Antonio Machuco Rosa on Fri, 29 Nov 2002 21:28:41 +0100 (CET) |
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<nettime> Memory and Control in the Architecture of the Internet |
via geert lovink <[email protected]> (translation of a lecture held at the Oeiras conference on surveillance (near Lisbon), September 28, 2002. Posted to nettime with permission of the author. /geert) Memory and Control in the Architecture of the Internet Ant�nio Machuco Rosa The historical origins of the Internet. >From packet switching to TCP/IP The theoretical frame of classic rationality involves a well precise concept of control, whose characteristics were initially approached by physics and later became a paradigm for various disciplines of knowledge. One of these characteristics consists on the construction of models that assure total predictability of future events, this made possible when a global representation of a system can go local, meaning, the calculation of the system s state in each point of its evolution. In its strict formulations, this situation s called the principle of determinism, which holds, effectively, a kind of omniscient state: the local structure is deduced a priori from the global structure. In artificial systems, in technology, the principle of determinism is conjugated with the principles of global planning, modular and linear deconstruction of the technological artefact, in a way that the interaction between its parts is as scarce as possible, allowing for the prediction of its behaviour. These strategies of technological design can be designated as centred, and they involve certain central entities who are globally responsible for the functioning of the artefact (ef. Machuco Rosa, 2002, for a more detailed analysis). As we shall see, a clear example of this design strategy is given by the modern digital computer, based on the existence of a CPU, a central clock and a clear separation between data and instructions. If the architecture of the modern digital computer represents a centred design strategy, it was an opposite design principle, the non - centred design, that, historically, was in the origin of modern computer networks, and in particular of the very first, Arpanet. This kind of design is partly recovered by what was designated by self organization: a principle based on the idea according to which the elements of a system interact only locally, resulting in an emergent order whose formation does not depend on any planning and globally organizing centre. In the case of the first computer network, we can determine two levels within its architecture, a distinction that is crucial for the general problem of control and surveillance. From the historical point of view, these two levels can be identified as the two investigation teams that contributed for the original architecture of computer networks, sharing the fact that both were influenced by the cybernetic movement (cf. Dupuy, 1994, for a history of the cybernetic movement). In it one finds a tension between the centred and the non centred principles of design, but it is clear that it was cybernetics the first to theorize what we call non-centred principles. The first of the two mentioned investigation teams is practically reduced to one person, Paul Baran. Working for RAND in the early sixties, Baron created packet-switching, that would become the algorithm used for the circulation of information in computer networks. This is a local and non-centred algorithm. As Baran mentions, (Baran, 1960), it is an algorithm that allows a commutation network to implement a policy of self-learning (&) without the need for a vulnerable central point of control . When inventing packet-switching, Baran was guided by the general classification of systems. He opposed the traditional principles of commutation based on the existence of a central commutation point through which all information must pass to the principles of packet switching. Packet-switching is an algorithm according to which the network knots send information to nearby knots, and so on, until the final destination, without any knot gaining knowledge about the network s global structure. Without going into details (cf. Baran, 1960), this is possible because a knot is able to direct information due to the knowledge it possesses concerning the structure of a network s fragment. This knowledge was generated by messages previously sent by other knots, to which it responds, sending back information. In other terms, if a given knot, A, receives a message from an intermediary knot, B, originated in a knot C, this path is memorized, therefore if A then receives a message from a knot D destined for knot C, it knows that it should send it to B in order for this one to send it to C. Apart from that, packet-switching breaks the message into several blocks; it is fragmented and doesn t travel as a whole. Therefore, in this concept, information is transmitted locally in a distributed and redundant way. Each knot is equal to any other, without any central point that, controls traffic according to origin and destination with global knowledge of the network. We will later see the importance that the kind of ideas implemented in packet-switching had, concerning the problem of surveillance on the Internet, as well as the importance they currently have regained. For the moment, it matters to identify the historical origins of computer networks in a more precise way, showing that their effective implementation implicated the juxtaposition on the algorithm of information transmission of an architecture that, perhaps necessarily, will open up the possibility of partly eliminating its distributed nature. In fact it wasn t Baran but a team of investigators from ARPA (defence connected research government agency) who effectively implemented the first computer network, Arpanet. From them, stood out, in an early stage, J. Lickilider and C. Taylor, also strongly influenced by cybernetics (ef. Machuco Rosa, 1998). The main reason that led to the implementation of Arpanet had nothing to do with a supposed soviet nuclear attack, but with the need to save money (cf. Hafner & Mathew, 1996): in a time when computation was financially very expensive, came the idea of sharing computational resources of a machine with others, meaning that the concept of shared computation was in the origin of Arpanet. This is however, a distributed computation that operates on a different level from packet-switching: here, we deal with the transmission of information, whereas there, we are dealing with distributed sharing of computational memory. In order to fulfil this objective, network architecture traced the separation between computers working as points of commutation (the current routers) and host computers (approximately the current servers). This architecture was also conceived according to non-centred principles, for not only routers, but also all hosts were alike, (peer computers), not existing any with centralizing tasks. However, as we will see, this type of architecture involves the possibility of evolving in a different direction from what was initially intended, which will have important consequences from the control point of view. It is true that control, on early stages of computer networks development, was minimum, which is made clear by identifying the emergence of what is now known as the Internet. The Internet is, in fact, a network of networks that interconnected among themselves through the adoption of common communication protocols. Each of the sub-networks of the meta-network Internet also didn t have any dominant position in relation to any other to start with. In fact, many of these sub-networks had specific architectures that prevented them from communicating, when a capital event took place, the creation and later adoption of the standard TCP protocol, later called TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Intenet Protocol) in 1973. This is a remarkable creation on different levels. Firstly because it is a public and open standard. Public in the sense that it is not a proprietor s standard, owned by the state or by any corporation or individual. In L. Lessig s words (Lessig, 2002), TCP/IP belongs to the commons, to this public space that precedes the public/private distinction in the State/private sense. It is also public in the sense that its code source is open or accessible to anyone. Concerning its function, TCP/IP is responsible for the reliable transmission of packages, according to packet-switching, for it is based, as we saw, on a principle of distributed circulation of information. Secondly, TCP/IP has as main characteristic to satisfy a principle of neutrality, also called end-to-end principle. The adoption of this principle was undoubtedly greatly responsible for the explosive growth of the internet, and it means that TCP/IP is neutral, indifferent in relation to any application that runs over it. It cannot distinguish them and is totally blind in relation to any kind of specific contents of each application: for example, it does not tell an e-mail from a web page, an MP3 file or any other application travelling in the network of networks, the Internet. This protocol only sends the packages from end to end according to the information s IP address of origin and destination, in a reliable way. The packages distinction according to their content is left for the networks knots, the servers and computers in general where applications reside. From this comes a fundamental consequence: any device of control and surveillance will not be exercised at TCP/IP level. Such a fact must not hide an important point: when TCP/IP designers conceived this protocol there was nothing that said that it should process information in a distributed way, nor that it fully respected the principle of neutrality. The designers could have introduced specifications that violated this principle. For instance, by distinguishing file formats, this is, introducing routines in the software that could filter a certain kind of information. For this it would be enough that the circuit was not neutral and made the access points comply with certain specifications. If this didn t happen, it was because the network s pioneers didn t want it so. A standard such as TCP/IP illustrates a major aspect of information technologies: from the values point of view that they involve privacy and possibility of surveillance, for instance these technologies don t possess any essence, they don t convey in an essential way this or that opposed idea. The ideas they can effectively come to convey depend on the architecture that we decide to impose on the code-source that rules them (Lessig, 1999). What is written on the code-source (filtering or not filtering information, for example) is a free decision, conveying values, that does not depend on any technological automatism. TCP/IP s architecture was created in a way to assure effective intercommunication of several computer networks, which had as non-intentional consequence the fact that the possibility of control is, at its level, minimum. However, as we shall see, this doesn t mean, that control cannot be practiced on another level, in the networks knots. The level at which control is operated can be identified more clearly if we quickly go over a set of ideas sustaining that the Internet intrinsically holds a liberating value, preventing, also intrinsically, any form of control and surveillance. Electronic Frontier Foundation and surveillance These types of ideas were often diffused during the past decade by one of the first and main organizations of online activists, EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation), among others. In general terms EFF defends the model of an Open Platform that is a global communication infra-structure offering indiscriminate access, based on open, private standards, free from asphyxiating regulation (In Open means that the code-source should be publicly accessible, and private is not equivalent to proprietor, but rather public in the previously mentioned sense of commons. TCP/IP has these characteristics, which assure a certain visibility and transparency that undoubtedly - and we will come back to this point can prevent certain camouflaged forms of control and surveillance. However this point of view, that makes human freedom and social regulation intervene, is next prolonged in a technological automatism. As one of the founding members of EFF, John Gilmore, mentions: the electronic world, conceived to resist a nuclear attack, can equally be indifferent to government regulation. Due to its global range and its decentralized design it cannot be controlled by any police. There are two arguments here: the first states that the Internet could not be watched because it is a global network not based on physical interactions. This is an argument with some credit, but one surely cannot conclude that the Internet, due to being global, cannot be in any way watchable. The second interests us more and states that the base architecture of the Internet would make the network intrinsically impossible of being watched. More precisely, Gilmore implicitly refers that this is the architecture of TCP/IP and of the non-centred algorithm that this protocol implements, packet-switching. The control, the surveillance would become impossible due to the intrinsic nature of the technology in question. The idea consists on the fact that a non-centred structure would assure anonymity on its own. However it is false to claim that the Internet has a supposed essence that makes it uncontrollable and impossible of being patrolled. To visualize it better, it is necessary to mention some aspects of the computer meta network s architecture. TCP/IP is a neutral protocol in the sense that was described in the previous section. But this doesn t imply that later protocols situated above it have necessarily to be so. They can perfectly introduce specifications that allow surveillance. Let us remember that above TCP/IP other protocols are running, like MINE (Multipurpose Internet Mail), SMPT (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), FTP (File Transfer Protocol) and HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol). These protocols share the original vision of the Internet in the sense that they are public standards. But nothing prevents that different proposals for its extension incorporate surveillance and control mechanisms, or that new protocols incorporate them from scratch. A good example is PICS[1]. PICS aims at being a standard for the Internet and its objective is to allow an ordered filtering and classification of information in a way as to block access to certain sites (pornographic sites were the project s initial objective). Only this same technique can perfectly be used to filter any kind of information. PICS is therefore a good example of code-source with the ambition to become a standard and it illustrates the fact that information technologies in general involve values, being however indeterminate in relation to specific values. In this way, as Lessig (Lessig, 1999) mentioned, the Internet has nothing essential , necessary . There is no technological automatism that guarantees the absence of control. A protocol such as PICS doesn t fully respect the principle of neutrality. And we could perfectly imagine any other protocol that made all the knots in the network to comply with their specifications. This means that surveillance in the network will have the tendency to operate at knot level where the applications reside, being these the ones that introduce the specifications that assure control, resulting in a greater distinction between the two types of computers present at Arpanet s initial architecture: the distinction between routers and hosts. As we shall see, this distinction has not ceased to increase, but for the moment it matters to point out that it introduces the distinction between circulation and memorization of the information. If control can hardly be done at circulation level, it can naturally occur at Internet s memory structure level, and one can refute that, if circulation is distributed, memory architecture has evolved into (more and more) centralized strategies. In this context, it is useful to briefly recall some characteristics of memorization devices. Memory and information storage The structure of human memory is still greatly unknown. However, for a long time modular conceptions of memory were advanced. (cf. Machuco Rosa, 2002, Chapter I). Caricaturing a bit, those conceptions sustain that memorized contents are entirely located in relatively precise modules, and that the access to these contents is carried out by a central entity a homunculus who would hold the physical address of this place and thus would update the stored memory in a facts base . Even being a caricature, this structure is not too different from the architecture of the modern digital computer: there is a RAM memory, where data and instructions are located, and a CPU that, among other things, locates these data by physical address and then executes them. Expanded, this structure can be found on certain programs of Classic Artificial Intelligence (Machuco Rosa, 2002, Chapter I), where contents are also physically located and resend, through pointers, to other addresses where other contents are also residing in memory. Applied to great masses of data, this structure allows building potentially huge relational databases allowing for an enormous capacity to inventory, discriminate and control information. And it does so automatically. It seems to be part of digital information s nature to reside in memory and be related automatically. With the due modifications, the mentiond structure was in part incorporated in the architecture of computer networks. Here information is also constantly stored in servers. It usually even is automatically stored in the server s access cache to the Internet and/or in the cache of the PC itself. This memory architecture involves, as its main possibility, the automatic relation of stored information, and such a possibility has effectively been constantly implemented. In truth, it is perfectly known that many of the main appliances for computer networks have precisely the function of correlating data. This is what happens with search engines or with the numerous programs used by corporations to draw the user / client s profile. Identification is also physical, or more precisely, each machine can be accessed and identified from its IP number. Using adequate surveillance of an IP address, the information s content may not only be known, but also sent to any central entity. Certain central entities, probably using automatic mechanisms, could equally examine the mail s content. As it was mentioned before, there is nothing that, in principle, prevents certain standards from incorporating the most various types of surveillance devices. Therefore, if control and surveillance is not made on information circulation level, it can perfectly be carried out in the network s knots: either on the servers or on an individual user s PC itself. The information is memorized there more or less temporarily and, even remotely, it is possible to keep an eye on many of the actions done by a user. Therefore, and as it was pointed out many times, the relational nature of information allows surveillance and control activities, unimaginable with the use of any other technology. This possibility largely takes roots on the architecture of memory that has just been described and that is typical of information. The question that is then placed is to know whether there are mechanisms, architectures, policies that allow to counterpart the possibilities of surveillance involved in the concept of digital information. There are at least three of these mechanisms and architectures: cryptography, open code-source and computation between peer computers. Cryptography The base concept of digital information cryptography, the concept of public key, appeared amidst the opposition between centred and non-centred systems. It was created in 1975 by W.Diffie motivated by ensuring the effective privacy of computer data. At least outside the military sector, protection of data was at the time assured by passwords managed by computer systems administrators. As was said by S. Levy, this type of protection represents an approach from top to bottom to the problem of data privacy [2]. The non-centred approach would instead consist on two individuals communicating without the need for an intermediary, or else on the existence of a common private key that they would have to transmit to each other. This final approach has become more and more diffused. The concept of public key is based on the existence of two types of keys possessed by each individual: a private key and a public key, the first remaining secret, while the latter can be accessed by anyone. Without going into subjacent mathematical algorithms, the idea consists on an individual being able to send ciphered information to another, using the destination s public key, while this is the only one with the ability to decipher the message using the correspondent private key. This way, if A wants to sent a ciphered message to B, he will search for B s public key and use it to cipher the message. Receiving the message, B uses his private key to decipher it, using a mathematical process that establishes a correspondence between B s public and private keys ensuring that only he can decipher any message that has been ciphered with his public key. Obviously if B wants to reply to A, then the process is inversed: B searches for A s public key and uses it to cipher the message that will be deciphered by A using the private key that corresponds to his public key. Based on this idea, it is possible to code messages with an extremely high level of inviolability, the question being whether it is possible to diffuse software that is adequate to that level of security[3]. Besides, the concept of digital certification has been recently diffused, which aims at assuring that it was in fact A (and not someone else) who used B s public key in order to send him a message. The use of this kind of technology as an ideological flag generated a movement inside the broader movement of cyber culture, the so called cyberpunks, who have in Tim May, author of The Crypto Anarchist Manifesto and of Black Net, one of their leading representatives. In his perspective, any individual s accessibility to sophisticated instruments of cryptography shouldn t only serve the purpose of ensuring the privacy of the data people constantly leave behind going through electronic networks. On the contrary, cryptography should have a wider social effect, it should change in a fundamental way the nature of corporations and government interference in economic transactions (May, 1996). Still according to May, crypto-anarchy is inevitable; even if there is no chance of it being implemented by politicians , it will be implemented by technology itself, which is already happening . In fact, political powers have been gradually authorizing the use of sophisticated cryptography[4]. But this doesn t mean that ciphering is a technology that automatically assures total privacy. In fact, as said before, cryptography should be complemented by digital certificates, which have to be issued by a third party, hired by the individual. On the other hand, proposals suggesting that individuals would be complied to give a copy of their key to a central entity the State are recurrent. In fact, since the utopia of a cybernetic space completely outside the Nation/State is over, there is no reason why the State could not formulate such a demand, when similar ones are made concerning everyday activities. If so, and naturally without minimizing the importance of cryptography as protector of privacy, regulation ends up situating at State level, traditionally seen as a constituting the frame of a public and democratic space of discussion and decision. Open Source The open source movement defends that, in principle, software applications should be accompanied by their code-source, and that it can be modified under the condition that it must again be made available within the software s public space. This is, at least, the movement s philosophy such as it was theorized by its first great defender, Richard Stalmann[5]. It s a thesis whose credits are difficult to evaluate and whose application is limited by various factors. However there are two other conceptual subjects raised by the open source movement that seem to be crucial. The first illustrates how open source software development is often processed according to decentralized mechanisms, similar to the ones that caused the appearing of some Internet networks. LINUX operative system is perhaps the best well-known example. It began being developed in 1991 by Linus Torvalds and rapidly, first hundreds, and then thousands of programmers all around the world, using the Internet, started cooperating in writing its code. The story of the project was well depicted by one of the main mentors of the open source movement, Eric Raimond (Raimond, 1999), pointing out the way LINUX system has acquired more and more functions and stability in a process he compares to a bazaar cacophony , this is, through the efforts of a very large number of people accompanied by a very small central of coordination. It is a programming strategy opposed to large programs with proprietor s code-source, and that, however, apparently a miracle, not only works, but produces extremely strong systems. The public nature of code-source places another conceptual question that goes beyond the supposed efficiency gained by non-centred design strategies. It concerns the issue of standards, which gives a new perspective over the problem of surveillance on computer networks. The decisive importance of standards in information technologies is clear for some time, but the recent case Microsoft / USA has stressed it even more. We already pointed out the importance that the existence of standards or open protocols had on the evolution of the Internet. On the other hand, it is known that, for instance, for the PC there is an operative system, Windows, that is not an open standard (the code-source is not public) and has acquired a position of monopoly. The reason for this last fact is also known, having been systematically theorized for the first time by Brian Arthur (Arthur, 1994), who demonstrated that information technologies are characterized by the existence of growing scale resources. Without going into technical details, the main reason for the existence of growing scale resources lies on the fact that information technologies often demand strong external input, which means that the bigger the number of users of a certain product, platform, etc., the better the incentive for additional users to appear, in a motion that leads the product in question to a dominant (monopoly) market position. Summing-up, in the Windows case, this mechanism of positive retroaction consists on the larger the number of programmers developing specific applications for Windows, the bigger the incentive for users to join that platform, which in turn generates new incentives for new applications development, which attracts more users, and so forth, with the results we all know. One can argue, even without being an adept of advertising all type of code-source, that programs working as standards and over which numerous other applications will run, meaning, the programs in network susceptible of strong external input, should have special treatment: they should be public, same as most standards that exist on the infrastructures of the physical world (from roads to electrical sockets) are public. One reason for this point of view is that information technologies public standards favour innovation in a decisive way, unlike what tends to happen with private standards. This was precisely what happened with the Internet, based on public open standards, and one can argue that attempts, like Microsoft s, to impose standards on computer networks will lead to a reduction of the level of innovation (Lessig, 2001). But there is another argument that favours open standards. It concerns, precisely, privacy and surveillance and confirms the importance of the open standard movement s ideas. In fact, there is an increasing number of software mechanisms that make the Internet extremely vulnerable to control strategies, privacy invasion, freedom of speech limitation, etc. Routines that exist in common programs like browsers filter, catalogue and select information, often in a non-visible way to the eyes of the user. Thus, the advantage of open code-source consists on making those mechanisms visible. This means that, on open programs, any mechanism of control will be entirely exposed, and since one has the code-source it can be immediately modified in a way that eliminates the undesired programming module. Public standards share a certain ideal of transparency that has, precisely, the effect of assuring privacy and individual autonomy. In other terms, what is public and shared by all can t harm each one s freedom and individuality. So, the concept of open code-source implies that surveillance regulation is implemented within the commons public space. WWW and P2P In the previous section we saw that the concept of distributed computation was present in the mind of the early computer network architects. We also saw how the networks evolution lead to the appearance of various forms of centralization. This is, in particular, the case of the World Wide Web. The WWW is a network based on the asymmetric and tendentiously centred server/client mechanism. Like all others, this model was chosen, defined as a characteristic of network architecture, despite being contrary to its maker s, Tim Berners-Lee (Berners-Lee, 2000), original intentions. The server/client model is in fact a centralized model, locally centralized, in the sense that any request of information can be seen as a relation between a server and a client, relation that exists independently from all other requests. Locally, the server/client model is a relation between a centre and a periphery client of that centre. It has been imposed from the exterior as architecture design, but implies, through the concept of link, a global consequence, not explicitly imposed on architecture design. More exactly, it unintentionally involves the appearance of a global centre, not only local, with all the control related consequences that will follow. What happens if, instead of considering every request from a client to a server as independent from all the others, we analyze the global structure that results from the various local interactions, based on tracing a link, meaning, what structure results from the clients multiple requests to servers? There is a consequence not intentionally inscribed in the model server/client, which is a new form of centralization emerging from link structure of the WWW. In fact it is possible to demonstrate theoretically (Barab�si, Reka and Jeong, 1999), and acknowledge empirically, that the WWW displays scales invariance, or in other words, there is a relatively small amount of sites that are pointed by a vast number of links, and a vast number of sites pointed by a small number of links, a phenomenon whose cause apparently lies on a connection preference propriety: new links are more likely to point to sites which many other links point to already. Therefore, there is an emergence of sites that will tend to be larger and larger (more paths in their direction), and the bigger they become they bigger they will get. Therefore, Information will tend to position itself in the direction of more visible sites. It is a mechanism of positive retroaction with the inevitable consequence of the existence of a small number of sites with enormous density of connections and an enormous number of sites with weak connections density. One must not underestimate the importance of that fact, not only because of the existence of central points that make the net extremely vulnerable to attacks that may deregulate it, but also due to the possibility of gigantic information storage centres appearing, with the subsequent control and surveillance consequences[6]. The existence of these centres was not imposed as a system design principle; they emerged. We will see how this kind of emergence can be again met in the peer-to-peer computation models (P2P) that we now present. Around the late nineties, the computation model designated by P2P started to get a lot of attention, which restores the initial idea of distributed computation defended by some of the Arpanet founders as well as the concept subjacent to packet-switching. Reasons like the PC s unused computational capabilities were factors that lead to the development of P2P[7]. But other reasons are equally related to a new attempt to counterbalance the potential of control and surveillance that computer networks have, in particular when they are based on the server/client model. These socio-political motives were the inspiration guide of one among the several P2P projects, Freenet, created by Ian Clark ( The main objective of the adaptive network Freenet is to assure total anonymity, trying to eliminate to a minimum the possibilities of surveillance that are implicit in the architecture of the computer networks that make up the Internet. Its guiding idea is similar to the one defended by the EFF: the idea according to which non-centred technologies assure anonymity and privacy. However, and contrary to the opinion sometimes sustained by members of the EFF, Ian Clark points out that non-centred technologies don t characterize the architecture of the current Internet, therefore it is necessary to create a new network that definitely satisfies the non-centred design principles, breaking away completely from the server/client model. This new network is the Freenet, and in it each computer is a peer, meaning, all computers are equal, none centralizes the network, both at circulation level and information storage level. Besides, the principle of locality is respected, for each network s computer/knot only has the information concerning the network knots in its neighbourhood. This is the philosophy of non-centred systems: each knot only has a local vision, therefore any global representation of the network is completely beyond their access. Instead of qualifying his network as non-centred, Ian Clark, conveying this way the project s ideological motivation, mentions that the Freenet is a perfect anarchy (Clark, 2000). Since the network seeks to be an information retrieval device, one could think that, somehow, there would have to be something similar to a server where a client obtains the desired information. However, and on the contrary, the network s architecture imposes that every computer is, indistinctively and at each moment, both server and client . More specifically and without going into technical details, the Freenet allows the attainment of memorized information in the following way (Clark, 1999): computer A initiates an information request (to which corresponds a certain key). Due to the past history of interactions, it sends that request to one of the computers, say B that, with a certain degree of probability, has that information. B possesses or not the information in question. If it does, it sends it to A. If it doesn t, then it sends a request to its neighbour computers, let s say C that, with a certain probability, has the requested information. One should note that if the client was initially A, it then became B, and then C. Let us suppose that information is finally found on a computer D. D then resends the information through the intermediary knots that had been previously crossed (each of them was a client in the opposite direction, and is now a server ) until it reaches A, the original source of the request. One characteristic of Freenet s architecture lies on the fact that the information returning from D to A is stored in cache, not only in D, (where it was found) and in A (where it will stay), but also in C and in B. Therefore, on one hand, each knot is indistinctively a client and a server , on the other hand, information is constantly being duplicated in the network, this is, we are approaching, even if not in the complete sense of the term, an architecture of distributed information. This absence of any central point, of any server , immediately assures a high level of anonymity, therefore any request originated in a certain knot is replicated by the numerous intermediary knots where it may pass through, the same way as memory is constantly being multiplied times n, according to the n number of intermediary knots. Therefore, in principle, it is not possible to identify the actual source of a request. It is surely not possible to identify the requisition original source because, according to our illustration, it is impossible to determine whether computer A was originating a requisition or simply passing on a requisition originated in some other knot in the network. We can now better understand how a computer finds the information in one of its neighbours. With the propagation in memory of requisitions and of information in cache, the density of connections grows progressively. Now it is a generic outcome in the self-organization theories that, if that density crosses certain critical thresholds, the probability of finding the requested information through a relatively short path converges rapidly towards 1 (for instance, Bundle and Havlin, 1995). This result shows that the required information can be found through a relatively short path and only based on the network s local structure. The thing is that this result can be seen from a completely different perspective whose possibility Clark doesn t seem to have noticed that goes against the equalitarian philosophy subjacent to the project and that also underlines the typical ambiguity of information technologies. Obviously the memory stored in peer computers cache cannot grow indefinitely, having Ian Clark implemented an algorithm in the network that establishes credits of information removal. Looking closely at that algorithm, one can verify that it translates the apparent obvious solution: the criteria of removal will be determined by a principle of popularity. This way, the last requisition received by a peer computer goes to the top of the memory, while the previous ones go down one notch. Since every requisition has a key identifying the requested information, the inevitable consequence is that the most frequent requests, that is, those who request the same information, will tend to remain on top, while the less popular subjects will be progressively removed from the top until their complete exclusion (no one requests them, therefore they don t show on the first levels). This is a totally similar mathematical result to the one that leads to the formation of sites centred on the WWW. In reality it translates an also generic result in the processes of self organization in a positive retroaction regime: the bigger the value of a connection, the larger the attraction is for future users , in a process that leads to the disappearance of possible alternatives. The positive retroaction mechanism always involves fixed points in competition, and the updating of one of them implies the creation of a monopoly (be it of ideas or of any other kind) and the exclusion of another (Machuco Rosa, 2002). Often, the defenders of non centred architectonical solutions are not conscious enough of the monopolization processes that they can inadvertently create. None of that takes value from Clark s arguments concerning Freenet s anonymity guarantee (mainly if complemented with cryptography). But it points out the fact that non-centred solutions end up creating counter-productive effects not intentionally specified in the system s design principles, and that they can even go against those same principles. In Freenet s case, counter-productivity becomes particularly clear. Freenet is based on the concept of equal computers, peers, gifted with only a local knowledge. All of them are the same, as well as anonymous, inside the network s global structure. It s just that technologically assuring that equality and anonymity has the consequence of making some of the network s users no longer being effectively equal, because the network discriminates their information. For them the network ceases to have any value. It s not necessary to have a central device, for discrimination to occur. On some networks it can even be a natural process. And even if you try to eliminate these counterproductive effects nothing assures that they won t reappear in some other form. Either way, it is correct to state that, in the Freenet network, information requisition is made in a tendentiously distributed way, undoubtedly breaking away from the server/client model typical of the World Wide Web. This distributed character is assured by the multiplication times n of information. However, this is not yet a truly distributed network in the sense that memory is fragmented and it doesn t satisfy the integral location principle. A future task would consist on starting to create network architectures that would definitely break away with the information storage principle on certain modules (computers). Networks that could implement algorithms truly operating over a distributed memory, and that could make a distributed data processing network emerge. This would be to create networks that would counterpoint current network architectures in the exact sense that the concept of neuronal computer or artificial neuronal network is opposed to the usual architectures of the digital computer. Even if this is a possibility that seems to be very far away, it is the only one that would drastically eliminate the possibilities of exterior control (Machuco Rosa, 1999, for an introduction to the concept of artificial neuronal network). Conclusion: the desire for anonymity The network of networks Internet was depicted by many as a new possibility for emancipation. For some, like John Gilmore or Tim May, the networks architecture such as it existed in the beginning of the last decade would intrinsically assure the values of emancipation. For others like Ian Clark this architecture would have to be replaced so that the liberating potential of computer networks became an effective reality. In both cases, the idea is that a certain type of technologies, the non-centred design technologies, would assure anonymity and privacy. These positions involve ambiguities. They insist in such a way in the effects generated by technologic automatisms that they forget that technologies are a product of freedom, in the sense clearly exemplified by the information technologies: the values that the program s code-source conveys are the result of a decision not of any automatism -, and the factors regulating that decision are also not automatic, rather they belong to the level of discussion of ideas and policies. On the other hand, the error gets worse when one fails to understand that centred technologies, instead of necessarily generating equality , possess a life of their own that goes beyond the instructions expressed on their design initial conditions. It consists on the appearance of what we have designated as counterproductive effects, which, in general, are effects that go against the philosophy animating the movement that goes from EFF to Ian Clark. What philosophy is that? Why the incessant worry with problems such as surveillance? Why insisting on the necessity of assuring a level of anonymity as ample as possible? The answer seems to become clear, at least in general terms in the space of this conclusion, if you notice that the movement of cyber culture represents a step ahead in enhancing the characteristics of modernity (Machuco Rosa, 1996 for a more detailed analysis). This is, equality equality of condition, as a person, not necessarily material equality must grow more and more in a world that has progressively dissolved all, once said natural, hierarchies. Internet will have been seen by some as an extremely powerful tool that would finally make all exteriorities transcendent to individuals go away. There lies the project for searching for total anonymity, as one of the meanings of this kind of anonymity is precisely that surveillance, and therefore discrimination and the violation of the principle of individuality cannot occur. The movement towards equality, as many have referred, is an unstoppable tendency, but it is highly questionable that it can be fully accomplished through automatism. In the desire that automatism brings equality, seems to finally live the tendency to give back to an exterior entity an automatism, precisely what is supposed to be an immanent task. The devolution towards something regulating from outside seems to always reappear, but that the regulator is itself a machine is something that fills the imaginary of modernity taken to its extreme. --- Bibliographic References Arthur, W. B., (1987), Self-Reinforcing Machanisms in Economics , In The Economy as an Evolving Complex System, P. Anderson & al (eds), Addison-Wesley, Redwood, pp.9-32. Arthur W. 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Richard Stalmann, The GNU Project, in [6] When writing these lines, a spectacular confirmation of this possibility came forth with the Chinese government s banning of the Google search engine ( Like the rest of the world, the Google search engine has been turning into the most popular search engine in China, also due to the fact that it stores in memory the pages of the Chinese servers that are blocked by the Beijing government. Chinese users could, thus, access these pages using Google. Something good some will say. But, on one hand, this huge memory could be used for precisely opposite purposes and, on the other hand the Chinese government naturally prohibited access to Google from Chinese servers. [7] Look up htp:// for a complete and updated panoramics of the P2P projects. # distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission # <nettime> is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: [email protected] and "info nettime-l" in the msg body # archive: contact: [email protected]