geert lovink on Sun, 10 Nov 2002 17:47:20 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime> Make World #2 paper @ European Social Forum

(Printed in 10.000 copies the second free Make World paper has arrived in
Florence. If you're there and interested in copies, please contact Florian
Schneider who is in Florence with the Expertbase bus. The paper will also be
distributed at Futuresonic (Manchester) and the World Information exhibit in
Amsterdam. /geert)

Make World #2 Paper

Download URL:

Table of Content

2  A Virtual World is Possible: From Tactical Media to Digital
Multitudes (Geert Lovink/ Florian Schneider)

3  Touching an Elephant (McKenzie Wark)

4  Wu-ming: 54 Re:inter:view (Snafu)

5  Porto Alegre - Todays Bandung? (Michael Hardt)

6  Wandering between two worlds. (selection of posts from
generation-online list after Porto Alegre, Genove, Strasbourg 2002)

9  The European Social Forum: Sovereign and Multitude (Jamie King)

10 Fences of Enclosure, Windows of Possibility (Naomi Klein)

11 Brief history of the noborder network (Hagen Kopp/ Florian Schneider)

13 The march on the left (Franco Barchiesi)

14 Is it a Yes Man Satire? Yes, it is Yes Men, but it's not a satire (A
virtual interview)

15 Anti-Capitalism with a smiley face (Eric Empson)

16 Yomango: Sabotaging capitel while having fun

17 Virtuosity and Revolution. The Political Theory of Exodus (Paolo Virno)

20 Social entropy and recombination (Franco Bifo Berardi)

20 The Dark Side of the Multitude (Arianna Bove/ Erik Empson)

21 What is to be Thought? What is to be Done? (Alain Badiou, Natasha
Michel, Sylvian Lazarus)

22 Homo Politicus Pim Fortuyn: A case study (Herman Asselberghs/ Dieter

23 A Visit to the Sarai New Media Initiative Delhi (Geert Lovink)

25 Dark Fiber (Franco Bifo Berardi)

27 noborder Camp 02 (Various contributors)

28 The Dark side of Camping - A Critical Perspective (Susanne Lang/
Florian Schneider)

29 Border: Waking Across, as opposed to Flying Above (Shuddhabrata Sengupta)

30 Are we in a war? Do we have an enemy? (Slavoj Zizek)

31 The clash in the western mind (Antonio Negri)

32 The Transformation of Security (Michael Renner)


The World Social Forum, organized twice in Porto Alegre 2001 and 2002,
not only prompted a flurry of autonomous self-organization, crossborder
organization, and creative media interventions. It also initiated an intense
process of analysis and reflection on the tricky question of a 'global'
dynamic of self-organization.

Across continents and movement traditions, a few key terms continue to
re-emerge as focal points for reflection - above all the status of
sovereignty and the limitations of a sovereign logic of organization, as
well as the frustration with the various traditions of leftist
representationalism. Activists have long ceased to simply march on the
corporate and institutional bad guys of globalisation-as-usual. They have
also begun to articulate alternative logics of organization and mercilessly
sort through the archive of political pieties, challenging the dominance of
an older leftist expertocracy at every juncture.

The words of Franco Barchiesi of Indymedia South Africa might well serve as
a summary of this shared sentiment: "it was time for the new social
movements to express the qualitatively new "biopolitical" nature of their
struggle in terms of refusal not only of the identity and mystique of
"national liberation", but also of the leadership practices of a left that
has historically tended to reproduce subordination and discursive
expropriation of the movements' grassroots subjectivity."

In this issue we have brought together many different perspectives on the
increasingly pressing questions of the 'movement' - its theory, its
politics, its media and modes of organisation. The texts reproduced here add
vibrancy, background and analysis to these ongoing debates, and irrespective
of the diversity reflect that none of these issues can be treated in

The first edition of this free newspaper appeared in October 2001, as a part
of the Munich 'Make World' festival and exhibition that brought together
activists, new media artists and theorists. The first paper dealt with
responses to 911, migration, immaterial labour, free software and featured a
number of art projects.

The free paper format already has a certain tradition. Within our context it
started with the nettime ZKP4 paper, produced for the Nettime meeting in
Ljubljana, May 1997. Another one appeared in Zagreb, August 1999. In the
global edition of 'Bastard' a group of editors brought together critical
texts related to the Kosov@ conflict.

Within this 'tradition' the Make World paper#2 also works with the concept
of collaborative text filtering. The amount of key texts and strategic
debates on the Internet is overwhelming. There are so many interesting lists
and weblogs. It is a potlatch of content. This abundance of material could
drive one mad. Yet, it also makes selecting and editing much easier. There
is less of a feel of censorship and exclusion. All the texts, in their full
length, including responses, are available online.

The context of this issue is the summer and fall of 2002, defined by the
growing threat of an US-led Iraq invasion. The texts for this issue were
selected alongside some significant events of the last few months such as
the noborder camp in Strasbourg, where between 2000 and 3000 activists met
for discussions, actions and media interventions. But it may also seen as a
direct or indirect output from the work on the films and the online-platform
"What's to be done?" or the dark markets conference in the beginning of october in Vienna. Last but
not least the make-world paper#2 will be accompagnied by live-streaming and
mobile screening events during the European Social Forum in Florence.

This paper has been compiled and edited by: Arianna Bove, Erik Empson,
Susanne Lang, Geert Lovink, Florian Schneider, Soenke Zehle. Thanks to:
Suzanne Helden, Paul Keller, Shuddhabrata Sengupta, Joanne Richardson,
Pit Schultz and all the contributors.

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