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<nettime> [IRAQ] 030404 digest #1 [skoric, zehle<->recktenwald, party] |
"Ivo Skoric" <[email protected]> Religion and War "Soenke Zehle" <[email protected]> Int'l Law Out of Africa Heiko Recktenwald <[email protected]> Re: <nettime> BOTHERSOME REALITY - by Tom Zummer Heiko Recktenwald <[email protected]> Re: <nettime> Ecologies of War - Notes Heiko Recktenwald <[email protected]> Re: Int'l Law Out of Africa Experimental Party <[email protected]> We the Blog Update: Architects of Our Situation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - From: "Ivo Skoric" <[email protected]> Date: Wed, 2 Apr 2003 17:09:21 -0500 Subject: Religion and War Anglo-American campaign in Iraq, which is a questionable endeavor by itself, since it was unprovoked by Iraqis and unsanctioned by the pertinent world's body (UN Security Council), gets worse by the day - with an increase of civilian casualties, outrageous conduct of both sides (selling water?), media manipulation, the obvious road to a long and perditious street battle - but I kind of hoped that this conflict would be kept at level at least a notch above the conflicts that we have witnessed in the Balkans recently - and that at least from the aggressor in this conflict: given that the British and the Americans are the ubiquitous champions of human rights, press freedoms, and international law, one would expect that they would hold at least themselves accountable to their own high standards. So, the story that a pamphlet was recently distributed to U.S. Marines asking them to pray not for themselves and their commrades, not for Iraqi civilians and their enemies that they are about to kill (which would be their Christian duty), but for their "president and his advisers" to "be strong and courageous to do what is right regardless of critics", struck me as going over the edge of insanity we observed in Bosnia. This piece of ill-conceived propaganda smacks of the Al Qaeda suicide bomber training manual. Since, as it so far became quite clear what 'president and his advisers' think that 'it is right', they are essentially required to pray for themselves to be exposed to a risk of death and/or murder. The pamphlets were created by In Touch Ministries, an evangelical group that says "We may not all be in the military, but we are all engaged in warfare ... spiritual warfare." And what then is the difference between the US Marines and Hamas? ivo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - From: "Soenke Zehle" <[email protected]> Subject: Int'l Law Out of Africa Date: Thu, 3 Apr 2003 15:12:51 +0200 Heiko, I actually disagree that the current intervention in Iraq (if one can call it that, I prefer the ambiguity of such an appellation to the interpretation of the war as an act of imperialist aggression, if only because I hope that now that it is underway, some good will - simply have to, in the interest of the much-abused and much-invoked 'Iraqi people' - come of it) amounts to an all-or-nothing test for the international system, announcing the end-of-international-law-as-we-know-it. Once again, that is, the same thing was already said about the Kosovo intervention, which in the eyes of many a human rights-advocate - and you will find that many of those who support the war against Iraq, however reluctantly, are from this camp - inaugurated a new age of 'coercive prevention' (sounds a bit like pre-emptive strike, doesn't it) that already put international law to the test because it questioned its core assumption: the inviolability of state sovereignty. But that's a different debate, even though I would be perfectly willing to entertain the possibility, if only to play devil's advocate, that one day this war will be interpreted - not only by official historians - as a humanitarian intervention. So the US is a problem, they say, its Hobbesian (some say Straussian) unilateralism is bad for the world, somehow at odds with the Kantian world republic envisioned by its European critics (which appear, and this is yet another debate, to draw a historical blank on the rather violent conditions of cold war intra-European peacefulness). Ok. But I think that it amounts to an incredible hyprocrisy if a debate focuses exclusively on the int'l-law-breaking US but has nothing to say on, for example, French support for various intra/inter-state conflicts in Africa, or the ludicrousness of a German-Russian (Chechnya, anyone? Currently #1 on the US-Museum of Holocaust 'Genocide Watch List,' <>')-Chinese (Tibet, anyone?) 'axis of peace'. I am tempted to suggest that the so-called counter-discourse of the anti-war movement is not much of a counter-discourse at all, tempted even to be a bit crude: anti-americanism is as hegemonic as it gets, hardly extricable from EU geopolitical ambition and post-70s neo-djihad (Qutb and his suicide-activist buddies) alike. Critical interventions - and I have no doubt that many anti-war protesters desire to engage in just that - that need to stage a crisis as their own condition of possibility don't strike me as all that critical. I guess I share only partially the pervasive sense of rupture, a rupture that is being interpreted as geopolitical, juridical, and perhaps even epistemological, if you think of this conflict as a crisis of the 'West' as a world-historical subject, as do many thinkers across the spectrum, from post-end-of-history-Francis Fukuyama to this-is-a-war-of-monotheism-Jean-Luc Nancy. I'll start with Africa because it is, in some sense, the easiest example, apparently doomed to serve as silent backdrop, even a constitutive outside to whatever (split) self-image euro-america aka The West develops of itself (and Nancy at least touches on that). Far from being put to the ultimate test in Iraq, the international system and its advocates have already failed elsewhere, 1994 in Rwanda - the quickest genocide ever, ca. 800,000 dead in 100 days - and 1998-present in the Congo, to take some of the more obvious cases. The Congo has experienced a devastating war that has claimed an extraordinary number of lives - estimates run between 2 and 3 million people since 1998 - over the last couple of years, making this the most deadly conflict at the turn of the century. And yet the conflict-torn country only makes an occasional - and temporary - media appearance when a volcano erupts. Which is, I guess, the point: conflict in Africa is considered 'natural' to an extent that it merits even less media attention than a natural catastrophe, and as reporters in the latest issue of Reporting the World (<>) remind their readers, the much-reproduced assumption of 'it's-tribal-warfare-stupid' had a decisive impact on the decision of the 'international system' to pull out of Africa altogether (at least in the case of Rwanda). Now you have 4386 UN peacekeeping troops and 49 police officers deployed in the Congo, a country almost as large as all of Western Europe, while Rwanda gets away with a massive enlargement of its national territory and the authoritarian Ugandan leader Museveni with many a war crime in the Congo because the 'international community' approves of his repressive anti-AIDS policies. But all is quiet on the African front. Kabila signed yet another peace accord unlikely to see implementation, elsewhere, biz as usual as well, as there is virtually no international debate - let alone mass demonstrations - over whether current cross-boundary military interventions in Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Ivory Coast, the Central African Republic, or Burkina Faso are in any way supported by UN resolutions. Now how is the assertion that the US is breaking int'l law a critical intervention in any sense? How does that contribute to any shift in the terrain of critical controversy itself? In my opinion, the US occupies such a central place in the counter-discursive imagination that 'it' (unduly homogenized as an actor) sets the agenda even for its self-professed opponents. A great deal of current anti-war counter-discourse rallies around positions that have remained almost entirely within the confines of a much older, post-cold war debate: the future internal structure of the euro-atlantic space, always already the privileged space of world historical occurrences in the elite imagination, but also, and this is the sad observation about many of the just-say-no-to-war statements, among many leftists eager to see the rise of an at least semi-militarized Europe to defy US unilateralism. So yes, there is a crisis, and it requires attention, but it's not just about Iraq. Soenke - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Date: Thu, 3 Apr 2003 12:17:17 +0200 (CEST) From: Heiko Recktenwald <[email protected]> Subject: Re: <nettime> BOTHERSOME REALITY - by Tom Zummer > Slavoj Zizek is correct in pointing out that there are far too many > reasons for having invaded Iraq. Each reason standing in for another, so > that the stabilities of persuasion operate in a deferred circumlocution. > In other words, that as soon as one argument meets objection there is a > default to another closely aligned (public) argument. No matter that they > might be, at one level at least, contradictory, they are all 'good > reasons.' And they all address the question 'why?' But the problem is that not a single argument is convincing and the combination doesnt make is better. There are only "good effects" of the war, but no legitimate reasons. H. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Date: Thu, 3 Apr 2003 12:11:17 +0200 (CEST) From: Heiko Recktenwald <[email protected]> Subject: Re: <nettime> Ecologies of War - Notes Soenke, On Tue, 1 Apr 2003, Soenke Zehle wrote: > Just rambling notes, I guess I am getting bored with the biz-as-usual > criticism of the war as imperial(ist), international-law-breaking, > neocon-inspired (although I did start to read some Leo Strauss), > corporate-interest-driven etc etc and am simply looking for ways to stay > with the program :) But this is still the central question. Will this war change the law or not and what does this mean. The big powers try to avoid the question but it is there. And the ICC. H. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Date: Thu, 3 Apr 2003 15:44:13 +0200 (CEST) From: Heiko Recktenwald <[email protected]> Subject: Re: Int'l Law Out of Africa Dear Soenke, On Thu, 3 Apr 2003, Soenke Zehle wrote: > Once again, that is, the same thing was already said about the Kosovo > intervention, which in the eyes of many a human rights-advocate - and you > will find that many of those who support the war against Iraq, however > reluctantly, are from this camp - inaugurated a new age of 'coercive Just one point, it is completely absurd, to mix those cases. Not all cases are the same... Whatever B92 etc say. I really loved the Kosovo intervention, Kosova was only according to the serbian constitutions a part of serbia, a part of national pride, but the Iraq is in a complete different situation, we dont had there anything that can be compared to the things, that happened in Kosovo, whatever Saddam did is millions of years ago (and dont look at the dirty details). He is just an arab leader in a difficult country who doesnt like the US superpower, so what? Whatever the future will be, after this lawless situation, not all states are the same, we should not forget. But please dont make any ideology out of Iraq. Thanks, H. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Date: Fri, 4 Apr 2003 08:29:36 -0800 From: Experimental Party <[email protected]> Subject: We the Blog Update: Architects of Our Situation (((((((((((( We the Blog Update: Architects of Our Situation )))))))))))) April 3, 2003 Kristine Stiles Under Secretary of the Bureau for Surveying the State of Art and the Medial State of Mind US Department of Art & Technology ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Assuming the grave responsibility of my post as Under Secretary of the Bureau for Surveying the State of Art and the Medial State of Mind, I remain tuned in directly and remotely (visioning) to the media. Last night I heard/felt a discussion of great consequence, and so pass it dutifully on. Last night Joseph Cirincione, Senior Associate and Director of the Non Proliferation Project at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace spoke on the NPR program "Fresh Air." His presentation was followed by a discussion with William Kristol, editor of the neo-conservative publication The Weekly Standard. I strongly recommend that everyone listen to the archived interview with both figures. Cirincione laid out, in very clear terms, the Defense Policy Guidance Doctrine imagined immediately following the Gulf War by Paul Wolfowitz. This program was for military premeption and global aggression. If we are to become more effective in countering the increasing fascistic state in which we are participating as citizens - and therefore for which we are responsible (we held the German population responsible for the Holocaust, didn't we?) - one of the first points of action is to fully know the architects of our situation. For those of you, like me, who were not yet up to speed about the real stragetists of our current global ambitions, who had been planning this policy long before the illegitimate appointment of this illegitimate administration by a corrupt Supreme Court, it is high time we get busy with our homework. I may be preaching to the knowledgeable, in which case, mia culpa (I was the ignorant one). If not, you will find this very informative and bone-chilling. What I'm trying to point out is that we have to go beyond worrying about the current thug who is administering this policy (Rumsfeld) and the mastermind CEO thief (Cheney) to those behind the scenes, the architects of our current practices. A Saudi prince, educated at Princeton, pointed out, in a recent interview with Barbara Walters, much the same thing. Even though he refused to name names, he did name the "policy makers" as the major problem. Of course, we all know it isn't the dauphin himself. As Cicincioni noted, the current national foreign policy being enacted in Iraq, belonged to what many felt under the Clinton Administration to be impossible because of its extreme position. Now this colonialism and empire is our reality; we are responsible for these people and this war! May I recommend the following links to give both sides of this story: (for the Non Proliferation Project) and (for the neo-conservative The Weekly Standard). On a more personal note - my six-year old cat Pasha has been increasingly expressing his views about the war. His revenge tactic is spraying all metalic and ceramic surfaces in the house, a guerrilla warfare gesture that is extremely successful in disturbing the home front, but having no effect on the enemy. If anyone knows a special way to calm my military man down - aside from the Prozac that he is now taking to ease his anxiety - I would be most grateful. The war zone is really beginning to smell, and it would appear that the smell is permanent unless drastic measures are taken immediately. Is there a cat psychic out there? Kristine Stiles Under Secretary of the Bureau for Surveying the State of Art and the Medial State of Mind - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission # <nettime> is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: [email protected] and "info nettime-l" in the msg body # archive: contact: [email protected]