Announcer on Fri, 31 May 2002 02:35:55 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> Publications (12x)

Table of Contents:

   STREAMING >>> 'open_digi' > LONDON > 19:00 UCT May 22nd                         
     [email protected] (atty)                                                         

   INVITED PAPERS: WSEAS Conferences ISPRA, IMARS, IEHS 2002. Andalucia Beach, Cadi
     "Mavroapostolos" <[email protected]>                                      

   RENCONTRE + SESSION EN LIGNE                                                    
     onlineonsite <[email protected]>                                          

   Mindjack Call for Contributors                                                  
     Donald Melanson <[email protected]>                                           

   5/31: Call for Peace Media                                                      
     Nino Rodriguez <[email protected]>                                                 

   Go public with!                                  
     Monika Fleischmann <[email protected]>                               -   vectleu                                                   
     m e t a <[email protected]>                                                          
   Image of the month                                                              
     RP <[email protected]>                                                     

   ephemera vol 2, no 2 (may 2002)                                                 
     "Steffen G. Bohm" <[email protected]>                                      

   some news                                                                       
     "" <[email protected]>                                        

   np video release                                                                
     [email protected]                                                                

   RV:      "Unitary Process of Big-World History," E. Saguier                     
     "Eduardo Saguier" <[email protected]>                                      


Date: Tue, 21 May 2002 20:53:05 GMT Daylight Time
From: [email protected] (atty)
Subject: STREAMING >>> 'open_digi' > LONDON > 19:00 UCT May 22nd

Hi nettime-l,

the first night of the 'open_digi' season (read below) should be streamed
live, available through tomorrow evening from 19:00
UCT (20:00 London time) till aprox 23:00 UCT (reference

STREAMING will be thanks to the folks from and,
especially James Stevens, Inge and bongo


> a new monthly digital night out kicks off at the Dog Star, 389 Coldharbour Lane, London SW9 on May 22nd
> the 'open_digi' season (May 22nd, June 19th, July 10th) will mix artists and activists working online and in digital media, talking about their work and ending with a digital jam session with visual projections and sounds mix
> OPEN_MOUSE > 7.30pm
> the evening will start with an open_mouse half hour at 7.30pm for all comers to demo their work for five minutes, to ask to appear for this please visit
> MAIN GUESTS > 8.30pm
> the first evening will feature main demos (starting 8.30pm) from STANZA from, James Stevens of and bongo from
> subvergence project > the central city > STANZA
> STANZA will present works from
> >>>
> Continuing the search for the "soul of the city". The idea is to go deeper into analogies for the organic identity of the city. Inner City is an audio visual, interactive, internet art, experience. The micro city becomes an organic networks of grids and diagrams.
> >>>
> The internet has become the the leading economic and artistic tool for our age. Words like emergence are used to explain the propulsion of these medias into our daily lives. Convergence is used to fuse the meeting of medias onto the the paradigm of new technology. Subvergence scrambles the cins of the internet.
> CONSUME.NET > James Stevens
> James Stevens of, Deckspace, Greenwich (and previously backspace) will talk about Consume is a nationwide initiative to construct user owned and operated, free networks utilising wireless broadband technology that trip the local loop out of the hands of the telecom monopoly and into open space. It's an assertion of rights to self provide, propagate ideals of community, counter commerce and consume the net.
> > bongo
> >From J18 to Radiohead ... local heroine, bongo will give a retrospective view on pirate tv's first four years ...
> was born out of the excitement of early London pirate radio days, frustration with the dumbing down of legal stations and the straightjacket of commercial television ... a showcase for the creation and display of quality zentertainment, free from the financial and creative restraints of the industry ...
> It's about wanting things raw and fresh. Like a salad. Put simply is the place to visit for live audio/visual streams.
> It's like passing a fiddle around the world ...
> digital mix session from STANZA and atty (beta testing his 3D multi-user sound sensitive environment
> to request appearence at or receive regular news of the 'open_digi' season please visit
> yours sincerely
> Andrew Forbes
> there will be a door charge of �1 on May 22nd, the event will be held in the first floor bar
> TO SUBSCRIBE FOR NEWS of future open_digi events register at
> 19th June
> 'open_digi' goes latino
> Arcangel Constantini > http://www.UNOSUNOSYUNOSCEROS.COM virtually in control from Mexico City
> andres burbano > Colombia
> Brian Mackern > > Montevideo, Uruguay
> + london locals
> 10th July
> 'open_digi' > net-art01
> the results of the open net-art arena 'net-art01' from will be announced by
> Mike and Emerald >
> Florian and Alexandra >
> the presenters will also demo their own work
> the 'open_digi' season is presented by and association with
> the Dog Star, 389 Coldharbour Lane, London SW9 >
> Brixton's top pub venue, late bar through out the week. open_digi will be held in first floor bar
> >
> the live events arm of
> soundtoys >
> Convergence > New audio visual experiences, online and offline.
> Soundtoys features offline contributions from julian baker , pelado, stanza, boredom research, andy forbes, squidsoup, jey malaiperman, andrew allenson, rechord , iriealists, amy alexandra, karsten scmitt , ixi, golan levin, leafcutter john, michaelmedia ++++ and online contributions from ian andrews, antionne schmitt, andy wilson, soda, backeria, rain ashford, adam rogers , michael van der haagen, brian judy, jim andrews , peter luining, sub meta ++++
> international association of net art practicioners dedicated to the execution of public offline events and installations using network and digital media. Members include 3code>JP>, 8081>IT>, arcangel>MX> , area3>ES AR AU>, atty>UK>, dextro>AT>, dream7>US>, elout>NL> , fakeshop>US>, glaznost>ES>, kalx>US>, lokiss>FR>, one38>US>, real>NL>, redsmoke>US>, RSG>US>, snarg>US>, stanza>UK>, superbad>US>, vuk>SI>, zden>SL>,


Date: Fri, 24 May 2002 06:14:06 +0300
From: "Mavroapostolos" <[email protected]>
Subject: INVITED PAPERS: WSEAS Conferences ISPRA, IMARS, IEHS 2002. Andalucia Beach, Cadiz, Spain, June 12-16. The invited papers WILL BE PUBLISHED in the proceedings, WSEAS Books/Journals.

Dear WSEAS Members and Friends,

You are INVITED to present recent results of your research in
the following important conferences (organized by WSEAS  and WSEAS Spanish

(ISPRA '02) 

will be held in Andalucia Beach, Chiclana, Cadiz, Spain, June 12-16, 2002

of your paper to Prof. Papanikolaou by email: [email protected] and your
paper will be published in the proceedings, WSEAS Books/Journals.

The place (Andalucia Beach) is very beautiful, the Hotel is luxurious
and you will be able to publish your paper in two different
fora (in the proceedings, WSEAS Books/Journals)

The WSEAS will issue the proceedings and WSEAS Books/Journals related with
the multiconference using its HIGH QUALITY equipment and the promotion of
them in the university and research centers libraries as well as in WSEAS
members and collaborators worldwide.

All Authors will also receive a commemorative gift from WSEAS.

More Details:



Date: Fri, 24 May 2002 03:09:12 +0200
From: onlineonsite <[email protected]>

MERCREDI 5 JUIN 2002 - 14H � 18H
mi_ga + d2b : cha-at
intro-oduction anne laforet-t
xxero est un environnement virtuel associ� � la mailing list Faces
Florence Ormezzano, Nathalie Magnan

CID, Ensba (14, rue Bonaparte - 75006 Paris - M�tro St Germain-des-Pr�s)

asco-o : ascii-art-mailing-list-web-archive

asco-o est une liste de discussion et un site web consacr� � l'ascii art, 
au spam art, aux d�tournements textuels en tous genre.

Le site envoie automatiquement � une liste de diffusion, des messages 
g�n�r�s, via des formulaires et des spam-machines, ou provoqu�s par le 
simple passage des visiteurs sur le site.

Le site est une des sources de la liste parmi d'autres : asco-o est un 
organisme qui se nourrit du r�seau, en relation avec d'autres, (, 1999),,,,, qui 
ont branch� diff�rentes spam-machines sur asco-o.

asco-o est la rencontre de deux artistes programmeurs, mi_ga et d2b.
asco-o est la contraction d'ascii et de

Le site poss�de une archive des messages g�n�r�s affich�s al�atoirement.
R�seau, automatisation, anonymat, code sont au coeur d'asco-o, explor�s de 
mani�re ludique, po�tique, jouissive...


Xxero est � la fois un environnement collaboratif de type MOO, et une 
plate-forme pour des rencontres et des �v�nements live.

Elabor� par un r�seau international de femmes associ�es � la liste de 
discussion Faces -, ce projet initialement pens� 
comme un outil de pr�sentation et de communication pour participer � Ars 
Electronika, continue maintenant un d�veloppement en parall�le de Faces.

Les contenus de Xxero sont ax�s sur les nouvelles technologies, le 
cyber-f�minisme, le langage puisqu'il s'agit d'un environnement utilisant 
uniquement du texte.

Les membres de Faces ont, dans le choix d'un nom pour le MOO Xxero - "la 
chose flottante" dans l'attente d'un nom - fait appel � une multitude 
d'images auxquelles une identification �tait possible, des formes 
organiques aux r�f�rences digitales � la science fiction.
Cette discussion a refl�t�, et activ� la question de ce que pourrait �tre 
le f�minisme aujourd'hui et l'identit� en g�n�ral, une question explor�e 
pendant la derni�re d�cennie en conjonction avec les th�ories queer et 
souvent dans un rejet des cat�gories dichotomiques masculin/f�minin.

Les diff�rents aspects de Xxero permettent le log in log out, � cet espace, 
dans l'�laboration d'un discours et sa remise en question, celui d'un 
projet, d'un contexte, d'une sph�re sociale.

Le MOO et les �v�nements live sont parties int�grantes d'un tout. Xxero est 
un espace o� s'�laborent des palaces de contenu, se r�vent des mondes et se 
construisent en collaboration un village fait de textes, en une dimension, 
qui s'ouvre sur un monde virtuel tr�s concret.
Les �v�nements live donnent lieu � des lectures, des workshops, une table 
au caf�, pendant lesquels l'information est partag�e et discut�e, en priv� 
et en public. Compl�mentaires l'un de l'autre, le contenu et le media sont 
inextricablement tiss�s ensembles, partag�s et �chang�s sur la place du 
march� l� o� nous vivons.


ascii : acronyme pour American Standard Code for Information Interchange. 
Un code standart utilis� pour repr�senter l'information qui permet le 
traitement et le transfert de donn�es sur les r�seaux et en interne. Ce 
code utilise les caract�res qui peuvent �tre g�n�r�s par un clavier, soit 
128 caract�res, � raison de 7 bits par caract�re.

ascoo : acronyme pour American Standard Code for Oriented Objet. Langage de 
programmation qui utilise la mod�lisation informatique, associant dans un 
m�me langage programme, donn�es, et interface (variables ou attributs de 
l'objet + fonctions + identit�).

Spam-machine : syst�me d'envoi de donn�es automatis�.

MOO : acronyme pour Mud Object Oriented - MUD pour Multi-User Dimension ou 
Dungeon, avec impl�mentation du langage de programmation orient� objet - 
Syst�me hypertexte, en r�seau, multi-utilisateurs, interactif, extensible, 
dont l'interface est enti�rement textuelle, qui permet de consulter, 
constituer des objets, textes, communiquer.


Date: Sat, 25 May 2002 20:34:12 -0300
From: Donald Melanson <[email protected]>
Subject: Mindjack Call for Contributors

Mindjack Call for Contributors

Are you a fledgling visionary? Mindjack is looking for contributors 
our online magazine and weblog. We're looking for people who are 
touch with the underbelly of digital culture and can anticipate what 
others will be writing about next week, next month or next year. 
We're not concerned simply with the latest gadgets or internet 
applications, but with the broader implications of these and other 
technologies on society and culture.

Mindjack is run by the seat of our pants, but we've nonetheless 
managed to maintain a vital web presence for over four years with no 
money. Contributors are unpaid but gain valuable experience and 
exposure as writers. Additionally, Mindjack contributors cover major 
conferences and events, and interview the people shaping digital 
culture.  And sometimes we shape digital culture a little bit 

Think you're mindjack material? Write us: [email protected].

About Mindjack:

Mindjack went online in early 1998 and has been growing slowly but 
steadily ever since.  We've assembled a diverse and talented band of 
writers, and what is quite possibly the coolest board of advisors 
ever:  Gareth Branwyn, Mark Frauenfelder, Mikki Halpin, Jon 
Lebkowsky, Howard Rheingold and Douglas Rushkoff.  Recent topics 
covered in Mindjack include Marshall McLuhan, emotional machines, 
wearable computers, an interview with Sid Meier and coverage of SXSW 
and Toronto's DigiFest.


Date: Sun, 26 May 2002 18:29:43 EST
From: Nino Rodriguez <[email protected]>
Subject: 5/31: Call for Peace Media

Dear Media-makers:

The Center for Peace and Human Security would like to remind 
you that the 31 May 2002 deadline for submission to the Peace 
and Human Security Media Festival is quickly approaching. Please 
find the entry form at:

Complete information, rules and regulations can be found at:

Send in your work to be part of this exciting event! To discuss 
extensions, please contact the secretariat (see contact 
information below).

CPHS is also calling for papers, panels, or posters to be 
presented at the International Conference on Peace and Human 
Security Media. Conference submissions will be accepted until 30 
June 2002.  Registration for the conference is ongoing. Forms 
may be downloaded off of our website (see address below), or 
obtained by contacting the secretariat (see contact information 

Center for Peace and Human Security
Columbia University Station
P.O. Box 250308
New York, New York 10025

Tel:  (646) 342-0099
Fax: (212) 281-9269
E-mail: [email protected]  --or--       
[email protected] 


On 6-15 September 2002, the Center for Peace and Human 
Security will host a Peace and Human Security Media Festival in 
New York City to feature films, radio and television programs, 
photographs, paintings, drawings, sculpture, theatrical and other 
performances, print journalism, music, computer software, 
websites, prose, and poetry on the subject of or contributing to 
international peace and human security. Simultaneously, the 
Center will host an International Conference on Peace and Human 
Security Media. 

Within the broad theme of international peace and human security, 
CPHS is particularly interested in media that address the issues 
of conflict transformation, sustainable development, human rights, 
and international justice.  In convening the Peace and Human 
Security Media Festival and the International Conference on Peace 
and Human Security Media, CPHS hopes to: 

* Showcase media that contribute to international peace and 
human security 

* Explore constructive ways for mediamakers to cover issues of 
peace and human security 
* Engage in dialogue about the role of mediamakers in the 
dynamics of war, peace, and insecurity 
* Encourage and facilitate collaboration between peace and 
human security practitioners and mediamakers 

* Nurture the development of peace and human security initiatives 
that engage mediamakers constructively 


Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2002 18:49:28 +0200
From: Monika Fleischmann <[email protected]>
Subject: Go public with!

German version below

- --------------------------------------------------------
Go public with!
- --------------------------------------------------------

The netzkollektor is the new public channel for media art, media science
and media technology.

It offers you the opportunity to present media art projects, tell others
about technological developments, calls for proposals and events, and
publish reports. will announce current contributions
in a netzkollektor-digest regularly. is also launching a database of experts with skills in
media culture and media technology. Why not take the opportunity to
present your knowledge, experience and areas of interest in a
"Professional Profile". is a non-profit Internet platform which has been
launched and developed by the MARS Exploratory Media Lab at the
Fraunhofer Institute for Media Communication and is sponsored by the
German Federal Ministry for Education and Research.
We are looking forward to your contributions.

Best regards,
Monika Fleischmann and the

- --------------------------------------------------------
Go public with!
- --------------------------------------------------------

Der netzkollektor ist ein neuer offener Kanal f�r Medienkunst,
Medienwissenschaften und Medientechnologie.

Er bietet die M�glichkeit, medienk�nstlerische Projekte zu pr�sentieren,
technologische Entwicklungen, Ausschreibungen und Veranstaltungen zu
kommunizieren und Berichte zu ver�ffentlichen.
Mit dem netzkollektor-digest informiert in regelm��igen
Abst�nden �ber neue Beitr�ge im netzkollektor. initiiert dar�ber hinaus eine Datenbank f�r Experten
mit Kompetenzen im Bereich Medienkultur und Medientechnologie.
Nutzen Sie die M�glichkeit, in einem "Professional Profile" Ihre
Kenntnisse, Erfahrungen und Interessen darzustellen. ist eine non-profit Internetplattform, initiiert und
entwickelt am MARS Exploratory Media Lab des Fraunhofer-Instituts
f�r Medienkommunikation und gef�rdert vom Bundesministerium f�r
Bildung und Forschung.
Wir hoffen auf rege Beteiligung.

Viele Gr��e
Monika Fleischmann und das


Date: Tue, 28 May 2002 22:58:51 -0700
From: m e t a <[email protected]>
Subject:   -   vectleu




Date: Tue, 28 May 2002 21:14:30 -0700 (PDT)
From: RP <[email protected]>
Subject: Image of the month

"Rebuild the towers. Put FBI headquarters on top."

- - RP

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! - Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup


Date: Wed, 29 May 2002 16:12:15 +0100
From: "Steffen G. Bohm" <[email protected]>
Subject: ephemera vol 2, no 2 (may 2002)


Issue 2(2) of 'ephemera: critical dialogues on organization' has just been published at:


volume 2, number 2 (may 2002)


Writing Politics
Campbell Jones, Chris Land and Steffen B�hm


Text, Plurality and Organisational Knowledge / I Like to Write About Organisations
Carl Rhodes

Writing With(out) God
Anthony O'Shea

Appropriat(e)ing Wavelength: On Bourdieu's 'On Television'
Glen Whelan


Strategies of Resistance
George Monbiot

Educating Andersen
Tony Tinker


A Political Answer to Questions of Struggle
Alessia Contu

Empire: The Coming of the Control Society
Iain Munro


(You will need Acrobat Reader to access the full-text version of these papers.)

If you would like to be regularly notified about new ephemera issues and other ephemera happenings, please register with
ephemera|news by sending an email to:
[email protected]

If you would like to participate in the discussion of the above articles and other issues related to critical perspectives on
organization, please register with ephemera|discussion by sending an email to:
[email protected]

Enjoy the issue!
the ephemera editors


Date: Tue, 21 May 2002 21:36:40 +0200
From: "" <[email protected]>
Subject: some news

dear all, please note:

>>>>> participating in:
P2P_$: Peer to Peer Selling Processes for net_things
discursive online workshop organized by the italian new media artist carlo 
Mark Tribe // Magda Sawon // Mark Napier // J.F. Simon Jr. // 
Christiane_Paul // Michele Thursz // Vivienne Gaskin // Francis McKee // 
Wolfgang Staehle // Joshua Decter // Daniel Marzona // + ... 
> 40 speakers
don't miss MAY 22 - 23 - 24 on

>>>>> special highlight featuring:
mauro ceolin with landscapes
referring to urban and globalized infrastructures with animations or 
paintings - who knows ?
don't miss landscapes on

>>>>> 2.000 visitors each month:
online exhibition <<< new media line >>>
prolonged for 6 weeks and open until 14 / 07 / 02
don't miss <<< new media line >>> on

- ---------------------------------------------------------------
non-profit org for new media
amadeus house
99_48, mariahilfer st.
a-1060 vienna
call: ++43-1-920 70 03
mailto: [email protected]
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
please receive our apologies for cross - posting.
for unsuscribing from the newsletter
please reply and say unsuscribe in the header.


Date: Wed, 22 May 2002 23:52:19 EDT
From: [email protected]
Subject: np video release

A new videotape by Jayce Salloum,

everything and nothing 
40:40, France/Canada, 2001
English and French subtitled versions available.

An intimate dialogue that weaves back and forth between representations of a 
figure (of resistance) and subject, with Soha Bechara ex-Lebanese National 
Resistance fighter in her Paris dorm room after release from captivity in 
El-Khiam torture and interrogation centre (S. Lebanon) where she had been 
detained for 10 years, 6 years in isolation.

For distribution please contact:
V Tape, Toronto
[email protected]
Video Data Bank, Chicago
[email protected]

- --

Full videotape description:

everything and nothing  (part 1 from the continuous tape, ‘untitled’)
© Jayce Salloum, 40:40, orig format MiniDV, France/Canada, 2001
English and French subtitled versions available.

An intimate dialogue that weaves back and forth between representations of a 
figure (of resistance) and subject with, *Soha Bechara ex-Lebanese National 
Resistance fighter in her Paris dorm room taped (during the last year of the 
Israeli occupation) one year after her release from captivity in El-Khiam 
torture and interrogation centre (S. Lebanon) where she had been detained for 
10 years, 6 years in isolation. Revising notions of resistance, survival and 
will, recounting to death, separation and closeness; the overexposed image 
and body of a surviving martyr speaking quietly and directly into the camera 
juxtaposed against her self and image, not speaking of the torture but of the 
distance between the subject and the loss, of what is left behind and what 

*Soha Bechara is a heroine in Lebanon, pictures of her are seen in many 
houses in the South and posters of her were seen all around downtown Beirut 
when I was working there in the early 90’s. She was captured in 1988  for 
trying to assassinate the general of the SLA, Antoine Lahad (the South 
Lebanese Army was a proxy militia set up & controlled by the Israeli forces 
to give a Lebanese façade to the occupation of South Lebanon). I didn't ask 
her anything specifically about the torture she underwent or the trauma of 
detention, she was being interviewed to death by the European and Arab press 
over the details of her captivity and the minutiae of her surviving it and 
the conditions in El-Khiam and the detainees and the resistance. I went to 
her small dorm room, not much bigger than her cell (she is presently studying 
international law at the Sorbonne), she sat on her bed and I asked her about 
the distance lived between Khiam and Paris, and Beirut and Paris, and what 
she left in Khiam and what she brought with her, a story about flowers and 
how she never puts them in water, how it felt for her now to be under such 
demand, and who she was, and what the title of the tape should be, and a few 
other things. This video material that I recorded of the time spent with her 
is not precious, just time and a conversation, and intense intimacy at a 
close and unbreachable distance.

Screenings to date of "everything and nothing" include; MoneyNations2, 
Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Vienna; Ayam Bayrout al Cinemaiya, Beirut; Santa 
Monica Museum of Art; Arab Screen Independent Film Festival, Doha, Qatar; 
Artists Television Access/Arab Film Festival, San Francisco; Arab & Iranian 
Film Festival, NYC; Argos Film & Video Festival, Brussels; The World Wide 
Video Festival, Amsterdam; The Museum of Civilization, Hull, Québec; Biennale 
de l’image en Mouvement (Biennial of Moving Images), Geneva; Signal & Noise 
Festival, Vancouver; Pacific Film Archives - University Art Museum, Berkeley; 
Sarah Lawrence College, New York; and upcoming at the Centre for the 
Contemporary Image, Geneva and YYZ, Toronto.

- ----  
other related works:

This is Not Beirut/ There was and there was not
Jayce Salloum, 49 min., Lebanon/USA/Canada, © 1994
This Is Not Beirut is a personal essay on the popular misrepresentations of 
Lebanon and Beirut which documents the filmmaker's own experiences while 
working in Lebanon.  Aware of its own conceptual baggage, the tape situates 
itself between genres in order to better expose commonplace assumptions.  The 
examination is thus liberated to realize the actual complexities of the 
identities of artist and subject.  The result is a critical engagement of the 
disparities and disjunctions arising on site.

- ---
Talaeen a Junuub/Up to the South   
Jayce Salloum + Walid Ra’ad, 60 min., Lebanon/USA/Canada, 1993
An oblique, albeit powerful documentary which examines the current 
conditions, politics and economics of South Lebanon.  The tape focuses on the 
social, intellectual and popular resistance to the Israeli occupation, as 
well as conceptions of 'the land' and culture, and the imperiled identities 
of the Lebanese people.  Simultaneously the tape self-consciously engages in 
a parallel critique of the documentary genre and its traditions.

- ---
Muqaddimah Li-Nihayat Jidal  (Introduction to the End of an Argument) 
Speaking for oneself .../Speaking for others....
Jayce Salloum & Elia Suleiman, 45 min., 1990, USA/Palestine
With a combination of Hollywood, European and Israeli film, documentary, news 
coverage and excerpts of 'live' footage shot in the West Bank and Gaza strip, 
Introduction to the End of an Argument critiques representations of the 
Middle East, Arab culture, and the Palestinian people produced by the West.  

- ---
For more information please contact:
[email protected]


Date: Tue, 28 May 2002 16:01:25 -0300
From: "Eduardo Saguier" <[email protected]>
Subject: RV:      "Unitary Process of Big-World History," E. Saguier

- ----- Mensaje original -----
De: Patrick Manning <[email protected]>
Para: <[email protected]>
Enviado: Sunday, March 17, 2002 4:30 PM
Asunto: "Unitary Process of Big-World History," E. Saguier

> From:     Pat Manning
>           World History Center - Northeastern University
>           [email protected]
> The World History Center has now posted on its website a substantial
> working paper by Eduardo R. Saguier of CONICET (Argentina), entitled "A
> Unitary Process of Big-World History.  A Transcendental and Constructivist
> Perspective in History."  This paper proposes links among a wide range of
> themes and historical processes.  Readers may read the cover page, and
> download separate Word files with the abstract, the text, a summary table,
> and the bibliography.
> To reach this paper (1) visit the World History Center site at
> and click "Research" on the navigation bar, or (2) go
> directly to the research page at


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