GIORNATA MONDIALE DELLA POESIA   / GLOBAL
Pomoted by Unesco, National Association of Writers (Italy), European
Writers' Congress
In this contest   is organizing a global poetry  NET-happening
/ work in progress
for the international experimental poetry!
Send to the redaction address: [email protected] your poems, writing in the
subject: "global poetry".
Are welcome: texts ( NOT as attached file), visual poems, videopoetry and
animated poetry frames, performance-poetry photos (all this as attached gif
or jpg), photos of every thing is (by the poet judgment) "poetry", this
means also objects, persons, faces, actions and others...
A site is under construction. Exhibition of all the arrived virtual
materials are foreseen (place to define)

Appuntamento on line con per la poesia sperimentale. Indirizzo
cui inviare le poesie: [email protected] Subject: "poesia globale". Inviare:
testi poetici, frames tratti da videopoesie, foto di performance e di poesie
visive, e di qualunque cosa meriti (a insindacabile giudizio del poeta) la
definizione di poesia...
Un sito � in  costruzione. Sono previste mostre del materiale arrivato (in
luoghi da definire)

Karenina Niusszzz!

Milan: NEW YORK RENAISSANCE - From Whitney Museum of
American Art (Italian / English)

Art: Alcune divagazioni su Calogero Barba    Di Eugenio Miccini (Italian

Electronic Art: PEACE TOWER - Electronic images in Rome - Electronic Art
Biennial curated by
Marco Maria Gazzano.   Italian / English
TORRE DELLA PACE Immagini elettroniche d'artista a Roma - Biennale di arti
elettroniche a cura
di Marco Maria Gazzano
Electronic artists: Adriana Amodei, Laurie Anderson,
Lorenzo Bianda, Robert Cahen, Peter Callas, Peter D'Agostino, Alba D'Urbano,
Caterina Davinio, Theo Eshetu, Ida Gerosa, Lynn Hershman, Shigeko Kubota,
Federica Marangoni, Fabio Mauri, Nam June Paik, Fabrizio Plessi, Ulrike
Rosenbach, Mario Sasso, Studio Azzurro, Gianni Toti, Steina Vasulka, Woody
Vasulka, Katsuhiro Yamaguchi and others.

Exhibitions / Monsters:
Mostre/Mostri: Luca Patella: "Exegi monumentum aere perennius" (I built a
monument more perennial than the air...)

Poesia visiva / Visual Poetry : Lamberto Pignotti Terzo Millennio

Net art: Caterina Davinio "Paint From Nature" (Copia dal vero):
Italian / English

Copertina: videoartisti Carloni - Franceschetti

KARENINA.IT (poetry in "f�tica" function) A web project by Caterina Davinio
[email protected] on line since 1998  -  By Jakobson, 'f�tico' is the use of
the language which has the finality to maintain open and operative the
communication channel among the interlocutors. On the confine between art
and critic, happening and net performance, is a virtual meeting
place around the theme of the writing and the new technologies, in which
experiences of international artists, curators, theoreticians converge, in a
net that counts thousands of contacts in the world.
Davinio Art Electronics - Archives / Videotheque


Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2002 00:33:19 +0100
From: Nina Czegledy <[email protected]>
Subject: ISEA deadline extension

ISEA2002 NAGOYA  deadline extension!!!

Please note the deadline extension for the International Symposium
on Electronic Art (ISEA2002 NAGOYA) to be held in Nagoya, Japan,
in October 2002.

The deadline for entries for papers, panels, roundtables, posters,
institutional presentations, workshops, and tutorials by scientists,
artistic experts, teachers, students, practicing artists, and other
professionals has been extended until March 20 2002.  Hard copies of paper
abstracts and proposals for panels, roundtables, etc., must arrive on or
before March 20 to be considered for the symposium.

Thank you for your consideration.


ISEA2002 Nagoya Office
Nagoya Urban Institute Bldg.,
2-15-16, Kanayama, Naka-ku, Nagoya
460-0022 Japan
[email protected]

- -----
CALL for Submission  DEADLINE EXTENDED!! (MARCH 20 2002)

Please send your complete submission by postal mail to:
Attn: Yumiko Tatematsu
ISEA2002 NAGOYA Office
Nagoya Urban Institute Bldg.,
2-15-16 Kanayama, Naka-ku,
Nagoya 460-0022 Japan
Fax +81-52-321-6066

We would also like to ask you to send your application form and checklist by
e-mail to:
e-mail : [email protected]
beside complete submission.
(We request that no originals be submitted, as materials will not be

As soon as your material (tapes, etc.) has been received, we will e-mail to
confirm our receipt of your submission.

(The Eleventh International Symposium on Electronic Art)
>From October 27 to October 31, 2002
Nagoya, Japan
URL : http//
e-mail : [email protected]

On October 27-31, 2001, the Eleventh International Symposium on Electronic
Art (ISEA2002) will take place in the city of Nagoya, Japan. Organizers for
this event are the ISEA2002 Steering Committee [MEDIASELECT, City of Nagoya,
Nagoya Port Authority,etc] in partnership with the Inter-Society for the
Electronic Arts (ISEA), ISEA Japan, artport Executive Committee, local
universities, and others.
The Inter-Society for the Electronic Arts was founded in 1990 and is
currently based in Amersfoort, Netherlands. ISEA is an international
non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion and development of the
electronic arts.
ISEA is committed to interdisciplinary and cross-cultural
communication/cooperation between the arts and the fields of technology,
science education, and industry. ISEA2002 proves to be a major international
event for members of the artistic community involved with electronic arts.

ISEA2002 NAGOYA[Orai] the first ISEA symposium in Asia, is expecting about
1500 participants including artists, researchers, engineers, students, and
presentations of over 200 papers and works from 30 countries around the
world. Many related exhibitions, concerts, performances and other events are
also planned to take place in the Nagoya area during the time of ISEA2002.

ISEA2002 is committed to hosting an inclusive event, encompassing the many
trends in electronic art throughout the world, including those with limited
access to the latest technology and those working from a cultural context,
which may be unfamiliar to the reviewers. Submissions to ISEA2002 from those
who believe that a fuller understanding of the context of their work is
needed for proper evaluation may attach supplemental information.
Please mark this material clearly as supplemental.

Members from communities that traditionally have been under-represented at
ISEA are encouraged to identify the new perspectives that they can bring to

This event ISEA2002 NAGOYA[Orai] is oriented toward many groups, ranging
from specialists to the general public. ISEA2002 will offer Papers, Panels,
Round Tables, Posters, and Institutional Presentations for scientists,
artistic experts, and professionals. Workshops and Tutorials hold special
interest for teachers, students, and practicing artists. Exhibitions,
Performances, Concerts, and Electronic Theater, are also aimed at the
cultural exchange program and are open to the public.

ISEA is committed to interdisciplinary and cross-cultural
communication/cooperation between the arts and the fields of new media
technology, science, education and industry. The aim of the symposium and
the parent organization (also called ISEA) is to systematically investigate
the problems and potentials of electronic art and to further
inter-disciplinary and inter-organizational cooperation. For the purpose of
the symposium, Electronic Arts is defined as 'all art forms that use
electronic technology as an essential prerequisite for their production'.
The symposium will be held from Sunday, October 27th to Thursday, October
31st in Nagoya, Japan.

[Orai] is a Japanese word that has many interpretations. It refers to
comings and goings, communication, and contact, as well as streets and
traffic. About 200 years ago, a book titled Nagoya Orai was compiled and
published in Nagoya, which was used as a kind of textbook for teaching,
writing, and development of literacy. Through discussions around art and its
inter-disciplinary studies, ISEA2002 NAGOYA [Orai] hopes to provide an
opportunity to create a new text and explore new forms of literacy in the
electronically networked society.

Topics include theory, Internet & electronic society, art, design,
architecture & urbanism, music, performing arts, programming & software,
education & literacy as well as the 2002 special topics, [Orai].

- -Fuminori AKIBA (Japan)
- -Roy ASCOTT (UK)
- -Jeebesh BAGCHI (India)
- -Giselle BEIGUELMAN (Brazil)
- -Peter BEYLS (Belgium)
- -Iba ndiaye DIADJI (Senegal)
- -Sara DIAMOND (Canada)
- -Lily DIAZ (Finland)
- -Diana DOMINGUES (Brazil)
- -Masaki FUJIHATA (Japan)
- -Jean GAGNON (Canada)
- -Akemi ISHIJIMA (UK/Japan)
- -Akira IWATA (Japan)
- -Pamela JENNINGS (USA)
- -Machiko KUSAHARA (Japan)
- -Eun Sook KWAN (Korea)
- -Patrick LICHTY (USA)
- -Jose-Carlos MARIATEGUI (Peru)
- -Ryohei NAKATSU (Japan)
- -Fumihiro NONOMURA (Japan)
- -Sally Jane NORMAN (France/New Zealand)
- -Julianne PEARCE (Australia)
- -Wim van der PLAS (Netherlands) ISEA BOARD
- -Soh Yeong ROH (KOREA)
- -Niranjan RAJAH (Malaysia) ISEA BOARD
- -Masato SASAKI (Japan)
- -Shuddhabrata SENGUPTA (India)
- -Rejane SPITZ (Brazil)
- -STELARC (Australia)
- -Atau TANAKA (France) ISEA BOARD
- -Victoria VESNA (USA)
- -Kwangyun WOHN (Korea)
- -Shigeki YOKOI (Japan)
- -Hiroshi YOSHIOKA (Japan)

ISEA2002 invites Papers to be given during the symposium.
Proposals for Panels, Round Tables, Poster Sessions and Institutional
Presentations are also welcome. All proposals must be directly related to
the aforementioned topics.
Proposals that relate to the special topics [Orai] are especially

- -Papers can be short (20 minutes) or long (45 minutes). The Papers will be
published in the ISEA2002 Proceedings, to be published for the event. All
Papers must be original, unpublished and in English. Please note that only
an abstract (maximum 500 words, both formats) is required by the deadline
(March 20, 2002)

After an initial screening, the pre-selected authors will be requested to
send their full materials, including illustrations.
- -Panel proposals should contain a description of the planned panel members.
- -Round Tables are discussions that any participant can join (sign-up during
the symposium), so no description of the planned panel members is required.
- -Poster Sessions are rather informal presentations of research or art
practice, with the aid of audio-visual equipments. They are not meant as
performances but as presentations of interesting examples in order to
trigger discussion.
- -Institutional Presentations are meant to introduce institutes,
organizations, festivals etc in the field of the electronic arts. In
principle, all relevant proposals will be accepted, but it must be noted
that presenters in this category have no free admission to the symposium.

During the ISEA2002 symposium, practitioners and educators will have the
opportunities to share information through a series of workshops and
tutorial sessions. Workshops involve the guided development of ideas and
exploration of specific theoretical and practical topics in arts and
technology. Likewise, tutorials offer the chance for students and educators
to learn programs and techniques in a classroom setting. Proposals should
include which format is desired, a concise description of the given workshop
or tutorial class, the number of participants envisioned to participate, as
well as a clearly defined listing of resources (technical and physical)

- ----

Attachment converted: gigi:application form_E_papers.doc (WDBN/MSWD) (000334B7)


Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2002 12:46:03 -0000
From: "Rebecca" <[email protected]>

Thursday 7 March 6.00pm 

Is it possible for people to resist authority?  How do people behave
under extreme belief systems?  What are the conditions under which
people accept oppression or act against it? What is the relationship
between reality TV and behaviour experiments?

This panel discussion will look at the relationship between obedience,
authority, conformity and power. The discussion will make reference to
influential social psychology experiments including Stanley Milgram's
Obedience studies, Philip Zimbardo's Stanford Prison Studies and Henri
Tajfel's work on intergroup discrimination.  Speakers include: BEN

Ben Cohen worked on the documentary film treatment, 'Only Obeying
Orders', which probed Stanley Milgram's work in the light of
contemporary interest in genocide, as the result of the atrocities
committed in Bosnia, Rwanda and other countries during the last decade.
He will talk about the contemporary relevance of Milgram's work in
relation to genocide studies and discuss how Milgram's work can be
presented in the media without being exaggerated, distorted or
sensationalised.   Ben Cohen studied political philosophy at Manchester
University and the London School of Economics.  Since 1991, he has
worked as a journalist and film-maker with the BBC as a commentator on
Balkan affairs.  

Mark McDermott is a Chartered Health & Clinical Psychologist and is
Senior Lecturer and Researcher in Health Psychology at the School of
Psychology, University of East London.    His current research focuses
upon individual differences, personality as a mediator of social
influence processes and nonconformity.  In 1995 Mark co-authorised the
introductory psychology textbook 'Psychology, A European Text'.  He has
also worked as a consultant on the BBC2 programme 'Five Steps to
Tyranny' (2000) and the LWT programme 'The Human Zoo' (2001) which
concerned the re-enactment of social psychology experiments and the
'power of situations'.

Steve Reicher is a social psychologist and is currently joint editor of
The British Journal of Social Psychology.  He is broadly interested in
the issues of group behaviour and the individual-social relationship.
His recent research includes the development of a model of crowd action
that accounts for both social determination and social change, the
construction of social categories through language and action and the
impact of devolution on Scottish identity and social action in Scotland.
He is currently working in conjunction with Exeter University and the
BBC on 'The Experiment' a re-run of the Zimbardo Stanford Prison Studies
which will be broadcast on TV in Spring 2002.

Rebecca Shatwell
Education Programmer
350 Sauchiehall Street
G2 3JD <> 
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 00 44 (0)141 332 7521 (reception)
Tel: 00 44 (0)141 352 4912 (direct line)

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Date: Tue, 05 Mar 2002 23:12:20 -0500
From: "Jon Ippolito" <[email protected]>
Subject: New Media Events at the Guggenheim: March-April 2002

On the occasion of the launch and acquisition of two Internet projects at, the Guggenheim Museum offers the following free programs in March and April at its main building at 88th Street and Fifth Avenue:

*Art in a Networked Space*
Monday, March 18, 2002 at 7 pm 
Sackler New Media Theater

New-media artist Mark Napier illustrates the underlying social implications of Web browsers and networked environments with past projects including P-Soup, Shredder, Feed, as well as a new Guggenheim-commissioned work, net.flag. The audience has an opportunity to interact with net.flag in The Sackler Center Computer Lab. Napier's projects have been featured in on- and offline exhibitions at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art; ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany; and at the Whitney Museum of American Art.

*Who Controls New Media? Open Art in Closed Systems*
Thursday March 21, 2002 at 7 pm 
Peter B. Lewis Theater

In the 1960s artists and technologists independently laid the groundwork for two parallel forms of democratic expression: the "open artwork" characterized by viewer participation, and a global Internet where ideas and images could be freely circulated. Four decades later, the expansion of copyright has clamped down on public use, interactivity has become a marketing buzzword, and national security and freedom of expression appear unreconcilable. Can today's digital artists reassert open protocols in an increasingly closed society? Participants include Leipzig-based media historian and interactivity specialist Dieter Daniels; Alex Galloway, content director and creator of the FBI-inspired "Carnivore" surveillance software; and lawyer-programmer Wendy Seltzer, whose Openlaw Web site offers artists innovative tools for protecting their freedom of expression. The discussion is moderated by Jon Ippolito and co-organized by the Guggenheim and Goethe-Institut Inter Nation!
es New York.

*Collecting the Uncollectable*
Tuesday, April 9, 2002 at 7 pm 
Sackler New Media Theater

What are the implications of buying and selling software-based artwork? Join artists John Klima, Mark Napier, John F. Simon Jr. and new-media consultant Michele Thursz in a discussion of new business models for artists working in digital media. The participants will present real-life examples of the challenges of adapting the existing art market to new artistic mediums. The discussion is moderated by Jon Ippolito, who will contrast closed- and open-license models for distributing artworks.


Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2002 11:06:27 -0330
From: "6digit" <[email protected]>
Subject: cibervision02

I International Festival of Art, Science and Technology
>From 4th to 17th March, 2002
Madrid (Spain)

Cibervisi�n 02 � "Fluid Dynamics"
Conde Duque Cultural Centre

Concept and Direction: Karin Ohlenschl�ger and Luis Rico
Artists: Eugenia Balcells, Dominic Buttimore, Daniel Canogar, Chris 
Cunningham, Ursula Damm, Hans Diebner, Yoichiro Kawaguchi, Sachiko Kodama, 
Thomas Kulessa, Donatella Landi, Golan Lewin, Roberto L�pez-Gulliver, Rafael 
Lozano-Hemmer, Laurent Mignonneau, Sven Sahle, Agueda Sim�, Karl Sims, 
Christa Sommerer, Minako Takeno, Transnational Temps, UHF, Matthias Weber.

Performance by Circo Interior Bruto: 15th and 16th March, at 7.00 p.m. in 
the Sal�n de Actos at Conde Duque Cultural Centre

"Up-Date 02": German electronic art show, with a conference by Inke Arns 
(co-curator of the display) at 8.00 p.m. on 14th March, at the 
Goethe-Institut of Madrid, C/ Zurbaran 21.

New spaces for the artistic community.
(From 11th to 13th March)


WORKSHOP (From 11th to 15th March)
"Take the reins"

At Medialabmadrid Conde Duque Cultural Centre

Workshop Director: Daniel Garc�a And�jar, Technologies To The People 
Partcipants: Walter van der Cruijsen (Amsterdam-Berlin-Liubliana), Thomax 
Kaulmann (Berlin), Heath Bunting (Bristol-London), , David Casacuberta, 
(Barcelona). Sebasti�n Luetger, (Berl�n), Simon Worthington, (London), Eric 
Kluitenberg, (Amsterdam) Dirk De Wit, (Brussels).

- ---///---

Organiced by The "Complutense Forum", Madrid Complutense University.
Hosted by Conde Duque Cultural Centre

The program covers the subject of "flows" from many different angles and 
contexts, such as those relating to the physics of fluids, or the dynamics 
of complex, self-organising systems; as well as from models of global 
ecosystems, economics, energy and information flows or neuronal flows and 
educational processes.

Director: Federico Mor�n
With the collaboration of: Fundaci�n Banquete

Lynn Margullis, Dorian Sagan, Javier Echeverr�a, Mario Soares, Gabriel 
Jackson, Guillermo de la Dehesa, Ricard Guerrero, Manuel Pimentel, Walter 
Freeman, Antonio Escohotado, Dolores Romano, Peter Weibel y Otto E. R�ssler

(detailed program on:

(27th February)
Information Technologies and Learning Processes: Networks and Flows
Director: Jos� Luis Ripoll (Director General of the Airtel-Vodafone 

(4th and 5th March)
Metropolitan Currents and Urban Flows
Director: Sebasti�n de la Rica Castedo (Director of Traffic Services).
Organisation: Department of Urban Mobility of the Madrid City Council.

(From 4th to 6th March)
A Changing World of Complex International Relations.
Director: Ram�n Tamames (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Sponsorship: BP

(6th and 7th March)
Ecology and Globalisation: Monetary, Energy and Material Flows (as a prelude 
to the new Earth Summit Rio +10).
Directors: Joaqu�n Nieto and Jorge Riechmann (ISTAS-CC.OO.)
Organisation: (ISTAS)

(8th March)
Education on the Net: Broadband Technology as a Differentiating Element
Director: Mar�a Jes�s Pietro-Laffargue (Director General of the Fundaci�n 
Sponsorship: Fundaci�n Madritel � Auna Cable

(From 11th to 13th March)
Fluid Dynamics: Complex, Self-Organising Systems,
Directors: Jos� Vidal Beneyto (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) and 
Francisco Jarauta (University of Murcia).
Sponsorship: Goethe Foundation Spain.

(14th and 15th March)
Neuronal Flows, Motivity and Neuro-Inspired Robots
Director: Manuel G. Velarde (Pluridisciplinary Institute, UCM)
Free registration. Limited capacity.

Information and registration:
Fundaci�n General de la Universidad Complutense
C/ Donoso Cort�s, 65, 4� Planta, 28015 Madrid
Tel.: 91 394 64 51. Fax: 91 394 63 97
e-mail: [email protected]

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Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2002 10:12:00 +0100
From: micr0 <[email protected]>
Subject: =?iso-8859-1?Q?contre-conf=E9rence?=

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
l'�cole potentielle * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
_-_-_-_-_-Jeudi 14 mars 2002 - De 11h � 20h - Ensba, Salle du CID_-_-_-_-_
/?/?/?/?/?/?14, rue Bonaparte - 75006 Paris - M� St Germain des Pr�s?/?/?/?/?/
;;;;communications / d�bat-discussion / doc-�dition / m�gaphone + 

En r�ponse � la convention pass�e entre la soci�te Disney et l'Ensba,
nous souhaitons interroger la situation selon laquelle institution 
culturelle, �cole
et entreprise du secteur du loisir �ducatif auraient � s'aligner en termes
de r�sultats, r�duisant toute tentative de production de sens � la 
production de contenus.

"Dans les pays formellement d�mocratiques, � la diff�rence des pays 
ouvertement r�pressifs,
il ne suffit pas d'avoir de la police et des militaires � tous les coins de 
rues ;
les environnements culturels publics et priv�s nous invitent aussi � nous 
de notre pouvoir politique en d�portant notre attention sur des leurres 
culturels ou
informationnels, des animations et des f�tes." Bde, extrait
11h - Pourquoi �tre producteurs culturels dans une soci�t� de communication ?
- - Bureau d'�tudes, collectif d'artistes/L'Ecole potentielle - affichage 
d'archives et
r�daction d'une affiche � l'attention des �coles d'art et de cr�ation
- - Jean-Baptiste Bayle, artiste - art et s�curit�, pr�sentation
- - B�atrice Rettig, artiste - interventions on line-off line
- - Cyrille Larpenteur, artiste - documentation de la journ�e
- - PES, cin�aste-po�te - expos�, action micro-�dition
- - L'Agence/Elodie Huet, Anne-Claire Budin, Rada Boukova, collectif 
d'artistes - pr�sentation
- - Ewen Chardronnet, Association des Astronautes Autonomes-Ed. L'Eclat - 
- - Brian Holmes, critique (sous r�serve)
- - Documentation Ensba-Disney
15h - Art, r�seaux et mondialisation - La g�opolitique de l'art � l'heure de
la mondialisation, internationalisme et rapport global local
Jean-Claude Moineau, th�oricien de l'art, enseignant � Paris 8
17h - L'enseignement, le public et le priv�, ou la question complexe de 
l'esth�tique de
la firme Disney rapport�e � la morale ou l'absence de morale de ses dirigeants
- - Patrick Maldidier, Syndicat UNSA Disney
- - Reflex(e), groupe de reflexion art et politique
- - Service de communication Disney-France (sous r�serve)
- - La coordination des �tudiants potentiels
et l'ensemble des intervenants
Mod�rateur d�bat : Didier Semin, historien de l'art, enseignant � l'Ensba
19h - Pot, M�gaphone + Live-D�mo
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[contreconference]-Liste de discussion
Pour �crire � la liste, envoyez un mail � [email protected]
Pour vous inscrire, envoyez un mail [email protected], 
sujet subscribe

URLs : +



Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2002 21:48:19 -0500
From: fran ilich <[email protected]>
Subject: Read*Write*Execute

El Centro Multimedia del Centro Nacional de las Artes presenta la

por Esther Regueira

Esther Regueira radica en Madrid, es co-directora de la revista y foro de Licenciada en Historia del Arte por la Universidad de
Granada. Master en historia urbana por el Centro de Estudios de la Ciudad,
Universidad Autonoma, Madrid (1991). Realiza cursos de doctorado en la
Universidad de Granada y en New York University (NYU). Actualmente trabaja
en el proyecto Read*Write*Execute, en colaboracion con Constant, sobre temas
de hacktivismo, para mas informaci�n ver el m�s reciente n�mero de

Jueves 28 de febrero
11:00 horas
Sala de Usos M�ltiples de la Biblioteca de las Artes
Centro Nacional de las Artes
(Calzada de Tlalp�n y R�o Churubusco)


Do You Yahoo!?
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Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2002 11:22:44 +0100
From: Maria Anna Tappeiner <[email protected]>
Subject: Sa, 2.03.2002, Cameron Jamie, Filmhaus + Schnittraum

     An der Linde 27  +  D-50668 K�ln  +  Info unter Tel. 0221 -
     397 69 00 + [email protected]


     Filmvorf�hrung, Werkgespr�ch und Pr�sentation von Arbeiten

     Samstag, 2. M�rz 2002

     um 17 h und 17.30 h:  B.B. (Filmvorf�hrung: Super 8, 18', SW)
     Filmhaus K�ln, Maybachstr. 111, 50672 K�ln (Eintritt: 2,50

     im Anschluss um 18.30 Uhr:  Werkgespr�ch und Pr�sentation
     weiterer Arbeiten
     Schnitt Raum, An der Linde 27, 50668 K�ln

     eingeladen von Linn L�hn
     in Zusammenarbeit mit Jablonka Galerie/Linn L�hn, K�ln

     Der amerikanische K�nstler CAMERON JAMIE (geb. 1969) zeigt
     einen Film mit dem Titel B.B. (Backyard Bruisers).
     Ein 18 Minuten langer s/w Film, aufgenommen auf Super 8 und
     au�er der Filmmusik der Gruppe THE MELVINS ohne Originalton.

     Der Film dokumentiert Ringk�mpfe, wie sie in kalifornischen
     Hinterh�fen unter Jugendlichen stattfinden. Er ist eine
     Weiterf�hrung von Jamies� Performance-Videoaufnahmen und
     anderen Arbeiten der letzten Jahre, in denen er sich mit der
     Sprache des Kampfes und der Gewalt besch�ftigt.
     Hinterhof-Ringen (backyard wrestling) ist ein
     Untergrundph�nomen, das weitgehend unbeachtet, von
     amerikanischen Teenagern praktiziert wird. Sie ahmen dabei
     nach, was sie im Fernsehen bei Profi-Ringk�mpfen sehen und
     inszenieren theatralische und oft gegeneinander gerichtete
     gewaltt�tige Kraftproben. Ein selbstgebauter Ring und
     Siegertroph�en geh�ren dabei ebenso zum Szenario wie die
     geschminkten Gesichter. Jamie interessieren die Mimik und
     Theatralik dieses Ph�nomens, sowie die sozialen Aspekte und
     Dimensionen die dieser �Sport� im Leben Jugendlicher einnimmt.

     Der Film ist ungeschnitten und besteht aus nacheinander
     gereihten Filmspulen, um ein visuelles Narrativ entstehen zu
     lassen. Aufgenommen wurde aus zwei Kameraperspektiven und
     gezeigt wird die jeweilige Perspektive w�hrend der Aufnahme.

     Im Anschluss an die Filmvorf�hrung im Filmhaus wird Cameron
     Jamie im Schnittraum weitere Arbeiten anhand von Dias
     vorstellen und eine seiner Performances auf Video zu zeigen.

     Bis zum 20.04.2002 sind von CAMERON JAMIE auch Zeichnungen und
     Photos in der Jablonka Galerie/Linn L�hn (Br�sseler Str. 4,
     50674 K�LN) zu sehen.

     Mit freundlicher Unterst�tzung:
     Kulturamt der Stadt K�ln


Date: Fri, 1 Mar 2002 08:22:02 -0500
From: Randall Packer <[email protected]>
Subject: Eduardo Kac : From Telepresence to Transgenic Art

Eduardo Kac : From Telepresence to Transgenic Art
A Visiting Artist Lecture

Friday, March 8, 2002, 7:00 PM (admission free)
Mount Royal Station Auditorium (S3)
Maryland Institute College of Art
Mount Royal Ave. & Cathedral Street in Baltimore

Presented by the Maryland Institute College of Art Center for New Media
and the Johns Hopkins University Digital Media Center
in association with the JHU Film and Media Studies Program
and the Peabody Conservatory of Music, Department of Computer Music

<<From Telepresence to Transgenic Art>>

Eduardo Kac will discuss his pioneering work in telepresence and 
transgenic art. Kac first developed telepresence art in the mid 
1980s. Telepresence art results from the coupling of telerobots and 
networking, a new platform that became widely employed on the 
Internet by the late 1990s, when Kac introduced transgenic art. This 
new art form is based on the use of genetic engineering to create 
unique living beings and to address the social and philosophical 
issues raised by the work.

Kac will present some of his artworks, including "Genesis", a 
transgenic piece that explores the intricate relationship between 
biology, belief systems, information technology, dialogical 
interaction, ethics and the Internet. The key element of the work is 
an "artist's gene," a synthetic gene that was created by Kac by 
translating a sentence from the biblical book of Genesis.

Kac will also present "GFP Bunny," a live green fluorescent rabbit 
named Alba who lives with Kac and his family in Chicago, and "The 
Eighth Day," a self-contained artificial ecological system. Eduardo 
Kac is considered "one of the ten people who is shaping the art world 
around the globe" (ARTnews, December 2001).


The MICA Center for New Media is developing and coordinating 
partnerships with arts organizations, educational institutions, and 
industry to initiate collaborative opportunities in a complex 
interdisciplinary field. The Center for New Media serves as a bridge 
between the arts and its technology and educational partners by 
showcasing media experimentation across the disciplines in response 
to the need for technology-based research in contemporary aesthetic 
inquiry and artistic production.

The Digital Media Center located in the Mattin Center of Johns 
Hopkins University comprises a full-time professional staff where 
there are digital music and digital video specialists who provide 
instruction and workshops. Guest artists are invited to display their 
work, offering seminars and master classes. The center is a 
non-academic facility open to students of all majors and enrolled in 
all courses.

For more information:

Center for New Media

MICA Office of Communications
- --


Date: Mon, 04 Mar 2002 12:34:39 +0100
From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Edith=2DRu=DF=2DHaus=20f=FCr?= Medienkunst  <[email protected]>
Subject: edith-russ-haus

[scroll down for english]

Fake - Leben in k�nstlichen Welten
4.-10. M�rz 2002 Praxis-Workshop im Edith-Ru�-Haus f�r Medienkunst
Fake, Ikone und Virtualit�t sind Schlagworte, die Kirsten Geislers
Ann�herung an das Leben in k�nstlichen Welten und die Verf�hrbarkeit
durch Werbung und Medien beschreiben.

Freitag, 8. M�rz 2002, 20 Uhr
�ffentliche Pr�sentation mit Kirsten Geisler und den

Edith-Ru�-Haus f�r Medienkunst
Katharinenstra�e 23
D-26121 Oldenburg
t. +49 (0)441 235-32 08
f. +49 (0)441 235-21 61
[email protected]

Fake - Life in artificial Worlds
4.-10. March 2002 Workshop at the Edith Russ Site for Media Art
Fake, icons and virtuality are key words that describe Kirsten Geisler's
investigation of life in artificial worlds and the availability of such
worlds through advertising and the media.

Friday, March 8, 2002, 8 pm
Public presentation with Kirsten Geisler and the workshop participants.

Edith Russ Site for Media Art
Katharinenstr. 23
26121 Oldenburg
t. +49 (0)441 235-32 08
f. +49 (0)441 235-21 61
[email protected]


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