Announcer on Thu, 18 Jul 2002 06:38:26 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> Events [x9]

Table of Contents:

    films in London                                                                
     matthew fuller <[email protected]>                                          

   uRBAN sEX aTTAC - Statement 1                                                   
     manuel <[email protected]>                                                   

   Invitation to Book Launch                                                       
     Dave/Cherry <[email protected]>                                             

     John Eacott <[email protected]> (by way of richard barbrook)                    

     [email protected]                                                         

   [Thundergulch Dialogues] Curating New Media--Inside and Outside the Institution 
     Wayne Ashley <[email protected]>                                             

   _Net & Codeworkers Inc[ubation]_ Gallery                                        
     "][co][De][e][p.rivation" <[email protected]>                             

   INNESTO-GREFFE-GRAFT   (art-happening)                                          
     "ph2o arte" <[email protected]>                                              

   NFF: 'glitch &granular' - interactive Interruption installation - Final Full inf
     tobias v <[email protected]>                                                     


Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2002 11:27:57 +0100
From: matthew fuller <[email protected]>
Subject:  films in London

Film show at the Horse Hospital WC1 - rough outline of programme

August 17th

Trouble! ?kinoKULTURE in conjunction with Iain Aitch presents an evening
of film documenting Art
As A Form Of Cultural Resistance

Introduction by Iain Aitch


Santacon - Steve Sullivan 7 mins UK


A Heap Of Trouble - Steve Sullivan 5 mins UK

Reverse peristalsis Painting - Igor Vamos 7 mins USA

Little Brother Gets Busted - Cell Media 10 mins USA

Piefight (Grand Central Station Action ) - Christian Bruno & Sam Green
1969 10 mins USA

The Yes Men ? Horribly Stupid Stunt 28 mins USA

Crowd Bites Wolf ? Guerrilavision 23mins

Doors 7.30 pm Tickets 6 / 5 members / concessions / wearing a Santa


Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2002 19:21:59 +0200
From: manuel <[email protected]>
Subject: uRBAN sEX aTTAC - Statement 1

01 and travellab present

a libidinous evening:

- ---> uRBAN sEX aTTAC

Friday, July 12 2002, 9 pm

Theo Altenberg and Djuna Lou Finidee
Marie Luise Angerer
Lucio Auri
Chris Chroma
Anja Czioska
Hartmut Fischer with Andreas L. Hofbauer
Regina Florida
Undine Goldberg
Noritoshi Hirakawa
Ewa Juenemann
Elke Krystufek
Ewa Latoszek
Gabriele Leidloff 
R�my Markowitsch
Se�n Derrick Cooper Marquardt
Shelley Masters
Gottfried Meyer-Thoss
Rudi Molacek
Juergen Moritz
Karen Oldenburg
Cameron Rudd
Brigitte Schaller
Ira Schneider
Joulia Strauss & Friends
Dita Bella Vart

curated and hosted by Manuel Bonik and Mic Mikina

- ---> libido
Brunnenstrasse 173 / Invalidenstrasse
10119 Berlin - Mitte
[email protected]

uRBAN sEX aTTAC ist ein kunstlerischer Abend zum Thema 
Sexualitaet, das auch im 21. Jahrhundert nichts von 
seine Vehemenz verloren zu haben scheint. Im 
Gegenteil erleben wir mit Gentechnik und Gender Studies,
Aids und differenzierter gewordenen Evolutionstheorien,
mit Internet und der globalen Verfuegbarkeit von Koerpern
einen kraeftigen neuen Boom sexuell gepraegter Debatten.
uRBAN sEX aTTAC gewaehrt mit Positionen von fast dreissig
internationalen Kuenstlern vielseitige kritische wie
lustvolle Einblicke in aktuelle Haltungen zu diesem 

uRBAN sEX aTTAC gibt zugleich einen ersten Vorgeschmack 
auf das uRBAN sEX mEETING, einem Festival rund um's Thema, 
das 2003 in Berlin stattfindet und die Publikation der 
K�nstlerzeitschrift 01 SEX begleitet (herausgegeben von 
Manuel Bonik in Kooperation mit Noritoshi Hirakawa, 
Elke Krystufek und Mic Mikina). Das uRBAN sEX mEETING soll 
im lockeren Kontext einer k�nstlerischen Convention in 
Theorie und (k�nstlerischer) Praxis Fragen von Urbanit�t 
und Sexualit�t behandeln, dabei aber auch z.B. den 
kommerziellen Aspekt nicht ausblenden. Es geht um 
Fragestellungen zu Diskursen und Modellen, zu wahren und 
sozialen Geschlechtern und zur �sthetik von sexuell 
motivierten Style- und Bilder-Codes. Was sind Identit�ten 
und was Verschiebungen in der mentalen Produktion, 
wo sind dem unersaettlichen CloseUp der Pornografie Grenzen 
gesetzt, wo endet Aufkl�rung und wo beginnt ihre 
Oszoenitaet? Was will und braucht ein moderner und 
modernisierter Cyborg-Koerper, waehrend er bis in die 
letzten Intimitaeten kommerziell verwertet wird und man in 
den Genlabors an seiner Neugestaltung arbeitet? Inwiefern 
bieten Mode, Design und Science Fiction neben Rhythmen, 
Revivals und postkolonialen Denkmodellen, Ansaetze zu 
generativen sozialen Systemen?

Dass Sex uns im Laufe der Jahrhunderte wichtiger geworden 
ist als unsere Seele, wichtiger beinahe als unser Leben, 
schreibt Michel Foucault in seinem Werk >Sexualitaet und 
Wahrheit<. - Das Aufkommen von Techno-Musik und -Kultur
Ende der 80er Jahre fuer eine neue Rolle des Koerperlichen. 
Der Koerper wurde einer reflexiv-kritischen Haltung 
>des Kopfes< entgegengestellt, die (sexuelle) Ekstase - und
erlebte sie mancher durch Wellness Hoechstleistungssport 
- - den Aporien der Philosophie. Dieser Trend verstaerkte 
sich durch die Verbreitung des Internets. Durch den 
leichten www-Zugriff auf Pornographie, die noch heute 
locker ein Drittel des Netz-Traffics ausmacht, aber auch 
ueber Newsgroups, Chats und Muds erfuhren weite 
Bevoelkerungskreise einen massiven Schub von 
sexueller >Aufklaerung<. In sexueller Hinsicht kann heute 
jeder alles >wissen< oder zumindest schon mal gesehen haben, 

Auch im Fernsehen erscheinen Ruf-mich-an!-Stunden als 
ultima ratio des abendlichen Programms. Teilnehmer von 
Talk-Shows lassen sich in einem Ma�e ueber sexuelle 
Praktiken, Neigungen, Perversionen etc. aus, das noch vor 
wenigen Jahren undenkbar gewesen w�re. So lange Verfemtes 
wie Sado-Masochismus scheint inzwischen fast schon eine Art 
Volkssport geworden. Wie Michel Foucault in >Sexualitaet 
und Wahrheit< darstellt, hat sich der sexuelle 
Bekenntniszwang allmaehlich aus den Beichtstuehlen 
des Mittelalters in immer groessere Oeffentlichkeiten der 
Moderne entwickelt. Foucault hat nicht mehr miterlebt,
wie sehr moderne Medien diesen Trend potenziert und dabei 
u.a. auch die jahrhundertelange Sexualkontrolle durch 
religioese Autorit�ten (und vielleicht auch diese selbst) 
relativiert haben.

In den Staedten treffen sich die sexuell Aufgekl�rten des 
21. Jahrhunderts. Singles praegen das Bild, in den 
entwickelten Industrienationen sind Kinder selten geworden 
und treten oft genug nur noch als Fetisch politischer 
Diskussionen auf. In den Staedten erleben wir die Aufl�sung 
der Familie, aber auch das Entstehen neuer Formen des 
Zusammenlebens. In Berlin, wo die uRBAN sEX aTTAC 
stattfindet, gibt es hunderte von >Freiraeumen<, Galerien, 
Clubs, Bars, private Haushalte, WGs. Kinos und Theater, 
Blumenlaeden, kryptische Modeboutiquen, Friseursalons und 
irgendwelche Mischungen aus all diesen. Eine Jeunesse ist
endlich doree geworden, insofern sie jenseits 
traditioneller Ehstands-Zwaenge Jahrzehnte Zeit hat, 
sexuelle Erfahrungen zu machen. 

Die uRBAN sEX aTTAC ist sich ihrer eurozentrischen 
Sichtweise durchaus bewusst und weiss, dass Bumsbomber
nach Asien und das - durchaus auch oekonomisch 
bedingte - Sterben von Millionen Bewohnern der Dritten 
Welt an Aids Sex zu einem dringenden globalen Thema 

Manuel Bonik / Mic Mikina, Berlin July 2002

[email protected]
[email protected]


Date: Sat, 13 Jul 2002 21:48:11 +1000
From: Dave/Cherry <[email protected]>
Subject: Invitation to Book Launch

You are invited to attend a book launch at the NSW State Parliament, 
Macquarie Street, Sydney, at 1:30pm Tuesday, 16 July, in the Jubilee 

The book is "The Worst of Woomera", a 48-page collection of stories 
from detainees at the Woomera Detention Centre, and it is by Dave and 
Cherry McKay.  It covers developments at the centre between the 
Easter breakout, and the most recent breakout on June 28.

Details from the press release appear below.  If you are hoping to 
attend, could you let me know by email asap, so we will know how many 
people to plan for.  Your presence and support would be greatly 

Dave McKay

Dear Guy, Please feel free to alter, edit, cut, add, or delete as you 
see fit.  IMPORTANT:  Arthur IS a Democrat, isn't he?  Please change 
the text, with apologies from me, if I am wrong.  Dave McKay

PRESS RELEASE:  "Worst of Woomera" Book Launching

Personal profiles of some thirty asylum seekers detained at the 
"Immigration Reception and Processing Centre" in Woomera, South 
Australia, are featured in a 48-page booklet being launched at the 
NSW State Parliament, Macquarie Street, Sydney, at 1:30pm on Tuesday, 
July 16, in the Jubilee Room.

The book launching has been arranged by Democrat MP, Dr. Arthur 
Chesterfield Evans, a long-time friend of the author, Dave McKay, and 
Dave's wife, Cherry, who gathered most of the information for the 

The books are being marketed directly on a donation basis, with 
supporters giving "whatever they can afford".  Even before the first 
print run of 20,000 copies came off the press on Friday, 12 July, the 
authors had received requests for 21,000 copies from refugee 
activists around Australia, including an order for 100 copies to be 
sent by express post to Christmas Island.  A second order for an 
additional 20,000 copies has already been made, and should be 
available in a fortnight.

Any profits from the sale of the booklet will go toward the work of 
the Refugee Embassy, in Woomera, which was co-founded by Dave McKay 
and Ross Parry, both Quakers from the Newcastle area.

"The Worst of Woomera" chronicles attempts by the Refugee Embassy to 
establish contact between detainees and members of the general 
public, in an effort to overcome misconceptions, and to put a human 
face to the people housed there.  The text, interspersed with 
personal profiles, covers events from the Good Friday breakout 
earlier this year, to the hunger-strike breakout on June 28th.

This is the first such collection of case histories to be made 
available to the public.  Names have been changed, but details about 
individual detainees are genuine.  Lawyers representing some of the 
people in the book are fearful that the Department of Immigration may 
give prejudicial treatment to people featured in the book, as 
punishment for letting their stories be heard.  However, because most 
of these people have exhausted all appeals anyway, they have given 
permission for their stories to be told.

"Change will not come until average Australians, and that includes 
most of our politicians, look into the eyes and hearts of the people 
our Government has been trying so hard to villify," said Dave McKay. 
"This book aims to do exactly that."

Contact details:

Dave McKay email:  [email protected]
           phone:  (02) 4954-2590
           mobile:  0422-142-702

- -- 
for the moment, mail to [email protected] will be automatically 
forwarded to [email protected], so you may reply to either 
address and it will reach me. 


Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2002 15:48:41 +0100
From: John Eacott <[email protected]> (by way of richard barbrook)
Subject: idm02

PLEASE FORWARD -- (apologies for mass mailout..)
- ----------------------------------------

interactive dance music summer school
September 2nd - 6th 2002
University of Westminster Harrow Campus, Watford Road, Harrow HA1 3TP. UK

Tutors: Nick Collins, Fredrik Olofsson and John Eacott

An intensive, week long course in making beat based music, interactive
interfaces, sound software, network based instruments and algorithmic /
generative composition in SuperCollider
Each of the 5 days will include lectures, demonstrations and workshops
with tutor support. It is expected that the summer school will conclude
with a public performance event involving summer school participants in
a London venue. Likely themes to be explored:

           * Introduction to SuperCollider 2
           * Interactivity via GUIs, audio and midi
           * Analogue synthesis emulation
           * Designing audio fx
           * Algorithmic and generative processes
           * Further Object Oriented Programming (creating / using class
libraries etc)
           * Live and networked performance
           * SC3 / SC Server (latest versions of SuperCollider)
           * SC and other applications - Max/MSP, Director, PD

The class may be divided into beginner and advanced groups as appropriate.

The idm summer school welcomes experienced musicians, composers and
sound programmers as well as beginners. Due to the technical nature of
creating music in SuperCollider it is recommended that students should
have some prior experience of computer based music systems (such as
Cubase, Logic, Protools etc.) and ideally some code based programming
experience (lingo, java, C, C++ etc).

Price (UK sterling): �160 (�90 concessions - student, unemployed, OAP)

Accommodation: Campus accommodation is available at �185.50 for the week
(7 nights) or �26.50 per night.

To register for the summer school contact: Jason Quaglia Postgraduate
Office University of Westminster, Harrow Campus Watford Road, Harrow.
HA1 3TP email: [email protected] tel. +44 (0) 20 7911 5000 ext. 4458

For further information about the summer school you may visit
or email John Eacott [email protected]


Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 12:06:57 +0200
From: [email protected]
Subject: =?Windows-1252?Q?zgomo-live_im_Edith-Ru=DF-Haus_f=FCr_Medienkunst?=

[scroll down for english]

Edith-Ru�-Haus f�r Medienkunst im Oldenburger Kultursommer
Freitag, 19. Juli 2002, 21 Uhr

Herwig Weiser

Programmierung: Albert Bleckman

Konzert mit F.X. Randomiz und Joseph Suchy

'zgomo live' - ein improvisierter Abend unter freiem Himmel, veranstaltet vom Edith-Ru�-Haus f�r Medienkunst. Herwig Weiser f�hrt sein "z-mobil" System im Rahmen der Ausstellung 'Magische Maschinen' vor. Anschlie�end spielen F.X. Randomiz und Joseph Suchy, Musiker aus der K�lner Elektronik-Szene, die mit einem Mix aus "experimentellem Pop" und "heavy metal plus free jazz" f�r Laptop und E-Gitarre ihr neues Sommerprogramm 2002 pr�sentieren. 

Der �sterr. K�nstler Herwig Weiser und der Programmierer Albert Bleckman erregten mit ihren installativen Arbeiten internationale Aufmerksamkeit und gewannen Preise in Linz und Berlin. 
F.X. Randomiz ist Klangforscher aus K�ln und geh�rt zur Szene um das Sonig-Label und den A-Musik-Laden. Joseph Suchy ist als Gitarrist kompromissloser Improvisator und kongenialer Erbe des Post-Jimi-Hendrix-Kontinuums.


Friday, 19 July 2002, 9 pm
Oldenburger Kultursommer

Herwig Weiser

Programming: Albert Bleckman

Concert: F.X. Randomiz und Joseph Suchy

The "zgomo-live" event at the Edith Russ Site for Media Art in Oldenburg is a presentation of Herwig Weiser's "z-mobil" system as part of the exhibition 'Magical Machines', followed by a concert by F.X. Randomiz and Joseph Suchy. Both musicians have emerged out of Cologne's electronic scene. Their new programm for the summer of 2002 is sometimes described as "experimental pop" or even "heavy metal plus free jazz". In any case, Randomiz' laptop music and Suchy's E-guitar promises to be an improvised evening under the night sky. 

The austrian artist Herwig Weiser and the programmer Albert Bleckman have won international recognition for their installations and prizes in Linz and Berlin. F.X. Randomiz researches sound in Cologne and is a member of the scene around the Sonig label and the A-Musik store. Joseph Suchy is a non-compromising, improvising guitarist and a congenial heir of the post-Jimi-Hendrix continuum.

Edith-Ru�-Haus f�r Medienkunst
Katharinenstra�e 23
D-26121 Oldenburg
t. +49 (0)441 235 - 32 08
f. +49 (0)441 235 - 21 61
[email protected]


Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2002 06:17:29 -0700 (PDT)
From: Wayne Ashley <[email protected]>
Subject: [Thundergulch Dialogues] Curating New Media--Inside and Outside the Institution

"Curating New Media--Inside and Outside the
Institution" is Thundergulch's last event of the
season. I guarantee some great debate and hope you can
join in. We'll begin again in the Fall. 

Wayne Ashley, Guest Curator, Thundergulch
- -------------------------------------------------------
Curating New Media--Inside and Outside the Institution

Tuesday, July 16th, 7:00pm --- FREE
Engine 27, 173 Franklin Street, between Hudson and
Greenwich Streets

The New Museum's curators Anne Barlow and Anne
Ellegood, PS1's Anthony Huberman, and independent
curator Michelle Thursz discuss the challenges of
organizing, displaying, and distributing new media art
within and outside institutional settings. Panelists
present compelling works from past and upcoming
exhibits as a basis for discussing emerging curatorial
models, collaboration, audience development, and

Special thanks to Engine 27 for hosting this event. 
Engine 27 is a not-for-profit center dedicated to the
development of multi-channel sound works in
coordination with other forms of contemporary media.
Engine 27 commissions new works, supports research,
artist residencies, education and public

Directions:  Take the 1/2 trains to Franklin Street,
A/C/E trains to Canal Street, or N/R trains to City

Reservations are not required, but for further
information please contact Wayne Ashley, Guest
Curator, Thundergulch at (212)219-9401 x106,
[email protected], or Erin Donnelly, Visual and
Media Arts Program Associate, Lower Manhattan Cultural
Council at (212)219-9401 x107, [email protected]

- ------------------------------------------------------
Support for Thundergulch audience development is
provided by American Express Company. Funding for
Thundergulch is generously provided by Cowles
Charitable Trust, Experimental Television Center, the
Greenwall Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation and
the May and Samuel Rudin Family Foundation.  This
project is made possible, in part, with public
funds from the Electronic Media and Film Program and
the Media Arts Technical Assistance Fund of the New
York State Council on the Arts, a State Agency. This
program is supported, in part, by public funds from
the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs.

Lower Manhattan Cultural Council
145 Hudson Street, Suite 801, New York, NY 10013
212-219-2058 fax

Liz Thompson, Executive Director
Moukhtar Kocache, Director of Visual & Media Arts
Erin Donnelly, Associate Director of Visual &
Wayne Ashley, Guest Curator, Thundergulch

Do You Yahoo!?
Sign up for SBC Yahoo! Dial - First Month Free


Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2002 14:22:10 +1000
From: "][co][De][e][p.rivation" <[email protected]>
Subject: _Net & Codeworkers Inc[ubation]_ Gallery

_Net & Codeworkers Inc[ubation]_

Curated by Mez

At Incubation 2000, Mark Amerika curated the Ink.Ubation Salon, a
gallery of work from a wide variety of new media writers experimenting
with the Internet. This year the gallery is curated by Mez, whose
pioneering net.language 'mezangelle' has intrigued readers online
since the early 90s. In her introduction to this selection of works
chosen specifically for the web, Mez explains why codework can only
be fully experienced in a non-physical space . . .

There have been extensive [and exhaustive] efforts made by the
technologically-inclined to use the Internet as a vehicle for the
gestation and manifestation of art-oriented practices. However, in
a disappointing truncated space and time, many of the artistic
potentialities of this [reticulation] technology have crystallized
around conventional lines, with practitioners progressing along
allegedly _fresh_ artistic trajectories which, in actuality, are still
dependent on derivative templates. These templates have been
predicated on the linear, on traditional unitary publishing models
and the structural/physical nature of the plastic arts.

Thankfully, not all creators engulfed in net dynamics are
determined to expressively seep back into the quagmire of
historically [and academically] ratified/reiterative formats and
stylistics. Some still perceive [and participate in] the network via a
tapestry of deformation/communication potentials. These entities
[as they cannot always be adequately defined in a geophysical,
visceral sense] shift & pulse data via infinite network variations.
These _artists_ [or net/code.workers] revel in the fabric of
connection modes and core elements that represent the actualities
of the net in all its functional glory. The code/net.workers selected
for inclusion here engage in production of [artistic] output that
employs and mirrors the very blueprinted mechanisms of the net

Net.workers such as solipsis, gashgirl/doll yoko, a u t u m n - f r e q
u e n c y, alan sondheim, + lo_y + and indecoress are represented
here by works that evoke/employ the net[work] for its
structural/data packaging and dispersal possibilities. These works
have been electronically hunted-&-gathered from email lists,
[we]blogs and MOOs. They primarily reside in unconventional
display states that are sheared from regular representation
models; they are mostly accessible via search-engines, in mailing
list archives, in blogs, or on hard-drives. In short, these works
fundamentally exist in echos and [band]widths of a projected
space. They are not designed to concretely reflect economic,
narrative, linear, or even [traditional] artistic value. Their creators
are more reflective in relation to the nodes/strands inherent in
network dissemination, and incorporate net conventions and
multivalencies in order to fabricate works that conflate
informational/contextual manipulation [eg via infofictionalised
texts/personas via various email lists].

The selected code.worker projects are also concerned with the
warping of computer language/systems into referential, aesthetic
or conceptual compositions that are replicated/sequenced in
burgeoning incremental waves, resulting in the weave & flow of
accented and disruptive code-emulations. Some are web-based,
some are post-game [mangled] patches, and some are caught in
net-based circulation and avatar adoption[s]. JODI, joe keenan,
Integer/Netochka Nezvanova, ted warnell, and brian lennon
rewrite the underlying notion[s] of code as functional/accessible via
blatant infrastructural rewiring that encourages the redirection of
an absorbers [ie interactors] typical meaning gaze/gauge.

Of course, the separation of the exhibited works into the
aforementioned categories [ +] is a highly
artificial [curatorially-induced] act. There are considerable semantic
slidings/interchanges involved here, shifting signifiers and false
dichotomies resulting from the notion that conferences [such as
Incubation 2] may be devoted to the display/analysis of _all things
net_, but have as their manifest presentation-interface a
dependency on physical platforms that acts to negate the
contextual nuances of the network. This reliance on channeling the
discussion of works [that are indigenous to the network] through
physical, realtime, flesh_ presenters acts to trap the information
into culturally-negotiable/manageable assimilation packets. The
dataflow is rigid here, compartmentalized and frozen. The
emphasis on this physical steerage of data revokes the pliability of
these projects, and leaves the code/[ers] floating in a
correspondingly amputated reality/limboesque strata-zone. For this
I must apologize, and suggest - as a workable antidote - a
thorough search-immersion of all things net/ oriented.

.           .    ....         .....



.           .    ....         .....
collapsing adj[thr]usting.txt
.... .               .???  .......


Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2002 08:17:40 +0000
From: "ph2o arte" <[email protected]>
Subject: INNESTO-GREFFE-GRAFT   (art-happening)

INNESTO-GREFFE-GRAFT   (Ita � fra � eng)


Happening nel Parco

Lei � gentilmente invitata all� happening nel Parco delle Alpi Marittime, 
per la performance �Innesto � Greffe � Graf� il prossimo 7 Settembre 2002.

Un�originale happening nel Parco delle Alpi Marittime, in Italia vicino a 

Si tratta di un particolare evento, ideato da due interessanti giovani 
artisti, Domenico Olivero e Stefano Venezia.

Il 7 Settembre nel pomeriggio (ore 17,00) essi vi aspetteranno nel Vallone 
delle Vallette, nel centro del Parco delle Alpi Marittime, per un originale 
evento, un nuovo modo di vivere una comunicazione globale e un confronto con 
gli artisti in un suggestivo spazio naturale. Essi vi aspetteranno per un 
incontro ed una camminata, dialogando sui valori umani. Alla fine tutte le 
persone presenti parteciperanno alla creazione di una scultura in forma di 
costellazione (in questo caso quella dell�Orsa maggiore).

Per tutte le informazioni e mappa del luogo visitare il sito

Se desidera essere cancellato dalla nostra mailing list invii un e-mail a 
[email protected], completamente vuota ed intitola �unsubscribre�.


Happening dans le Parc

Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter � l��v�nement �Innesto � Greffe � 
Graft�, le  7 Septembre 2002.

Un original �Happening� aura lieu dans le Parc des Alpes Maritimes, Italie, 
pr�s de Turin.

C�est un �v�nement artistique sp�cial, con�u par des importants jeunes 
artistes italiens, Domenico Olivero et Stefano Venezia.

Le 7 Septembre, � h 17:00, nous nous rencontrerons dans la Vall�e Vallette, 
au centre du Parc des Alpes Maritimes, pour cette particuli�re performance 
artistique qui veut repr�senter une nouvelle fa�on de vivre dans une 
communication globale ainsi qu�un �change culturel parmis des artistes, et 
cela � l�int�rieur d�un magnifique espace naturel.

Nous allons nous rencontrer pour en suite faire ensemble un bout de chemin 
en dialoguant sur les valeurs humaines.A la fin de cette promenade, chaque 
personne aura la possibilit� de faire une sculpture avec la forme d�une 
constellation (dans ce cas l�Ourse Majeur, Great Bear).

Pour toutes informations veuillez visiter le site internet

Pour �tre �limin� de la mailing list �Innesto � Greffe � Graft�, envoyer une 
e-mail � [email protected], et �crire la parole �unsubscribe� comme 


Happening in the Park

You are cordially invited to happening in the Park, for the performance 
�Innesto � Greffe � Graf� next 7 September 2002.

A original happening will take place in Alpi Marittime's Park, Italy, near 

It is a special artistic event, designed by important Italian young artists, 
Domenico Olivero and Stefano Venezia.

Around the 7th of September in the afternoon ( 5 p.m) we will rendezvous in 
the Vallette Valley, in the centre of the Alpi Marittime's Park, for a 
particular art event in a public space. A new way for living in a global 
communication and a chat among artists and the audience, in a wonderful 
natural space.

We will meet and walk in an original procession with dialogs and comparisons 
about human values. At the end of the walking every person in the audience 
will build a sculpture in the shape of a constellation (in this case Ursa 
Major, Great Bear).

For all information and map, look web site:

To be removed from the Innesto-Greffe-Graf mailing list write to 
[email protected] and  include the word "unsubscribe" in the subject 

Infotel: 3282159521
Emal: [email protected];
Web site:
For all information look web site:

� Domenico Olivero & Stefano Venezia, all riserved

MSN Foto � il sistema pi� facile per condividere e stampare foto online:


Date: Sat, 13 Jul 2002 15:36:21 -0400
From: tobias v <[email protected]>
Subject: NFF: 'glitch &granular' - interactive Interruption installation - Final Full information


- --- the New Forms Festival & the Velocity Media Arts Society (VMASS)
        in conjunction with <ST>



    //glitch &granular// <----


    friday august 2nd 2002
    10pm- 2am+ / 



an evening of experimental electronic music
        interactive digital technologies
        video light and sculpture installation ::

        curated by tobias c. van Veen


- --granular & glitch

An evening of minimal techno, granular dub, and ambient textures with
synchronised video and installation art�.an environmental metamorphosis
between the eyes and the ears spanning audio explorations into the realms of
experimental electronic music. The �glitch� is a point of software collapse,
when unexpected sound guides the musical process; �granular� is a
description for the post-dub digital synthesis of micro-peels of sound,
slivers of echoes and traces of frequencies and harmonies. Prepare to feel
sound and grasp its subtleties in all its silences and pockets of intensity
as the Video-In is subjected to a proper full spectrum sound system.
Vancouver grabs ahold of the future and shocks it to life: Kafka awakes to
find his cockroach genitals a digital bleep, a becoming-instrument waiting
to be played by the lyres of wind and wire.


[Joshua Kit Clayton. San Francisco. Orthlorng Musork.]

Come prepared for an immersive audio-visual experience featuring the first
live performance in over a year from internationally respected Orthlorng
Musork label innovator and micro-dub pioneer Joshua Kit Clayton from San
Francisco. Releasing minimal dub-techno masterpieces since the early �90s,
Kit Clayton has become the focal point for a San Francisco sound that
includes esteemed colleagues Sutekh, Safety Scissors, Blechtum from
Blechdom, Twerk, and Kid606. Joshua has work on many labels including Pole�s
~scape, Sutekh�s Context, Background, Vertical Form, Cytrax, Delay, Mille
Plateaux, Carpark, Pthalo, Plug Research, Parallel, Proptronix, and
Caipirinha, as well as working for Max/MSP�s parent company Cycling �74. The
New Forms Festival is proud to provide a full listening experience for
Joshua�s music. A Dirty Quebecois at heart, Joshua collects his trash at <>


[Sue Costabile. San Francisco. Orthlorng Musork.]

Joining Kit Clayton will be label co-founder and video artist Sue Costabile
in a rare live collaborative audio-visual performance. As well as running
Orthlorng Musork, whose roster includes such notable artists as Timeblind
aka Chris Sattinger, AGF, Blechtum from Blechdom, and Stephen Mathieu, Sue
creates video art visuals for Joshua�s music. Their esoteric and exploratory
live performances are the stuff of memory. The real woman behind the musork,
Sue sets her sights at <>


[Mitchell Akiyama. Montreal. Intr_version.]

>From Montreal, the NFF welcomes intr_version label founder and composer of
melancholic and moody minimally textured techno Mitchell Akiyama in his
first live west coast performance. Mitchell has been busy in the Montreal
scene, founding his label intr_version and recording work for Alien 8,
Raster-Noton, Background, spar.ks, Instinct, and Substractif. Along with
Substractif labelmate Tim Hecker and Alien8 cohort Tomas Jirku, Mitchell is
known for recombinating the tension of minimal techno and its spaces of
silence with the emotional gridwork of post-digital explorative electronic.
Secretly singing to powerlines, Mitchell is planted at
<> and


[Ben Nevile. Victoria.]

Bringing the beats, Victoria�s Ben Nevile returns for a live minimal house
hoe-down spanning his work on such labels as Context, Mosaic, Telegraph,
Nordic Trax, Traum, and C74. Nevile�s quirky yet laidback take on minimal
micro-house with a dub influence reflects his west-coast lifestyle and has
quickly gained him recognition at such festivals as Mutek 2002 and Refrains
2001. Another code-crunching employee of Cycling �74, Ben uses an inventive
and original Max software environment which he manipulates with a
self-programmed MIDI joystick, setting him apart in the world of laptop
performers as a wizard of technology and synthesized soul. A closet Rush
fan, Ben�s diary is at <>


[tobias. Montreal. <ST>]

Montreal�s most recent Vancouver ex-patriate and minimal techno diehard DJ,
tobias, takes on three turntables of tricks. Despite his thinky-thinky
academic pandering, which he will display with panache at the NFF panels
[link here], tobias has a deep love for the carnal pleasures of frequency
foreplay. There�s no talking here: you�ll find yourself on the floor and
sweaty with your legs moving to an unholy rhythm. And keep your ears peeled:
no doubt some live tunes will find themselves dropped into the mix straight
from the studio smoke. Situationist or Surrealist? Decide for yourself at <>

- --The Performance.

This will be a performance and a body shaking experience. Please note that
during the performances of Mitchell Akiyama and Joshua Kit Clayton and Sue
Costabile there will be no in/out privileges. It�s like the opera: be on
time, as this is a dedicated and intense sonic environment. After the
tension, hang on as the ecstatic release of Ben Nevile and tobias launch
into the rhythmic realms of micro-house and minimal techno for a thumping
tribute to the spirits of yesteryear.


- --Joshua Kit Clayton and Sue Costabile.

"Granular Electronic Artist Joshua Kit Clayton to debut new interactive
audio-visual technology at New Forms Festival"

Experimental electronic music pioneer Joshua Kit Clayton will be debuting
his new, interactive audio-visual technology at the Friday, August 2nd
"glitch & granular" night at the New Forms Festival. Clayton is an
internationally renowned music software programmer who constructs "patches"
for the modular audio-visual software, Max/MSP, which forms the basis for
his compositional and performance process. The debut performance is called
"Interruption," and uses an advanced audio-visual interface to interpret a
live-filmed image of Joshua's and label co-partner Sue Costabile's faces
while at the same time recording their spoken and bodily sounds. The image
and audio data is then interpreted by Clayton's self-programmed Max/MSP
"patch" to mix with a pre-progammed series of abstract, fantasy images and
sounds. The reinterpreted and remixed images and audio will then be
projected onto a screen and broadcast out the soundsystem in real-time. This
is the international debut of this cutting-edge performance.

[Artist's Statement: "Interruption" by Joshua Kit Clayton & Sue Costabile]

"Susan and I will be on stage lying down on either tables or beds. Above
our heads will be a light, a video camera, and a microphone. We will be
facing upwards towards the cameras which will be zoomed close on our
faces. Our audio and video signal will each be sent to a computer to
determine how our audio and video will interrupt and or be interrupted
by a separate world of audio/video. These audio/video streams will be
merged and sent to the projector which will project the image on a
screen behind us. 

The video of our faces will be concrete/real, while the other
audio/video streams will be abstract/fantasy. There will be interplay
between reality/fantasy for each performer, as well as between


"a guy named Adam Schabtach who works for C74 has written an object
called "insprock" that gives easy access to USB gaming devices in Max.  the
patch I use polls the joystick every 10 milliseconds or so.  if there has
been a change in status - ie, it is tilted differently, or I've pressed or
released a button - the data for that change comes out of this object as raw
numbers.  so for instance, the horizontal and vertical tilts come out as
numbers between 0 and 65535.  my max patch analyses this gesture data and
responds according to a set of rules I've programmed in.

so in short, the joystick gets plugged right into the computer's USB port
and sends numbers directly into the max environment.  MIDI is out of the
picture, although if you wanted you could use Max to generate MIDI in
response to the joystick's movements.  I did something like that this past
weekend with Cobblestone Jazz."

- --The Art-Space.

Vancouver�s Olo J. Milkman of the Product of Neglect Art Collective will
treat the eyes to the continuing series of Ample Lamps and Reverse-Line
slides featured at previous <ST> events and as seen at Wazubeez and the Mojo
Dojo. Olo will be creating metamorphic line-work specifically for the New
Forms Festival. Olo�s work and diligently diverse online radio show can be
found at


UBC Fine Arts graduate Triina Linde returns with conceptual space-art that
will transform your personal object-relations. You may remember her green
op-art floor covering at Refrains; compose yourself for another strangely
shocking environmental experience at the NFF.


- ---Location. Time. Date.

Video-In. 1965 Main St. 10pm-2am?
Limited Capacity. Be on time.
*No in/out during Kit Clayton + Sue Costabile�s performance*
Tickets $15 advance / $20 door.
Info + tickets:

questions about the glitch night?
email [email protected]

- ---Lineup.

10-11 tobias
11-12 Mitchell Akiyama
12-1 Joshua Kit Clayton & Sue Costabile
1-2 Ben Nevile
2-? tobias


�do not miss another memory that threatens to racinate your soul�




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