Announcer on Wed, 9 Oct 2002 11:23:23 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> Announcements [x8]

Table of Contents:

   DIAN Announcement for October                                                   
     DIAN <[email protected]>                                                    

   Kalam Listserv on Islam and Science                                             
     "Paul D. Miller" <[email protected]>                                        

   zkm_newsletter :: 10/02 --                                                      
     ZKM Online-Redaktion <[email protected]>                                         

   DAC call for works closing...                                                   
     Adrian Miles <[email protected]>                                              

   whitney artport                                                                 
     [email protected]                                                                

   Glocal Blog                                                                     
     Steve Cisler <[email protected]>                                                 

     [email protected]                                                           

   !!Danger Museum is looking for art shareware!!                                  
     tien <[email protected]>                                                        


Date: Tue, 01 Oct 2002 02:03:51 +0200
From: DIAN <[email protected]>
Subject: DIAN Announcement for October

              DIAN - Digital Interactive Artists' Network




DIAN - Digital Interactive Artists' Network -
Our focus for the month of October is WESLEY THOMAS MEYER. We proudly
present his work:


More-Inc. is an artistic simulation of lifestyle in a capitalist
culture. The project is dedicated to employee number 12995 and to his
frustrations and angst. Meyer analyses, with irony, the human being's
role in a world dominated by corporations and the New Economy. The user
is invited to participate in the daily routine of a faceless employee
and to interact with the endless meetings, paper pushing, form filing,
homogeneity, subversion, and anxiety that are typical in the corporate
work world. Later, the user's interaction travels beyond the job to
employee 12995's domestic life and dreamy subconscious leading to an
experiential crescendo realized in breakdown, dissimulation, and

DIAN - Digital Interactive Artists' Network - is a network for artists
who are seriously involved in using Internet technology in the domain of
contemporary art.

We are deeply interested in artists working in this field. Artists
working with the web, the net and related domains, please submit your
work here:

        Visit DIAN and explore what can be done on the Internet.

                      e-mail: [email protected]

to unsubscribe from this list send an email
to [email protected]


Date: Mon, 7 Oct 2002 02:14:48 -0400
From: "Paul D. Miller" <[email protected]>
Subject: Kalam Listserv on Islam and Science

I just thought I'd pass this on. Me and the list moderator, Muzzaffar 
Iqbal just did a conference on Unifield Fields of Culture, Art, 
Science and contemporary "spirituality" in Colorado that Doug 
Rushkoff organized with me, Erik Davis, Mark Amerika, Leonard Schlain 
(me and Leonard did the Kynote speeches) and many others. Great 
ideas, smart, diverse and well researched. Check it out. Muzzafar has 
also has set up the Center for Islam and Science -

here's the blurb for Kalam
check it out.

Kalam [Arabic], lit. speech, something spoken; in diction & language: 
parlance; talk, discourse; in grammar, a sentence; also, a quasi 
inference. A powerful movement within Islamic thought (sometimes 
imperfectly translated as Islamic scholasticism).

Mutakallim: a practitioner of Kalam (pl. mutakallimun).

cilm al-Kalam: a science in which one investigates the Being and 
attributes of God, and the conditions of possible things with respect 
to creation and restitution.

Kalam, an edited and moderated listserver and news service, seeks to 
build a fraternity of scholars who are interested in a constructive 
discourse on Islamic vision of science. Contributions are welcome 
from Muslim as well as non-Muslim scholars. Kalam also publishes 
selected articles on comparative studies in Religion and Science.

The list is moderated by Muzaffar Iqbal. Subscriptions are free. You 
can subscribe to Kalam by going to <> and 
following the links to subscribe or unsubscribe, or by sending an 
email to the editor at [email protected].


For more information, including archives and submission guidelines, 
please visit us at:

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe 
they are free...."
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

wildstyle access:

Paul D. Miller a.k.a. Dj Spooky that Subliminal Kid

Office Mailing Address:

Subliminal Kid Inc.
101 W. 23rd St. #2463
New York, NY 10011


Date: Mon, 7 Oct 2002 11:46:50 +0200
From: ZKM Online-Redaktion <[email protected]>
Subject: zkm_newsletter :: 10/02 --

Der ZKM_Newsletter erscheint 1 x monatlich mit 
Ausstellungsank�ndigungen, Linktipps und Termin-Hinweisen. Wenn Sie 
keine Zustellung des Newsletter mehr w�nschen, antworten Sie einfach 
auf diese Mail mit dem Wort "abbestellen" in der Betreffzeile. Falls 
Ihre Absenderadresse von unserer Zustelladresse abweicht, geben Sie 
bitte letztere mit an.

ZKM_Newsletter :: Oktober 2002 ::


Das gesamte Programm f�r Oktober 2002 finden Sie auch unter ::
- ->$2782
[English version below]



ZKM_Veranstaltungen ::

��� Air Liquide (Konzert)
��� Arbeitsgemeinschaft f�r Philosophie und Naturwissenschaften
��� Kurt G�del : Die Grenzen der Mathematik und rotierende Universen
��� Z_KinoMittwoch (Film)
��� Jon Jost (Ausstellung/Installation/Film)
��� Bernhard Leitner (Ausstellung/Installation)
��� Streaming Media (Aktionstag der kommunalen Kinos in Deutschland)
��� STAUBGOLD Labelnight (Konzert)

ZKM_Ausstellungen ::

��� Michel Foucault und die K�nste
��� Von ZERO bis 2002
      Zeitgen�ssische Kunst aus den Sammlungen Siegfried Weishaupt,
      Froehlich, FER und Gr�sslin
��� David Link: Poetry Machine [version 1.0]

ZKM_Ausstellungen/ Projektpr�sentationen ::

��� Jon Jost: �Trinity�
��� Bernhard Leitner: �Akustische Architektur�

ZKM_F�hrungen/ Museumsp�dagogisches Angebot ::

��� Medienmuseum
��� Museum f�r Neue Kunst


ZKM_Veranstaltungen ::

��� Air Liquide (Special guest: Helmut Zerlett)
- ->$2795
- -> 02.10.2002

Air Liquide ? �die Speerspitze deutscher Elektronik� [SPEX] nehmen 
seit der Ver�ffentlichung ihres Albums
�Neue Frankfurter Elektronik Schule� (1991) eine Pionierrolle 
innerhalb der elektronischen Musikszene ein. Der
Keyboarder, Komponist, Producer und Latenight-Show Bandleader Helmut 
Zerlett wirkt seit den 80ern in
unz�hligen Bandprojekten; u.a. spielte er mit Jaki Liebezeit in der 
inoffiziellen Can-Nachfolgecombo Phantomband.
[ZKM_Foyer | Beginn 22.30 Uhr | Einlass 21 Uhr]

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��� Arbeitsgemeinschaft f�r Philosophie und Naturwissenschaften :
      �Die Pequod bauen - Eine Endo/Exo-Perspektive der Kultur�
- ->
- -> 02.10.2002
- -> 16.10.2002
- -> 30.10.2002

Am Bild des Schiffs Pequod, mit dem in Hermann Melvills Roman �Moby 
Dick� Kapit�n Ahab den Weissen Wal
jagt, stellt der Medientheoretiker Nils R�ller Wechselbeziehungen 
zwischen der modernen Literatur und der
Naturwissenschaft vor.
Eine in regelm��igen Abst�nden gehaltene Workshopreihe, die live im
Internet verfolgt werden kann.
[ZKM_Seminarraum 2.14 |  16 - 18 Uhr]

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��� Kurt G�del : Die Grenzen der Mathematik und rotierende Universen
- ->$2797
- -> 06.10.2002

Ein Expertenteam des Time-Magazine w�hlte Kurt G�del [*1906 +1978] im 
Jahr 1999 zum gr��ten Mathematiker
des 20. Jahrhunderts. Zentral f�r den G�del-Mythos ist das Motiv der 
Grenze. G�del steht f�r die Begrenztheit
unseres Denkens, f�r die Grenzen mathematischer Beweisbarkeit, 
manchmal sogar f�r die Grenzen der
Wissenschaft �berhaupt. Das Symposium widmet sich dem Bild G�dels in 
der Informatik, Mathematik und Physik.

[ZKM_Medientheater | 14 - 18 Uhr]

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- - - - - - - - - - - -

��� Z_KinoMittwoch
- ->$2789
- -> 09.10.2002 :: �Eolomea�
- -> 16.10.2002 :: �Im Staub der Sterne�
- -> 23.10.2002 :: �Signale - ein Weltraumabenteuer (Sygnaly MMLX)�
- -> 30.10.2002 :: �MALEVIL�

Mit dem Kinomittwoch pr�sentiert das ZKM eine Veranstaltungsreihe, 
die sich kritisch mit ausgew�hlten kulturellen
und wissenschaftlichen Themen auseinandersetzt und dar�ber hinaus 
eine langfristige Auseinandersetzung mit dem
Medium Film, dessen Entwicklung und Perspektiven im Kontext der neuen 
Medien dokumentiert. Thematischer
�berbau im Oktober lautet �Science-Fiction im Kalten Krieg�.
[ZKM_Medientheater | jeweils 20.30 Uhr]

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��� Streaming Media [Aktionstag der kommunalen Kinos in Deutschland]
- ->$2799
- -> 31.10.2002

�Experiment Zukunft� ist das Motto des 8. Aktionstages der Kommunalen 
Kinos in Deutschland, der bundesweit
stattfindet. Wenn seit einigen Jahren von der Zukunft des Kinos die 
Rede ist, fallen oft Namen wie George Lucas,
Peter Greenaway oder Wim Wenders. Vertreter der Film- und 
Kinoindustrie sprechen v.a. �ber den Spielfilm, seine
digitale Produktion und Distribution und schlie�lich seine digitale 
Vorf�hrung im Kino. Die am ZKM
mitzuerlebenden Beitr�ge werden als live stream in die 
angeschlossenen Kinos �bertragen.
[ZKM_Vortragssaal | 19 Uhr]

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��� STAUBGOLD Labelnight (Konzert)
- ->$2796
- -> 31.10.2002

Das junge K�lner Label Staubgold hat sich in k�rzester Zeit vom 
Geheimtipp zur Indie-Instanz entwickelt und die
zunehmend konsolidierte Labelszene der deutschen Musikmetrople 
durcheinander gewirbelt. Auf nunmehr �ber 30
Releases entwirft Staubgold einen klanglichen Mikrokosmos, der nur 
noch behelfsweise als �experimentelle
elektronische Musik� beschrieben werden kann. F�r die Visuals sorgt 
Bernd Schyma, der alsBildsicherung alte
Fotos, Dias und Super8-Filme vor dem Verschwinden bewahrt.
[ZKM_Foyer | Beginn 21 Uhr | Einlass 20 Uhr]

ZKM_Ausstellungen ::

��� Michel Foucault und die K�nste
- ->$2788
- -> bis 03.11.2002

Die Ausstellung zeigt das umfassende Archiv zu Michel Foucault von 
Peter Gente. Tonbandaufnahmen,
Videoinstallationen und Fotos, Ver�ffentlichungen von, mit und �ber 
Foucault veranschaulichen die
Erfahrungswelten des Philosophen.
[ZKM_Medienmuseum/ Projektraum]

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- - - - - - - - - - - -

��� Von ZERO bis 2002
      Zeitgen�ssische Kunst aus den Sammlungen Siegfried Weishaupt,
      Froehlich, FER und Gr�sslin
- ->
- -> bis 06.01.2003

Das Herzst�ck der Ausstellung bildet eine Gruppe von ZERO-Werken aus 
der Sammlung Siegfried Weishaupt, die
zwischen 1958 und 1973 durch K�nstler wie Heinz Mack, G�nther Uecker, 
Yves Klein, Otto Piene, Lucio Fontana
und Jean Tinguely entstanden sind.
[Museum f�r Neue Kunst | ZKM]

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��� David Link: Poetry Machine [version 1.0]
- ->$2690#poetry_machine
- -> bis 31.06.2003

Eine Installation, die �ber das Medium Text ein Wechselspiel zwischen 
Besucher und Maschine inszeniert.
[ZKM_Foyer Medienmuseum]


ZKM_Ausstellungen/ Projektpr�sentationen ::

��� Jon Jost: �Trinity�
- ->$2792
- -> 18.10. - 03.11.2002
- -> Er�ffnung: 17.10.2002 | 19 Uhr

��� Begleitende Filmvorf�hrungen
- ->$2792
- -> 17.10.2002: Jon Jost: �The Bed You Sleep In�, 1992
- -> 03.11.2002: Jon Jost: �Oui Non�, 2002

Das Lebenswerk des amerikanischen Filmemachers Jon Jost [*1943] wurde 
k�rzlich vom Museum of Modern Art
New York mit einer umfassenden Retrospektive gew�rdigt. Die 
Rauminstallation �Trinity�, bestehend aus sieben
Projektionen in einer Gr��e von je zwei auf drei Metern, ist ein 
Ergebnis der Auseinandersetzung Josts mit in der
freien Natur gefilmten Materials und hochaufl�sender digitaler Videotechnik.

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- - - - - - - - - - - -

��� Bernhard Leitner: �Akustische Architektur�
- ->$2798
- -> Ausstellungsdauer: 18.10. - 03.11.2002

��� CD-Pr�sentation �Kopf-Raum-St�cke�
- ->$2798
- -> 18.10.2002 | 19 Uhr

Der �sterreichische K�nstler Bernhard Leitner pr�sentiert im ZKM 
seine CD �Kopf-Raum-St�cke� und die
Installation �Akustische Architektur�: 20 von der Decke freischwebend 
abgeh�ngte Metalltafeln bilden die W�nde
einer passagenartigen, akustischen Architektur. Lautsprecher, die im 
mittleren Bereich der Metallplatten montiert
sind, �bertragen das Tonmaterial auf die Stahlfl�chen und verwandeln 
diese in t�nende Resonanzfl�chen.
[ZKM_ subRaum]


ZKM_F�hrungen/ Museumsp�dagogisches Angebot ::

��� Medienmuseum
��� Museum f�r Neue Kunst

Das gesamte Programm [Gruppenf�hrungen, Workshops, 
Lehrerfortbildungen, Themenf�hrungen f�r Kinder]
sowie Preise und weitere Informationen erfahren Sie unter
- ->$2800


ZKM_Newsletter :: October 2002 ::

Calendar of events/ October 2002:
- ->$2782

ZKM_Events ::

��� Air Liquide (concert)
��� Working group for philosophy and sciences (lecture/discussion)
��� Kurt G�del : The limits of mathematics and rotating universes 
��� Z_KinoMittwoch (film and video program)
��� Jon Jost (opening/ installation, film program)
��� Bernhard Leitner (opening/ installation)
��� Streaming Media (lectures/screenings)
��� STAUBGOLD Labelnight (concert)

ZKM_Exhibitions ::

��� Michel Foucault and the Arts
��� From ZERO to 2002
      New presentation of contemporary art from the collections 
Siegfried Weishaupt, Froehlich, FER and Gr�sslin
��� David Link: Poetry Machine [version 1.0]

ZKM_Exhibitions/ Presentations ::

��� Jon Jost: �Trinity�
��� Bernhard Leitner: �Akustische Architektur� [Acoustic Architecture]

ZKM_Guided Tours/ Public Program ::

��� Media Museum
��� Museum of Contemporary Art | ZKM

ZKM_Events ::

��� Air Liquide (special guest: Helmut Zerlett)
- ->$2795
- -> 10/02/2002

�Air Liquide�, �the spearhead of German electronic music�, as the 
magazine SPEX called the duo, will present their new album, �Music Is 
A Virus�.

[ZKM_Foyer | 10.30pm]

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- - - - - - - - - - - -
��� Working group for philosophy and sciences:
      �Constructing the Pequod - an endo-/exoperspective of culture�
- ->
- -> 10/02/2002 | 10/16/2002 | 10/30/2002
- - >

A series of public workshops initiated by ZKM's Institute for Basic Research.
Taking the �Pequod� - the ship captain Ahab sets out on to hunt the 
white whale in Herman Melville's novel �Moby Dick� - as his starting 
point, media theorist Nils R�ller explores the intersections of 
modern literature and the
natural sciences. [in German]

[ZKM_seminar room 2.14 | 4 - 6 pm]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
- - - - - - - - - - - -

��� Kurt G�del : The limits of mathematics and rotating universes
- ->$2797
- -> 10/06/2002

On the occasion of the publication of �Kurt G�del: Wahrheit und 
Beweisbarkeit�, [edited by M. St�ltzner, W. DePauli-Schimanovich, P. 
Weibel and others [�bv&hpt Verlag, Wien]], the ZKM will host a 
symposium dedicated to the interdisciplinary implications of theories 
formulated by the mathematician and logician Kurt Goedel [1906-1978], 
who might be best known for his influential �incompleteness theorem� 
[published in 1931]. Besides the discussion of consequences of 
G�del's research for current theories in fields like, for example, 
quantum physics, the event will focus on the �image� of G�del as 
constructed or reflected in computer sciences, mathematics and 
physics, and will discuss the function of �scientific myths�, the 
role of �secondary representations�, as well as structural 
differences in formal sciences and natural sciences. Speakers include 
Gregory Chaitin [IBM Watson Research Center, New York], Michael 
St�ltzner [Institute for Science and Technology Reasearch, University 
of Bielefeld, D], Werner DePauli-Schimanovich [Institute for 
Statistics and Computing, University of Vienna, A], Peter Weibel 
[ZKM_Karlsruhe], Georg S��mann [professor emeritus of the Department 
of Physics, University of Munich].

[ZKM_Media Theater | 2 - 6pm]

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- - - - - - - - - - - -

��� Z_KinoMittwoch [ZKM_Cinema on Wednesdays]
- ->$2789

In September and October 02, ZKM's film and video series, 
�ZKM_KinoMittwoch�, centers around the topic �Science fiction during 
the Cold War�.

- -> 09/10/2002 :: �Eolomea� [USSR 1984, 81 min]/ dir. by Alexander Sacharow
- -> 10/16/2002 :: �Im Staub der Sterne�/ [GDR 1975/76, 102 min]/ dir. 
by Gottfried Kolditz
- -> 10/23/2002 :: �Signale - ein Weltraumabenteuer (Sygnaly MMLX)� 
[GDR/PL 1969/70, 121min]/ dir. by Gottfried Kolditz
- -> 10/30/2002 :: �MALEVIL� [F/D 1980, 120min]/dir. by Christian de Chalonge,

[ZKM_Media Theater | 8.30pm ]

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- - - - - - - - - - - -

��� Streaming Media
- ->$2799
- -> 10/31/2002

The event organized by Germany's municipal cinemas focusses on new 
digital standards in the distribution and production of film projects.

[ZKM_Lecture Hall | 7pm]

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- - - - - - - - - - - -

��� STAUBGOLD Labelnight
- ->$2796
- -> 10/31/2002

A concert by the Cologne-based label �Staubgold�, one of the most 
innovative labels in the field of experimental electronic music.

[ZKM_Foyer | 9pm ]


ZKM_Exhibitions ::

��� Michel Foucault and the Arts
- ->$2788
- -> 09/20 - 11/02/2002

The exhibition presents Peter Gente's comprehensive archive about 
Michel Foucault.
Tape recordings, video installations and photos, publications by and 
about Foucault,
resp. books by Gente and the philospher, illustrate Foucault's world 
of thought and

[ZKM_Media Museum/ Project Space]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
- - - - - - - - - - - -

��� From ZERO to 2002
New presentation of contemporary art from the collections Siegfried 
Weishaupt, Froehlich, FER and Gr�sslin.
GUESTS: Korpys & L�ffler, Kuball, L�v�que, Weis
- ->
- - > 09/28/2002 - 01/06/2003

The exhibition presents selected works from the collections Siegfried 
Froehlich, FER and Gr�sslin, created by members of the ZERO-group between 1958
and 1973. On view will be works by Heinz Mack, G�nther Uecker, Yves Klein, Otto
Piene, Lucio Fontana, and Jean Tinguely and others.

[Museum of Contemporary Art | ZKM]
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- - - - - - - - - - - -

��� David Link: Poetry Machine [version 1.0]
- ->$2690#poetry_machine
- -> until 06/31/2003

[ZKM_Foyer Media Museum]


ZKM_Exhibitions/ Presentations ::

��� Jon Jost: �Trinity�
- ->$2792
- -> 10/18 - 11/03/2002
- -> opening: 10/17/2002 | 7pm

��� Film program
- ->$2792
- -> 10/17/2002: Jon Jost: �The Bed You Sleep In�, 1992
- -> 11/03/2002: Jon Jost: �Oui Non�, 2002

With the installation �Trinity�, the ZKM presents a recent work of 
one of America's leading independent film makers, Jon Jost [*1943], 
which he produced at the ZKM_Institute for Visual Media The large 
scale installation, consisting of seven 2x 3m projections, is the 
result of Jost's exploration of footage of nature and high resolution 
video technology.


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��� Bernhard Leitner: �Akustische Architektur� [Acoustic Architecture]
- ->$2798
- -> exhibition :  10/18 - 11/03/2002

��� CD-presentation:  �Kopf-Raum-St�cke�
- ->$2798
- -> 10/18/2002 | 7pm

The Austrian artist Bernhard Leitner presents his latest CD, 
�Kopf-Raum-St�cke�, and the installation �Akustische Architekur� 
[Acoustic Architecture].

[ZKM_ subRaum]


ZKM_Guided Tours/ Public Program ::

��� Media Museum
��� Museum for Contemporary Art

The Education Departments of the ZKM and the Museum for Contemporary 
Art | ZKM offer a wide range of activities, guided public and private 
tours, workshops and seminars.

- - >
- - >

Program October 2002 ::
- ->$2800

- -- 

///////  / |< ||| | Zentrum fuer Kunst und Medientechnologie
///////  / |< ||| | Center for Art and Media
///////  / |< ||| | Institut f�r Netzentwicklungen
  K A R L S R U H E   (Germany)

  Lorenzstr. 19
  76135 Karlsruhe
  Tel.   +49 721 8100-1200
  FAX:   +49 721 8100-1139

  email: [email protected]

  ZKM Homepage in English


Date: Tue,  8 Oct 2002 18:48:36 +0200
From: Adrian Miles <[email protected]>
Subject: DAC call for works closing...

Apologies for any cross posting that may occur.
This announcement may be of interest to some list members. 

begin announcement

conference url
cfw url

+playengines+ MelbourneDAC exhibition

entries close October 10 2003.
Melbourne Digital Arts and Culture Conference 2003 is inviting artists working in the areas of computer games, interactive film and streaming media to submit projects for +playengines+ a curated exhibition exploring innovative creative work in the fields of computer games, interactive hypermedia, interactive fiction and nonfiction, and streaming media arts.

Artistic works selected for inclusion in the exhibition will be presented to an international audience of peers, critics, producers, academics, local industry partners and the broader public. +playengines+ will be staged in Melbourne, Australia in May 2003.

+playengines+ competition
MelbourneDAC in partnership with the Australian Centre for the Moving Image (ACMI) are also offering the +playengines+ competition. Works included in the MelbourneDAC +playengines+ exhibition will be judged by an international jury of peers and winners nominated in each of the three categories will have the opportunity to be acquired by ACMI's Public Programs Permanent Collection.

ACMI is a world�s first purpose-build complex dedicated to the moving image in all its forms � film, television, games, video, digital and emerging media. ACMI has state-of-the-art facilities for the exhibition, promotion and preservation of Australian and international screen art. Across four levels, the Centre houses the world�s largest screen gallery, it operates Australia's largest public lending collection of moving image titles and it will be actively involved in the development of the screen culture industry.

Exhibition categories (one category per work):
computer games, interactive film/video, streaming media, hypermedia

what genre(s)/category(ies) your art might nearly just about go in:
online game, browser game, interactive film/video, streaming fiction, streaming nonfiction, streaming other, text game, interactive graphic narrative - fiction , interactive graphic narrative - nonfiction , interactive graphic narrative - other , interactive text narrative - fiction, interactive text narrative - nonfiction, interactive text narrative - other, Flash fiction, Flash nonfiction, interactive fiction, (other?)

entry is open to:
independent artists, students, researchers, producers and/or small teams, computer game artists, real timers, 3D on-line gamers , interactive film/art creators, Flash artists, word players, interactive fiction creators

adrian miles

Adrian Miles Conference Chair
[email protected]

Antoanetta Ivanova Conference Producer
[email protected]

end of announcement


Date: Tue, 8 Oct 2002 21:39:23 EDT
From: [email protected]
Subject: whitney artport

Jody Zellen: "Crowds and Power"
october02 artport gate page

Jody Zellen's "Crowds and Power" uses mediated images to explore the 
relationship between space, memory, and territory. windows containing image 
fragments emphasize the displacement of individuals and the transformation of 
urban space where large gatherings, demonstrations, and struggles are 
represented. By juxtaposing charged images with theoretical and philosphical 
texts about the nature of crowds this website explores internal and external 


Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2002 05:18:25 -0700
From: Steve Cisler <[email protected]>
Subject: Glocal Blog

The Global Community Networking conference in Montreal 
<> starts next week. I started a web log to track it and 
other community technology developments. <>

Steve Cisler


Date: Mon, 7 Oct 2002 01:15:51 +0200
From: [email protected]
Subject: HI!

(You won't receive any message from us!)

This is Katia and I would like to inform you of the birth of www.YourName.DJ 
The new domain name .DJ (Top Level Domain)

Where you can register your own domain name ending with .dj  without any hidden tricks, 
making it available for everybody to see!
( . DJ, a code according to ISO 3166-1 as ccTLD to the Republic of Djibouti.) 

Thanks for your time and keep up the good work.

Peace and Love
Best Regards

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
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You can subscribe yourself here, if you like to

DJ Affiliate Center:
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
Italiano : Registra il tuo dominio .dj!

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Date: Tue, 08 Oct 2002 20:27:34 +0800
From: tien <[email protected]>
Subject: !!Danger Museum is looking for art shareware!! 

ps. sorry for cross-posting...
Danger Museum is a mobile museum - which often work, collaborate with 
artists to build an international network of artists.

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Danger Museum is looking for art shareware.

DM is searching the web for e-publishing sites to link up with our new web
page . We are interested in sites
distributing art related material, such as fanzines, reviews and interviews,
in audio mp3, video mpg, image, and pdf files for home downloading and
reproduction. If you run a web page, or want to recommend one, please e-mail
us on: [email protected]

Danger Museum is currently working from the Caf� Internet caf� in
Liverpool, UK. If you are in town, please visit us. Read below for contact
details and more on this project.

Part of the Liverpool Biennial Independent: "Caf�library"
Danger Museum at Caf� Latt�.net
Dates: Monday October 7 � Friday October 11 2002.
Venue: / Caf� Latt�.net, 4 South Hunter
Street, Liverpool, L1 9JG, UK
Open 8am � 9pm (caf� opening hours)

"Caf�library" is a collaboration between the Caf� Latt� Internet Caf� in
Liverpool and the artist collective Danger Museum for this years Liverpool
Biennial. Danger Museum will work in the caf�, distributing art and related
materials. During a five-day period, the caf� will function as the "museum
library" of Danger Museum, a shared space for users of the caf� and people
connected through the Internet.

"Caf�library" has its virtual anchor point in Danger Museum�s web based
publishing house, which will be used as Caf� Latte�s
log-on page during the period of the project. The web site gives the users
access to link up pages, download and reproduce texts, artist books,
fanzines and posters, as well as upload their own materials. Danger Museum
wishes to use the web site to connect face-to-face and long-distance
interaction in a shared network, with daily uploads from the caf�, and
contributions from those logging on from the outside. Amongst others, the
project will feature the fanzine Bergen Museum for Samtidskunst #1b, edited
by Gardar Eide Einarsson and Matias Faldbakken. The issue looks into
"questions of what conditions the production of meaning in contemporary
culture and what forms the relationships between content, form and context".

Contact Miho Shimizu and Oyvind Renberg:
Tel: +44 (0)7946709789
e-mail: [email protected]
Web: /

The project is supported by afoundation Danger Museum would also like to
thank BEK


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