dr.woooo on Thu, 23 Jan 2003 21:55:48 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime> Fwd: sms, pimp, etc

FROM V. <v..@... wrote ..

RE: http://amsterdam.nettime.org/Lists-Archives/nettime-l-0301/msg00037.html

... CUT ...

. Anyways, I will press ahead
> regardless. The sms system used in sydney was called SMUG, I think it was
> released as free software (or at least it is based on free software). It
> consisted of one mobile fone connected to a computer. The mobile received
> msgs, parsed them, then took action. If the message started with the word
> `SMUG', it was broadcast (i.e. re-sent) to all subscribers. Problems here
> included the cost of sending messages (ended up costing a few hundred
> dollars; 80 subscribers = $20 per broadcast), and also latency in sending
> messages; SMS is _not_ a realtime system, some messages were received
> several hours after they were sent. 
> I personally had no part in the development of SMUG, but am currently
> working on a similar system which will (among other things) interface to
> indymedia. To solve the cost of broadcasts problem I am working on using
> free internet-sms gateways where possible, and charging for the service
> where this is not available. Latency is basically unavoidable.
> Another point to consider is that the system is _not_ decentralised; it
> relies on telco infrastructure, and could be remarkably easily shut down
> if the powers that be shut down a particular mobile fone cell at the time
> of an action (the iXpress group at s11 feared this and subsequently did
> not rely on mobiles for communication). 
> The PIMP system was used at sydney, and is being further refined. There
> will shortly be a single national PIMP number to dial which will service
> all australian indymedia sites. ... CUT ...
> -
> There is only one difference between a madman and me. I am not mad.
> Salvador Dali

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