nettime's_short_fuse on Sun, 21 Apr 2002 12:19:29 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> flash in the pan digest [mcgregor, proculus, hwang x 2]

Zak McGregor <[email protected]>
     Generation Flash
"porculus" <[email protected]>
     Re: <nettime> RE: RHIZOME_RAW: GENERATION FLASH  (2 / 3)
Francis Hwang <[email protected]>
Francis Hwang <[email protected]>

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Date: Sat, 20 Apr 2002 14:36:14 +0200
From: Zak McGregor <[email protected]>
Subject: Generation Flash


The Flash spec is *not* open - the direction it takes is controlled
solely by Macromedia corp. They may well release the details, but
ultimately they retain complete and utter control. By Contrast, the
specifications for the infrastructure of the web and indeed even the
non-http parts of the internet are not only released to the public, but
are created and controlled by groups of people from the community at
large. Coupled wih Macromedia's thinly-veiled wishes to supplant the
"flawed" HTML model with Flash MX it is a very ugly situation. I think a
comment on Slashdot some weeks ago summed it up perfectly:"1996 called.
Microsoft wants their strategy back".

Make no mistake - the return to legacy applications on a massive scale
will have severe impact on the whole ecology of the internet.



Zak McGregor - Over 8500 car specs online

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From: "porculus" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: <nettime> RE: RHIZOME_RAW: GENERATION FLASH  (2 / 3)
Date: Sat, 20 Apr 2002 03:33:17 +0200

> It is common among many animals, and birds in particular, that the
> specimens with the greatest superficial beauty are the most likely to
> procreate. Often this beauty is tied to it's physical health (symmetry,
> size, etc), but often beauty is just beauty. Darwinism does not solely
> produce structures of functional value.

would you mean the baboon showing a red ass to a panther show in the same
way its courage to an eventual sex baboun partner, courage as the expression
of its gene capital additionned by the fact that at the same time showing
its scorn to the predator in the expression of its red ass, it diverts the
panther from the logical hunt it must give to the weaks, i.e. the futur
youngs he will have, and terminal the human hidden in a tree,
alone real aware witness of this ignominy, call 'beauty' this two
understanding of the red ass which he is safe : i.e coward himself maybe but
thanks to god red ass at last i wonder if flash is not baboon
coded..i must say my life completely changed when young i read the phillip
jose farmer's short story where he explain why the neanderthal have
disapeared ; because he had a far greater sex appeal than modern human, so
why the enraged war of extermination that succeded, explication that is
evident & quite certain for me, but he explain some neanderthals are still
living, hidden, for not waking up the criminal jealousy of these ganz
psychopath modern human, but searching in secret how to find the critical
succes factor that will give their complet revenge, and it's flash of modern male humans listen, if the html 2 or 3 weeks pills
enlargement dont work at all perhaps 4 ou 5 weeks flash pills could, or not,
but so what, after all it would be only as usual, and then disapointed once
in more you could say 'the only art is to try'

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Date: Sat, 20 Apr 2002 09:44:57 -0400
From: Francis Hwang <[email protected]>
Subject: Flash

Heiko wrote:

>Dear Florian,
>  > mp3-/MPEG4-style license fees from content creators any time they want.
>Well Flash is Flash is Flash is Flash and you will not be able to see Doom
>or Tilmann mods (article in the Zeit) in 2100 if you dont have a computer
>museum, but, old topic, do you know a single case where such "use
>fees" have been paid ?

What's at question is that legally they can do so. They don't do so 
now, because they believe it is in their interest not to do so. But 
if business conditions ever change and they decide it's time to start 
charging license fees, then they will.

And these days, business conditions change all the time.


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Date: Sat, 20 Apr 2002 09:44:57 -0400
From: Francis Hwang <[email protected]>
Subject: Flash

Brandon wrote:

>Also, if you are forced to optimized your HTML for Macs and WIndows
>versions of IE and netscape, and Palms, and so on, aren't you
>controlled by MORE proprietary systems than the Flasher designer who
>is enslaved by Macromedia and achieve cross-platform stability?

God, are you still optimizing HTML for different browsers and 
platforms? I'm sorry.

There are _tons_ of people writing web pages today who don't have to 
think one bit about what browser they're using. That's because HTML 
is a standard, and that standard is implemented by a bunch of 
different browsers, written by a bunch of different organizations. 
And it's becoming more of a standard every day: Recent reports that 
AOL is about to make its main browser Mozilla-based means that the 
power of proprietary Microsoft-introduced tags will be on the wane.

This is the recipe for engineering success: multiple vendors 
supporting unified standards. It worked the same with threaded 
screws, and it'll work for HTML, too. Sure, it's a little slower than 
placing all your faith in Microsoft or Macromedia and burning some 
incense and praying they make your lives easier instead of harder. 
But good things are worth waiting for, aren't they?


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