Announcer on Fri, 15 Mar 2002 15:26:03 +0100 (CET) |
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<nettime> Publications [x15] |
Table of Contents:
"Christian Schoen" <[email protected]>
computer fine arts <[email protected]>
book announcement--Goldberg
Jud Wolfskill <[email protected]>
[email protected]
_Living With Cyberspace: Technology & Society in the 21st Centu ry_.
John Armitage <[email protected]>
Rexroth on Twain, Lawrence & Patchen
"Bureau of Public Secrets" <[email protected]>
On Whitney's net art panel
[email protected]
Mix Magazine Toronto - March 2002
"Lachlan Brown" <[email protected]>
fAf Mar02: Art Activism and Cross-cultural Projects by jay koh
linda carroli <[email protected]>
New Screen Media Publication
Andrea Zapp <[email protected]>
<<< new media line >>> open
"" <[email protected]>
samantha krukowski <[email protected]>
Pixxelpoint Newsletter
Blaz Erzetic <[email protected]>
Last call \\international\media\art\award 2002
Marianne Bruder <[email protected]>
Explorations in Media Ecology--Call for Papers
geert lovink <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2002 19:48:07 +0100
From: "Christian Schoen" <[email protected]>
Call for Papers
Iconic Turn � Bildwissenschaften
M�nchen, SS 2002
Unter dem Titel �Iconic Turn � Das neue Bild der Welt� startet im
Sommersemester 2002 erstmals eine interdisziplin�re Vortragsreihe an der LMU
M�nchen, die sich mit dem Begriff �Bild� als einer zentralen Kategorie aller
Natur- und Kulturwissenschaften besch�ftigt. Die Reihe wird begleitet von
mehreren eint�gigen Workshops im Anschluss an den jeweiligen Vortrag.
Mit dem Begriff des Iconic Turn l��t sich die zunehmende Bildhaftigkeit
gesellschaftlicher Kommunikation beschreiben, in der visuelle Medien und
Ph�nomene das bestimmende Ele�ment des Austausches, des Verstehens und
Wahrnehmens sind. "Turn" ist zugleich der Ausdruck f�r eine
wissenschaftsgeschichtliche Wende, die sich historischen Gegenst�nden und
Entwicklungen widmet und mit zahlreichen Erwartungen an eine
interdisziplin�re und intermediale �ffnung der Kulturwissenschaften
verbunden ist.
Zielsetzung der Workshops
Ziel der Workshops ist es, Grundprobleme einer interdisziplin�ren
Bildwissenschaft zu untersuchen und zu formulieren. Hierzu geh�ren der
Begriff des Bildes in technischer, ikonischer oder naturwissenschaftlicher
Hinsicht und seine Problematik in einer multimedialen und syn�sthetischen
Informationswelt. Ebenso geh�rt die gemeinsame Vorgeschichte
bildwissenschaftlicher Forschungen in den verschiedenen kultur- und
naturwissenschaftlichen Disziplinen dazu sowie die internationale
Vergleichbarkeit von "Bildwissenschaft" und "Visual Culture Studies" im
Hinblick auf ihre jeweiligen Aufgaben und Untersuchungsgebiete.
Die f�cher�bergreifende Diskussion des Begriffs �Bild� stellt uns vor die
Frage, welche Perspektiven und Aufgaben sich daraus f�r die weitere
wissenschaftliche Forschung ergeben und welche neuen Ausbildungsformen sich
sinnvollerweise daraus entwickeln lassen.
Zusammensetzung der Workshops
Die Workshops setzen sich aus einem �ber das Semester kontinuierlich
arbeitenden Kreis von ca. 20 Teilnehmern (Doktoranden, Postdocs etc.)
verschiedener wissenschaftlicher Bereiche zusammen. Sie werden zumeist am
Tag nach den Vortr�gen abgehal�ten. Die Referenten und voraussichtlich auch
die Moderatoren werden bei den Workshops zugegen sein (vorauss. Prof. E.
P�ppel, N. Foster, Prof. P. Sloterdijk, Prof. S. Sontag, Prof. H. Bredekamp,
Prof. H. Belting).
Die Teilnehmer sollen aus unterschiedlichen Fachbereichen aus den Bereichen
der Geistes- und Naturwissenschaften kommen. Junge Wissenschaftler
(Graduierte, Postgraduierte), die u.U. von den jeweiligen Institutsleitern
bzw. Professoren vorgeschlagen werden k�nnen (ca. 12 Pers.), sind gefragt.
Es werden auch Personen aus der Wirtschaft hinzugezogen (ca. 3). 2-3 Pl�tze
werden rotierend mit jeweiligen Fachleuten besetzt.
Die Workshops werden vom Rektor der LMU zertifiziert.
Die Workshops sind eint�gige Blockseminare (am Tag nach dem jeweiligen
Vortrag): 10 c.t. � 13, 14 c.t. � 16,
die in den R�umlichkeiten der lothringer13, Ort f�r aktuelle Kunst und neue
Medien, stattfinden.
Mitte April findet eine vorbereitende Sitzung statt.
Exakte Termine werden noch bekanntgegeben.
Bewerbungen f�r die Workshopteilnahme:
Wichtige Voraussetzung f�r die Bewerbung ist die kontinuierliche Teilnahme
an den Vortr�gen und Workshops (inklusive eines vorbereitenden Treffens)
und die Bereitschaft zur Vor�bereitung (i. S. eines Arbeitspapiers),
Durchf�hrung und Nachbereitung eines Workshops.
Interessenten f�r die Teilnahme an den Workshops k�nnen sich mit ihrem
Lebenslauf, aus dem ihre Studien- und Forschungsschwerpunkte sowie
au�eruniversit�re Interessen hervor�gehen, bewerben. Zudem sollten sie auf
einer DIN A 4 Seite darlegen, warum das Thema �Bildwissenschaften� f�r sie
und ihren Forschungsbereich von Interesse ist. Die Unterlagen m�ssen bis
25.03.2002 gerichtet werden an:
Iconic Turn, Burda Akademie zum Dritten Jahrtausend
Rosenkavalierplatz 10, 81925 M�nchen
E-Mail: [email protected]
Weitere Informationen unter und Tel. 089/9250
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------
Burda Akademie zum Dritten Jahrtausend und Humanwissenschaftliches Zentrum
der LMU
in Kooperation mit lothringer13, Ort f�r aktuelle Kunst und neue Medien
Date: Thu, 07 Mar 2002 03:35:59 -0500
From: computer fine arts <[email protected]>
Subject: hamlet
- --------------------------------------------------------------
* recommended: DSL+, quicktime, 1024*768, Explorer 5+, Netscape 6+
- --------------------------------------------------------------
: <computerfinearts>
Date: Fri, 08 Mar 2002 15:47:26 -0500
From: Jud Wolfskill <[email protected]>
Subject: book announcement--Goldberg
I thought readers of the NETTIME-L might be interested in this book. For
more information, please visit Thank you!
Beyond Webcams
An Introduction to Online Robots
edited by Ken Goldberg and Roland Siegwart
Remote-controlled robots were first developed in the 1940s to handle
radioactive materials. Trained experts now use them to explore deep in sea
and space, to defuse bombs, and to clean up hazardous spills. Today robots
can be controlled by anyone on the Internet. Such robots include cameras that
not only allow us to look, but also go beyond Webcams: they enable us to
control the telerobots' movements and actions.
This book summarizes the state of the art in Internet telerobots. It includes
robots that navigate undersea, drive on Mars, visit museums, float in blimps,
handle protein crystals, paint pictures, and hold human hands. The book
describes eighteen systems, showing how they were designed, how they function
online, and the engineering challenges they meet.
Ken Goldberg is Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering and Operations
Research and of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University
of California, Berkeley. He is the editor of The Robot in the Garden (MIT
Press, 2000). Roland Siegwart is Professor at the Swiss Federal Institute of
Technology in Lausanne.
7 x 9, 346 pp., 158 illus., cloth ISBN 0-262-07225-4
Jud Wolfskill
Associate Publicist
The MIT Press
5 Cambridge Center, 4th Floor
Cambridge, MA 02142
617 253 2079
617 253 1709 fax
Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2002 10:06:14 -0800
From: [email protected]
The Digitalis Digital Art Society and the Evergreen Cultural Centre
exhibition of digital print, object, interactivity, music and
performance. The exhibition will run from February 23 - March 29,
2003. Please submit a maximum of 3 low resolution JPEG or GIF files
as well as a bio, artist statement and proposal to [email protected]
by June 1, 2002.
The Evergreen Cultural Centre
is located in Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada, near Vancouver (3
hours north of Seattle.) Proposed work can be in the form of print,
objects such as stereo lithography output, interactive CD/DVD-ROM and
Web works, and computer aided music and performance. Shipping to the
gallery will be the responsibility of the artist. The gallery will
pay return shipping costs. For more information please contact James
K-M, DIGITALIS curator, at [email protected].
December 2001. For an overview please see
(This is not a 'new age' exhibition per se, but is inspired by the
1987 exhibition The Spiritual in Art: Abstract Painting 1890 - 1985
which included Rothko, Hilma af Klint, Kandinsky, O'Keefe, Beuys,
Taeuber-Arp and many others.)
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 09:55:20 -0000
From: John Armitage <[email protected]>
Subject: _Living With Cyberspace: Technology & Society in the 21st Centu ry_.
Hi all
A blatant bit of pre-publication marketing:
The text below is almost certainly the final back cover blurb for a book
Joanne Roberts and I have just finished editing entitled:
_Living With Cyberspace: Technology & Society in the 21st Century_.
The book is aimed at 2/3rd year undergraduates in the USA, UK and Australia
The rest of the blurb is, I hope, self-explanatory.
I have placed the ISBN's and UK price below.
The book is due out in August this year -- it is already in the production
process so it may be published earlier.
Joanne and I would be grateful if folks would spread the word a little
about the book across other e-lists etc.
Additionally, we are keen to hear from anyone connected with relevant
editorial boards/journals etc.. We would like to get the book reviewed here
and there. If anyone wants to send Joanne or myself their email/or the
address of the journal, we will pass it on to our senior editor at Continuum
and try to get a review copy sent to you.
Best wishes
John & Joanne
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Edited by John Armitage & Joanne Roberts
Cyberspace and cybertechnology have impacted on every aspect of our lives.
Western society, culture, politics and economics are now all intricately
bound with cyberspace. Living With Cyberspace brings together the leading
cyber-theorists of North America, Britain and Australia to map the present
and the future of cyberspace.
Presenting a guidebook to our new world, both the theory and the practice,
Living With Cyberspace covers subjects as diverse as androids, biotech,
electronic commerce, the acceleration of everyday life, access to
information, the alliance between the military and the entertainment
industries, feminism, democratic practice and human consciousness itself.
Together, the essays - divided into separately introduced sections on
society, culture, politics and economics - present a systematic and
state-of-the-art overview of technology and society in the 21st Century.
Contributors: John Armitage, Verena Andermatt Conley, James Der Derian,
William H.Dutton, Phil Graham, Tim Jordan, Wan-Ying Ling, David Lyon, Ian
Miles, Joanne Roberts, Saskia Sassen, Cathryn Vasseleu, McKenzie Wark,
Editors: John Armitage is Head of Multidisciplinary Studies at the
University of Northumbria at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK and Joanne Roberts is
Lecturer in International Business at the University of Durham, UK.
ISBN: (HBK) 0 8264 6035 6 (�55.00)
ISBN: (PBK) 0 8264 6036 4 (�14.99).
Published August 2002.
The Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd
Philosophy and Social Theory
The Tower Building
11 York Road
London SE 1 7NX
John Armitage
Head of Multidisciplinary Studies
School of Social, Political,
Economic and Social Sciences
University of Northumbria
Newcastle upon Tyne
NE1 8ST, UK.
Tel: 0191 227 4971
Fax: 0191 227 4654
E-mail: (w) [email protected]
(h) [email protected]
[email protected]
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 20:53:19 -0800
From: "Bureau of Public Secrets" <[email protected]>
Subject: Rexroth on Twain, Lawrence & Patchen
"There is a lot of bullshit in Lawrence, Miller, or Patchen --
but their enemies are my enemies." (Rexroth)
Three new Rexroth essays are now online at the BPS website --
"It was the official culture which was schizophrenic, not Mark Twain. The
whole meaning of Mark Twain is that he 'saw life steadily and saw it
whole'... If Baudelaire was the greatest poet of the capitalist epoch...
Mark Twain wrote its saga, its prose Iliad and Odyssey."
"Lawrence did not try to mislead himself with false promises, imaginary
guarantees... Communion and oblivion, sex and death, the mystery can be
revealed -- but it can be revealed only as totally inexplicable. Lawrence
never succumbed to the temptation to try to do more. He succeeded in what he
did do."
"Patchen has gone back to the world of Edward Lear and interpreted it in
terms of the modern sensibility of the disengaged, the modern comic horrors
of le monde concentrationnaire. It is as if, not a slick New Yorker
correspondent, but the Owl and the Pussycat were writing up Hiroshima."
* * *
The Bureau of Public Secrets website features "The Joy of Revolution" and
other writings by Ken Knabb (recently collected in the book "Public
Secrets"); Knabb's translations from the Situationist International (the
notorious avant-garde group that helped trigger the May 1968 revolt in
France); and the Rexroth Archive (texts by and about the great writer and
social critic Kenneth Rexroth).
P.O. Box 1044, Berkeley CA 94701
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2002 20:02:44 -0500 (EST)
From: [email protected]
Subject: On Whitney's net art panel
Check out my report on the 2002 Whitney Biennial Net Art Panel
Discussion held Friday March 8th at the New School�s Tishman
Auditorium. Below are excerpts from the report.
Full report available at:
Overall the discussion was well organized, the speakers were concise,
thoughtful, even jovial and best of all no one tried to take center stage...
One commonality amongst the projects is that each one presents a neat
package. Though they may all contain or even be composed by dynamic
data, the visual format and representation is polished (this to my
estimation is the curse of institutional museums that renders them
incapable of presenting something truly experimental or innovative)...
Four of the nine projects included, Mark Napier�s Riot, Lisa Jevbratt�s 1:1,
John Klima�s EARTH, and Benjamin Fry�s Valence, all had a similar
undercurrent � that of learning how to paint with data. Perhaps, this is
what Christiane means by data visualization, if so data visualization in art
falls far short in comparison to robotics and other applied fields.
According to such a definition of data visualization, net art merely
emulates traditional mediums, primarily painting and illustration, only
using data rather than paint and graphite to produce nifty visuals that may
change in real time. Fortunately, to other artists and curators, data
visualization contains much more potent and applied social significance...
Read the full report available at:
ricardo miranda
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2002 16:07:47 -0500
From: "Lachlan Brown" <[email protected]>
Subject: Mix Magazine Toronto - March 2002
MIX Announces �Subterfuge� for Spring.
MIX chose the theme of �Subterfuge� for its spring issue as way to
approach the subject of art and politics. Planned in advance of 09/11,
in light of those events the theme takes on new significance. Subterfuge
characterized the WTC and Pentagon attacks, and subterfuge is one means
by which art can embody the political. Articles in the issue take
differing approaches to the topic.
In �Art/Politics/Subterfuge,� anarchist and academic, Allan Antliff,
discusses activist artworks, connected to both anarchism and the
anti-globalism movement, that deliver unambiguously political messages.
Vancouver journalist Mark Fernandes gives us the
art-and-politics-big-picture in �Jean Baudrillard: Radical (re) Form�,
an article that synthesizes a number of talks he had with the French
In �Form as Subterfuge,� a special MIX feature on art and politics,
lecturer on philosophy, Jean-Ernest Loos, writer and curator, Anne-Marie
Ninacs, artist, John Marriott, and architect, Marie-Paule MacDonald,
give in-depth answers to the question: �How Does Form Relate to Politics
in Contemporary Art?�
Terence Dick writes about MIX cover artist, Shinobu Akimoto, whose
practice of using IKEA products as they were intended and as material
for her art, effects subterfuge on the categories of art, life.
Additionally, Melanie O�Brian writes about �Promises�, the first
curatorial gambit by Christina Ritchie, the new head curator at
Vancouver�s Contemporary Art Gallery; and in �On The Rise: Independent
Art Spaces in Asia� Natalie De Vito reports back from a conference she
attended in Hong Kong on Asian artist run-spaces.
Also in the Subterfuge issue: Artist Run Culture, a 17-page portfolio on
current shows around the country; artist projects by, Steve Reinke,
Shawna Dempsey and Lorrie Milan, Pamila Mirthu, Andrew Harwood, and
Oliver Hockenhull; and as always, the MIX FREE ARTIST CLASSIFIEDS!
On newsstands March 19th.
- --
Sign-up for your own FREE Personalized E-mail at is giving away two million travel miles.;3969773;6991039;g?,,TRAVELOCITY,00.html
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 07:48:32 +1000
From: linda carroli <[email protected]>
Subject: fAf Mar02: Art Activism and Cross-cultural Projects by jay koh
Sincere apologies for cross posting
- -------------------------------------------------
The March issue of fineArt forum features jay koh's essay on Art Activism
and Cross-cultural Projects in Thailand and Myanmar. koh has been been
working in Thailand since 1995 and in Myanmar since 1998 under the
organisation 'arting', which began as an art space set up by myself in
Cologne in 1991. arting continues to run art projects in Asia and Europe
and is now integrated into IFIMA (International Forum for InterMedia Art)
founded in 1997. From February 2001, koh have been involved in a residency
project with The Substation, Singapore, entitled "Investigating Public
Engaged Art" together with Chu ChuYuan, who has been involved with IFIMA's
activities since early 2000.
Also in this month's bumper issue:
:: Selma Stern's discussion of "Droit de Suite" (the artist's resale rights)
:: Glen Wetherall's report on Nina Czegledy's speaking tour in Brisbane
:: Mez takes a look at jodi's _untitled-game_
:: Joseph Nechvatal attended and reports on QUARTET V1.5
:: Geert Lovink discusses Brenda Laurel's Utopian Entrepreneur
:: Gavin Sade shares his view on Creative Evolutionary Systems edited by
Peter J. Bentley and David W.Corne
:: Deb Polson reviews Stephen Wilson's Information Arts
:: Linda Carroli looks at Eve Ensler's The Vagina Monologues
PLUS the usual suspects - upfront, events, opps and stuff ...
[email protected]
- --------------------------------
The latest art and technology news on the net can be viewed at fAf's
Australian based URL:
Or elsewhere at:
To subscribe to the fAf digest, go to:
This project has been assisted by the Commonwealth Government through the
Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body.
Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2002 21:55:32 +0000
From: Andrea Zapp <[email protected]>
Subject: New Screen Media Publication
New Publication:
Martin Rieser, Andrea Zapp, editors:
New Screen Media: Cinema/Art/Narrative
The British Film Institute (BFI), London/Center for Art and Media
(ZKM) Karlsruhe, 2002
The advent of new media presents a serious challenge to our
understanding of visual representation, of narrative and indeed the
whole art of the moving image. New narrative forms in hypertext,
multimedia, computer games, interactive broadcast and screen media
are constantly redefining the relationship between the creators of
content and their audiences, who increasingly are becoming the
co-producers of meaning.
This publication juxtaposes the work of leading cultural theorists
and philosophers of new media, against creative artists' attempts to
accommodate to these vehicles of content. The book shows how
classical narrative in many areas has been giving way to a new, more
fragmentary culture of drama. It re-purposes the use of critical
tools for discussing the inner design and immersive effects of the
new media forms and its social, political and cultural contexts.
Alongside a discussion of how these new stories relate to issues of
identity and the body, restructured temporal and spatial models and
interfaces, the book explores differing creative platforms such as
the Internet, Media Installation, Interactive Broadcast, CD-ROM and
Expanded Cinema. The artists, themselves exploring innovative
solutions, critically examine their own practice, with a special
focus on fiction-based forms of interaction.
The volume is presented with an accompanying DVD-ROM, featuring
extracts from some of the groundbreaking works discussed by leading
media theorists from Europe and the USA, including: Annika Blunck,
Alex Butterworth, Sean Cubitt, S=F6ke Dinkla, Jon Dovey, Timothy
Druckrey, Malcolm Le Grice, Lev Manovich, Peter Weibel, Paul Willemen
and John Wyver.
Made in conjunction with the ZKM Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe,
Germany, this unique addition to the book provides a rich sampler of
interactive work and videos by which to explore the experimental
territory, where the cinematic and digital arts are converging in new
forms of narrative.
Such work has usually been shown in international gallery and
conference venues, which have been inaccessible to a general
audience. This compilation is carefully cross-referenced with the
book to open a comprehensive overview to a wider public. The
cross-platform DVD-ROM provides up to 4 Gigabytes of detailed
illustration and analysis of the work of artists and interactive
filmmakers from around the world, who are at the cutting-edge in
creating and critiquing these new hybrid forms of interactive
Practitioners such as: Zoe Beloff, Michael Buckley, Luc Courchesne,
Toni Dove, Ken Feingold, Chris Hales, Graham Harwood, George Legrady,
Merel Mirage, Martin Rieser, Jill Scott, Bill Seaman, Jeffrey Shaw,
Eku Wand, Grahame Weinbren and Andrea Zapp are featured. A
representative selection of Installation forms, CD-ROM, Web, and
Broadcast are examined in depth.
=46or full details including how to order your copy see
- --
andrea zapp
Leverhulme Trust London/Dept. of Visual Arts, Univ. of Salford,
Greater Manchester
Tel. 44 (0)161 2956089, Fax -2952605 (studio), 44 (0)161 8657351 (home)
Martin Rieser/Andrea Zapp, editors:
New Screen Media. Cinema/Art/Narrative - Book and DVD
Publisher: British Film Institute (BFI), London and Center for Art
and Media (ZKM) Karlsruhe
January 2002
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2002 17:38:41 +0100
From: "" <[email protected]>
Subject: <<< new media line >>> open
dear all, visit our new project <<< new media line >>>
featuring such interesting pieces as
amorphoscapes by stanza <> /
ICOn_Portraits by Carlo Zanni [a.k.a. beta] <> /
merry-go-round by Gudrun Kemsa <> / / by Michael Mandiberg <> /
Berlin by Gudrun Kemsa <> /
sPACE, Navigable Music by LAB[au] <> /
NewZoid by Daniel Young <> /
The 12hr-ISBN-JPEG Project by Brad Brace <> /
Ethnic Software by Yevgeniy Fiks <> /
Heart Time / Time Heat by Valery Grancher <> /
Spawn_Kill by Fakeshop/(jeff gompertz) <> /
pecker by computer fine arts <> /
vib~ratio~n by Reiner Strasser/ Octavia Davis / Bill Marsh <> /
never wake up by Agricola de Cologne <> /
project hope by Reiner Strasser / Annie Abrahams / Alan Sondheim <> /
Identity of Colour by Agricola de Cologne <> /
Hans - a true story by Agricola de Cologne <> /
xena by computer fine arts <> /
Museum of the Mind by Doctor Hugo <> /
cities by judson <> /
symbiosis by Eric Deis <> /
Why did you let them change you by Franklin Joyce & the teens <> /
sitting by Eunji Cho <> /
line by Melinda Rackham <> /
hollyland by computer fine arts <> /
'code scares me' by Jessica Loseby <> /
'wolf' by Jessica Loseby <> /
interactive poem / etkilesimli siir by Genco Gulan <> /
WebArt I by Fransje Jepkes <> /
opening day by Red Ed <> /
Digital Totem Poles by Rick Doble <>
with your attention you support experimental new media projects
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
non-profit org for new media
amadeus house
99_48, mariahilfer st.
a-1060 vienna
call: ++43-1-595 47 40
mailto: [email protected]
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
please receive our apologies for cross mailing / in case you prefer not receiving our newsletter any more just click on stop mail
Date: Wed, 6 Mar 2002 08:47:37 -0600
From: samantha krukowski <[email protected]>
Subject: join KINETICS
Convergent Media Program,
Department of Radio-TV-Film,
University of Texas at Austin
KINETICS, a new listserv
devoted to conversations about:
experimental media
analog and digital exchange
and synaesthetic production
To subscribe, send an email to
<mailto:[email protected]>[email protected]
Include in the body of the text:
subscribe kinetics yourfirstname yourlastname
soon after you will receive a confirmation email with further details
and specific information
regarding this listserv
Hope to see you there.
- --
Dr. Samantha Henriette Krukowski
Convergent Media
Department of Radio-Television-Film
University of Texas at Austin 78712
Date: Sat, 09 Mar 2002 21:44:53 -0600
From: Blaz Erzetic <[email protected]>
Subject: Pixxelpoint Newsletter
Pixxelpoint 2002 - International Computer Art Festival
-- Newsletter - Mar. 9 2002 --
Hi to everyone!
The site for 3rd edition of Pixxelpoint is ready...
In this year's competition there's a little change in the music section.
The category was a bit enlarged from last year's one.
You have time to prepare your artworks until Sep. 15 2002.
All the information that you need was put on our site. In case you have a
question or comment, don't hesitate to send us an e-mail at
[email protected]
Best regards,
Blaz Erzetic & Pixxelpoint staff
If you don't want to receive further information about Pixxelpoint, please
kindly reply to this email with "Remove" in subject line.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Pixxelpoint 2002 - Mednarodni festival racunalniske umetnosti
-- Novice - 9. mar. 2001 --
Spletne strani za tretji Pixxelpoint, so pripravljene�
Letos je manjsa sprememba v glasbenem delu, katera omogoca razsiritev te
Cas za oddajo del imate do 15. septembra letos.
Vse potrebne informacije smo dali na nase spletne strani. V primeru, da
imate kaksno vprasanje ali pripombo, vas vabimo, da nam le-to posljete na
nas elektronski postni predal
[email protected]
Lep pozdrav,
Bla� Erzetic in Pixxelpoint osebje
Ce ne zelite vec prejemati novic o Pixxelpoint-u, prosimo, odpi�ite na
prejeti email z "odstrani" v naslovni vrstici.
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2002 17:09:30 +0100
From: Marianne Bruder <[email protected]>
Subject: Last call \\international\media\art\award 2002
See English text below
\\internationaler\medien\kunstpreis 2002
Anmeldeschluss: 1. April 2002
Der \\internationale\medien\kunst\preis 2002 wird gemeinsam vom
S�dwestrundfunk Baden-Baden (SWR) und vom ZKM|Zentrum f�r Kunst und
Karlsruhe veranstaltet in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Schweizer Fernsehen SF
DRS, ARTE und TV Slovenija. Der Wettbewerb ist die Fortsetzung des
Internationalen Videokunstpreises, der 1992 erstmals ausgeschrieben
wurde. Der \\internationale\medien \kunst\preis will Kunstvideos sowie
anderen medialen und interaktiven Kunstprojekten ein Forum im Fernsehen
und in der �ffentlichkeit bieten.
thema \\ bilder*codes#\\ verstehen wir bilder?
Mehr Infos und Anmeldeformulare unter:
ZKM|Zentrum f�r Kunst und Medientechnologie
/Center for Art and Media
Lorenzstr. 19
76135 Karlsruhe
Tel. +49-721-8100-1150 / Fax -1139
[email protected]
\\international\media\art award 2002
Deadline: 1st April 2002
The competition for the \\international\media\art\award 2002 is being
organised jointly by S�dwestrundfunk Baden-Baden (SWR) and ZKM| Center
for Art
and Media Karlsruhe in co-operation with Swiss television SF DRS, arte
and TV Slovenija. This award is the successor to the International Video
Award, awarded for the first time in 1992. The
\\international\media\art\award is intended to provide a forum on the
television and in the general public for artistic videos as well as
other media and interactive arts projects.
subject \\ bilder*codes#
\\ do we understand pictures?
More information and the application form:
ZKM|Zentrum f�r Kunst und Medientechnologie
/Center for Art and Media
Lorenzstr. 19
76135 Karlsruhe
Tel. +49-721-8100-1150 / Fax -1139
[email protected]
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 10:22:29 +1100
From: geert lovink <[email protected]>
Subject: Explorations in Media Ecology--Call for Papers
From: <[email protected]>
EXPLORATIONS IN MEDIA ECOLOGY, the journal of the Media Ecology
Association, is dedicated to extending our understanding of media and media
environments. EME publishes articles, essays, research reports, reviews,
and probes that advance and contribute to the media ecology perspective.
In addition to the study of media as they are traditionally understood,
media ecology is concerned with the examination of communication, language,
symbolic form and signification, technology and technique, information,
systems, and both humanly modified and natural environments.
EME welcomes diverse theoretical and methodological approaches to the study
of media environments, including (but not limited to) philosophical,
aesthetic, literary, historical, psychological, sociological,
anthropological, political, economic, and scientific investigations, as
well as applied, professional, and pedagogical perspectives. EME also
publishes essays, commentary, and critical examinations relevant to media
ecology as a field of study and practice. Above all, the journal is
committed to publishing articles of the highest intellectual quality for a
global readership.
GUIDELINES FOR SUBMISSION. Four (4) copies of the submitted manuscript
should be sent to either of the co-editors: Judith Yaross Lee, School of
Interpersonal Communication, Lasher Hall, Ohio University, Athens, OH 45701
([email protected]), or Lance Strate, Department of Communication and Media
Studies, Fordham University, Bronx, NY 10458 ([email protected]).
Generally, manuscripts should be no longer than 25 pages (including tables
and figures), but submissions of different lengths will be considered.
Authors should retain their original manuscripts, as submissions will not
be returned. All submissions should be the author's original work,
previously unpublished, and not under consideration by another publisher.
Manuscripts must conform to the Publication Manual of the American
Psychological Association (5th ed., 2001) or the MLA Style Manual (2nd ed.,
1998). Authors of accepted manuscripts must provide a final version in both
paper and electronic formats. Authors are responsible for obtaining
permission to reprint copyrighted material.
To facilitate blind review, the first page of the manuscript should include
only the article title and an abstract of no more than 100 words. A
separate, detachable cover page should be provided that includes the title
of the article, the complete name of each author as it is to appear in the
journal; the current and complete mailing address, telephone, fax, and
e-mail address of each author.
EME welcomes submissions focusing on teaching strategies and resources,
pedagogical concerns, and issues relating to media ecology eduction. Such
submission should be sent to the EME Teaching and Education Editor: Sal
Fallica, Department of Culture and Communication, New York Unviersity, 239
Greene St., Suite 735, New York, NY 10003 ([email protected]).
EME publishes reviews of books and other materials of interest to EME's
readers. Potential reviewers should contact EME Review Editor Thom
Gencarelli, Department of Broadcasting, Montclair State University, Upper
Montclair, NJ 07043 ([email protected]).
books and other materials, such as audio and video recordings, computer
software, etc. Send copies of all materials and/or all correspondence to:
Thom Gencarelli, EME Review Editor, Department of Broadcasting, Montclair
State University, Upper Montclair, NJ 07043
([email protected]).
SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION. Individual subscriptions are available with
membership in the Media Ecology Association. For more information, contact
Thom Gencarelli, Department of Broadcasting, Montclair State University,
Upper Montclair, NJ 07043 ([email protected]), or download the
membership form at Institutional subscriptions are
available through Hampton Press, 23 Broadway, Cresskill, NJ 07626; (800 894
Judith Yaross Lee, Ohio University
Lance Strate, Fordham University
Thomas Gencarelli, Montclair State University
Sal Fallica, New York University
Richard Barbrook, University of Westminster
Susan B. Barnes, Fordham University
Ronald J. Deibert, University of Toronto,
Susan Drucker, Hofstra University
Thomas J. Farrell, University of Minnesota, Duluth
Stephanie Gibson, University of Baltimore
Raymond Gozzi, Jr., Ithaca College
Paul Grosswiler, University of Maine
Paul Levinson, Fordham University
Robert K. Logan, University of Toronto
Casey Man Kong Lum, Paterson University
Paul A. Soukup, Santa Clara University
Rosemarie Truglio, Sesame Workshop
James Beniger, University of Southern California
Jay Bolter, Georgia Institute of Technology
James W. Carey, Columbia University
Frank E. X. Dance, University of Denver
Kenneth Gergen, Swarthmore College
Jack Goody, Cambridge University
Bruce E. Gronbeck, University of Iowa
Gary Gumpert, Communication Landscapers
Ethan Katsh, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Alan Kay, Squeakland
Neil Kleinman, University of the Arts
Pamela Laird, University of Colorado, Denver
Eric McLuhan, University of Toronto
Joshua Meyrowitz, University of New Hampshire
David Olson, University of Toronto
Walter J. Ong, Saint Louis University
Camille Paglia, University of the Arts
Mark Poster, University of California, Irvine
Neil Postman, New York University
Douglas Rushkoff, New York University
Denise Schmandt-Besserat, University of Texas
Joseph W. Slade, Ohio University
Anthony Smith, Oxford University
Paul Thaler, Mercy College
Donald Theall, Trent University
Edward A. Wachtel, Fordham University
Julia Wood, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
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