Announcer on Thu, 25 Apr 2002 14:38:29 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> Announcements [x14]

Table of Contents:

   [d-i-n-a] digital-is-not-analog: on line and live                               
     "[d-i-n-a]" <[email protected]>                                                  

   AfterReport from [REg]                                                          
     watanave hidenori <[email protected]>                                        

   Amsterdam Browserday (May): Call for Material                                   
     "geert" <[email protected]>                                                       

   Vectorial Elevation @ Artium                                                    
     Rafael Lozano-Hemmer <[email protected]>                                           

   Video presentations "This is what democracy..."                                 
     Oliver Ressler <[email protected]>                                       

   Hochschulwettbewerb: digital sparks auf                        
     =?iso-8859-1?Q?Diane_M=FCller?= <[email protected]>               

   Resonance 104.4 FM                                                              
     David Mandl <[email protected]>                                                  

   An open call to artists for Free Manifesta                                      
     Sal Randolph <[email protected]>                                               

   Porto Alegre does it again                                                      
     Renata Aquino <[email protected]>                                          

   Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (fwd)                          
     "f," <[email protected]>                                                  

     maia/re-p<[email protected]>                                                        

   PASSDOC (Ita Eng Fra) art project                                               
     "passdoc artweb" <[email protected]>                                    

   Cultural Work and Critique of Globalisation                                     
     Martin Wassermair <[email protected]>                                      

   EMAF 24.-28. April 02                                                           
     "EMAF" <[email protected]>                                                         


Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 18:43:10 +0200
From: "[d-i-n-a]" <[email protected]>
Subject: [d-i-n-a] digital-is-not-analog: on line and live

2 new digital-is-not-analog: on line + live
After the events organized last year and a sort of international
diaspora of its members, d-i-n-a is here again. 

double feature: on line at and live tonight and tomorrow
at XPO - XNET, Milan
April 17-18, in Milan:
Digital-is-not-analog / Meetings 2002
"Cultural interfaces and identity games in the Internet"
with The YesMen, EpidemiC, Macchina and Matthew Fuller
chair: Snafu //, The Thing Rome
details at
O N   L I N E
Currently based in Barcelona (Spain), Bologna and Roma (Italy),
digital-is-not-analog (d-i-n-a) is an open network of people studying/
working on digital network communication as a basis for public actions
and artistic experimentation.
The web site presents the past and current activities of the
More: the web site is meant to provide a quick and handy set of
critical tools to understand some of the most relevant art projects of
last few years.

Unpublished or translated texts about ALEXEI SHULGIN - RHIZOME


(to appear on line on may 1st)

1- what does 'open network' mean?
2- net culture crumbs (d-i-n-a NET CULTURE section)


PULL any info and follow upgrades at mailto:[email protected]


Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 14:39:16 +0900
From: watanave hidenori <[email protected]>
Subject: AfterReport from [REg]

Hello nettimers,
Thank you for your access to our "spacial communication sphere",

There is access of one days 12012 in April 8~9.
It seems that the cognition of [Rhythm Engine] is spreading little by little
recently. We will make presentation in SIGGRAPH2002 WEB GRAPHICS (San
Antonio,23-25 July)

- -- 
hidenori watanave


Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2002 17:18:41 +1000
From: "geert" <[email protected]>
Subject: Amsterdam Browserday (May): Call for Material

Dear all,

this is a call for material, to be included in the reader/booklet which will
be produced for the sixth International browserday. After New York (March
2001) and Berlin (December 2001), this new media design competition is back
in Amsterdam. The topic of the event, which takes place on May 17 2002 will


This can be wireless networks for PCs, mobiles phones, PDAs etc. If you have
a project you would like us to report about or have written a text or review
or interview related to one of these topics, please let me know:
[email protected]. The deadline is May 1, 2002.

More information on:

Like in 1998, 1999 and 2000 the Browserday competition will take place in

Ciao, Geert


Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2002 03:14:46 +0200
From: Rafael Lozano-Hemmer <[email protected]>
Subject: Vectorial Elevation @ Artium

Hi Nettime, sorry for cross-postings...

The Nettime community is cordially invited to participate in the new version
of the piece �Vectorial Elevation�, which has been commissioned for the
opening of the Basque Museum of Contemporary Art, ARTIUM, in the city of
>From April 22 to May 5, 2002 anyone who logs onto the website will be able to design giant light sculptures using 18
robotic searchlights placed around the Museum�s central Square. Every six
seconds a new design will be displayed as it arrives from the Internet. The
designs may include participants� names and dedications, which will be shown
on a large screen in the Square. A web page will also be produced
automatically to document each participation.



Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2002 09:25:03 +0200
From: Oliver Ressler <[email protected]>
Subject: Video presentations "This is what democracy..."


"This is what democracy looks like!", 38 minute, Germ./Engl., 2002

The video "This is what democracy looks like!" thematizes events of 1 
July 2001 surrounding an "anti-globalization demonstration" against the 
World Economic Forum in Salzburg.

further information:

Upcoming exhibitions of the video:

"Exchange & Transform", Kunstverein M�nchen, Munich, Germany, 26.04. - 

"games fights videos", Galerie im K�nstlerhaus Bremen, 03.05. - 02.06.02
K�nstlerHaus Bremen, Am Deich 68/69, 28199 Bremen, Germany, T. 
+43/421/50 85 98

"This is what democracy looks like!", Projekt Kunst+Kommunikation der 
Universit�t Leipzig (2-channel video installation)
Laden f�r Nichts, Sebastian-Bach-Stra�e 43, 04109 Leipzig, Germany, 07. 
- - 11.05.02, daily 7 - 9 pm

The exhibition of the video installation "This is what democracy looks 
like!" at the Plattform continues till 05.05.02.
Plattform, Chausseestr. 110/I, 10115 Berlin, Germany, T. +49/30/280 46 973

Upcoming screenings:

Ober�sterreichische Landesgalerie, Linz, Austria, 23.04.02

"Right2Fight", Sarah Lawrence College, New York, USA, 27.04.02

Hochschule f�r bildende K�nste, Braunschweig, Germany, 22.05.02


Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2002 12:38:58 +0200
From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Diane_M=FCller?= <[email protected]>
Subject: Hochschulwettbewerb: digital sparks auf

Ank�ndigung eines Wettbewerbs studentischer Medienprojekte	

Call for entries
digital sparks 2002

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, 

mit dem zum zweiten Mal stattfindenden Wettbewerb >digital sparks< soll
der Nachwuchs der Medienkulturszene gef�rdert und zugleich ein Einblick
in Forschung und Lehre an deutschen Hochschulen erm�glicht werden. 

Die eingereichten Projekte werden online auf der Internetplattform publiziert und als virtuelle Ausstellung pr�sentiert. ist ein dynamisches Wissensportal f�r digitale
Kulturen, das vom Bundesministerium f�r Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
gef�rdert und vom MARS Exploratory Media Lab am Fraunhofer Institut f�r
Medienkommunikation unter der Leitung von Monika Fleischmann und
Wolfgang  Strauss entwickelt wird. Als fach�bergreifendes Bindeglied
zwischen Medienkunst und -gestaltung, Wissenschaft und Technologie
kommuniziert die Plattform die vielf�ltigen Aktivit�ten der Medienkultur
und baut einen aktuellen Informationspool auf.

Projekte aus den Bereichen Medienkunst, Mediengestaltung und
Medieninformatik k�nnen Anfang Mai 2002 online unter eingereicht werden.

Einsendeschluss ist der 31. Mai 2002.

Ich w�re Ihnen dankbar, wenn Sie die Ausschreibung ank�ndigen w�rden und
stehe Ihnen jederzeit f�r R�ckfragen zur Verf�gung: 
Diane M�ller, Tel.: 02241-143442, Email: [email protected] 

Falls Sie Interesse haben, �ber >digital sparks< einen l�ngeren Bericht
zu verfassen, schicke ich Ihnen gerne weitere Informationen �ber den
Wettbewerb und zu.

Mit freundlichen Gr��en,

Diane M�ller


Diane M�ller

MARS - Media Art & Research Studies
FhG - Institute for Media Communication
Schloss Birlinghoven
D - 53754 Sankt Augustin
Tel: +49-(0)2241-14-3442
Fax: +49-(0)2241-14-2133 
E-mail: [email protected]


Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2002 10:15:20 -0400 (EDT)
From: David Mandl <[email protected]>
Subject: Resonance 104.4 FM

Press release: Resonance 104.4 FM

Resonance 104.4 FM is London's first radio art station, brought to you
by London Musicians' Collective.  It starts broadcasting from May 1st
at 5pm. Expect the unexpected from what New York's Village Voice calls
the "Best Radio station in the world".  Resonance FM is a radio
station with no play lists, no smarmy DJs or pompous pundits; a
radical alternative to the universal formulas of mainstream
broadcasting. Programmes made by artists who represent the diversity
of London's arts scene, including Savage Pencil, Gavin Turk, Matthew
Glammore, Caroline Kraabel - and of course HUNDREDS of musicians from
London and beyond, doing what they want to do.

Resonance promises to bring a multitude of experimental sound, new
music, radio art and interaction to the airwaves. Resonance FM will
broadcast from the heart of London and on the web on
where you can check out full programme listings.

On air between 5pm and 1am daily, and noon till 1am at weekends,
Resonance 104.4 FM is the only station of its kind in the UK providing
access radio for the London arts community.

"Imagine a radio station like no other. A radio station that makes
public those artworks that have no place in traditional
broadcasting. A radio station that is an archive of the new, the
undiscovered, the forgotten, the impossible. That is an invisible
gallery, a virtual arts centre whose location is at once local, global
and timeless. And that is itself a work of art. Imagine a radio
station that responds rapidly to new initiatives, has time to draw
breath and reflect. A laboratory for experimentation, that by virtue
of its uniqueness brings into being a new audience of listeners and
creators. All this and more, Resonance FM aims to make London's
airwaves available to the widest possible range of practitioners of
contemporary art." --Ed Baxter, project co-ordinator

Announcing the Resonance 104.4 FM Launch Party.
Resonance 104.4 FM invites you to its launch.
30th April 2002 from 8pm at 93 Feet East, 150 Brick Lane, London E1.
A free event which Includes live performances by:
Apache 61 + The Invisible String Quartet + Icarus + Post Man + Sarah
Washington & Simon King + Gavin Turk + Siren Suite + Jim Backhouse +
DJs + surprise guests.


- ---------------------------------------------
London Musicians' Collective Limited
3.6 Lafone House, 11-13 Leathermarket Street, London SE1 3HN
Tel: 020 7403 1922
Fax: 020 7403 1880
Registered charity number 290236
- ---------------------------------------------


Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2002 23:14:18 -0400
From: Sal Randolph <[email protected]>
Subject: An open call to artists for Free Manifesta

contact: [email protected]

FREE MANIFESTA is an open exhibition of nonmonetary artworks to be held in
Frankfurt am Main, Germany from May 24 - August 25, 2002.

Any artist who wishes may participate with such works as ephemeral
installations, guerilla performances, interactions, d�rives, situations,
giveaways, ambulatory declamations, parties, neo-happenings, apartment
shows, guided experiences, screenings, projections, mail art, downloadable
music, web-based work. Artworks will be produced independently and take
place in public spaces throughout the Frankfurt area, including
communications media like the internet, broadcast airwaves, telephone, and

FREE MANIFESTA is a project of artist Sal Randolph and will be an official
participant in the European biennial Manifesta 4,
It is intended as an experiment in creating a social network of artists, a
gift economy which that can act as an alternative to traditional forms of
exhibition in commercial and institutional contexts.

Entries will be accepted until June 30. Guidelines for artists and a
required entry form are available on


Sal Randolph 212-219-9328
[email protected]

Tuesday, April 23, New York. Sal Randolph, a New York artist, has bought
participation rights in the European Biennial, Manifesta 4, which will be
held in Frankfurt, Germany this summer. She purchased the invitation and
participation rights of invited artist Christoph B�chel, who auctioned off
his place on ebay. 

Randolph won the ebay auction on March 29 with a high bid of $15,099 (ebay
item #852808885). The auction was B�chel�s conceptual artwork entitled
�Invite Yourself,� and was his official entry in Manifesta 4. As the high
bidder, Randolph will receive the full rights accorded any invited artist,
including project budget, preview visit to Frankfurt, exhibition of her
artwork, and representation in the Manifesta 4 catalog and short guide.

�I enjoyed the reversals of power that B�chel�s piece created,� says
Randolph. �My own work involves questioning the structures of money and
power, and it seemed like a perfect match.�

Randolph will create a project for Manifesta 4 called �Free Manifesta.� �The
idea,� she says, �is to create a context where any artist who wishes can
participate. It will be an open show that takes place in public spaces and
through communications media like the Internet, mail, and telephone.� The
exhibition spaces of Manifesta 4 will house an information and social center
for Free Manifesta. Randolph is currently organizing a similar project in
New York, the Free Biennial (, which continues
throughout the month of April. �Over 250 artists are participating in the
Free Biennial,� says Randolph. �I expect to have even more in Free

�As an artwork,� Randolph adds, ��Free Manifesta� is an idea-structure, a
kind of social architecture. What interests me is how these social
architectures are given life by the consensus, the gift, of their
participants. An alternative economy is created, based around this
gift,which joins both the artists and those who experience the artwork in a
new relationship.�

Sal Randolph produces independent artistic projects involving social
networks, situations, and interactions, including �Free Words�
( and �The Free Biennial�
( She is a graduate of Harvard and a resident
of New York.

Manifesta 4 will take place this summer, from May 24 through August 25 in
Frankfurt am Main, Germany. The Manifesta 4 website is

[email protected]


Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 22:05:52 -0700 (PDT)
From: Renata Aquino <[email protected]>
Subject: Porto Alegre does it again

Hi all

I think some may recall World Social Forum, an event
that happened in Porto Alegre, Brazil in the beginning
of this year.

WSF was a massive event. In it, politics, technology,
environment and much more was discussed.

In the techn. aspect it gave an introdution of an
event to happen this following month: The
International Free Software Forum. 

Porto Alegre, S�o Paulo and a handful of others
Brazilian cities are governed by the left (Worker's
Party) and they've been trying to insist in a "free
and participative" government in all instances
possible, in POA's case that includes technology. 

So, the FISL will happen from 2-5 in May. It's very
likely that the agency which I work
( will have news about it everyday.

The website is here
Portuguese only, I'm afraid :(

Main guests:
Bob Chassell (FSF)
Paul Everitt (Zope), 
Miguel de Icaza (Ximian), 
Patrick Stakem (NASA); 
Shane Hathaway [Python], 
Tim Ney (Gnome Foundation); 
Andrei Zmievski (PHP-GTK), 
Larry Wall (Perl) 
Jon "maddog" Hall (Linux International)

Djalma Valois
Eduardo Ma�an 
Elvis Pf�tzenreuter (
Lalo Martins (
Luciano Ramalho (Hiperl�gia Zope CMSs) 
Sandro Nunes Henrique (CEO Conectiva - Linux Distr.)

Gov't and stuff:
Brazilian Defense Ministery
Army, Navy, Aeronautics
Braz. Science and Techn. Ministery
Quilombo Digital Free Software Community

I think the website may have an english version soon.
Any interested send me an email and I'll try to let
you know if this happens. 

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Tax Center - online filing with TurboTax


Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 12:10:44 +0200 (CEST)
From: "f," <[email protected]>
Subject: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (fwd)

sorry for crosspostings

Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
Fellowships in the Social Sciences and Humanities
Fellowship Deadline: 2002-10-01

The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars announces the
opening of its 2003-2004 Fellowship competition.  The Center awards
academic year residential fellowships to men and women from any
country with outstanding proposals in a broad range of the social
sciences and humanities on national and/or international issues -
topics that intersect with questions of public policy or proide the
historical and/or cultural framework to illumine policy issues of
contemporary importance.

Fellows should be prepared to interact with policymakers in
Washington and with Wilson Center staff who are working on similar
topics.  Applicants with outstanding capabilities and experience from
a wide variety of backgrounds (including government, the corporate
world, and the professions, as well as academia) are eligible for
appointment.  For academic participants, eligibility is limited to
the postdoctoral level.

The Center tries to ensure that the stipend provided under the
fellowship, together with the Fellow's other sources of funding
(e.g., grants secured by the applicant and sabbatical allowances),
approximate a Fellow's regular salary.  Stipends provided in 2001
ranged from $29,500 to $73,000.  In 2002-2003, the Center expects to
be able to award a few fellowships at a higher stipend level, up to a
maximum of $85,000.

Fellows are provided private office, access to the Library of
Congress, Windows-based personal computers, and research assistants.

The Center holds one round of competitive selection per year.  The
deadline for receipt of applications is October 1, 2002.

Information and application forms may be downloaded from the Wilson
Center's web site.

Contact information:
Scholar Selection and Services Office
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
One Woodrow Wilson Plaza
1300 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC  20004-3027

Telephone: (202) 691-4170
Fax: (202) 691-4001
Email:  [email protected]

Fellowship website:


Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2002 15:51:37 +0100
From: maia/re-p<[email protected]>
Subject: [announce]

[./logicaland v0.1]
a participative global simulation

[./logicaland] is a project study for visualizing our world's complex
economical, political and social systems.

[./logicaland] tries to engage people into strategies of raising human
sensibility and responsibility within the global networked society. the
challenge is to develop ideas, tools and visualizations that fit the
requirements of complex correlating systems and our world's complex
participative environment.

based on a scientific global world model of the mid-seventies, we developed
a tool that facilitates people to take part in a simulation.

the main idea is to provide a public web-based world-simulation within a
participative environment, where all users have equal influence on the
system. everyone with internet access should be able to participate in
[./logicaland]. one user's influence on the system is minimal since it is a
fraction of all participants' actions. only if a lot of users follow
similar strategies, serious change can be achieved.

[./logicaland] v0.1 is a work in progress, a prototype of a global
simulation that is to be controlled by a community of unlimited

we invite users all over the world to take part in dealing with global
interrelationships by contributing to logicaland's simulation.

more info:
[email protected]


Date: Sun, 21 Apr 2002 07:30:09 +0000
From: "passdoc artweb" <[email protected]>
Subject: PASSDOC (Ita Eng Fra) art project 

PassDoC project

viaggi, travell, voyages, viajar, reisen  -  incontri, meet , rencontres, 
encontrar, Treffen  -  tasselli,  tax, cheville, tesela, D�bel  -  cielo, 
sky, ciel, cielo, Handhimmel  -  origami  -  riflessi, reflex, reflets, 
reflejo, Spiegelung  -  vento, wind, ven, viento, wind,  -  disegni, 
drawing, dessin, dibujo, Zeichnungen  -  luce, light, feux, luz, Licht  -  
acqua, water, eau, agua, wasser  -  colori, couleur, colors, colores, Farbe


Titolo: PassDoC incontri attraverso il mondo,
Opere di Domenico Olivero.
Luogo e giorno d inaugurazione: 25/04/02  21,00 - 23,00 c/o Flujo Util - 
Espacio de la calle Cer 27 - Bacelona (Espa�a). Serata con performance, 
Ingresso libero. 26-29/04/2002 17,00 - 20,00

Seguir�: Meet2 Berlin 25-28/07/02  -  Meet3 Citt� del Messico ... 
04-07/09/02  -  Meet4 .... 03-06/01/03.

In questa serie di mostre l'artista svilupper� il precedente progetto 
Passage, nato nel 1999 a Venezia e Parigi, come azione artistica urbana.
Questo nuovo progetto cerca il confronto espressivo e formale al fine di 
realizzare un'opera corale e dialogante con altre visione artistiche, aperta 
a tutti.
La serie di Meet (installazione e conferenze) saranno luoghi di dialogo, 
conferenza, proposte che daranno forma alla realizzazione ad un'opera web 
che prender� forma alla fine del 2002 e crescer� in futuri incontri.

Responsabili del progetto: D o C     (Domenico  Olivero & Ornella Calvetti 
Indirizzo: PassDoC project   39-328.2159521   [email protected]
PassDoC � un  progetto autogestito per l arte contemporanea.
Col supporto di +XARTE (Fondazione per l'arte contemporanea) Elva -Italia.

Ringraziamo per la vostra attenzione e porgiamo cordiali saluti.


Title: PassDoC   meeting around the world.
Works of Domenico Olivero.
Place and opening day: 25/04/02  21,00 - 23,00 c/o Flujo Util - Espacio de 
la calle Cer 27 - Bacelona (Espa�a). Evening with performance, free 
entrance. 26-29/04/2002 17,00 - 20,00

In this new project, the artist will development  the previous project 
Passage, born in the 1999 at Venezia and Paris, how artistic urban- action.
This project search comparison, meeting for realize a newsgroup�s opera, 
free all.  The cycle Meet (installation and conference) will be place for 
dialogue, discussion. In the next year this project will be move in the new 
and particular art-web.

next: Meet2 Berlin 25-28/07/02  -  Meet3 Citt� del Messico ... 04-07/09/02  
- -  Meet4 ... 03-06/01/03.

Carge of: D o C     (Domenico  Olivero & Ornella Calvetti ).
address: PassDoC project   39-328.2159521   [email protected]
PassDoC is  a  self-management project  for  Arts.
With the support of +XARTE (Fondazione per l'arte contemporanea) Elva 
- -Italia.

Thanks for your attention and best regards.


Titre:  PassDoC   rencontrer dans  le monde,
�uvres de Domenico Olivero.
Lieu et date d'inauguration: 25/04/02  21,00 - 23,00 c/o Flujo Util - 
Espacio de la calle Cer 27 - Bacelona (Espa�a). Soir�e avec une performance, 
entr�e libre. 26-29/04/2002 17,00 - 20,00

Suite:  Meet2 Berlin 25-28/07/02  -  Meet3 Citt� del Messico... 04-07/09/02  
- -  Meet4 .... 03-06/01/03.

responsables: D o C     (Domenico  Olivero & Ornella Calvetti ).
adresse: PassDoC project   39-328.2159521   [email protected]
PassDoC est un projet autog�r� pour l'art.
Avec le support de +XARTE (Fondazione per l'arte contemporanea) Elva 
- -Italia.

Nous vous remercions de votre attention, en vous priant d'agr�er nos 
meilleures salutations.

Invia e ricevi la posta di Hotmail sul tuo cellulare:


Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2002 11:29:51 +0200
From: Martin Wassermair <[email protected]>
Subject: Cultural Work and Critique of Globalisation

 |||  IG Kultur Oesterreich
- -   ---------------
 |||  Cultural Work and Critique of Globalisation

A conference organised by IG Kultur Oesterreich in cooperation with
eipcp (European Institute for Progressive Cultural Policies)

2002, April 30 - May 2

Kunsthalle Exnergasse/WUK,
Waehringerstra�e 59, A-1090 Vienna

The conference will be held in German.

The notion of 'Transversality' traces new, ahierarchical practices of
networking that have developed specific contours since Seattle,
Gothenburg and Genoa in the heterogeneous lines of flaring up against
economic globalisation. Apart from the transnational aspect in the
formation of resistance it refers to the condition of transsectorial
cooperation between artists, political activists, theorists, etc.

TRANSVERSAL leads off with analysing functions of the cultural field in
the context of the critique of globalisation. Within the framework of 3
panels the following aspects will be put up for discussion: the
structural effects of the cultural industries and an allegedly
globalised art field, cultural work in a local-transversal fashion as in
the context of migration and contemporary transnational-transversal
strategies between symbolic politics, media guerrilla or theatrical

- -   ---------------
 |||  2002, April 30, 7.00 pm


Hito Steyerl, Rubia Salgado, Gerald Raunig, Anti-Corporate Globalization
Videos (curated by Oliver Ressler), DJ-Line by MALMOE

- -   ---------------
 |||  2002, May 1, 2.00 pm

[Section 1] entORTEN?
The critique of globalization in the cultural field

with Hans Christian Dany, FOKUS, Christian Hoeller, Oliver Marchart,
Stefan Nowotny, Ulf Wuggenig, Anti-Corporate Globalization Videos
(curated by Oliver Ressler), DJ-Line by MALMOE

- -   ---------------
 |||  2002, May 2, 10.00 am

[Section 2] ein/ausWANDERN?
Practices of local tranversality in the context of migratory cultural

with Ljubomir Bratic, Boris Buden, Kein Mensch ist illegal, MAIZ, Tina

- -   ---------------
 |||  2002, May 2, 3.00 pm

[Section 3] umherSCHWEIFEN?
Practices of transnational transversality from within and beyond the
cultural field

with Carsten Does/Kirsten Wagenschein, hybrid video tracks, AK Kraak,
autonome a.f.r.i.k.a. gruppe, Katja Diefenbach, Andreas Goerg, Gini
Mueller, The Yes Men

For further informations please contact:
mailto:[email protected]

- -   ---------------
 |||  IG Kultur Oesterreich
 |||  Viktorgasse 22/8
 |||  A-1040 Wien
 |||  Tel: +43 (01) 503 71 20
 |||  Fax: +43 (01) 503 71 20 - 15
 |||  Mobil. +43 (676) 309 49 86


Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2002 15:01:54 +0200
From: "EMAF" <[email protected]>
Subject: EMAF 24.-28. April 02

- -------------------

European Media Art Festival
24.-28 April 02, Osnabrueck

Das Festival beginnt in wenigen Tagen. Aktuelle Informationen
zu dem umfangreichen Programm mit ca. 200 Filmen und Videos,
den Sonderprogrammen "The Virtual Actor", "New Asian Cinema"
und "Underground Zero" sowie der Ausstellung: "Es. Das Wesen
der Maschine." von Louis Philippe Demers und Bill Vorn unter: .
Wir w�rden uns freuen Sie auf dem Festival begr�ssen zu k�nnen!

The festivals starts in a few days. Most recent information about the
programme, which includes the presentation of about 200 films and videos,
shows the specials "The Virtual Actor", "New Asian Cinema", "Underground
Zero" and presents the exhibition "Es.The nature of machine." by
Louis Philippe Demers and Bill Vorn on our website: .
We hope to see you at the festival!
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European Media Art Festival
Alfred Rotert
D-49074 Osnabrueck

Email:[email protected]


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