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<nettime> unstable digest vol 34 |
To: [email protected] From: komninos zervos <[email protected]> Date: Sun, 09 Feb 2003 19:55:44 +1000 Subject: i #1 onWorldEnter if i = all then all = ok end komninos zervos lecturer, convenor of CyberStudies major School of Arts Griffith University Room 3.25 Multimedia Building G23 Gold Coast Campus Parkwood PMB 50 Gold Coast Mail Centre Queensland 9726 Australia Phone 07 5552 8872 Fax 07 5552 8141 homepage: http://www.gu.edu.au/ppages/K_Zervos broadband experiments: http://users.bigpond.net.au/mangolegs audioblog http://spokenword.blog-city.com/ ---------- --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.449 / Virus Database: 251 - Release Date: 27/01/03 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/ Date: Sun, 9 Feb 2003 22:17:07 -0500 From: Alan Sondheim <[email protected]> Subject: My Composition in Language at m.a.g. (fwd) To: [email protected] August has kindly put the whole piece together at - http://www.muse-apprentice-guild.com/alansondheim-feature/home.html - click on My Composition in Language - at least for me, it resonates this way - Alan Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 11:56:49 +1100 To: [email protected], [email protected], From: "hu][bris wo][man" <[email protected]> Subject: Re: (ur-k.now.n) ------------=_1044838521-642-1316 At 07:06 PM 9/02/2003 -0500, ewe wrote: >i about fear the writing world . i f.ein[.e].t + fl.op[shop] 2wards::b.oneless [e.]motion . >& about the tremble world with its tremble >name . named + death dang[l](on)e.rous my h.ear[+breath+pricklings]t n.va[de]sive . > with its fear name writing closing my eyes & trembling the world, do >tremble ears, the fearing trembling, trembling, the mouth, the mouth . m.out.hed in yr [tr]emble.m::smoothed down + [st]ripped via veined + cordless n.sc.RIP.tions:: [f]u[rr]tility mocking + horra.show.b[agging](l)oat.ing . >i fear writing about the world & tremble with its name . writ[u.all] N. [dr]inking k.eye.d mouth.fulls. bl.OO[P]d.gaps N lurid f.lick.er touche[`]s . >closing my eyes & trembling the world, do tremble . [loose]fitting.in.spasmoid.flittering.m.on.IT.ore.d.lite . >closing my eyes & ears, & fearing the world, do fear ..f.ur.lined + sumerian-like::s[h]y[per]M.bol[isms] drowned in s[ar]c[astic](d)reams >the world fearing & trembling, closing my mouth --or.b[like] fleshwurds + blinkered C[++].king >fearing the name of the world ::n.a.m[p.m]e of the go[triple]DDDess rosy ++ - pro][tein][.logging.txt - - http://www.hotkey.net.au/~netwurker/ _ _sparks of lost hu][bris][man $cent][+re.sieved][_ ------------=_1044838521-642-1316 Content-Disposition: inline; filename="message-footer.txt" -----Syndicate mailinglist----------------------- Syndicate network for media culture and media art information and archive: http://anart.no/~syndicate to post to the Syndicate list: <[email protected]> Shake the KKnut: http://anart.no/~syndicate/KKnut no commercial use of the texts without permission ------------=_1044838521-642-1316-- From: [email protected] To: [email protected], [email protected] Subject: e(sCape)//happement//t Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2003 20:29:38 +0100 Copy [-p]: 1 of 1 : hIEr en montant les Copy [-p]: 1 file : esca(pe)lierS de mon iM m(obile) Copy [-p]: 1 of 1 : eu-ble bleu en montant les Copy [-p]: 1 file : --la cage s(hade)Ombre avec des Copy [-p]: 1 of 1 : reflets lu[X]mineux sur les-- Copy [-p]: 1 file : marches Copy [-p]: 1 of 1 : ;Qui sUivent Glissent les uns sur Copy [-p]: 1 file : les autres en fonction d;e Copy [-p]: 1 of 1 // MES PAS--� � Copy [-p]: 1 file / du mouvement de mes pas-- Copy [-p]: 1 of 1 : � � & puis il y a cette petite [eine kleine Fenster on top] Copy [-p]: 1 file : fen�tre sur le c�t� que je per�ois Copy [-p]: 1 of 1 : cOmme un espace ouvert-- Copy [-p]: 1 file : �C//happement//tout )�////coup Copy [-p]: 1 of 1 //////&/ Copy [-p]: 1 file : pOUR le r/Egard Copy [-p]: 1 of 1 � � Copy [-p]: 1 file : la Lampe devant moi -- pasc@csaq Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 02:24:36 -0500 From: Alan Sondheim <[email protected]> Subject: WAR To: [email protected] WAR nothing will stop violence but violenceXN0IG9 UW PICO(tm) 4.4 nothing will stop more violence but violence//images.ta dCd "they cut our throats of ac until we are all dead5nPkNoe UW PIC "t words" of arms our cut "theylists jo b29zZSA1 a until the earth is gone of usrms of wordsQogICAgus - forge for the death of two there are quarteredoats of actionsluY2x1ZGluZzogTUFYSU0sIFJ bones, the bonesYXIgU our arms t the bones, the bonesinto the ba wxyz>d the bones, bones cut of wordsBEY nothing will stop violence but violence [ Wrote 16 lines ] nothing will stop more violence but violencebmUs k36% hYW5kIF 20 new spam; proc me bones, bonesile-sh 21 until we are all deadmembershi 23 ls abcdefghR 24 the blood, bloodW 25 cp a/f we can die and do nothing 26 pico fil - PrevP the blood, bloodcp fil a we can die and dls we will kill them we will kill ourselveses another - the other blood, bloodyPSIjMDAw Se they will kill us the death of two they will tear the tongues from the mouthsainment, ande of the bones, the bonesxlDQ they will not botheret Help ^Y FirstLin for the death of one of us there are halveswith offers that incl b25nPjwvZm9udD ^C Can for the death of two there are quartered....93, 1994ntu.ac.uk>o your c the bloo the bones, the bonesJpY the blood, blood the bones, bonesthe blood, blood the bones, the bonesblood, blood19 KB) " the bones, bonesme to write : yy nothing will stop more v File Name to wr we will bomb ourselvesxpZ249Im we will scream and protest nothing8--ber> R pqrstuv 4 ^G we will kill themFilesA7PC9wPg0KIC we will kill ourselves TAB CompleteD 3 blood, bloodtdm-er ^G Ge they will kill ust ^R Read File ^ blood, bloodK Cut Text they will kill userver (1047) Mes they will tear the tongues from the mouthsaWFsIj4 ^X Exit ^J Justify ^W Where they will not botherUnCut Text^T To Spel they will split the bodies in twoaXplPSIyIiBmYWNlPSJBcmlhbCI+PC9mb for the death of one there are two File: [email protected] for the death of one of us there are abcdefghijklmnopqrs blood, the bloodB3b3VsZCBwcmVmZX the blood, blood one of us there we can scream and do nothing bm90DQogICAgICAgIHRvIHJl fo we can die and do nothingre quartered R Reply Fro wxyzYTE. we can die and do nothinges, the bonesywgPC9mb250P ? Help < MsgIndex P PrevMsg - PrevPage D Delete R Replyut violencesons above mentio ZmZAZ3JlZW50cmVlc3R1bXAuY2 until we are all O OTHER CMDS > ViewAttch N NextMsg Spc NextPage U Undelete F Forward b250DQogICAgICA Er PINE 4.51 MESSAGE TEXT Folder: INBOX Message 3 of 3 END ding mu; rm yy; mJlPC91Pjwvc3Ry + 2 Feb 5 Ian S. Murray ( remo wxyzy-Id we can die and do nothing /[z]+/ { print "blood, the blood" }CjI ^C Cancel ^J Justify ^W Wh /[y]+/ { print "the blood, blood" } To Spell - - - - - - bEM0LTgyOHRuV /[x]+/ { print "we can scream and do nothing" }s] http://www.asondheim.org/ http://www.asond /[w]+/ { print "we can die and do nothing" }l.net Tue Febev Pg ^K Cut http://www.anu /[v]+/ { print "we can kill and do nothing" }o 11 00:51:52 2003lding Date: Tue, 11 Feb 20 /[u]+/ { print "we will kill them" }[email protected] older /[t]+/ { print "we will kill ourselves" }internet_txt.htmlez 1 hea T X-Original- /[s]+/ { print "blood, blood" }ister now Trace projects http:/ /[r]+/ { print "they will kill us" }ex.htmcom [])ut how man /[d]+/ { print "nothing will stop violence but violence" } by mail1.p http://www.asondheim.org/ http://www. :o :h :m -r There is no -^? option (press RETUR video editing tools f the blood /^$/ { print "until the earth is gone of us" }xyztion? What does it portend abcdefghe.email- {o for ( i = NF; i >= 1; i-- )e are halvesevails - sing me printf "%s ", $i;ndards? we will b printf "\n"; plan violate }h k42% bhe bon To [email protected] [7-11] abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz violenceifference - i'l ~ and state?~~~~~~~~~~ ::: until k43% lsll dead Mail lynx_bookmarks.html phoenix.irc venom.irc the earth is gone of usy Pournelle, Chaos Manor #270 blood, the blo nail RV.UTORONTO.CA>t."com/maaaP0 O OTHER CMDS > [ListFldrs] N NextCmd K [email protected]>,f through Criminal prosecution for po our web without bail.ViewMsg] N N Forward on the la Send message? YesCenter for Public the blood, the blood they will not botherc NextPage U Undelet they will split the bodies in two they will pay no attentionE 4.51 MESSAGE TEXT for the death of one of us there are halves (4436) Re: #1Db/aim Your Free PDA for the death of two there are quartered5 Ian S. Murray (1456) Ohio Statla bones, the bones abcde Spellghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz K KBL they will tear the tongues from the mouths abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzoke-list.. they will not bothere projects http://tr they will pay no attentioneim/index.htm From: [email protected] To: [email protected], [email protected] Subject: (Aucun objet) Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2003 22:33:37 +0100 _le (s)trait de l'horizon t_AL \ \ d IR \ L a NG \ d�fini T io(bligatoire)n [aacu\e] a [Aacut\] A [acirc \ a [Acirc ]\ A [agrave] \ a [Agrave] \ A [aring ] \ aa [Aring ] \ AA [atilde] \ a [Atilde] \ Ah! A \ plain_text \ \ -o\liger -ob\ique -obl\t�rer \ -obli\era -o\solete -- pasc@csaq Date: Fri, 7 Feb 2003 00:10:42 -0500 From: Alan Sondheim <[email protected]> Subject: dancegrid module To: [email protected] /[0]+/ { print "internal module dancing" } /[z]+/ { print "sustained notes as in autonomic nervous system" } /[y]+/ { print "the whirl of worlds" } /[x]+/ { print "leading from gridance to landgrid" } /[w]+/ { print "arms, hands, breasts, eyes, balloons" } /[v]+/ { print "making new objects in the slice of time." } /[u]+/ { print "landgrid to icegrid, these new objects" } /[t]+/ { print "neither born nor dying for your eyes." } /[s]+/ { print "open mouths screaming colours" } /[r]+/ { print "tend towards air-disturbance objects." } /[q]+/ { print "microphone objects transform atmospheres" } /[p]+/ { print "in the presence of older objects" } /[o]+/ { print "as hands and elsewhere mouth" } /[n]+/ { print "generate new things obliterating the old." } /[m]+/ { print "there is gridance among them" } /[l]+/ { print "and among them, worldrun crashing into stars." } /[k]+/ { print "every sound and breath tensed towards" } /[j]+/ { print "the interceptions of planets, nebula" } /[i]+/ { print "inhaling through the body's transparencies" } /[h]+/ { print "of arms, hands, breasts, balloons" } /[g]+/ { print "motioned in the griding of the room" } /[f]+/ { print "girdled for dissemination, deconstruction." } /[e]+/ { print "in the distance, no-attention animals" } /[d]+/ { print "and the forests of ice in the ice." } /[c]+/ { print "the skies open to the skies," } /[b]+/ { print "the stars to the stars" } /[a]+/ { print "dance and sound to objects and older objects." } /^$/ { print "what they have been sliding by our grasp." } { for ( i = NF; i >= 1; i-- ) printf "%s ", $i; printf "\n"; } Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 00:18:36 -0500 From: Alan Sondheim <[email protected]> Subject: unix fortune To: [email protected] Yes, you can stop paying those high interest rates now, Alan and get a [Last message marked for deletion] Pine finished -- Closed "INBOX". Kept 3 messages and removed 4. Frobnicate, v.: To manipulate or adjust, to tweak. Derived from FROBNITZ. Usually abbreviated to FROB. Thus one has the saying "to frob a frob". See TWEAK and TWIDDLE. Usage: FROB, TWIDDLE, and TWEAK sometimes connote points along a continuum. FROB connotes aimless manipulation; TWIDDLE connotes gross manipulation, often a coarse search for a proper setting; TWEAK connotes fine-tuning. If someone is turning a knob on an oscilloscope, then if he's carefully adjusting it he is probably tweaking it; if he is just turning it but looking at the screen he is probably twiddling it; but if he's just doing it because turning a knob is fun, he's frobbing it. Mon Feb 10 00:17:48 EST 2003 The Moon is Waxing Gibbous (57% of Full) From: Karl Petersen <[email protected]> To: "_arc[texture.eyes].hive_" <[email protected]> Subject: bound ascii Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 15:15:32 -0600 (CST) size sivilize seize; squealing stealing sealing; Feb 11 12:25:20 proportion postfix/sendmail[7062]: warning: fork: Too many open files Feb 11 12:26:00 proportion last message repeated 4 times Feb 11 12:28:00 proportion last message repeated 12 times Feb 11 12:38:01 proportion last message repeated 60 times Feb 11 12:48:02 proportion last message repeated 60 times Feb 11 12:55:02 proportion last message repeated 42 times Clock has been set forward 10.5524 seconds since Jan 15 14:00:01 proportion newsyslog[23159]: logfile turned over. -- With only one line it's a trivial thing to check for matching quotation marks. Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 04:36:55 -0800 From: August Highland <[email protected]> To: [email protected] Subject: "geneological tree" "geneological tree" GATree<T> * clone() void copy(const GATree<T>& orig) void destroy() void swaptree(GATree<T> * t) void swaptree(unsigned int, unsigned int) void swap(unsigned int, unsigned int) GATree<T> * remove() void insert(GATree<T> * t, GATreeBASE::Location where=BELOW) void insert(const T& t, GATreeBASE::Location where=BELOW) T * current() T * root() T * next() T * prev() T * parent() T * child() T * eldest() T * youngest() T * warp(unsigned int i) T * warp(const GATreeIter<T>& i) int ancestral(unsigned int i, unsigned int j) const int size() int depth() int nchildren() int nsiblings() --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.449 / Virus Database: 251 - Release Date: 1/27/2003 From: -r-W-x-R-W-X-R- x <[email protected]> To: [email protected], [email protected] Subject: .les couches N.E.U.R.a.u.ssi ( Vertical version ) Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 22:29:33 +0100 je suppose que dans le cerveau humain le d�ploiement du visuel l'entrecr[X]sEment de ce d�ploiEment avec d'autres .L.a.N.G(u)A.g.E.S. l RAmemory de ce qui vie.Nt; xo = 0; xx = 1; [ xy = 0; V xz = 0; e yo = 0; r yx = 0; t yy------i yz = 0; c zo = 0; a zx = 0; l----------ement zy = 0; zz = 1; [Horizontal]eMent d Ev(ent)ant m.EyeS /di V (iRi.)$� par l;e $;0;l en bas - l'herbe le gazon du jardin & le ciel au-dessus avec les �toiles ces arbres avaient donc une pr�sence particuli�re dans mon champ visuel l'imag(ination) que.j.e.f.erm.ais.e.n.r.egar.dan.t.l.e.s E.ye.ux -- pasc@csaq From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: Re: RE:ProduCCing_numb.eRRs Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2003 19:24:07 +1100 Quoting a u t u m n - f r e q u e n c y <[email protected]>: > r.f-wyre_ON[tological]: > D00m-0143.k > D00m-0242.k > D00m-0262.k > D00m-0371.k > D00m-0432.k > D00m-1030.k > D00m-1060.k > D00m-1090.k > D00m-1210.k > D00m-1220.k > D0NT-1230.k > D0NT-1240.k > D0NT-1250.k > D0NT-1330.k > D0NT-1331.k To: "WRYTING-L : Writing and Theory across Disciplines" <[email protected]> From: [email protected] Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2003 19:52:31 +1100 Subject: Re: Sewn Doom __afta.ma[th]pping sondheim + brueckl // Sewn Doom /tonnes of gluish nothing /sod[s of brutish klee]omies r loaded with err[or]ant blocks /s.o[ddishments] many tongues /the longing of s[m]o[ke N mirrore]d.[tax]O[N]my Modules +creamIn + sugarOut. /Here cannot b. /+the dirg[ibl]e [h]earth /-ones tear + zeros z[n]ipped /-guess[ed] in a greased split 2nd /-overHauling qs s.l[D]aughter screaming /There cannot b .e[pra]x[is]e /+accu.men+wimmen /+blood-proven-b.loo[m.ing(le)]d /+on|of other.ing. /+duel quests + wr[d]eath causations Blood. > Sodomy bones. Extortion bones. Tongue bones. Sodomy in one. Nothing > screaming. Sodomy tongues screaming. Split there. Split there. Questions > split there. There cannot be tearing bones. Tongues there are. Tongues of > modes of splitting. Modes of extortion. But there are accustions. > > > The nothing of sodomy. This is rather violence. All violence. All screams. > There cannot be extortion, but it is there. That this is too often false is > in doubt. There cannot be two in one. One in two. The bones of sodomy. > Nothing is numerous but violence, the screams of violence. The rape mode. > Question. But it is blood. Split tongues. Violence is there. Bone of doubt. > False bones. Blood tongues. Nothing cannot be extorted. Sodomy extortion, > two > in one. In two violence. Often sodomy is too. To be extorted. Cannot be. Be > two violence. The screams extorted. Often sodomy is too. Is in doubt. Is > numerous. Is blood. Is split. Nothing is sodomy. Sodomy is often. Violence > is > there. Cannot be. Two in one. Violence. Violence nothing. Blood violence. > Screams violence. Numerous two. False in one. Mode false. Rape doubt. The > bones of rape. That this is too sodomy. But it is. Often nothing is. Sodomy > is nothing. Sodomy is in doubt. Doubt is violence. Blood is there. > > > It is a tongue. Split violence. This is too often a mouth. False sodomy, > this > is rather the earth's blood, death's bones. Mouth's scream. Bodies split > violence. Tongues are nothing. There cannot be extortion. Being that this > is > too often sodomy. A mode of questioning. Questioning rape. A mode of rape. > This is rather sodomy. Too often sodomy is too often. The mouth of death. > The > bodies of extortion. A scream cannot be extorted. The bone of death in a > mouth. False screams of violence. There are no false screams of violence. > Tongue earth blood. Split death. This is too a mouth. A mouth scream being > that this is too sodomy. Too often extortion. Split mouth. Death mouth. The > bone of screams. Violence. This is too. Too often nothing. Questioning. Too > often the bone. A mode of death. False blood sodomy. Death extortion. False > split. This is too too often. > > > This is too often sodomy. There cannot be doubt. This is rather blood. The > question of rape is nothing. But tongues are nothing. Split tongues are > nothing. This is too often a scream. Mouths in two, one there. This is > rather > blood. This is rather blood accusations. This cannot be split. This is too > often violence, the nothing of violence. But violence is not nothing. Too > often blood is violent. There cannot be any doubt about blood. Often > nothing. > Nothing screams. Nothing cannot be split. This is too blood. This is rather > a > tongue. Split. Tongue's blood. Nothing blood. The question. This is too > rape. > A scream accusations. Violence often. This is rather a scream. This is too > often. Nothing screams. Nothing is a mouth. Nothing is two. Sodomy cannot > be. > One there. This is rather. Violent. Not nothing. Often nothing. A tongue. > Nothing is. > > > --Bob Brueckl > after Alan Sondheim's "Sexwar" > __________________________________________ > > Sexwar > > There cannot be the slightest doubt that false charges of sodomy are more > numerous than those of rape, and that this is too often a successful mode > of extortion. This is rather a legal than a medical question; but it is > especially deserving of notice, that these accusations are very frequently > made by soldiers and a bad class of policemen! > > accusations very very especially frequently deserving made by by soldiers > soldiers and bad class class of policemen! made until blood, earth blood > gone we us will blood, kill blood them we ourselves will policemen! kill > until them earth ourselves gone they not tear bother tongues split from > bodies mouths in not two bother pay split no bodies they in tear two > tongues pay from no mouths attention one for there death halves one > quartered there bones, halves bones quartered nothing bones, stop bones > attention nothing for stop death violence violence all all dead dead > scream scream protest protest can can do do bomb bomb > > (From Taylor's A Manual of Medical Jurisprudence, 1866) > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/ To: [email protected] From: A Dontigny <[email protected]> Subject: Producing numbers Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 18:21:34 -0500 We are going to produce the following numbers: D00-0143 D00-0242 D00-0262 D00-0371 D00-0432 D00-1030 D00-1060 D00-1090 D00-1210 D00-1220 D00-1230 D00-1240 D00-1250 D00-1330 D00-1331 D00-1600 D40-0080 Z00-2220 Z00-3320 Z00-4520 Z00-5521 Z00-8821 Z00-9720 Z01-0520 Z01-2120 Z02-0820 Z02-0920 Z02-1420 Z02-4020 Z02-4320 Z02-3820 Z03-2820 Z03-3120 Z03-3520 Z04-1520 Z04-2200 Z05-1920 Z30-1420 A 333 320 A 333 323 A 334 313 A 334 327 A 334 565 A 334 337 A 334 378 A 334 424 A 334 475 A 334 485 A 334 494 A 334 496 A 334 580 A 334 590 A 334 564 A 334 565 A 334 575 A 334 592 A 334 595 A 334 596 A 334 603 A 334 604 A 334 606 A 334 617 A 334 675 A 334 678 A 334 720 A 334 780 A 334 798 A 334 859 A 334 874 A 334 899 A 334 946 A 335 345 B 335 022 A 336 335 A 336 352 A 336 364 A 336 403 A 336 423 A 336 464 A 336 480 A 336 528 A 336 608 A 336 614 A 336 626 A 336 632 B 334 050 B 334 021 B 336 013 Please tell us if you need any of them. -- ------------------------------ A Dontigny [email protected] http://www.electrocd.com/bio.e/cat/dontigny_ai.html Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2003 17:51:22 -0800 From: MWP <[email protected]> To: [email protected] Subject: 16 Expletives Deleted 16 Expletives Deleted [excerpt] axxx anse axxx axxx axxx bock cxxx coat dack duck holm phit txxx tnsg bxxx bxxx cxxx cxxx camn dxxx fule hosm jiss phit txxx anue bxxx buck crat dack dxxx fele holm jiss phat txxx tnue axxx bxxx busk coap crnt dxxx dxxx ducl hxxx hosm jist swat twue axxx arsg buck coap crnt camn dxxx dule hxxx hoss phat txxx twue axxx bxxx bxxx coap cumn dxxx dxxx fele holm jiss phat tnus anue bxxx bxxx cxxx crnt cunn dxxx dxxx hxxx jiss piit anse aung busk cxxx cxxx cumn dack duck fxxx hxxx hism pxxx piit arng bxxx bocp camn dxxx dull hele hxxx jxxx jxxx phit sxxx twus arng bxxx bocp cxxx cxxx dxxx full hxxx piit sxxx swue bxxx bxxx boap cxxx cunn dxxx dxxx hxxx hele hoss pxxx sxxx tnue arsg buck crnn dxxx damk dxxx fxxx fule hosm jiss pxxx sxxx tnus anue arnh boap cxxx crnn dxxx dicl hxxx hosm jxxx phit sxxx tnsg bxxx busk coap cxxx cunn dxxx fxxx hele hosm jist sxxx twas axxx bxxx busk crnt camn dxxx hxxx jxxx jiit shat txxx axxx axxx bxxx busk coap cumn dxxx fele hism jxxx swat twus axxx bxxx bxxx bocp cunn dack full hxxx hiss sxxx sxxx axxx anse bxxx buck cxxx cack fxxx full hiss pxxx sxxx txxx axxx anue arng bxxx cxxx cxxx cxxx damk dull hoss phit sxxx axxx anue arng bxxx busk cxxx cxxx dxxx dxxx fule hosm jiss piit axxx anse arnh coap cxxx cxxx dxxx dxxx fxxx fule hosm jiss phas axxx arsg buck coap crat dxxx dxxx fele jiss piit twus axxx arsg bxxx cxxx cxxx crnt camn dxxx dxxx fele hxxx hosm piit swat anue bxxx bxxx cxxx crnt cumn duck hxxx holm jiss piit swus axxx aunh bxxx cxxx cxxx crnt dxxx full hxxx jiit twas anse buck cxxx cocp dxxx dxxx dxxx dxxx full hxxx hxxx jiss pxxx phas arnh bock crat dxxx dxxx dicl hele hxxx jxxx pxxx phit txxx twue arng bxxx boat cxxx dack full hosm jiss txxx txxx arsg bunh buck coap cxxx camk dxxx dxxx fucl hele holm pxxx sxxx tnue bxxx bxxx coap cxxx cumk fxxx fucl hxxx hosm jiss phit txxx arnh bxxx buck cumn dxxx dxxx fell hxxx hism jiss phat axxx axxx aung bunh buck crnt camn dxxx hxxx hxxx jiss piit txxx tnse axxx buck cocp crnn dxxx fell holm pxxx sxxx twus anse aush bxxx cxxx cxxx cxxx cack helm jxxx jist txxx axxx anse arng bxxx bxxx cxxx cxxx cunn dack hele hxxx jiit txxx anse bunh coap cxxx dxxx dxxx dxxx hxxx hele hosm jiss pist sxxx sxxx axxx anse arnh bxxx cocp camk fucl hele jiit sxxx sxxx axxx axxx arsg bxxx buck cxxx cxxx camn damk dxxx hosm jxxx piit axxx arsg bxxx buck cxxx cxxx cxxx dxxx fucl helm jiss phit swas axxx bxxx buck coap camn dack fxxx fele hxxx hoss phat tnus arsg bxxx cxxx crnt cumn dack fell hxxx hxxx holm jiit shas axxx aunh bxxx bxxx crnt cumn dxxx fxxx hxxx holm pxxx piit anse aung busk cxxx crnt dxxx dxxx full hxxx jxxx phit txxx twus aush bock crat cxxx dxxx dxxx full helm pxxx pist tnus bunh buck cumn dxxx dxxx hxxx hele hxxx hosm jiss pxxx pxxx tnus anue arnh coap cxxx damk fell hxxx hoss piit sxxx txxx axxx axxx arsg busk coap cxxx cumk dxxx fucl hosm jiss sxxx tnse axxx aush busk coap cumn dxxx dxxx fxxx hxxx hxxx hosm jiit txxx txxx tnue axxx aush bucp cxxx cunn dxxx dxxx fele hosm jiss phit txxx tnue arsg busk crnt cxxx dack fxxx hele jxxx piit swus axxx bxxx bocp cunn dack fele hism jiss txxx txxx Etc. From: -r-W-x-R-W-X-R- x <[email protected]> To: [email protected], [email protected] Subject: .les couches N.E.U.R.a.u.ssi Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 17:40:55 +0100 o\::::::::/d(O) ---------->eur d(O) \\\e menth e-o d-eur de lavande 7 fra(gRance)nge d'a-RbR-es avait v�ritablement sence 1 dr/0Le de p / re:m(anence) nant [Horizontal] pos�e devant mes yeux et au-dessus le ciel [Vertical] et dans cette o-Mbr(shAd)E on (@)per�oit de$ �toile$ ni proche$ ni loint@ine$ .n.i.p.r.o.c.h.e.s.n.i.l.o.i.n.t.a.i.n.e.s. .s.I.P.R.O.C.H.E.S.s.I.L.O.I.N.T.A.I.N.E.S. iCI il y a les $ COUCHES $ $ NEolOg(OS)iques de l'image on creuse pour ne pas r�pondre .les couches N.E.U.R.a.u.ssi .n.e.u.r.o.l.o.g.i.q.u.e.s. .N.E.U.R.O.L.O.G.I.Q.U.E.S. -- pasc@csaq From: a u t u m n - f r e q u e n c y <[email protected]> To: <[email protected]> Subject: Re: [ nmpls00] Date: Fri, 07 Feb 2003 21:06:44 -0700 _______//* unCMPresst_x.pn10.tiLL_headeRR.n.tract: [...] /* peerymnduLL d.11_ness oft EXIT = _d.fuge [...] /* prymiLL dLL_ness +//COM_MEANT COM_MEANT//+charMAP.itemuLL #: tr-016 ____port--->ABLE+/-"+".sign "oft_d.fuge_oRRe_p()uRRing" = 0uTT+/-threewLockeTTe+undERRunnnnnnnn = _d00+/-UndeRR_RUN_rest.YET_BUFFERRfiLL [o{f}t] d.nial + RUN.!st [o{f}t]=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D04.C|0.sur = [o{f}t]_____^________| = =3D=3D|=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3DV=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D| +------iNNe.chmod_(uLL)-(aLL)@_axi_aLL/ON/aLL_LEVEL______________________= _____// = =3D=3D|=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D|=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D| <-----------= ---------------|--| = =3D\\----------------+ | OPiNNe_proem_eme(ULL)-----identiKit(s) = [o{f}t]=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D| -------------------->t= r33..........."TRUCT = [o{f}t]=3D=3D=3D=3DFWD --->RE:Turryn:02:state:nAIMe----> autumn-frequency From: "William Fairbrother" <[email protected]> To: [email protected] Subject: Toward a Manifesto... Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2003 20:32:08 +0000 Toward a Manifesto::::Virtualism 1 Reading as an ethereal pleasure(-not bound by lo/gic� not]to deny its((substance((as entertainment:[:whether rhetorical or dialectical-][-mention of the concrete inures us to fragmentation-,,tech|tonic<fuilliton>-[invention is madness, yet those unable>to<invent are the|most insane,,and every/where there is]a between[-as in, for example||||�justice�||||Let us not be deceived>-<into believing the oligarchic phraseology��)nor examine too closely the septum of knowledge))Reading like this|is||||chaotic, though at times uplifting,,\whereas->Reading like\this [is me[ll]ifluous and,,en]chanting||||>But this must cha(i)nge-that must cha(i)nge��cha(i)nge must chan(t)ge� There is continually a shift�-thus�Fragmentation[ ]But note::::This fragmentatio[n itself must shift<-otherwise the stagnatio]n foments[[[ True Literature does not write into the Age]in which it is written|]M[and the notion of substantial release]is Hereditary,,IF one were||to prophecize >that||must be empirical((?-[Otherwise wont((There is no forgiveness in the Fabric of Being,,[Only breathability((((Is that Forgiveness?]-[These are the questions which plaque the op/en\ m(in)D|//)and\\where,as//the I|dea|l min]d is a ducT-Taped BOX. So you can]begin[t�-)(see the problem. The conumdrum//\\the idea]oL((is to meet in the substance of non-being||..||..||.||..||..||AND,]((to crawl up out of)it[[[[|There is no such thing as Being Human||||being human is an invention((((�<not relegated nor regulated//\by Some g-oD]-But|a mischief<.>Lonesome and Territorial,,and of course]the creation of madness� O(1)ne would I[mm]ediately a[ss]ert their di[ss]ent as||||just S))))Urrealism>|<The writer of this (maybe)�I)(-�I]nn[oc(c)ulaTed against Small Pox only to Wake uP and DisCover we have AIDS[-)||||(-]and spread it[Fur/ther-for]ever;,. We>are all innoculated with tainted Monkey-BLOOD(,.the di(ss)ection of Knowledge brings Forth nothing but such blood[[[[and it is in]E[f)FECT>ed� So much for Viruses/ The true meaning of Human Life]-[The meaning\of/our\be/ing\in/the Universe],,must Fi(1)rst and Foremost be celeb|rated[>it is not an equation<||it is not unknowable[||it occurs not/in the name/of a Power/Greater\than us-)v[nor in the naming|of THAT name�]Everything)I]-)Resides in this non-equation>.||||Beyond being the resolution of ideas/of dreams->it is existence||||And [I]present it softly:::: [[[[Happiness, Goodness and Truthfulness Governed by Love, is the Meaning of Human Existence. The preservation of the Earth and of Humankind is our greatest goal��[[[[ Hard Pill,,but not Rea[L[iT[L]lly. This is being written for the common ((sen)se(I||||of the people]We await the wrath(i)]o]]]tHE(s)[WaLL->ow/ing.>.<._ 2 We can only write structure>>>> [at this point[ ]There[which/in>]There is only||||�forms�-and)things��-G[ of)Poet|RY-of)gra[MM]a[Tol)ogy of� and of course De]con|ST/ruct]�it---- oTHEr)wise,,]Blank-�]and Round-ion simplicity>>>>tO invent a))for[GIVE ness in Language]//which exist,a|s[A-, FIELD/w/o\Name�rUTs fu[LL]of Snow such as RE: ) mem[brance->Make yr O] wn[STRU)c[ture�)of||||FFF>or Give]ness-)M( )on]S[ter>e[FF]ect.sp 3 Contradiction\hence>forth is wonder|[To DeCry the human condition||||><||||is like to deC[K]ant a Fine wine]�]]<Spoiled<||||>or�<but evenso(to arrange the positive||||in a non-fictive pose-�(it��s all Secrets� though underst[oo]d and pa[ss]ed On,,]annOIN)k[teD� 4 Between the]real[and the]not real[exists a bridge/ca[LL]ed �surrealism�>>()<<Like Going door to door/knocking)and asking the inhabitants if this [haPPens to be(the home of _______ [your name]->we Perform within the sphere (of) this discovery||now||as if it is as>common<as dreams/as games/as chance\/Yet for all of its splendor[-since our introduction to the existence of this bridge)1924)/up to 2004->There have been 1,401[Wars� Not Saying that[perhaps]there would have been||20,000 Wars]without this introduction><not saying|that it has[not deeply enriched((((our lives||||Only,,that such a flux��could have been used)Taken[to|change]further its password(for going over the bridge]-]��Freedom.,[That now we know Other<<>This is Thus. 5 What we have in]mind[here|is to[Con|sTrucT>a para[LL]eL Bridge||||One which will Hopefu[ll]y[lead to a non-warring>>humankind||-|Because the bridge we have\is w(a)oRn/and creaky]|||and enveloped in mass-media))))And][to[ ]take in>for example|[Abs(u)ORB-] the inventions nEw to our times,,Without Apol]o[Gies[|||| To create/build\a Bridge||||between the real and the non real(-)-which could not have been imagined a minute ago||||And whatever rituals we]fall into[are immediately forgiven,,cannot bE imagined HENCE�[ This bridge we call �Virtualism�||||(())||||IT does not exist]never will/and/we are[the[[Better for it,,A Language of transient meaning-)(-or none)-(an art of collage>collapse>kineticism>and epidrome<Challenges|-|and at the same time is WHOlly organic][so our G[a]o)I)[a]L is clear||||There is no such thing as Freedom]except as a Repository]//\\[and all the UNDERsigned admit they know nothing)-a crime-[perhaps]-but More aTuned|)(|to the idea of MANslaughter than((murder<-(and more]or less[accustomed to dissent�[ECT words-]or their Absence] 6 Virtualism does not create individual works]-))it does]|But it can]not<<Virtualism only creates|the �oeuvre�[-a whole-[is a collection))))of fragments)(and an ode to||||Fragmentation[(And is never complete.and (in)this(in)completene[ss] s)ignifies[its,,rigorous adherence-]to the system of||||being human|[Thus is|being human||||begun]]-All else is denial...,]dross Virtualism ca[nn]ot(be[pronounced but|is everywhere[[��spoken,, an already((it has always)existed]-[in that it is new||||and the documen)TaT(ion,,through chronology]is[\/\/]th|o|rough\/Art is everywhere[thanks|to the)masters])and,,[underneath||||Pollock dance[-]But it must create/the\||[Positive[to exist>No More Wars]] And]it(iS][Only]this//th(op-)-e[ou)GHT//which Protec>T,,s u...s. _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ [Once again, William... once again, apologies for the length...] William Fairbrother [email protected] VirtualItch: http://www.geocities.com/worldezine _________________________________________________________________ Tag din Hotmail med dig, n�r du g�r http://www.msn.dk/mobile From: a u t u m n - f r e q u e n c y <[email protected]> To: "30_secs_oftQuoteSPC" <[email protected]> Subject: nmpls00 Date: Fri, 07 Feb 2003 20:44:39 -0700 [...] /* peerymnduLL d.11_ness oft EXIT = _d.fuge [...] /* prymiLL dLL_ness +//COM_MEANT COM_MEANT//+ "oft d.fuge oRRe p()uRRing" = 0uTT+/-threewLockeTTe+undERR = _d00+/-URRrest. [o{f}t] d.nial + RUN.!st [o{f}t] 04.C|0.sur = [o{f}t]_____^________| = | V | +------iNNe.cmp_(uLL)ta.x.i/ON/aLL = | | | <--------------------------|--| = \\----------------+ | OPiNNe_proem_eme(ULL)-----identiKit(s) = [o{f}t] | -------------------->tr33..........."TRUCT = [o{f}t] FWD --->RE:Turn:TO:stat: autumn-frequency nettime unstable digest vol 34 Sun Feb 16 12:11:56 2003 Subject: i #1 From: komninos zervos <[email protected]> To: [email protected] Subject: My Composition in Language at m.a.g. (fwd) From: Alan Sondheim <[email protected]> To: [email protected] Subject: Re: (ur-k.now.n) From: "hu][bris wo][man" <[email protected]> To: [email protected], [email protected], Subject: e(sCape)//happement//t From: [email protected] To: [email protected], [email protected] Subject: WAR From: Alan Sondheim <[email protected]> To: [email protected] Subject: (Aucun objet) From: [email protected] To: [email protected], [email protected] Subject: dancegrid module From: Alan Sondheim <[email protected]> To: [email protected] Subject: unix fortune From: Alan Sondheim <[email protected]> To: [email protected] Subject: bound ascii From: Karl Petersen <[email protected]> To: "_arc[texture.eyes].hive_" <[email protected]> Subject: "geneological tree" From: August Highland <[email protected]> To: [email protected] Subject: .les couches N.E.U.R.a.u.ssi ( Vertical version ) From: -r-W-x-R-W-X-R- x <[email protected]> To: [email protected], [email protected] Subject: Re: RE:ProduCCing_numb.eRRs From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: Re: Sewn Doom From: [email protected] To: "WRYTING-L : Writing and Theory across Disciplines" <[email protected]> Subject: Producing numbers From: A Dontigny <[email protected]> To: [email protected] Subject: 16 Expletives Deleted From: MWP <[email protected]> To: [email protected] Subject: .les couches N.E.U.R.a.u.ssi From: -r-W-x-R-W-X-R- x <[email protected]> To: [email protected], [email protected] Subject: Re: [ nmpls00] From: a u t u m n - f r e q u e n c y <[email protected]> To: <[email protected]> Subject: Toward a Manifesto... From: "William Fairbrother" <[email protected]> To: [email protected] Subject: nmpls00 From: a u t u m n - f r e q u e n c y <[email protected]> To: "30_secs_oftQuoteSPC" <[email protected]> lurking editors beatrice beaubien <[email protected]> 7-11 nettime-bold thingist florian cramer <[email protected]> 7-11 _arc.hive_ eu-gene o-o rhizome rohrpost webartery wryting alan sondheim <[email protected]> 7-11 _arc.hive_ poetics siratori trAce webartery wryting $Id: digestunstable.pl,v 1.13 2003/01/26 18:51:21 paragram Exp $ # distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission # <nettime> is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: [email protected] and "info nettime-l" in the msg body # archive: http://www.nettime.org contact: [email protected]