Announcer on Wed, 13 Mar 2002 00:41:24 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime> Events [x12]

Table of Contents:

     "Synne Bull" <[email protected]>                                          

   2002 Whitney Biennial Net Art - Panel this friday                               
     [email protected]                                                                    

   Art, Science and Technology  Festival                                           
     "Kepa Landa <[email protected]>" <[email protected]>                         

   Rome 16-03-02: RECLAIM YOUR MEDIA!                                              
     paolo columbo <[email protected]>                                                  

   CFP: Towards Humane Technologies: Biotechnology, New Media, and Citizenship     
     Phil Graham <[email protected]>                                     

   Dorkbotlondon #4                                                                
     "Saul Albert" <[email protected]>                                          

   "Artists as Mediators on the World Stage"                                       
     Randall Packer <[email protected]>                                             

     Ryan Griffis <[email protected]>                                                

   Media architecture designs the space                                            
     Ieva Auzina <[email protected]>                                                   

     John Hopkins <[email protected]>                                                 

   Entre Blade Runner y Mickey Mouse: nuevos imaginarios cyber-urbanos.            
     fran ilich <[email protected]>                                             

   Creative Networks in the Media Storm                                            
     Wayne Ashley <[email protected]>                                             


Date: Thu, 07 Mar 2002 01:03:53 GMT
From: "Synne Bull" <[email protected]>
Subject: NET.FILM

The characteristics of NET.FILM: 

Today's software and rapidly increasing bandwidth capabilities enable
new ways of experiencing the Internet. One of the ways in which this is
explored is in the concept of NET.FILM. NET.FILM relies on the motion 
picture language in displaying the online content. The following manifesto 
describes the specificities of the NET.FILM in detail: 

1. The term NET.FILM is used to describe a certain types of web pages that 
calls upon the perception of film using the WWW browsers. 

2. NET.FILM incorporates the multimedia nature of the Internet. 

3. The Internet platform gives NET.FILM the ability to change content
and structure at any time. 

4. NET.FILM is assembled for the viewer in the very moment of the
activation of its link. 

5. The different files that make up the structure of the NET.FILM can
change at any time. The film always stays in separate components.
NET.FILM is therefore never fixed. It can change from one second to

7. NET.FILM can be modified only by the authors that have access to the 
servers were the components reside. Thus, the authors of the movie are 
always known. 

8. The NET.FILM makers always have the possibility to change or add

9. NET.FILM is programmed to refresh itself and to call its components 
without interaction by the viewer. 

10. The browser is used as a "projector" for the NET.FILM. 

11. The collaborative aspect of NET.FILM is essential and will be
present in the viewers mind when he/she knows that the film being
watched could change its appearance at any time. 

12. NET.FILM is different from all other types of film because its
parts reside as separate files on a server. 

13. The NET.FILM viewer does not participate by physical interaction
but mentally as with any other film experience. Instead of having an
on-click navigation, the NET.FILM plays all its components automatically in 
the way it is programmed. 

14. Any web page with the <REFRESH> tag that leads the viewer through its 
content, and makes intentional meaning-structure out of this, could be 
regarded as a NET.FILM. 

"NET.FILM" is part of the online section of  "The Ides of March", the 3rd 
Biennial exhibition at  ABC No Rio Gallery ( ). The 
show will be up between 3/15/02 - 4/11/02 and the "NET.FILM" web site will 
be launched at the opening reception, March 14th. 

"NET.FILM" will include works by the following artists: 

 -Katie Bush
 -Young-hae Chang + Marc Voge, HEAVY INDUSTRIES
 -Vuk Cosic
 -Graham Milton, BEWARE THE ROBOTS
 -Motomichi Nakamura 

"The Ides of March" will also feature other online work by ABC No Rio


Date: Thu, 07 Mar 2002 11:03:21 -0500
From: [email protected]
Subject: 2002 Whitney Biennial Net Art - Panel this friday

2002 Whitney Biennial Net Art
Friday, March 8, 7-9 PM
Tishman Auditorium
66 W 12th St.
Live Webcast @

A panel featuring artists included in the net art section of the Whitney

Biennial.  Participants in the panel will be the net artists whose work
is presented as part of the 2002 Whitney Biennial. Panelists will give a

short presentation of their respective work, followed by a moderated
discussion amongst the artists and with the audience. The discussion
will be
moderated by Christiane Paul, Adjunct Curator of New Media Arts at the
Whitney Museum and responsible for the Biennial net art selection.

The selection of Internet-based art for the 2002 Biennial strives to
give an impression of the variety of forms that net art can take and of
the multiple themes that have emerged over the years. Among these themes
data visualization and mapping, database aesthetics, gaming paradigms,
technology, community as well as nomadic devices--all of which surface
in the art works included in the 2002 Biennial selection and will be
further explored in the panel discussion.

This event is a collaboration between the Whitney Museum and the "Netart

Initiative," of which the MFA Design and Technology Program of the
Parsons School of Design is a founding member.

Sponsored by the Center for New Design at the Parsons School of Design.

The Biennial 2002 Net-based art installation is sponsored by France
Telecom North America.


Date: Fri, 08 Mar 2002 01:35:01 +0100
From: "Kepa Landa <[email protected]>" <[email protected]>
Subject: Art, Science and Technology  Festival

I International Festival of Art, Science and Technology
>From 4th to 17th March, 2002
Madrid (Spain)

[email protected]
Cibervisi�n 02 � "Fluid Dynamics"
Conde Duque Cultural Centre

Concept and Direction: Karin Ohlenschl�ger and Luis Rico
Artists: Eugenia Balcells, Dominic Buttimore, Daniel Canogar, Chris 
Cunningham, Ursula Damm, Hans Diebner, Yoichiro Kawaguchi, Sachiko Kodama, 
Thomas Kulessa, Donatella Landi, Golan Lewin, Roberto L�pez-Gulliver, Rafael 
Lozano-Hemmer, Laurent Mignonneau, Sven Sahle, Agueda Sim�, Karl Sims, 
Christa Sommerer, Minako Takeno, Transnational Temps, UHF, Matthias Weber.

Performance by Circo Interior Bruto: 15th and 16th March, at 7.00 p.m. in 
the Sal�n de Actos at  Conde Duque Cultural Centre

"Up-Date 02": German electronic art show, with a conference by Inke Arns 
(co-curator of the display) at 8.00 p.m. on 14th March, at the 
Goethe-Institut of Madrid, C/ Zurbaran 21.

New spaces for the artistic community.
(From 11th to 13th March)


WORKSHOP (From 11th to 15th March)
"Take the reins"

At Medialabmadrid Conde Duque Cultural Centre

Workshop Director: Daniel Garc�a And�jar, Technologies To The People 
Partcipants: Walter van der Cruijsen (Amsterdam-Berlin-Liubliana), Thomax 
Kaulmann (Berlin), Heath Bunting (Bristol-London), , David Casacuberta, 
(Barcelona). Sebasti�n Luetger, (Berl�n), Simon Worthington, (London), Eric 
Kluitenberg, (Amsterdam) Dirk De Wit, (Brussels).

- ---///---

Organiced by The "Complutense Forum", Madrid Complutense University.
Hosted by Conde Duque Cultural Centre

The program covers the subject of "flows" from many different angles and 
contexts, such as those relating to the physics of fluids, or the dynamics 
of complex, self-organising systems; as well as from models of global 
ecosystems, economics, energy and information flows or neuronal flows and 
educational processes.

Director: Federico Mor�n
With the collaboration of: Fundaci�n Banquete

Lynn Margullis, Dorian Sagan, Javier Echeverr�a, Mario Soares, Gabriel 
Jackson, Guillermo de la Dehesa, Ricard Guerrero, Manuel Pimentel, Walter 
Freeman, Antonio Escohotado, Dolores Romano, Peter Weibel y Otto E. R�ssler

(detailed program on:

(27th February)
Information Technologies and Learning Processes: Networks and Flows
Director: Jos� Luis Ripoll (Director General of the Airtel-Vodafone 

(4th and 5th March)
Metropolitan Currents and Urban Flows
Director: Sebasti�n de la Rica Castedo (Director of Traffic Services).
Organisation: Department of Urban Mobility of the Madrid City Council.

(From 4th to 6th March)
A Changing World of Complex International Relations.
Director: Ram�n Tamames (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Sponsorship: BP

(6th and 7th March)
Ecology and Globalisation: Monetary, Energy and Material Flows (as a prelude 
to the new Earth Summit Rio +10).
Directors: Joaqu�n Nieto and Jorge Riechmann (ISTAS-CC.OO.)
Organisation: (ISTAS)

(8th March)
Education on the Net: Broadband Technology as a Differentiating Element
Director: Mar�a Jes�s Pietro-Laffargue (Director General of the Fundaci�n 
Sponsorship: Fundaci�n Madritel � Auna Cable

(From 11th to 13th March)
Fluid Dynamics: Complex, Self-Organising Systems,
Directors: Jos� Vidal Beneyto (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) and 
Francisco Jarauta (University of Murcia).
Sponsorship: Goethe Foundation Spain.

(14th and 15th March)
Neuronal Flows, Motivity and Neuro-Inspired Robots
Director: Manuel G. Velarde (Pluridisciplinary Institute, UCM)
Free registration. Limited capacity.

Information and registration:
Fundaci�n General de la Universidad Complutense
C/ Donoso Cort�s, 65, 4� Planta, 28015 Madrid
Tel.: 91 394 64 51. Fax: 91 394 63 97
e-mail: [email protected]

MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos:


Date: Fri, 08 Mar 2002 22:43:24 +0100
From: paolo columbo <[email protected]>
Subject: Rome 16-03-02: RECLAIM YOUR MEDIA! 

''Every individual has rights to the freedom of opinion and expression,
including the right not to be molested for his opinion and the right to seek,
receive and spread informations and ideas through every media and with no
concern for barriers''.
(Art. 19 of the Universal declaration of Human Rights)

Today this basic right is under attack

The threat of obscuring the frequencies of Radio Onda Rossa, a community
radio in Rome,
The searches in the supposed sites of Indy Media, the ones damaging the
Democratic Jurists in Bologna and many other media activists present in Genoa
are clear signs of an intimidatory and repressive strategy against the ones
that, because of their engagement, guarantee public spaces of communication,
critique and expression of dissent.

But these are not the last facts of a series of provocative and authoritarian
These acts have the objective of re-establish political control over the
information that's not homologated to the radio-television mono-logic, as
proved by the sharing logic of the RAI nominations, the tricky law on conflict
of interests, the pressure on the journalists themselves and the last inquires
on the online editorial headings used as a pretext.

We have enough of this!

Because we think that defending the right to free and polyphonic information
means defending the freedom to learn together, to cooperate and to create
social networks.

Defending the right to free information means defending the right of all
citizens to actively and critically take part in the social and political

To make this happen, it is necessary that everyone can access the
information tools.
Communication, that is the base to exercise democracy, should be plural and
not conditioned.
Communication has the aim to inform and engage all citizens in the
decision-making processes and choices that concern us all.

That's why we invite all media workers, media and political activists,
grassroots groups, the all citizenship, to take part at the demonstration on
the 16th of March.

For the defense of the freedom of opinion, information and communication
For the freedom of all.

Radio Onda Rossa


Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 21:40:05 +1000
From: Phil Graham <[email protected]>
Subject: CFP: Towards Humane Technologies: Biotechnology, New Media, and Citizenship

1,500-8,000 word papers are invited for the following forum.

Towards Humane Technologies: Biotechnology, New Media, and Citizenship

Conference website

You are invited to participate in Towards Humane Technologies, a unique 
international forum for discussion about the social, moral, and political 
implications of biotechnology research and commercialisation. The 
conference will be presented in an alternative format that foregrounds 
democratic participation rather than one way speeches from a select few.

The conference will be held at The University of Queensland's Ipswich 
campus, 15-17 July 2002.


In the widespread debates about the future of biotechnology, many people 
feel that institutional and expert voices often overpower those of people 
who are personally and immediately affected by current technological 
developments, or the lack thereof. Such people include, for example, people 
with disabilities; people conceived through reproductive technologies; 
people who use reproductive technologies to conceive; farmers and graziers; 
scientists at the coal-face; government project and policy officers who 
promote and regulate the bioindustries; and community members who feel they 
have much to contribute to the debate yet feel they have no way to 
influence our technological direction.

Yet in today's mass mediated arena we all have almost daily experiences of 
the widespread excitement and concern about new technologies and media 
forms, especially biotechnologies. It seems that the potentials for our new 
technologies are boundless, regardless of whichever attitude one takes 
towards them. Often they appear as inevitable, ubiquitous, 
agent-like�almost human. Too often, though, the human-ness of our new 
technologies gets ignored as we stand in thrall of their potentials, and 
their actualities.

New media are always dependent on older media. Biotechnology is dependent 
on any number of media for its public propagation, acceptance, or 
rejection. These include, but are not limited to, ICT, mass media, and 
institutional media (the institutions of law, policy, and various other 
organs of public opinion). A "new media" perspective on biotechnology 
provides a more holistic way to understand the current issues surrounding 
the emergence of biotechnology and its attendant possibilities.

In effect, a new media perspective allows us to map out and comprehend the 
extent to which developments in a field such as biotechnology can and do 
affect our lives, the lives of other species, and the world we live in. 
Citizenship is the process of engagement in such issues which is 
fundamental to healthy liberal democracies. It is in the spirit of 
citizenship that we take a new media perspective on biotechnological advances.

Media in all forms are the means by which we move meanings and ideas from 
one context to another, across time and space. As such, an emergence of new 
media forms is always historically significant. Such emergences create 
possibilities for new forms of human relatedness; new ways of understanding 
what it means to be human; access to new meaning systems, new cultures, new 
beliefs, and new knowledges. So at least in a limited sense, we can also 
see biotechnologies and their associated practices as mediating 
practices�as biomedia. Biomedia provide new perspectives on what it means 
to be human, to be healthy, or even to be living; they move fundamental 
aspects of life from hitherto "secret" places into the realm of public 
space and commercial manipulation; they open possibilities for new 
knowledge about life; and they present new challenges to human 
understanding about what it means to be human and humane.

Towards humane technologies is a forum for creating new understandings 
about these directions in our society. We want to ask important questions 
about what kinds of meanings are made and moved because of biotechnologies; 
about who gets to make the meanings that count; and about creating a forum 
for making meaningful contributions to the direction of our technological 
processes. That is something that cannot be done in isolation or ignorance. 
We invite you to join us in approaching biotechnology research and 
commercialisation as a challenge of citizenship in a new media environment.

Opinions expressed in this email are my own unless otherwise stated.
If you have received this in error, please ignore and delete it.
Phil Graham
Senior Lecturer
UQ Business School


Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 21:55:47 -0800
From: "Saul Albert" <[email protected]>
Subject: Dorkbotlondon #4 

Dear Nettimers,

You are all invited to dorkbot - people doing strange things with

a meeting of people with an interest/involvement in the creation of
electronic art, in the broadest sense
this is the london, uk version, check for original new
york flavour, and forthcoming austin and melbourne flavours.

- -= TIME =-

7pm, Wednesday 13th March

- -= FEE =-


- -= PLACE =-

The Boxing Club
Limehouse Town Hall
646 Commercial Rd. E14 7HA
t: 0207 9870655

- -= SPEAKERS =-

Paul Granjon
- - describes Z lab projects, including the cybernetic parrot sausage,
automated forest, robotHead and the fluffy tamagotchi.  Paul will develop
on his understanding of (low-) technology in relation to electronic arts,
and explain how the BBC micro influenced the Z Lab's R&D programme.

Han-earl Park
- - returns to demonstrate artifacts of the new non-spiritual religion
concerned with the liberating properties of granular synthesis.

- - synthetic poetics; experimental text.  lyrical and combinatorial poetry
generated by code, spoken by a hand-made synthesised voice.

- -= ALSO =-

- - bbc micro programming competition!  win a bbc micro!  judged by the bbc
master, Paul Granjon
- - usual chatting and drinking of beer

- -= TRAVEL =-

By Tube
Limehouse DLR from Bank or Tower Gateway

By Bus
15 from Trafalgar Sq
115 from Aldgate
D6 from Hackney
D3 from Bethnal Green

Get onto Commercial Road and travel East from Aldgate or Whitechapel. Keep
going until you pass Limehouse DLR on your right (you go under the DLR
train bridge) and you'll see a modern red brick church also on the right,
then a pair of ESSO stations on either side of the street, then the
library with a statue of Clement Atlee in front of it, then you'll see the
Town Hall, with the Limehouse Hawksmoor church behind it. At this point
you should get off the bus/out of the car and come ring on the "Boxing
Club" bell.

- -= CONTACT =-

[email protected]

.........dorkbot: people doing strange things with electricity..........


Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 12:14:53 -0500
From: Randall Packer <[email protected]>
Subject: "Artists as Mediators on the World Stage"

"Artists as Mediators on the World Stage"
=46orum at Goethe-Institut Inter Nationes in Washington, DC

WASHINGTON, DC - On Tuesday, March 26th, 7:00 pm, a Forum will be 
held at Goethe-Institut Inter Nationes, Washington, DC, as the first 
installment of the project, "Artists as Mediators on the World Stage: 
Towards the World Mediation Summit." Organized by Zakros InterArts 
and Goethe-Institut Inter Nationes in Washington, DC, the project 
confronts the urgency of the current world situation by exploring 
ways for the work of artists to go beyond debate-perhaps even beyond 
art-and instead be brought into meaningful dialogue with those who 
make decisions that have an impact on our social and political 
condition. As Marshall McLuhan noted long ago, "To prevent undue 
wreckage in society, the artist tends now to move from the ivory to 
the control tower of society."

Moderated by William Gilcher, head of North American Media Projects 
for Goethe-Institut Inter Nationes, the Forum joins:
=85 Dieter Daniels, German media theorist, author, and critic
=85 Robert Atkins, New York art critic and co-founder of the September 11 Pr=
=85 Randall Packer and Jeff Gates, Washington-based media artists, both 
of whom are currently involved in politically engaged artist 
initiatives in the nation's capital including the US Department of 
Art & Technology.

The panel has been conceived as a "town hall" style meeting that will 
include dialogue with the audience in the development of specific 
action strategies for ratification at the World Mediation Summit, to 
be held in Washington in June 2002.

In the post-9/11 era, world leaders in times of crisis can benefit 
from the insights of artists and cultural thinkers in the pursuit of 
inquiry, mediation and resolution. Over the past months, we have 
witnessed the ways in which military power can be engaged to effect 
radical change in a moment of crisis. In the longer term, however, 
the deeper understanding brought by the arts and culture may well 
hold the keys to the creation of an enduring peace. While military 
solutions stave off terrorism through force, artists and critics 
throughout the world have been deeply engaged in informed dialogue 
that seeks to analyze and illuminate our understanding of this 
dangerous clash of cultures. In particular, discussion forums on the 
Internet have served as a powerful mechanism for bringing about an 
international exchange of information, aesthetics, and ideas within 
the cultural community. These efforts need to be shared with the 
public and with governments worldwide.

"Artists as Mediators on the World Stage: Towards the World Mediation 
Summit," a multi-part project that culminates in June with an 
international gathering of artists, cultural critics, and government 
officials in Washington, DC, gives a platform to all who fight 
terrorism in its many forms by intensifying the intercultural 
dialogue and through sociological and aesthetic investigation.

This forum is related to "Considered Response: Culture Responds to 
Terror and War," an ongoing series of programs sponsored by 
Goethe-Institut Inter Nationes and its partners.

Location:	814 Seventh Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001 (Metro: 
Gallery Place/Chinatown)
Date:		Tuesday, March 26, 2002
Time:		7:00 pm

=46or more information, contact Goethe-Institut Inter Nationes in 
Washington, (202) 289-1200 or Randall Packer, Zakros InterArts, 
[email protected].

Zakros InterArts:
Goethe-Institut Inter Nationes DC:
September 11 Project:
US Department of Art & Technology:


Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 14:45:47 -0800 (PST)
From: Ryan Griffis <[email protected]>
Subject: YOUgenics

April 4 - May 18, 2002
Opening Reception on Saturday April 6th, 2002. 7-10PM

Contact: Ryan Griffis
[email protected]

As genetics more and more becomes the dominant tool
referenced in the media to understand our humaness,
there are also fast growing oppositional/critical
sentiments towards the hegemony of the genomic science
industry. To give some of these sentiments aesthetic
representation, Orlo presents _Yougenics_.
_YouGenics_ consists of the work of ten contemporary
artists, working with various media and methodologies,
brought together to investigate some of the social
implications of genetic technologies. The lesser
debated aspects of genetics are focused on, attempting
to flesh out some of the questions overlooked, or
overpowered, by more dominant voices. Beliefs about
identity, health, gender, nationalism, and
responsibility are played with through personal and
allegorical narratives.
These narratives, ranging from the deeply personal
exploration of the dilemma of inherited disease and
parental responsibility in the paintings by Alan
Montgomery to the conceptual/emotional links between
the new US nationalism and the forgotten history of
eugenic sciences made by Mark Cooley's retro-tech
installation, take us on paths often ignored in the
larger debates.
As well as exploring genetics through personal and
conceptual narratives, YouGenics asks us to actively
participate in the debate as citizens. The work of new
genre collectives, (via Natural Reality)
and Critical Art Ensemble, reverse-engineers corporate
rhetoric and products for oppositional purposes,
combining activist goals with conceptual and new genre
art methodologies.
The artists in _YouGenics_ are: Nancy Burson (NY),
Thomas Cobb (Portland, OR), Mark Cooley (MO), Critical
Art Ensemble (PA, AZ, FL), Ryan Griffis (Portland,
OR), Ronald Graziani (NC), Beth Hall (MO), (London, UK), Alan Montgomery (SD),
William Raines (CA).
A panel discussion on art, science, and politics will
take place at the end of April including presentations
by Ryan Griffis (YouGenics curator), Tom Webb (Bear
Deluxe editor), damali ayo (artist), and others.
Specific date, place, and participants to be
announced. Screenings of art and documentary videos
relating to biotechnology and eugenic practices to be

Orlo Exhibition Space
2516 NW 29th, Bldg. 9
visit for directions
Gallery hours: Wed-Sat 1-6pm

Exploring environmental issues through the arts
PO Box 10342
Portland, OR 97296

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Try FREE Yahoo! Mail - the world's greatest free email!


Date: Thu, 07 Mar 2002 18:01:46 +0200 (EET)
From: Ieva Auzina <[email protected]>
Subject: Media architecture designs the space

March 11�15, 2002 in Riga, Latvia, organized by The Center for New Media 
culture RIXC in Riga. (since 11th of March, 2002)

During March 11�15, 2002 an international group of architects from Helsinki, 
Tokyo/Rotterdam, Budapest/London and Copenhagen together with young architects 
from Riga will work on innovative design concept and schematic development 
of �RIXC Media Space� � open public space for media culture activities in the 
city of Riga.

> media architecture designs the space�

Urban environment adjusts itself in accordance of demanding info-economy 
through communication technologies... City turns into cross-linked labyrinth of 
transitions with lounging portals, where happens border flux of labor and 
entertainment, public and private... Dominating is dictatorship of economy of 
flows, ever-changing sense and meaning alteration of immaterial...
New media culture is our attempt to provide alternative aware by reconstructing 
logic of flows... Social dynamics of virtual networks applied to physical 
conditions over again facilitates expansion of public space... 
During sequential transformation of the Media space, the process of itself 
becomes a platform for artistic, conceptual and communicative collaboration, 
where representatives of interdisciplinary fields - artists, designers, 
architects, technicians, scientists contribute in joint effort...
Let this space to be our different languages common contemporary metaphor...

> location  

RIXC Media Space will be located in 11. Novembra Krastmala 35, next to the 
building of Artists� Union of Latvia, in old city of Riga, right by the river 
Daugava. The space is former 110 m� sculptor studio. (some pics of the space:
RIXC Media Space intends to become a meeting place for different types of 
culture. This location is also chosen in order to connect traditional art areas 
with new media culture activities, and to bridge the traditional gap 
between 'high' and popular culture and the divisions between various youth, sub-
 and minority cultures.

> development 

The building needs serious reconstruction (incl. fortification of foundations) 
and it might take couple years while it's finished. Therefore the process of 
reconstruction itself will be seen as creative art (plat)form. In the various 
stages of building, in-, within- and around- of this space various activities, 
workshops, performances will be organized and experimental art projects dealing 
with real and virtual spaces, will be developed and produced.

International architect's workshop is the first step towards further 
development of the RIXC Media physical space, which will contribute for both - 
visualization of the future space and developing the context for prospective 
activities within it.

> program

During the workshop, RIXC will organize different related activities:

MONDAY, March 11
20.00 - presentation of newly reconstructed RIXC portal ( and 
presentations by participants at the multimedia center MA1Z3 
(, DJ's and live jam session

TUESDAY, March 12
20.00 - discussion at net. radio OZONE on "Post-modern urban geographies and 
public spaces" together with participants and representatives from Riga City 
Council ( 

FRIDAY, March 15
16.00 - visual presentation of workshop results and screening of video 
documentation will take place in RIXC Media Space future physical premises � 
former sculptor studio of Artists House, 11.Novembra Krastmala 35.

> participants:

Tuomas Toivonen (Finland) <[email protected]> - architect, journalist, musician 
from Helsinki, co-initiator and international co-cordinator  of the symposium
Bjarke Ingels (Denmark) <[email protected]> - architect, co-founder of PLOT in 
Laszlo Fecske (Hungary/UK) <[email protected]> - architect, free 
consultant at PLOT (Copenhagen) and OMA (Rotterdam), currently studies at London
Shohei Shigematsu (Japan/Netherlands) <[email protected]> - architect, 
currently working at Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA) in Rotterdam
Ivars Shmits (Latvia) <[email protected]> - architect, studied at Riga 
Technical University, Department of Architecture, and Bremen Architecture 
University in Germany
Mariina Gavrjutina (Latvia) <[email protected]> - architect, studied 
at Riga Technical University, Department of Architecture and at Milano 
Politechnical University in Italy
Maksims Shentelevs (Latvia) <[email protected]> - architect, currently 
studying MA at Riga Technical University, Department of Architecture 
Mikelis Putrams (Latvia) <[email protected]> - Currently studying at Riga 
Technical University, Department of Architecture 

> remote participants (on-line):
Mr.Snow (Australia) <[email protected]> - interface designer and media 
artist from Sidney
Luke Jerram (UK) <[email protected]> - artist, based in Bristol, 
works in cross disciplinary field, successfully fusing aesthetics, science and 
Janis Garancs (Latvia/Germany) <[email protected]> - artist and "architect" of virtual 
reality and networked databases 
and others (now and later)

> artists from Riga:
Raitis Smits (Latvia) <[email protected]> - media artist, co-founder of E-LAB, OZONE and Xchange network (
Girts Korps (Latvia) <[email protected]> - digital media artist, founder of 
SEMEMA, developing symposium web page (
Carl Bjorsmark (Latvia) <[email protected]> - filmmaker, photo and video artist, co-
founder of K@2 - informational and cultural public space in Liepaja, Karosta, 
will contribute with video documentation of the symposium (, 

> organisers and coordinators:
Rasa Smite (Latvia) <[email protected]> - media artist & activist, co-founder of 
E-LAB, program director at RIXC, coordinator of the symposium (Mob.: +371-
Ieva Auzina (Latvia) <[email protected]> - art scientist, curator, project 
coordinator at RIXC, press coordinator of the symposium (Phone: +371-7228478)
Signe Pucena (Latvia) <[email protected]> - manager of RIXC, coordinator of the 
symposium (Phone: +371-7228478)

> Support:

Workshop is supported by Riga City Council, Latvian Cultural Capital 
Foundation, DATI Komerccentrs, Nordic Council of Ministers Information Office 
in Riga, development of RIXC media lab and Acoustic Space Research programm - 
by Daniel Langlois Foundation and Prince Bernhard Foundation.


Date: Sat, 9 Mar 2002 19:14:23 -0700
From: John Hopkins <[email protected]>
Subject: <di>fusion

<di>fusion is an embodiment of network praxis.

call for participation

date: 09:00 26.April - 09:00 27.April.2002 (GMT-7)

live location:
Student Resource Center of Electrical and Computer Engineering (Room ECEE 1B08)
University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, USA

URL: (provisional)

<di>fusion is a live & online open-platform happening for creative 
expression and action. The happening will simultaneously occupy 
global network spaces and a local physical space with collaborative 
performance, sound, music, DJ/VJ, and video events. We will be 
streaming audio and video during the entire 24 hours as well as 
hosting a variety of local and remote activities. Several global 
locations will be networked with us as well.

<di>fusion is looking for more local and remote participants. People 
with sound, music, and video works that they would like included in 
the streaming broadcast are invited to send hardcopy in any form (no 
returns) or the URL of digital files. Ideas for remote/interactive 
participation via MAX, ISDN, Internet2, IRC, iVisit, CUSeeMe, and 
other telecom tools are welcome. Stay tuned! Join us!

If you wish to be included on the <di>fusion mailing list, please 
contact <[email protected]>

<di>fusion is brought to you by the students from the spring term of 
FINE 4126 Advanced Digital Art course at the University of Colorado - 
Boulder, Colorado, USA in collaboration with their teacher, visiting 
artist, John Hopkins.

University of Colorado - Boulder
Dept. of Fine Arts
Campus Box 0318
Boulder, Colorado
80309-0318 USA

<di>fusion is being launched by the TECHNE practice-based research 
initiative at the University of Colorado at Boulder. TECHNE is 
located at

<di>fusion is also a neoscenes occupation project designed to bring 
together people, networks, learning, and creative action. more 
information may be found at or by contacting 
the instigator, John Hopkins, at <[email protected]>

please circulate this invitation!


Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 03:01:46 -0600
From: fran ilich <[email protected]>
Subject: Entre Blade Runner y Mickey Mouse: nuevos imaginarios cyber-urbanos.

Boletin de prensa

El Centro Multimedia del Centro Nacional de las Artes presenta la
Charla / conferencia por Jos� P�rez de Lama / Osfavelados

Entre Blade Runner y Mickey Mouse: nuevos imaginarios cyber-urbanos, Los
Angeles [California] 2002

En la Biblioteca de las Artes del Centro Nacional de las Artes,
Rio Churubusco y Calzada de Tlalpan
M�xico DF, jueves 14 de marzo, 2002, 18:00.

Las ciudades y la forma en que las percibimos y vivimos est�n experimentando
profundas transformaciones durante los �ltimos a�os. Los Angeles, la
post-metropolis californiana, es un laboratorio privilegiado para el estudio
de estas nuevas formas de habitar la ciudad. Los procesos de globalizaci�n,
las nuevas tecnolog�as de la informaci�n y comunicaci�n y la multiplicaci�n
de las formas de resistencia son algunas de las fuerzas m�s relevantes
impulsando estas multiformes metamorfosis.

Osfavelados presentar� trabajos recientes sobre la ciudad de Los Angeles,
que emplean t�cticas alternativas para el conocimiento y la acci�n urbanas.
Estas t�cticas incluyen, entre otras, las ideas de rizoma y de la m�quina de
guerra - seg�n Deleuze y Guattari-, la literatura cyberpunk -William Gibson
y Neal Stephenson-, y la acci�n directa.

En la presentaci�n se har� �nfasis en aspectos digitales de los nuevos
imaginarios urbanos, continuando la colaboraci�n del a�o pasado con Sputnik
/ Fran Ilich, <Ciudades digitales: soft but tough cities>.

Jos� P�rez de Lama estudi� arquitectura y varios temas culturales en
Universidad de Sevilla, Sophia University [Tokyo], Harvard University,
University of California Los Angeles y el American Film Institute. Est�
terminando su doctorado en arquitectura.

El Centro multimedia inici� en el 2000 un ciclo de conferencias con autores,
colectivos, cr�ticos, te�ricos y artistas sobre  temas de cultura digital,
interactividad, cibercultura, hacktivismo, videoarte, new media,
informac�on, vigilancia/seguridad y pensamiento contempor�neo. Durante lo
que va del 2002 hemos recibido importantes invitados de Austria, Canada,
Espa�a, Estados Unidos y M�xico.

Para m�s info, fotograf�as o agendar entrevistas con Jos� P�rez de la Lama,
favor de contactar a Fran Ilich en <[email protected]> o al 5420-4400
ext. 1211.

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Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 09:54:30 -0800 (PST)
From: Wayne Ashley <[email protected]>
Subject: Creative Networks in the Media Storm

Four New York Perspectives 

WAYNE ASHLEY, The Brooklyn Academy of Music's first
Manager of New Media 

ELISE BERNHARDT, Director of The Kitchen 
ROBERT ELMES, Founder & Director of Galapagos Art
Space in Williamsburg, Brooklyn
EBON FISHER, Media Breeder and Assoc. Professor,
Hunter College, Film & Media Studies 

Thursday, March 14th, 6:30 PM, 2002 --- FREE 
Ida K. Lang Hall, Rm. 424, N. Building, Hunter College

68th St. at Lexington Ave., New York --- 6 Train to
68th St. 
(212) 650-3606 

As if we didn't know that the routinization of
internet culture has begun to choke the tender
weirdness out of the medium, we could proceed with
business as usual, round up a few pundits, and check
off another bleary panel discussion on chat rooms. In
this age of cabaret laws, consolidation of media
corporations, and Ashcroft-induced paranoia, something
more meaningful needs to be unleashed.
So let it be said with smoking nostrils and sharp
marmalade: four hard-working culture monkeys shall
speak openly, and in the flesh, about their efforts to
generate vital cultural networks in this era of spam,
information-overload, and what one furious woman on
the 7 Train recently dubbed "creeping repression." We
welcome all input, challenges and insights from the
audience and hope that a more sagacious perspective
may emerge from the dialogue. Refreshments will be
served to cool the brow. The event will be moderated
by Ebon Fisher. 
S P E A K E R S:
WAYNE ASHLEY was named Brooklyn Academy of Music's
first Manager of New Media in July, 1999. He was hired
to establish the New Media Department and to develop
new relationships between performance and interactive
information technologies. He has also developed new
media projects for the Seattle Art Museum and is
currently a guest curator at Thundergulch, the New
Media Initiative of the Lower Manhattan Cultural
ELISE BERNHARDT is director of The Kitchen, a
multi-disciplinary presenting organization which has
occupied a catalytic position in three creative
neighborhoods: Greenwich Village, SoHo and Chelsea.
The Kitchen has helped to launch the careers of many
artists who define the US avant-garde. Bernhardt also
founded Dancing in the Streets (DITS), an organization
which promotes site-specific, public performances.
ROBERT ELMES is the founder and director of Galapagos
Art Space in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. An experimental
theatre director and co-developer of
generation-defining warehouse events in Williamsburg
in the early 90's, Elmes has built Galapagos into a
thriving center for experimental performance and media
from around the world.
EBON FISHER's media rituals in Williamsburg, Brooklyn
in the early 90s evolved into an information-age
ethics system, the Bionic Codes, which are now
evolving into Zoacaodes for a virtual world called
OlulO. He recently spent 3 years directing the Digital
Worlds program at the University of Iowa and is
currently an Associate Professor at Hunter's Dept. of
Film & Media Studies, where he is helping to develop a
new MFA program in Integrated Media Arts. 
FILM & MEDIA PROFILES is sponsored by Hunter College's
Dept. of Film & Media Studies. 
For more information call (212) 650-3606 or (718)
391-9216 or email:  [email protected] 

Wayne Ashley

Wayne Ashley, Guest Curator/Consultant
Lower Manhattan Cultural Council's New Media Initiative
145 Hudson Street, Suite 801
New York, New York 10013
Tel. 212-219-9401 ext. 106

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