eye scratch on Sat, 22 Jun 2002 05:22:58 +0200 (CEST)

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Re: <nettime> How We Made Our Own "Carnivore"

[ this carnivore craze seems to find its spiritual ancestor in dancing --
   you snatch a rhythm here, a beat there, a slight movement that denotes --
   a melody. like sniffing packets to then create an assemblage, who knows --
   perhaps we'll learn to read the results somehow, and respond --
   like some huge cardiovascular system, limbic in essence --
   again you can tune in to us on SUNDAY @ http://share.ffem.org --
   take it to the grain -- es ]

MILLION MERMAID MARCH (Mermaid Parade tomorrow, Saturday)

  June 13, 2002, New York, NY -- Legalize Dancing NYC (LDNYC) and The Dance
  Liberation Front (DLF) are joining forces to fight NYC's cabaret laws in the
  2002 Coney Island Mermaid Parade and extending an open invitation to all of
  New York City to join us in the fight for our right to dance!

  The two groups are sponsoring a "Million Mermaid March" float and inviting
  all Mermaids (as well as Neptunes and other aquatic life forms) to march with
  us in fighting to deregulate dance in New York City.

  You can join "the Million Mermaid March" at West 16th Street in Coney Island
  between 10 a.m.-- 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, June 22nd where we will be
  decorating vehicles and ourselves. The Mermaid Parade commences at 2:00 p.m..
  We are encouraging everyone to bring percussion instruments and/or whistles.
  To get to Coney Island by train take the F, Q or W trains to Stillwell
  Avenue-Coney Island (the last stop) which will let you out on Surf Ave. 16th
  Street is a couple of blocks away. Be on the lookout for after party 
on the beach! (w/ soca and hip hop from Danny Casolaro, BK)

  While it may sounds like a joke, the NYC cabaret laws are very real and have
  for the last several years adversely affected our city's economy, culture and
  community. These antiquated statutes were originally written during
  prohibition in the 1920s and made it illegal to dance in any establishment
  without a cabaret license--which are now virtually impossible to obtain. The
  cabaret laws were resurrected the in the late-90s by the Giuliani
  administration and were selectively enforced causing hundreds of
  establishments undue economic hardship and damaging NYC's once-vibrant dance

  We assert that dancing is a fundamental right that need not be regulated by
  government; that a flourishing dance culture is good for the NYC economy and
  culture; and that dancing fosters positive social relations making for a
  stronger and healthier community. Outside of the dance regulations, our group
  supports safety codes, capacity limits, noise statues, drug and alcohol laws,
  and any other laws in the best interest of the NYC community.

  Legalize Dancing NYC is currently working with City Councilmen Alan Gerson,
  other pro-dance organizations (DLF, Yehoodi, Mother, etc.), the New York
  Nightlife Association, civil rights lawyer Norman Siegel, NYU Law Professor
  Paul Chevigny, the Bloomberg administration, local business owners, and the
  NYC community at large to introduce pro-dance legislation to the New York
  City Council. With your support, these laws will be repealed. We are planning
  a massive rally in Tompkins Square Park for late September to coincide with
  the legislation. We are also holding a fundraiser July 17th at the Slipper
  Room in Manhattan.

  For more information on the Mermaid Parade go to:

  To join Legalize Dancing NYC and find out what's going on in our efforts to
  legalize dance send a blank email to
  [email protected]

  For more information on the cabaret laws log onto www.nodancingallowed.com

  To volunteer to help out with the Million Mermaid March and/or Legalize
  Dancing NYC email [email protected] or call 212-673-4182 and press #2 to leave
  a message.

  To read a Village Voice articles about Legalize Dancing go to::
  http://www.villagevoice.com/issues/0222/sotc.php  (last item)
  http://www.villagevoice.com/issues/0222/romano.php (Last item)

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