Announcer on Tue, 29 Oct 2002 11:00:00 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime> Events [10x]

Table of Contents:

   plug and play                                                                   
     "plug and play" <[email protected]>                                                 

   digital-is-not-analog.2002 festival                                             
     [email protected]                                                                   

   zelig conf in paris                                                             
     nathalie magnan <[email protected]>                                          

   Quake! Doom! Sims! At Walker Art Center                                         
     "Steve Dietz" <[email protected]>                                       

   <9.11. Netzwerke> media conference                                              
     Station Rose <[email protected]>                                                  

   Fibreculture public debate & meeting, Sydney, November 22-24                    
     "geert lovink" <[email protected]>                                                

   WEB AS CANVAS - @ Art Futura 2002 - Barcelona                           
     "Stefano Caldana" <[email protected]>                                           

   John Perry Barlow at the ICA                                                    
     Lina D Russell <[email protected]>                                              

   VIPER BASEL 2002                                                                
     Thomas Keller <[email protected]>                                                  

   outofsight - Schnittraum: Fr, 25.10.2002, 20 h                                  
     Maria Anna Tappeiner <[email protected]>                            


Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2002 13:01:57 +0100
From: "plug and play" <[email protected]>
Subject: plug and play


//monthly open-eclectronica sessions / come along and plug your kit in //

/ bring your laptops, Plug in... and Play //
/ Or just bring music and/or tools you've made /

/ so far confirmed to play this month /

// corlab crack - a fusion of adam alphabet from crack village,
//*cormac* and dead-eyed generative techno boffins *slub* ( )
// arcsin - Arcsin do "electronica", and also guitars. But not in a bad
way.( )
// doron sadja - sonic innovator from 12k records ( )
// sonam - (iGlitch);therefore i am.
// jon aka j-lab will be joining us from LAPTOP JAMS ( )
// many many other laptop meddlers
// and a special showcase of films // residents nick.K and JK will be
playing their latest finds

// sunday_20th_OCTOBER_@ publiclife //
/ / e.1 london / outside spitalfields church / /
// 6pm - later // entry is free //


Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2002 18:33:26 +0200
From: [email protected]
Subject: digital-is-not-analog.2002 festival

+ + + + +

digital-is-not-analog.2002, viruses, media jamming, modified videogames, hacking, errors

October 24 - 26, 2002

San Bartolomeo's Church - Campobasso (Italy)

+ + + + +

Digital-is-not-analog.2002 is a three day festival with presentations,
performances and debate. The event is meant to present to the Italian
public some creative projects that critically experiment on contemporary
digital technologies and communication styles.
Invited guests' works range on themes like data control and diffusion on
the Internet, modified videogames, computer virus culture and its
extension to digital communication at large, and finally free software
as a public domain tool.

The projects presented at digital-is-not-analog.2002 show that digital
technology can be a way of originally influence media landscape and
represent - both culturally and economically - a sustainable alternative
to empty hi-tech gadgets, mere spectacle and the exorbitant budget of
global tech-entertainment industry.

International artists and programmers who will perform at
digital-is-not-analog.2002 festival:





JAROMIL - Austria

LAN - Switzerland




0100101110101101.ORG - Spain

+ + + + +

Contact -- mailto:[email protected]
More info --

+ + + + +


Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2002 11:35:15 +0200
From: nathalie magnan <[email protected]>
Subject: zelig conf in paris

annoncement in french, spanish & english :
[fr]                                    z e l i g . r c 2

                                         9-15/12/02 /PARIS /FRANCE

                                         - - - - - - - - -

zelig.rc2 - L'information veut �tre libre

Qu'est-ce que la zelig.rc2 ? Du 9 au 15 d�cembre prochain, une semaine
d'ateliers, d�mos, rencontres, d�bats, autour des r�seaux, de la
communication, du logiciel libre et de la r�sistance �lectronique. Une
semaine o� l'on parlera de technique, de politique, de d�sirs, de
cr�ations, de mouvements...

Apr�s la rencontre europ�enne de d�cembre 2000 (zeligConf), et la
rencontre hexagonale de f�vrier 2001 (no-zelig), nous souhaitons de
nouveau ouvrir un laboratoire temporaire de communication, un
espace-temps de circulation des savoirs et des savoirs faire, une zone
autonome o� puissent converger et se combiner les cultures de
l'activisme et celle du hack, les pratiques de contre-information et
le g�nie productif du logiciel libre, la cr�ativit� des acteurs des
mouvements sociaux et celle des diverses communaut�s des r�seaux.

Cette fois encore nous voulons donc faire le pari du mixage des
exp�riences, de l'hybridation des identit�s, de la transversalit� des
r�flexions et des pratiques. Nous voulons faire le pari de la
coop�ration productive entre les r�alit�s multiples de la contestation
et de l'innovation sociales qui agissent dans les replis du r�el.

La zelig.rc2 s'articulera autour d'un ensemble de th�mes, qui
donneront lieu tant � des ateliers pratiques et pr�sentations, que des
rencontres, conf�rences et d�bats. Une diversit� de formes qui, nous
l'esp�rons, permettra de combiner approche technique et approche
politique de l'ensemble des questions abord�es.

     - R�sistance �lectronique : protection des donn�es personnelles,
       confidentialit� des �changes via l'Internet, s�curisation
       d'ordinateurs, d�sob�issances � la surveillance g�n�ralis�e,
       charte du � travailleur num�rique �.

     - Cyberfeminism is an attitude : genre et technologie, identit�
       et machine. Th�ories et pratiques de ces badgirls qui aiment
       les machines et jouent avec l'identit�

     - Communication alternative : les outils (publication sur le web,
       mailing lists), les exp�riences (sindominio,,, Indymedia, etc.), la confrontation au pouvoir
       m�diatique, la coop�ration au niveau europ�en.

Entre les mailles de ces th�matiques, seront aussi ouverts divers
chantiers. En particulier : logiciel libre pour les enfants et
l'�ducation, ressources pour les r�seaux associatifs (firewall,
d�mocratie interne), communication sans-fils (WiFi), outils logiciels
pour la contestation �lectronique (Reamweaver), etc.

Enfin, la zelig.rc2 sera l'occasion de pr�senter un certains nombre
d'initiatives et de projets : no-log (services de connexions
non-logu�es), l'Autre net (h�bergement alternatif), AlternC (kit
logiciel pour l'h�bergement de sites web), Plug'n'Politix
(initiative), Glastnost (Intranet pour association), Libre entreprise,
F�d�ration informatique et libert�, hacklabs (Italie, Espagne)...

Avec ce melting pot de pr�textes pour se voir et de s'�mouvoir, nous
entendons rappeler ce bon vieux principe hacker : l'information veut
�tre libre. Elle ne le doit pas, sur le mode d'une injonction
impuissante, elle le veut, parce que l'enjeu politique est celui de
notre libert� de circuler, de penser, de coder, de parler, d'aimer, de
cr�er, d'innover. L'information veut �tre libre, parce qu'elle ne peut
�tre soumise ni aux diktats marchands, ni aux injonctions polici�res.

Paris le 3 octobre 2002

     >> [email protected]

[ca]                                    z e l i g . r c 2

                                         9-15/12/02 /PARIS /FRANCE

                                         - - - - - - - - -

zelig.rc2 - La informaci�n quiere ser libre

Qu� es la � zelig.rc2 � ? Del 9 al 15 de diciembre 2002, una semana de
talleres, demonstraciones, encuentros, debates alrededor de redes,
comunicaciones, logiciel libre y la resistencia electr�nica. Una
semana en la cual se hablar� de t�cnica, de pol�tica, de deseos, de
creaciones, de movimientos�.

Despu�s del encuentro europeo de diciembre 2000 (zeligConf) y del
encuentro hexagonal de febreo 2001 (no-zelig), se trata hoy de abrir
un laboratorio temporal de comunicaci�n, un espacio-tiempo de
circulaci�n de los saberes y de las t�cnicas, una zona aut�noma donde
puedan encontrarse e intercambiar culturas del activismo y del
� hack �, dandole lugar a las pr�cticas de contra-informaci�n y al
genio productivo del logiciel libre, a la creatividad de los actores
de movimientos sociales y a las diversas comunidades des redes.

Hoy el desaf�o consiste en el intercambio de experiencias, de
identidades, en el cruce de reflexiones y de practicas. Este desaf�o
abarca la cooperaci�n productiva entre las realidades multiples de la
contestaci�n y las innovaciones sociales que actuan en los piegles de
lo real.

La zelig.rc2 se articular� en torno a un conjunto de temas que dar�n
lugar a talleres pr�cticos y presentaciones, encuentros, conferencias
y debates. Una diversidad de formas que - as� lo esperamos - permitir�
confrontar enfoques t�cnicos y enfoques pol�ticos examinando el
conjunto de la cuestiones planteadas.

     - Resistencia electronica ; protecci�n de datos personales,
       confidencialidad de intercambios via Internet, seguridad de
       los computadores, desobediencia a la vigilancia generalizada,
       carta del "trabajador num�rico".

     - Cyberfeminism is an attitude : g�nero y tecnolog�a, identidad
       y m�quina. Teor�a y pr�cticas de esas "badgirls" que gustan
       de las m�quinas y juegan con la identidad.

     - Comunicaci�n alternativa : los instrumentos (publicaci�n en
       el web, mailing-lists), las experiencas (sindominio,,, Indymedia, etc.), la confrontaci�n
       al poder medi�tico, la cooperaci�n a nivel europeo.

Estas tematicas dar�n espacio igualmente a otros campos de estudios.
En especial : logiciel libre para ni�os y educaci�n ; ingresos para
las redes associativas (firewall, democracia interna), communicaci�n
sin hilos (WiFi) ; ilogiciels para la contestaci�n �lectronica
(Reamweaver), etc.

Por �ltimo, la zelig.rc2 es una ocasi�n para dar cuena de iniciativas
y proyectos tales como no-log (servicios de connexiones sin logos),
l'Autre net (albergue alternativo), AlternC (kit logiciel para
albergue de sitios web), Plug'n'Politix (iniciativa), Glastnost
(Intranet para asociaci�n), Libre empresa, Federaci�n inform�tica y
libertad, hacklabs (Italia, Espa�a)...

Con este melting pot de pr�textos para vernos y conmovernos,
pretendemos recordar el viejo principio hacker : la informacion quiere
ser libre. No debe serlo por acatamiento a una orden. Su objetivo
polit�co es obrar en funci�n de la libertad de circular, de pensar, de
codificar, pero tambi�n de hablar, amar, crear, innovar. La
informacion quiere ser libre porque no puede ser sometida a los
diktats mercantiles, tampoco a las ordenes policiales.

Par�s 3 de octubre 20

     >> [email protected]

[it]                                    z e l i g . r c 2

                                         9-15/12/02 /PARIS /FRANCE

                                         - - - - - - - - -

zelig.rc2 - Information wants to be free

What is zelig.rc2 ? On December 9th-15th, a week of workshops,
demonstration, encounters, debates, on networks, communication, free
software and electronic resistance. A week during which people will
talk about technics, politics, desires, creations, movements...

After the european meeting of December 2000 (zeligConf), and the
hexagonal meeting of February 2001 (no-zelig), we again want to open a
temporary communication laboratory, a space-time of knowledge and
skills, an autonomous zone where could converge and combine cultures
of hack and activism, practises of counter-information and productive
spirit of free software, creativity of social movements and networks

So, this time again we want to bet on mixing experiences, on
hybridation of identities, on transversality of thoughts and
practises. We want to bet on productive cooperation between multiple
realities of contest and social innovation acting up in the folds of

zelig.rc2 will articulate auround several themes, which will lead to
practical workshops and presentations, so as to encounters,
conferences and debates. A diversity of forms which we hope will allow
to combine technical an political approaches of all questions tackled.

     - Electronic resistance : personal data protection,
       confidentionnality of exchanges via Internet, computer
       securisation, disobedience to general invigilation,
       "digital worker" charter.

     - Cyberfeminism is an attitude : gender and technology, indentity
       and machine. Theories and practises of those badgirls who love
       machines and play with identity.

     - Alternative communication : tools (webposting, mailing lists),
       experiences (sindominio,,,
       Indymedia, etc.), confronting the media power, cooperation at
       an european level.

In the stitches of this thematic net, will also be open several works.
Specifically : free software for kids and education, ressources for
associative networks (firewall, inner democracy), wireless
communication (WiFi), electronic contest software (Reamweaver), etc.

At last, zelig.rc2 will be the occasion to present certain initiatives
and projects : no-log (non-logged connection services), l'Autre net
(alternative provider), AlternC (software kit for websites hosting),
Plug'n'Politix (political initiative), Glasnost (Intranet fot
associations), Libre entreprise, F�d�ration informatique et libert�,
hacklabs (Italy, Spain)...

With this melting pot of good reasons to meet and meet again, we
intend to call back this good old hacker principle : Information wants
to be free. It must not, as an impotent injunction, it wants, as the
political stake is our freedom to move, think, code, talk, love,
create, innovate. Information wants to break free, because it cannot
be submitted to commercial diktats nor police injunctions.

Paris, October 3rd 2002

     >> [email protected]


Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2002 09:19:08 -0500
From: "Steve Dietz" <[email protected]>
Subject: Quake! Doom! Sims! At Walker Art Center

Quake! Doom! Sims!

Transforming Play: Family Albums and Monster Movies
Guest Curator: Katie Salen
Screened at the Walker Art Center, October 19, 2002 
Online at:
part of 2 The Second Annual Festival of Digital Media


"Scourge Done Slick"
Quake done Quick

"Da L33t Faust"
Jan-Philipp Reining 

"Ranger Gone Bad II: Assault On Gloom Keep"
United Ranger Films

Mackey "Avatar" McCandlish and Brian "Wendigo" Hess 

"Devil's Covenant"
Clan Phantasm 

"Apartment Huntin'"
"Hardly Workin'"
ILL Clan

"Father Frags Best"
Phil Rice aka Overman

Jake S. Hughes/Ion Storm

Peter Rasmussen 

"Matrix: 4 x 1"
Strange Company/Hugh Hancock

"Fake Science"
Dead on Que

"Thin Ice"
"Smart Gun"
Mike Beery 
>From Transforming Play: Family Albums and Monster Movies by guest
curator Katie Salen:

"In March 2001 at the ICA in London, musician Brian Eno gave a lecture
linking his compositional process to John Conway's game of "Life". The
game of "Life", like Eno's generative music, creates unexpected patterns
of events out of a very simple rule system. In his discussion, Eno
identified the difficulty of writing the rules of a system: "How do you
create the conditions at the bottom to allow the growth of the things
you want to happen?" Eno's question not only highlights the challenge of
designing emergent systems but also points to a phenomenon known as
transformative play. Because the creators of emergent systems, like
generative music or games, can never fully anticipate how the rules will
play out, they are limited to the design of the formal structures that
go on to produce patterns of events. Sometimes the forms of play that
emerge from these structures overwhelm and transform, generating rich
and resistant outcomes. Sometimes, in fact, the force of play is so
powerful that it can change the rule structure itself. A playful slang
term can become an idiom, for example, and may eventually be adopted
into a dictionary, becoming part of the larger cultural structures,
which it originally playfully opposed.

In the case of digital games, transformative play emerges from the
interaction between inventive players and the games they play, like
Quake, Doom, or The Sims. Transformative play occurs when the free
movement of play alters the more rigid rule structure in which it takes
shape. The play doesn't just occupy the interstices of the system, but
actually transforms the space as a whole. A cyberfeminist game patch
that creates transsexual versions of Lara Croft is an example of
transformative play, as is the use of the Quake game engine as a
movie-making tool. It would make sense, then, to consider transformative
play as a powerful creative strategy within digital culture." Katie

Steve Dietz
Curator of New Media
Walker Art Center 


Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2002 19:16:45 +0200
From: Station Rose <[email protected]>
Subject: <9.11. Netzwerke> media conference


A media conference in an intermedial and multimedia ambience:
talks, discussions, installation, performances, Gunafa Clubbing.
A project by Kuenstlerhaus Mousonturm, curated by Station Rose.

Sat.  9.11.2002  2 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Kuenstlerhaus Mousonturm, Waldschmidtstrasse 4, D-60316 Frankfurt

* Concept.
The failure of the dotcoms and the ebbing of the internet hype are no
longer anything new. wants to find its way into the art fairs,
galleries and museums and there is scarcely still a DJ today who would dare
go on stage without the support of a VJ.
Retro seems to be the answer of industry, the mass media and the culture
industry. But retro has never been the answer.
The clear, stringent development away from the old laws of tendency to a
new plane such as from cinema to virtual spaces, from the CD to CD-ROM and
DVD, from interactive art to net art which was hoped for in the nineties
can no longer be discerned at the moment.

It is a matter rather of the repeatedly retroesque attempts to put old
contents into new packaging and new forms of expression into old
environments. Does retro thus mean a permanent threat, standstill? Which
networks exist in the context of art/music/net which act and do not merely
At this one-day conference, the possibility of a new stocktaking is to be
created, an interdisciplinary overview won, and artistic and theoretical
drafts presented and discussed.

* Themes. and, webcasting, networking, pop, mobile computing,
audio-visual performances, net criticism, viability, media and system
 theory, youth culture versus silver kids, retroesque versus recycling, etc.

* Speakers & Performers:
Malcolm McLaren (producer, artist, London)
Station Rose/Elisa Rose & Gary Danner (hypermedia artists, Frankfurt)
John Coate (The WELL, EFF)
Dr. Richard Barbrook (ICA/cybersalon London)
F.E Rakuschan (media-theorist, Vienna)
Dr. Thomas Feuerstein (mediartist & -theorist, Vienna)
Prof. Ralf Homann (Bauhausuniversity Weimar, Experimental Radio) (Multimedia Band, Bauhausuniversity Weimar)
Bizz_Circuits (Frankfurt) (Amsterdam)
Bidner/Martinek (Innsbruck) (Kassel/Berlin)

* Installation <Elektronic Habitat>.
STR will construct a media lobby which offers the possibility of immersive
submerging, of excitement and relaxation, to surf and navigate. It is an
electronic habitat inviting to meet, hang out, gather information and
relax. Immaterial visuals and sounds flow together with the materialized
set-up of the installation. Visual samples and distillates from the flow of the
evening�s audiovisual STR-performance merge with the materialized set-up of
the installation. It is a living space which will exist for one day. It is
supposed to assist those attending to actually stay the distance of the
marathon since the symposium will start at 2p.m. and finish around two or
three in the morning.  Projectors and monitors and also exhibition objects
made of specially printed materials will be used. A P.A. system will fill the
space. The art is digital and fluid, the surroundings are material, created by
high-tech means of production. It entices with the softness of the materials.
Modular units define the installation. Art objects, individual pieces,
created by
STR especially for the conference, will be put on the art market afterwards.

* Webcasting.
STR will set up a STReaming studio on location to follow the conference
(2:00pm - 2:00am) in realtime at
Live-streams from, Bauhausuniversity Weimar,, Amsterdam,
as well as a charming LivemusicSTReam from Innsbruck among others can be
experienced at the Media-Lobby throughout the congress.

* Gunafa Clubbing (on from 11pm)
Gunafa Clubbing, started in 1989 by Station Rose, was the first
performance-concept worldwide, combining club culture and audio-visual
live-performance with an online connection.
"Europe�s most unusual club" (London Sunday Times, 26.9.1993) will again
include Station Rose live.
Incoming live webcasts will be morphed into the evening.
Special live guest:  Bizz_Circuits

* Media-partner: hr Late Lounge. Supported by Fonds Soziokultur.


Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2002 09:26:42 +1000
From: "geert lovink" <[email protected]>
Subject: Fibreculture public debate & meeting, Sydney, November 22-24

PRESS RELEASE -- SYDNEY October 24 2002
Fibreculture presents:  "Networks of Excellence"
A National Forum on Information and Communication Technologies

When: Friday, November 22: Screening and Public Forum
Saturday and Sunday, 23rd and 24th: Conference

Where: Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney
Registration: Fibreculture website -


Friday, November 22

Public forum features key figures in new media policy, research and the

A Screening of new works in digital filmmaking precedes the forum.

Saturday and Sunday, 23rd and 24th

Two-day conference features panels on new media art, public networks,
research interests and other subjects with opportunities for dialogue and
discussion with theorists, academics, and IT professionals.

Fibreculture, Australasia's leading network for research and theory, are
launching their 2002 conference on November 22nd with a public forum at the
Museum of Contemporary Art in Sydney. The forum will address the
intersections of IT policy, net theory, online activism and new media art
in the context of the national establishment of information and
communication technology centres of excellence.

Speakers for the forum include:

- - Kate Lundy, Federal Shadow Minister for Information,Technology and Sport

- - Arun Sharma, Sydney Director of National Information and Communications
Technologies Australia (NICTA), the newly established Federal and State
funded ICT research centre.

- - Julianne Pierce, Director of Australian Network for Art and Technology

- - Stuart Cunningham, Director of Creative Industries Research and
Applications Centre, Queensland University of Technology (QUT).

Geert Lovink, a co-founder of Fibreculture and author of the book 'Dark
Fiber', published by MIT Press, will chair the public forum. A video
screening entitled 'protection', featuring new media and time-based works
from leading artists curated by Anna Munster, will precede the forum.

The Networks of Excellence conference runs for the weekend of 23-24
November and features leading Australasian researchers who will meet to
discuss questions of policy, production, aesthetics, politics and ethics of
new media and the Internet, while looking at the relationships between
local and distributed modes of innovation in new media fields. The
conference builds on the success of last year's inaugural meeting in
Melbourne, and provides an opportunity for some of the 600 members of
Fibreculture's online community to meet and discuss issues in a
face-to-face setting. Fibreculture will also launch a free publication of
innovative writing on new media issues at the forum. The publication will
be distributed around Australia as part of RealTime magazine.

Registration for both the forum and conference is available from the
Fibreculture Website:

Fibreculture 2002 is supported by The School of Media and Communications,
University of New South Wales; The Department of Media, Macquarie
University; The Australian Film Commission Industry and Cultural Development
Fund and The Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney. The Fibreculture
publication is supported by the Waikato Institute of Technology, Hamilton
(NZ); The Power Institute and RealTime Magazine.

Dr Chris Chesher
Lecturer, School of Media and Communications, University of New South Wales
Phone 61 2 9385 6814 or 0404095480
Email: [email protected]

Fibreculture, Australasia�s leading network for internet culture, research
and theory hosts a discussion list and website. The list has over 500
subscribers including academics, new media producers,  artists, journalists,
activists, and policymakers. To subscribe to the list, or see the archive,
please visit the Fibreculture website at:


Date: Sun, 27 Oct 2002 21:24:05 +0100
From: "Stefano Caldana" <[email protected]>
Subject: WEB AS CANVAS - @ Art Futura 2002 - Barcelona

WEB AS CANVAS - @ Art Futura 2002 - Barcelona
an exhibition curated by Roberta Bosco and Stefano Caldana

Dates: October 31 - November 3, 2002
Place: CCCB (Centro de Cultura Contempor�nea de Barcelona).

Web as Canvas is a show of ten projects, which offer different ways to paint
with the code and establish clear bonds with the great movements of modern
art. All the projects are representative of the new creative tendencies in
Internet and are directly linked to the topic of this year festival:
�stretched painting�.
Nine of these are already existing projects and one of them, World Wall
Painters, by the collective Area3 from Barcelona has been specially made for
Art Futura 2002. It is an application for the Carnivore Project by RSG
Radical Software Group, based on the software of the same name developed by
the FBI to "wire tap" Internet data. The Carnivore spies on data packages
and offers artists these packages to be reinterpreted in a creative way,
turning thus the own computer code into a work of art. In World Wall
Painters, an instrument of repression and control such as the Carnivore
becomes a dispenser of realistic paintings. Using the same irony of Jasper
Johns' flag, Area3's World Wall Painters paint constantly the flags of the
countries of those webs keyed by the users. The result is a collage that
points out the democratic utopia in the Internet and the current reality of
the access to information and new technologies.


Area3 (Spain) - World Wall Painters

Calc (Spain) - Communimage

Scott Draves (USA) - Electric Sheep

Entropy8zuper (Belgium) - Eden garden 1.1

Lia & Dextro (Austria) - Turux

Antonio Mendoza (USA) - Snowcrash

Mark Napier (USA) - Feed

Joshua Nimoy (USA) - Textension

Amit Pitaru James Paterson (USA) - InsertSilence

John Simon (USA) - Unfolding object

Thursday, October 31 - 17:00 / Auditorium CCCB
Web as Canvas - Carnivore
Special Session with Cory Arcangel, Radical Software Group and Area3
Chaired by Roberta Bosco y Stefano Caldana

On October 1st 2001, Radical Software Group (RSG), an international
collective of net.artists announced the launch of the Carnivore Project,
based on the software with the same name used by the FBI to spy and control
data through the Internet, although its aim is to transform the data
obtained by the Carnivore through the Internet into art.
The project, awarded in Ars Electronica 2002, has counted with the
involvement of important names in the international digital art scene.
Cory Arcangel, RSG member, will put forward the project's philosophy while
collective from Barcelona Area3 will present World Wall Painters, their
contribution to Carnivore.

Roberta Bosco: [email protected]
Stefano Caldana: [email protected]


Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2002 14:49:28 +0000
From: Lina D Russell <[email protected]>
Subject: John Perry Barlow at the ICA


The Second Annual Digital Festival
5 November - 28 November 2002

Talks on copyright, intellectual property and the public domain:

Wed 6 Nov, 7.30pm, ICA Cinema
Who Owns the Garden of the Mind?

Once called the �Thomas Jefferson of cyberspace� John Perry Barlow has been
a Wyoming rancher, co-writer of songs with The Grateful Dead, and a key
figure in debates about cyberliberties, copyright in a digital age, and the
digital divide. He has been on Wired�s masthead since its inception and his
manifesto A Declaration of Independence of Cyberspace has been widely
distributed on the net. On an increasingly surveillanced planet, and in a
world where intellectual property is owned by major corporations such as
AOL/Time Warner, John Perry Barlow talks about politics and ownership.
�10, �9 Concs. �8 ICA Members

Thur 14 Nov, 7.30pm, ICA Theatre

What�s �fair� about �fair use�? What happens to intellectual property when
it is in the public domain? Who should determine the relative rights and
responsibilities in relation to artists and their works? Does technology
make a difference? As a follow up to last years CODE conference in
Cambridge, we present a panel debate on the rights and wrongs of private
property vs public domain. Speakers include: John Howkins, author of The
Creative Economy, Penguin 2002; Jennifer Jenkins, the director of the Centre
For The Study of the Public Domain, Duke University; Vicki Bennett, artist
(aka People Like Us), novelist Stewart Home; sound artist Joe Banks and
Karsten Schubert, editor of the recently published book on copyright Dear
Images: Art Copyright And Culture.
�8, �7 Concs. �6 ICA Members
Includes a free copy of CODE Report

The Institute of Contemporary Arts
The Mall, London SW1Y 5AH
Information: 020 7930 3647 /


Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2002 17:34:39 -0700
From: Thomas Keller <[email protected]>
Subject: VIPER BASEL 2002

VIPER BASEL International Festival for Film, Video and New Media

For four days and four nights � from Wednesday 23 to Sunday 27 October �
Basel will again be the lively meeting point for the Swiss and international
film and media art scene. The range of entries includes analogue and digital
video, film and computer animation, interactive projects and internet-based
works, whereby the focus is not so much on the carrier-media as on the
media-specific strategies and narrative concepts.

When handling new media we are being repeatedly confronted with ever new
challenges worldwide. Radically new forms of communication between people
and apparatus are becoming established and new knowledge models and networks
are giving rise to alternative forms of social action. VIPER Basel 2002
addresses these highly controversial issues under the motto public |
private. The debate will concentrate on the tension between individual and
collective integration into the computer-supported structures of
contemporary societies. VIPER raises the critical question of the innovative
potential and the aesthetic and political impact of the new media. For where
technologies aim to be innovative and art seeks a position, parameters such
as perception, individual and society, presentation and communication are
being fundamentally questioned.

Locations: Festival Center Theater Basel, Stadtkino Basel, Kultkino Camera

[email protected],
We are looking forward to welcome you at the Festival!

Thomas Keller
Press coordination
VIPER Internationales Festival f�r Film Video und neue Medien
Postfach - 4002 Basel - CH
St. Alban-Rheinweg 64 - 4052 Basel - CH
Tel +41.61.283 27 00  -  Fax +41.61.283 27 05
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Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2002 10:48:58 +0200
From: Maria Anna Tappeiner <[email protected]>
Subject: outofsight - Schnittraum: Fr, 25.10.2002, 20 h

     An der Linde 27  +  50668 K�ln  +  Info unter Tel. 0221 - 240
     81 84 oder 0174 - 915 90 94 + [email protected]

     o u t o f s i g h t
     Oliver van den Berg >> Andreas Gehlen >> Alexandra M�ller >>
     D�sir�e Palmen

     kuratiert von Maria Anna Tappeiner

     Er�ffnung:                   Freitag, 25.10.2002, 20 Uhr

     �ffnungszeiten:          Samstag und Sonntag, 15 -19 Uhr sowie
     nach Vereinbarung (26.10. - 10.11.2002)

                                            Sonntag, 27.10.2002,
     verl�ngerte �ffnungszeiten im Rahmen von
                                            COLOGNE LIBERTY
     [] 12-18 Uhr
                                           ab 18 Uhr Muschelessen
     mit Andreas Gehlen und Alexandra M�ller

     Die Ausstellung outofsight - au�er Sicht - thematisiert die
     Wahrnehmung von Strukturen, Menschen und Orten in der Stadt.
     Sie spielt mit dem Sehen und Gesehen werden, dem Beobachten
     und Beobachtet werden. Oliver van den Berg, Andreas
     Gehlen/Alexandra M�ller und D�sir�e Palmen setzen sich mit
     Situationen in K�ln auseinander, die sie vorgefunden und
     konzeptuell bearbeitet haben. Ihre Arbeiten bewegen sich an
     der Schnittstelle zwischen dem Alltag und dem Versuch, aus ihm
     auszubrechen. Sie stellen allt�gliche Strukturen und Abl�ufe
     in Frage, die aufgrund ihrer Regelm��igkeit oft nicht mehr
     wahrgenommen werden. Sie kreisen auch um die Themen Intimit�t
     und �ffentlichkeit, den Wunsch der Menschen, im
     Gro�stadtdschungel f�r andere unsichtbar zu werden und sich
     dem �ffentlichen, extrem aufgeladenen und schutzlosen Raum zu

     Die Fotografien und Videos von D�sir�e Palmen zeigen Menschen,
     die sich mimikriartig an ihre jeweilige Umgebung anpassen. Die
     Personen tragen von der K�nstlerin selbst gen�hte und f�r eine
     spezifische Situation bemalte Kleidung. Danach werden sie in
     dem entsprechenden Innen- oder Au�enraum fotografiert bzw.
     gefilmt. Im Schnittraum wird ein Video und eine Fotografie zu
     sehen sein, die am K�lner Hbf entstanden sind und sich mit
     Obdachlosen und Touristen auseinandersetzt. Die Installationen
     von Andreas Gehlen und Alexandra M�ller entstehen vor Ort und
     beziehen das Umfeld konkret mit ein. Verschiedene Materialien
     und Objekte werden zu raumgreifenden, strukturellen
     Arrangements, die mal chaotisch, mal eher minimalistisch
     anmuten und auch urbane oder mythologische Bez�ge aufweisen.
     Im Schnittraum entsteht eine neue Raumsituation, die das Innen
     und Au�en thematisiert. Oliver van den Berg arbeitet in
     seinem  Video "Videobug-K�ln" mit einer 360�-Kamera, die er
     auf seinem Autodach montiert hat. In K�ln ist er die Strecke
     eines Sightseeingbusses abgefahren und hat damit Menschen und
     Objekte beobachtet.

     Zur Ausstellung erscheint ein Katalog.



     Werkgespr�che in der Reihe TONIGHT 2:

     Mittwoch, 30. Oktober 2002, 20 Uhr
     D�sir�e Palmen (Rotterdam)

     Mittwoch, 06. November 2002, 20 Uhr
     Oliver van den Berg (Berlin)

     Mittwoch, 13. November 2002, 20 Uhr
     Jan-Holger Mauss (Hamburg)

     Mittwoch, 20. November 2002, 20 Uhr
     Bj�rn Melhus (Berlin)

     Mittwoch, 27. November 2002, 20 Uhr
     Monika Oechsler (London)

     Mittwoch, 4. Dezember 2002, 20 Uhr
     Salla Tykk� (Helsinki)

     Zur Projektreihe TONIGHT laden wir internationale
     K�nstlerInnen ein, die sich im Grenzbereich zwischen Kunst,
     Wissenschaft, Politik, Architektur, Fotografie und Film
     bewegen. Ziel ist es, ein Forum des Austausches zu schaffen,
     bei dem es neben der Auseinandersetzung mit unterschiedlichen
     k�nstlerischen Positionen vor allem darum geht, etwas �ber das
     Selbstverst�ndnis der K�nstlerInnen zu erfahren. Werkgespr�che
     erm�glichen einen intensiven Diskurs, bei dem auch Aspekte wie
     pers�nliche Motivation, politische und soziale Hintergr�nde
     sowie unterschiedliche Arbeitsweisen und -bedingungen ins
     Blickfeld geraten.


     Die Ausstellung "outofsight" wird unterst�tzt von:
     Stadtsparkasse K�ln und Kulturamt der Stadt K�ln

     Die Reihe TONIGHT wird unterst�tzt von:
     Stiftung Kumst und Kultur NRW
     Kulturstiftung, Stadtsparkasse D�sseldorf


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