Florian Cramer on Fri, 10 May 2002 00:02:52 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> What is an open standard?

>From the new "Debian Weekly News" of May 8th, 2002 

> Open Standards: Principles and Practice. One of the problems Bruce
> Perens is [4]facing when he is representing SPI and Debian in various
> standards organisations is that every one of them has a different
> definition of an Open Standard. Almost all standards organizations
> allow the incorporation of software patents, discriminatory licensing,
> or other features that seriously damage the "open-ness" of the
> standard. Thus, Bruce is [5]presenting to you the first draft of
> [6]Open Standards: Principles and Practice with a link for the
> disucssion list.
>  4. http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-0204/msg02451.html
>  5. http://perens.com/OpenStandards/
>  6. http://perens.com/OpenStandards/Definition.html


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