Steven Meinking on Thu, 23 May 2002 02:38:56 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> Marker Beats Sony CD Protection

This news is actually somewhat old already, it's been run through Reuters
and has appeared on Slashdot twice, but it hasn't been run by the list and
I'm interested in what the rest of you think. Sony's new cd protection
scheme can be beaten by a marker. Essentially, it's a case of high-tech
hubris; Sony invests large amounts of money to devise a high-tech cd
copy-protection scheme impervious to hackers, only to have that scheme
thwarted by the simplest of material methods. The following is a link to
the Chip.De article that cracks the scheme:

Some things to consider:

- What are the DMCA implications? Are markers now contraband and the
office supply stores that distribute them criminals?

- The popular perception of hacking is that it is immersed in high-tech
code and complexity, while in reality, the true practice of hacking
involves a problem-solving approach that begins from the ground up,
beginning with the simple and only embracing a more complex solution as it
becomes necessary.

- Steven Meinking

"My duty as an intellectual is to think, to think without restriction,
even at the risk of blundering. I must set no limits within myself, and I
must let no limits be set for me." - Jean-Paul Sartre, 1965

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