Announcer on Wed, 7 May 2003 00:51:14 +0200 (CEST) |
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Table of Contents:
<dis.location> exhibition . Zagreb
<[email protected]>
Pixxelpoint Newsletter
Blaz Erzetic <[email protected]>
DIAN Announcement for May
DIAN <[email protected]>
"Karoly Toth" <[email protected]>
"ArtPhoto" <[email protected]>
too much demo.krass! - ansr : m! - ekxtra publ!k edukaz!e
eyescratch <[email protected]>
"[email protected]?=" <[email protected]>
Ieva Auzina <[email protected]>
242.PILOTS @ American Museum of Moving Image
Kurt Ralske <[email protected]>
edmar <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2003 17:54:40 +0200
From: <[email protected]>
Subject: <dis.location> exhibition . Zagreb
.:: 29 . 04 > 15 . 05 . 2003
.:: Zagreb City Museum . Opaticka 20 . Zagreb
.:: opening 29 . 04 . 19 h
.:: openingspeech by prof.dr. Janwillem Schrofer . president of the Rijksakademie, Amsterdam
.:: artists:
Darko Fritz | Ana Kadoic | Svebor Kranjc | David Maljkovic | Lala Rascic
.:: curator: Darko Fritz
<dis.location> is a joint project by the Museum of Contemporary Art - Zagreb, the Rijksakademie, Amsterdam, the Zagreb City Museum and the Netherlands Embassy.
Exhibition shows works of Croatian participants on postgraduate study of the fine arts at the Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten in Amsterdam. In the framework of different authorial aesthetics a common invisible link has been found through artistic treatment of location, i.e. issue of identity.
There is a common link among the artists mentioned above though they lived and worked temporarily in different social and cultural surroundings, which usually contain different historical moments. This confirms the thesis that 'nineties' in the Croatian art, caused by the war activities, did not appear until the very end of respective decade. Kranjic started his two years study at the Rijksakademie in 1989, Fritz in 1990, Kadoic in 2001 and Rascic and Maljkovic in 2003. When mentioned the years have been observed through 'locally burdened perception of time', average citizen in the Croatia will connect these years with the outbreak of the war in Croatia.
A very interesting social situation has been created when artists, immigrants, treat a theme of location in their work, re-examining their own and collective identity. Themes of the exhibited works are mostly explicit social ones which includes approach of 'private is political'. 'Contemporary investigations into identity in the visual arts have had to be aware of sliding into the fixed positions which institutions and curators like to see. This has met negotiating identity on three levels; the level of oneself, the level of others and the level of regulatory discursive practices. Performance and time-based art with stress on the momentary and the contingent have proved to be remarkably relevant and appropriate to this set of careful negotiations.'[1] Inside of the art production showed common theme 'location / territory' through different formal aspects. Exhibited works are released mostly in the time - based media of mobile pictures [video art, documentary films]. Theore!
tician Arjun Appadurai quotes that: 'in the era of globalisation, the circulation of media images and the movement of migrants created new disjunctures between location, imagination and identity. ... Many social locations throughout the world, especially those characterised by media saturation and migrant populations, 'moving images meet mobile audiences', thus disturbing the stability of many sender-receiver models of mass communication. ... Migrants have a complex relation to the practices of memory and, thus, of making of archives ... Memory, for immigrants, is always a memory of loss.' [2]
[1] Niru Ratnam: Identity and the Visual Arts; Locus Solus - site, identity, technology in contemporary art, Black Dog Publishing, London, 2000
[2] Arjun Appadurai: Archive and Aspiration; Information is Alive - Art and Theory on Archiving and Retrieving Data, ed. Arjen Mulder, V2_/NAi publishers, Rotterdam, 2003
Represented works:
Darko Fritz: 'Home', graphic / art poster, from the Migrant Navigator project, 2002.
The 'Home' poster consists of an image of 'Home' icon from Netscape Navigator browser. Unlike the original 'Home' icon here is printed in black and silver and white. It is blown-up to 2 x 2 meters and displayed at white background [variable dimensions up to billboard size]. At first showing, the posters are displayed at the commercial billboards close to Croatian borders. Apart of 'Home' icon there is no further information at the poster. Here is no other product behind this advertising campaign; i.e. the poster is advertising its own image and message.
Darko Fritz: 'Crypted TV porn', video installation, 1999.
'Crypted TV porn' is a visual composition of crypted [coded] TV signal dislocated into the physical space [of the art installation]. TV broadcasters crypting the video signal for one which don�t pay subscription fee. Nevertheless such a signals are present in both the air and at the Amsterdam TV cable. In particular, TV programme with hard-core porno films was recorded. Within unregular rhythms of distorted and noisy moving images of unsynchronised video signal the image processing just happened by itself: polarisation, black and white and colour negative inversions, image moving out of frame horizontal and vertical, strobo- effect etc. Only occasional freezing of the video-image were used in the video editing. Additional random video-effect happened during the transfer of analogue to digital video image.
Darko Fritz and Kristina Leko: 'Speeches', video, 1991.
Documentary on young people from Croatia from art-and-culture circle from Zagreb who finds them in September 1991 in Amsterdam during the outbreak of the war in Croatia. Fourteen individual portraits are made using 'image in image' video technique. The first level using 'one-shot' video and sound while the other image has several sources suggested or made by portraited persons.
Ana Kadoic: 'Reconstruction', video installation, 2002.
One-channel video projection shows extreme-slow-motion video image of few seconds of real-time event extended into 15 minutes. Image shows a number of small magnets colliding from a position of a regular pattern into the state of chaos, randomness. From that state process was also 'brought back together' by reversing the shot. The whole experiment was consisting of putting magnets to face each other�s equal polls, which means they would 'reject' each other. In those condition author was trying to organise a regular pattern, going against their 'inner collective order - code'. The event of collision, when the state of regularity suddenly bursts into chaos takes a split second. In that moment each magnet takes completely unpredictable path to take place in a new order, and each one of those collisions seems to be a 'random, individual case for itself'. The sound of colliding magnets is also 'stretched' and follows the image in slow motion.
Svebor Kranjc: 'Zagreb Virus 1990,' conceptual action, 1990.
Subversive action 'Zagreb Virus 1990' has been held at 'Youth Salon' exhibition in 1990 in Zagreb. Accompanied and supported by his friends Kranjic registered for the exhibition lot of artistic works with a susceptible quality and in the different styles. Jury 'passed' for the exhibition several works and at the exhibition Kranjic personally gave to the exhibition visitors his own publication in which he explained entering of the 'virus which body did not recognised', demystificated part of the authorships of exhibited works and part of them left undiscovered.
Sever Kranjc: 'Net', video, 1995.
Documentary on making and understanding of the Tibetan sand-Mandala, uncovering striking similarities between the ancient Tibetan knowledge and contemporary Chaos Theory and digital culture.
Svebor Kranjc: 'Profession Refugee', video, 2000.
A documentary film with refugees from Bosnia, Somalia, Croatia, Tibet, Yugoslavia, Kurdistan and Iran who are living in The Netherlands, with representative of UNHCR and with His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama as a special guest. News archive material of various refugee crises in the world is edited together in a story of war, danger and escape. Then film shift to Amsterdam was Ms. Nives Rebernak is presented. She is a founder and director of 'HOME for peace and non-violence', a refugee-oriented grassroots organisation that has functioned within her own living room since 1991. During the ex-Yugoslavian wars hundreds of people have literally found refuge in this apartment, disregarding their national and religious differences. The film goes on introducing personal reflections of ten refugees from all over the world, all currently living in the Netherlands where they managed [or not!] to integrate in the Dutch society. Film culminate with the private audience with the 14th Dalai!
Lama in Den Haag, a 'veteran refugee'. Chinese Army has driven Dalai Lama out of Tibet in 1959.
David Maljkovic: 'Paintings with a secondary roles', from the opus 'Paintings with a limited premeditation', oil on canvas, 2002.
Both paintings contain secondary figures taken from the painting 'Coronation of the King Tomislav' made by Oton Ivekovic in 1904 - 1905. These secondary figures supports main narrative motive in the original scene of the historical picture. In the Maljkovic's work they are in the new subjective ambient. Meaning of the dislocation spreads with the contents of the picture. Pictures are changing their meanings depending of the location of the exhibition. Painter said: 'painting is never exhibit in its own last ethape unless it is exhibit in the museum. Galleries are always preparation for the next journey for the picture. I think that picture does not have its own ended exhibited space. In same pictures with a limited premeditation polysemantc occurred but not to mystify pictures but to let absence in the existing motives. To let a painting to take a breath away and to avoid offered unpleasant visions.'
Lala Rascic: 'Locations': 'Location 1', 'Location of Memory', 'The Gorge', video, 2002 - 2003.
>From the series 'Location' three works have been shown using split-screen video technique. Theme of the location has been taken like a motive, which is different in every picture. Lacation as phenomena has been taken in the physical and geographical sense and in the aspect of Lefevbre's spatial practice [space as a ground of all aspects, elements and moments social impact] and like a memory. 'Location 1' consist of parallel registration of a private space at home and location of temporary accommodation of a homeless people in Varazdiin, place where this work will be exhibit for the first time. 'Location of Memory' contain parallel view of zoom-in photography of a flat in Sarajevo where the artist spent her childhood and the reconstruction of the same space, by memory, in the form of vector animation. 'The Gorge' show two aspects of the same location of wood's landscape with a short appearance of the author with her dog. In all works locations has been discovered through the!
artist's subjective feelings. Documentary objectiveness has been reviewed analytically through [zoom-in] enlargements. New contents have been constructed through the relationships of two pictures in split screens.
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2003 23:52:40 +0200
From: Blaz Erzetic <[email protected]>
Subject: Pixxelpoint Newsletter
Pixxelpoint 2003 - International Computer Art Festival
" -- Newsletter - April 25th 2003 --
Hi to everyone!
We're getting colser and closer to the starting point of Pixxelpoint
2003, the 4th edition.
This year brings some changes: there will be a theme suggested by a
curator - Jurij Krpan (, selector for this year's
Slovenian participation at Bienale of Venice and one of the main experts
of alternative culture in Slovenia.
While waiting for his decisions and theme, we invite you to the Notebook
event that will be held at Pordenone (Italy). The event is about
presenting independent labels (music, books) and artists. There will
also be kind of 'Pixxelpoint Review' presenting 38 images from previous
editions. If you're in Italy from May 2nd - 4th and in the mood to see
concerts, exhibitions, performances, art-weirdos and more, you've just
find the right place to spend a quality time.
In case you have a question or comment, don't hesitate to send us an
e-mail at
[email protected]
Best regards,
Blaz Erzetic & Pixxelpoint staff
If you have received this message by mistake or you don't want to
receive further informations about Pixxelpoint, please kindly reply to
this email with "Remove" in subject line.
Pixxelpoint 2003 - Mednarodni festival racunalniske umetnosti
" -- Novice - 25. april 2003 --
Vedno bolj se blizamo zagonu 4. edicije Pixxelpointa.
Letos bo nekaj sprememb - kuratorski pristop, katerega smo prepustili
Juriju Krpanu (, letosnjemu slovenskemu selektorju za
Beneski bienale in splosno znanemu poznavalcu alternativne kulture.
Medtem ste prijazno vabljeni na prireditev Notebook v Pordenonu
(Italija), kateri predstavlja neodvisne zalozbe tako v glasbi kot
knjizevnosti ter umetnike. Tam bo tudi mali pregled prejsnjih
Pixxelpointovih let z 38-imi razstavljenimi slikami. Ce se nahajate v
blizini med 2. in 4. majem in bi si radi ogledali koncerte, performanse,
razstave ter posebneze, ste pravkar dobili pravi dogodek.
V primeru, da imate kaksno vprasanje ali pripombo, vas vabimo, da nam
le-to posljete na nas elektronski postni predal
[email protected]
Lep pozdrav,
Bla� Erzetic in Pixxelpoint osebje
Ce ste prejeli to sporocilo po pomoti oz. ne zelite vec prejemati novic
o Pixxelpoint-u, prosimo, odpi�ite na prejeti email z "odstrani" v
naslovni vrstici.
Date: Thu, 01 May 2003 19:39:29 +0200
From: DIAN <[email protected]>
Subject: DIAN Announcement for May
- --------------673EE24B9FE2FAC5754D6F9C
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DIAN - Digital Interactive Artists' Network
DIAN - Digital Interactive Artists' Network -
Our focus for the month of May is NATALIE BOOKCHIN. We proudly present
her work:
"The Intruder "
A story in 8 games. (from a short story by Jorge Luis Borges)
Shoot, score, catch, hit a ball or kill an alien!
All in the name of love.
DIAN - Digital Interactive Artists' Network - is a network for artists
who are seriously involved in using Internet technology in the domain of
contemporary art.
We are deeply interested in artists working in this field. Artists
working with the web, the net and related domains, please submit your
work here:
Visit DIAN and explore what can be done on the Internet.
e-mail: [email protected]
to unsubscribe from this list send an email
to [email protected]
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Date: Mon, 5 May 2003 15:22:00 +0200
From: "Karoly Toth" <[email protected]>
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
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Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
%keywords = "web-movie, film, hole, software-art,
on-line festival, nano, nanofestival, zeroglab"
Zeroglab invites film makers, housewifes, artists, students,
programmers, designers,, nuclear scientists, philosophers,
chimney-sweep, in short: anyone, to contribute works to
the Nanofestival and share it with the internet community.
Our aim is to create an open source pool for extreme
short web-movies and software-art. Every one from any continent,
country or non-country, is warmly welcomed.
Nanofestival v.02 is a no-budget, on-line art festival for extreme
short (!max. 10 sec.!) web movies and software art.
The event is organized by ZEROGLAB, an independent digital art-lab
in Rotterdam. <>
We are planning the festival as a sequence of events,
with a different theme every time.
Deadline for submissions: +/- 31 May 2003
If you like the idea and want to participate, please fill
the entry form at the end of this page and send it to:
K�roly T�th <mailto:[email protected]>
Please include: "nanofestival v.02 submission" in the subject line.
On request, we are making off-line screenings of the festival.
Send an emails to: <[email protected]>
Nanofestival website:
The first Nanofestival (v.01) has presented over 70 works from
53 submissions from the following countries:
Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Estonia, France,
Hungary, Iran, Israel, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Romania,
Serbia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, United States
and some nonexistent or not further specified countries.
- ----------
1. We accept submissions in three categories:
Maximum length: 10 seconds
Maximum picture size: 720X576
Maximum file size: +/- 5 MB
File formats: avi, (plain)mpeg, gif, mov, wmf, pd
Please use no exotic video/audio codecs;
Maximum length: 10 seconds
Maximum file size: 500 KB
Please make public your flash document on you website (*.fla file) as well.
Maximum file size: 500 KB
File format: plain ASCII text files only, no executables.
We accept contributions for the following softwares / programming
pd (pure data)
web3d / vrml
java script
links to some art-software related web pages:
pure data = <>
jmax = <>
proce55ing = <>
Web3d/VRML = <> &
java/java script = <>
Anyone can contribute. After sending your entry form, please place
your work at your own website, or in a place where anyone can access
We have only a limited web space on our own, so we are not able to
store large movie files.
By submitting your work to the festival, you agree that you let
others copy, distribute, display, and perform your work and
derivative works based
upon it but for noncommercial purposes only, and only if they give
you credit.
Please read the full license text:
- ---- begin form ----
Artwork title:
Artwork URL:
Artist(s) name:
Year of creation:
Artist statement (if any):
Other (cv, notes, etc.):
Contact name:
Contact email address:
Web site:
Technical specifications:
{please note: The artworks must run on an average PC.
Please specify video/audio codecs, Web browser or/and player and
settings, which your work is tested on/with.}
- ---- end form ----
zeroglab nanofestival
Zeroglab is an independent art-lab
based in Rotterdam.
The lab is in an evolving process of
exchange with initiatives of individuals
and institutions, based on mutual sympathy.
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Date: Mon, 5 May 2003 12:40:17 +0300
From: "ArtPhoto" <[email protected]>
Subject: exhibition
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S.P.A.C.E. Gallery
International Center for Contemporary Art
Intrarea Soarelui nr. 1 (acces din str. Covaci), Bucuresti, Romania
tel./fax: 3135110; 3135111
contemporary art magazine
photography, videography, video
Curator: Dana Altman [New York]
9 - 25 mai 2003
Friday 9 mai 2003, 18.00 hours
Supported by: artphoto, Sony, Fabrik Media, Fundatia Zoom Foto Film
Media: Observator Cultural,
Special thanks to:
Irina Cios, Cristian Pascu, Teoharie "Tedy" Zugravu, Lucian Marin, Paul =
Dersidan, Constantin Nica, Carmen Musat, Eugen Radescu, Mihai Malaimare =
Jr., Vladimir Bulat, Gabi Tudor.
For more information please visit
For the multimedia catalogue please write to
[email protected]
Date: Tue, 6 May 2003 00:35:41 -0400
From: eyescratch <[email protected]>
Subject: too much demo.krass! - ansr : m! - ekxtra publ!k edukaz!e
> moral - all which jankees control e x p L o
> d e z |
> they want to control the world but they kontrol ............
> +????? - LOVE +?
[ are we riding a wave of political awareness, prostituting *their*
ideas on war? banter back and forth at dinnertime lowly assessments of
the situation? it's been years of lackluster abstractionism and
suddenly the lenses come into sharp focus. will it last for the
important questions to be asked? does art diminish when it seeps into
the political realm or are these demonstrations the breeding ground for
further upsets in cultural vacuity? es]
Faculty and students share their academic and creative work regarding:
Free and Open to the Public
6:00-9:30 p.m.
Tuesday, May 6th
Thompson Center Auditorium
238 Thompson Street between 3rd and 4th Streets on the south side of
Washington Sq. Park.
- -------------------------Program of academic and creative
1. RAUL SANCHEZ, Introduction/Invocation
"The American Dream When Awake: A Letter from The Spirit of
ROD SANCHEZ, Painting, "The Spirit of America."
Musical Theatre Writing Program, Tisch School of the Arts, New
York University.
3. PROFESSOR ROBIN NAGLE, "Throwaway Living."
Director, Draper Master's Program in Social Thought.
Anthropology, New York University.
4. PROFESSOR HARVEY MOLOTCH, "Is there lemonade?"
Sociology and Metropolitan Studies, New York University.
5. LAURISSA JAMES, "Letter written by Sandy Mitten, Iraq."
Cultural Reporting and Criticism Program, New York University.
(646) Theatre Company. Letter
provided with permission by the Legacy Project and Andrew Carroll,
editor of "War Letters:
Extraordinary Correspondence from American Wars.
6. JENNIFER MALONEY, "Letter written by 1st Lt. Dean Allen, Vietnam"
New York University. (646) Theatre Company. Letter provided with
permission by the Legacy Project
and Andrew Carroll, editor of "War Letters: Extraordinary
Correspondence from American Wars".
7. AJANI MCCRISTON, "Saddam's War."
New York University 4th grade honored affiliate.
8. MILAN MARKOVIC, "Intelligent Dissent."
Draper Master's Program in Social Thought, New York University.
9. VIVIAN CHANG, "The Wise Homo Sapiens."
New York University.
Protest Footage Scratched to Electronic Music. Parsons School of
Design, New School University.
11. PROFESSOR TOM DE ZENGOTITA, "Patriotism and Ideals."
Draper Master's Program in Social Thought, New York University.
12. TOD VAN GUNTEN, "American Nationalism."
Draper Master's Program in Social Thought, New York University.
13. THERESA MACPHAIL, "Untitled Harangue."
Stand-up Comedy. Draper Master's Program in Social Thought, New
York University.
14. LINDSAY WILLIAMS, "Ocean Girl."
New York University.
15. PAMELA BOOKER, "Americanisms, Sites of Terror & 'Post-Black' Noize."
Gallatin Graduate Program, New York University.
16. JEREMY DAW, "Good and Evil."
Draper Master's Program in Social Thought, New York University.
17. PROFESSOR MARK STAFFORD, "Patriotism and Psychoanalysis."
Parsons School of Design, New School University.
18. PROFESSOR SUSIE LINFIELD, "History and Memory."
Associate Director Cultural Reporting and Criticism Program, New
York University.
19. WAYNE LAMONT SIMS, "Letter written by L. Cpl. Stephen Daniels,
(646) Theatre Company. Letter provided with permission by the
Legacy Project and Andrew Carroll,
editor of "War Letters: Extraordinary Correspondence from American
20. KRISHNA VUTLA, "Letter written during the Korean War."
Author Unknown. (646) Theatre Company. Letter provided with
permission by the Legacy Project
and Andrew Carroll, editor of "War Letters: Extraordinary
Correspondence from American Wars.
After the performances, there will a brief wine and cheese reception in
the art gallery at the rear of the auditorium.
ROD SANCHEZ, Parsons School of Design, New School University.
LENORA ROSENFIELD, Visiting Scholar from Brazil, New York University.
JAMES BANTA, New York University.
KATHRYN WAGNER, New York University.
MARINA KALJAJ, New School University.
Come and engage with the voices that traverse the barriers of
conventional insight.
Music / History / Poetry / Theory / Art / Writing
Expression. Patriotism. Fire. Mythology. War.
We are the voices of our generation and it is time we raised the torch.
For further information contact Raul H.Sanchez at (212) 614-2453 or
e-mail [email protected].
***sponsored by the John W. Draper Interdisciplinary Master's Program
in Humanities and Social Thought and the Graduate School of Arts and
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2003 22:27:08 +0200
From: "[email protected]?=" <[email protected]>
Subject: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Pass_Doc_off_at_Nizza?=
PassDoc Off-art continues its clandestine activity with: �Meeting�
Friday 25/04/03 at 02 p.m. in the Carr� Place Y.Klein of Nice (France)
Vernissage flash, perfomance, photo and friendship, join us, we are waiting for you.
Atmosphere by Wind of Oloe. Info: [email protected]
Press release
When art becomes life, PassDoc off is a project of conviviality for art, in which the work is the passion for art and the friendship among people, the joy of sharing common time, to be together, to know one another, the possibility to dialogue among people that love art. The project is articulated in a series of meetings in different centres of art (Nice, Venice, Turin). Within these moments of aggregation there will be little instants of art.
The project is coordinated by Domenico Olivero and Ornella Calvetti.
PassDoc Off-art is an artistic suggestion by D.O.O.C.
the next appointment in Venice 20/06/2003
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2003 11:40:43 +0300
From: Ieva Auzina <[email protected]>
The 6th International New Media Cultural "Art+Communication" festival
May 15 - 18, 2003
The 6th International ART+COMMUNICATION festival will comprise a series of
events from May 15-18, 2003 conceptually located at the intersection of
information networks and post-modern architectonics; while physically
located in Latvia in Riga, as well as in Karosta, Liepaja and at the VIRAC
Radiotelecope in Irbene.
> conference: media architecture
The Media Architecture international conference will take place in Riga,
from May 16-17. Discussions will include: how lessons from the social
dynamic of 'virtual 'networks, can be applied to the creation of open,
public physical spaces; designs for process-based architecture, and hybrid
spaces; and how mapping/positioning and wireless networking impact on
notions of space time and social organization.
> design concept and performances in media space: light affair
Taking place in a central, but derelict section of Old Riga the theme of
'transformation of place' through networking (both physical and virtual)
will be manifest in the conferences various facilities through
installations, include evening programmes of media synesthesia (visible
sound/audible light), as well as by the official initiation of an ambitious
engineering project for the creation of Media Space - a new headquarters
for RIXC.
> closing programme: acoustic space lab
Finally, for the closing section of the festival, participants will be
brought to the Irbene Radio Telescope, a former Soviet military satellite
dish (d=32m) where participants from the 2001 Acoustic Space Lab symposium
will present the DVD "RT-32: Acoustic Space Lab" and audio CD of their
interpretations of data they gathered from scanning the planets,
communication satellites and surrounding environment with this powerful
- --------------------------- programme --------------------------------
RIXC Media Space, 11. Novembra krastmala 35, Riga
> Opening of festival exposition:
[1] MATRIX - interactive installation by Luke Jerram (UK), using patented
retinal after-image technology to create virtual light sculpture within the
mind of a viewer
[2] REAL TIME RIGA - project by Waag Society (NL) and Esther Polak (NL),
co-produced with RIXC (LV). Every inhabitant has an invisible map of the
city in his head. The way he moves about the city and the choices made in
this process are determined by this mental map. For first time RealTime
project was set up in Amsterdam, in fall 2002; now the project is restaged
in Riga. RealTime project attempts to visualize these mental maps through
examining the mobile behaviour of the city's users.
[3] PSYCHOTRONIC GOVERNMENT - maps by Bureau d'Etudes (FR)
[4] SOFT CINEMA - a dynamic computer-driven media installation by Lev
Manovich (US). The viewers are presented with an infinite series of
narrative films constructed on the fly by the custom software. Using the
systems of rules defined by the author, the software decides what appears
on the screen, where, and in which sequence; it also chooses music tracks.
> Presentation of the "Acoustic.Space (4): Media Architecture" reader.
> Performance and live jam session by Planktons & Aquarell (LV), OP! (LV),
Ugis Vitins (LV), others.
[day 1] [in intersection of information networks and post-modern
location: Artists' Union Gallery, 11. Novembra Krastmala 35
[1-01] [urban geographies and networked media / process-based architecture]:
Frans Vogelaar / invOFFICE (NL) / KHM (DE), Lev Manovich (US), Tuomas
Toivonen / AULA (FI), Francesca Ferguson / Urban Drift (DE), Herve Trioreau
(FR), Carl Biorsmark, Kristine Briede / K@2 (LV), Alex Adriaansens / V2 (NL)
[1-02] [hybrid space / interrelations of media art in public spaces, in
virtual networks and architecture]
Eric Kluitenberg (NL), Tania Gorucheva / Media Art Lab (RU), Edwin van der
Heide (NL), Luke Jerram (UK), Atau Tanaka (JP-FR), Tamas Szakal (DE),
Michael Mastrototaro, Sabine Maier, Christoph Theiler / machfeld (AT), Tim
Boykett, Andreas Mayrhof / Times Up (AT)
location: RIXC Media Space, 11 Novembra krastmala 35
> 3D visual and sound interface demonstrations and performances by
> Films by Mike Stubbs (UK) HOMING, GIFT & CULTURAL QUARTIER | video by
[day 2] [exploring potential of mobile media for social geography and
locative art]
location: Artists' Union Gallery
[2-01] [cellspace / wireless networks, GPS and mapping-positioning]
Marc Tuters / GPSter (CA), Ewen Chardronnet / Ellipse (FR), Marko Peljhan /
Projekt Atol (SI), Wayne Piekarski (AU), Jaanis Garancs (DE-LV), Adam Hyde
/ r a d i o q u a l i a (UK-NZ)
[2-02] [locative media / maps and psychogeography]
Konrad Becker / Public Netbase (AT), Brian Holmes (US-FR), Aske Hopman,
Esther Polak, Tom Demeyer, Marleen Sticker / Waag Society (NL), Leonore
Bonaccini, Xavier Fourt / Bureau d'etudes (FR), 0100101110101101.ORG /
location: RIXC Media Space
> LSP #2, Edwin van der Heide (NL) - a solo performance in which sound is
used to control the movements of a laser. The result is a complex shape
transforming space. (Realisation: Edwin van der Heide & Vladimir Gravof).
> SENSOR DUO - Atau Tanaka (JP/FR) un Cecile Babiole (FR). A performance
with two artists onstage: one producing sound and the other manipulating
image, both articulated by movements of the arms and body. They interpret a
unified compositional concept - one in light and the other in sound.
> COMMA DATA SPACE (LIVE) Adam Hyde / r a d i o q u a l i a (UK-NZ)
> SPECTROSPHERE by Clausthome (LV) - music and MR/F5 (LV) - video.
location: VIRAC radiotelescope RT-32 in Irbene (near Ventspils).
> Opening of the permanent installation [RT-32] and presentation of the DVD
[RT-32 - ACOUSTIC SPACE LAB]. The DVD, produced by RIXC in Riga, 2003, is a
multi-media exploration of the VIRAC radio telescope - a 32 m dish antenna
in Irbene, Latvia. It covers the history of this top-secret Soviet era
military object, including precise technical data and its conversion to
scientific and civilian use, and introduces the international ACOUSTIC
SPACE LAB symposium on sound art using radio and satellite technology that
took place in summer 2001 at the site of the dish.
- --------------------------info and support-----------------------------
The Center for New Media Culture RIXC (
Information and accreditation:
tel. +371-7228478 (rixc), 6546776 (mob.), e-mail: [email protected]
Latvian Cultural Capital Foundation, Latvian Ministry of Culture, Riga City
Council, The Daniel Langlois Foundation for Art, Science, and Technology,
French Cultural Center, AFAA, The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Nordic Council for Ministers Information Center in Riga, British Council
Latvia, Latvian Embassy in UK, Apollo Interneta Pakalpojumi, Casablanka,
"Studija", radio NABA and others.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Sun, 04 May 2003 06:48:42 -0400
From: Kurt Ralske <[email protected]>
Subject: 242.PILOTS @ American Museum of Moving Image
American Museum of the Moving Image
35 Avenue at 36 Street, Astoria, New York 11106
Thursday, May 8
7:30 p.m.
242.pilots Performance
The three artists who comprise 242.pilots, HC Gilje (Norway), Kurt Ralske
(U.S.), and Lukasz Lysakowski (Poland), use laptops and custom-made software
in live performances to dynamically generate video and sound. Their
performance will be structured as a series of solos followed by the group
working collaboratively with a guest musician, much like a jazz ensemble, to
create a layered image and soundscape. The resulting composition evolves
through creative exchange and non-verbal communication. Described by The New
York Times as "an intriguing, compelling alliance of sound and motion," the
group's current DVD project, 242.pilots Live in Bruxelles, won the 2003
Image Award at Berlin's Transmediale festival. This event is cosponsored by
Harvestworks Digital Media Arts Center. Tickets ($12 public / $8 members)
can be purchased in advance by calling the Museum at 718-784-4520.
Subway: R or V trains (weekends, R or G) to Steinway Street. N or W train to
36 Avenue.
Program Information: Telephone: (718) 784-0077;
Web site:
Date: Sat, 03 May 2003 01:28:42 -0500
From: edmar <[email protected]>
Hi all..
This is a not-so-early-warning announcement of a super grass roots
Do-It-Together no budget radical summer camp thing we are
organising for June in Chicago called FREEDOM FESTIVAL... We need some
advice and inspiration. It is a follow up to and is related to another
festival I work on called Version.
We want to rev up and rejuvenate a wandering and depressed movement.
Ok.. So:
Freedom Festivals are gatherings of artists, thinkers, activists, citizens
and friends who wish to celebrate and strengthen, through performance and
art, music , discussions and theater, the spirit and intent of the founding
documents of this state and other free and democratic societies -- freedom
of expression, pursuit of happiness, freedom from persecution, and other
various civil liberties.
FREEDOM FESTIVAL is an open attempt to use our remaining rights, understand
how to keep them, and reclaim the ones we have lost.
FREEDOM FESTIVAL is a gathering of cultural, social, and artistic
communities seeking to expand our networks, challenge the dominant
assumptions, strengthen our activities, and work towards defending our
rights to work outside, beside, or without the privatized life.
Creative responses, satiric guerrilla theater, infowarfare, music,
workshops, video screenings, performances, debates, talks, and fashion
coalesce into one evening to help kick off a Summer of Reaction and
Resistance to Un-american Activities
FREEDOM FESTIVAL is a look at Free Speech, Open Cultures, Do-It-Together
media, and tools of expression. It�s a forum to discuss strategies used to
create and facilitate:
o media making
o alternative spaces
o direct action
o culture jamming
o Smart �Meming
o community activity
o innovation in music
o artist activities
The festival will be a sampling of the multiplicity of campaigns and
gathering of groups trying to shape and participate in a world we want to
live in.
FREEDOM FESTIVAL is a moment to celebrate the projects and campaigns and
people that have been on the front lines defending our freedoms, in our
streets, in our spaces, at home and in our minds.
FREEDOM FESTIVAL will take place June 20-22 at Buddy, Wicker park and on the
streets. We are looking for groups and individuals that want to
share their work, projects, and ideas.
Please send us:
o performance ideas
o workshop ideas
o media to screen, hand out, listen to on kiosks
o posters, paintings, stencils agit prop devices to showcase
o facilitated debates / presentations
* web-based initiatives and campaigns
* info about bad-ass groups and projects going on that we should check out
There is main space that will feature, video screenings, a surveillance
fashion show and performances. (the party area.)
There is room for tabling, installations, presentations, and to show work,
like posters and photos as well as areas for workshops and talks.
We want to utilize the time and space of the summer to see how many
activities can be sustained and acted upon here in Chicago and beyond..
Proceeds from the fest are going to fund a mobile structures project and a
tour of the Resistance camp along with a Version>04 Invasion/Occupation tour
this fall to promote radical activity and an invasion and occupation of
Chicago in May 2004.
Outline of events:
Freedom Festival ::
Creative the Response and Resistance Summer Camp
How to Act like a PATRIOT in the Age of Bush
Celebrate yer rights to Free expression and dissent
June 20 Friday :: Chill nite. Introduce projects/ agit radical art opening /
keynote / guest speaker /
Arts and crafts, stenciling, presentations, videos
June 21 Saturday:;
Day time: Agit prop workshops, teach-ins and sessions
Night time:
screening of videos
Pret a surveillieur fashion show
Performances / DJS (shhhh)
June 22 Sunday :: Freedom Summer camp?
Workshops :: picnic / bar-b-q / actions / parade /
Please let me know if you are interested in contributing something,
keep your participation simple or share work you have recently done or will
be doing. Many of you are not in the US, but please add your perspective.
Solidarity net cholos!
Ed Marszewski
Post: 960 w 31st st. // chill 60608 // U$A
Office: 1542 n milwaukee ave. 2nd floor // chill 60622 // U$A
Hand Phone :: 773.837.0145
Lumpen :: TLVSN :: Lumptronic :: Select Magazine and DVD :: nothing tv ::
:: Version>04 digial.arts.convergence :: Select Media Festival :: Office of
Fatherland Defense :: Elevated Cinema :: Laptronica :: Robot Institute of
Chicago :: Del Morrocco Easy Disco Caf� Series :: Lumpen Ministries ::
Creative Response and Resistance :: Freedom Festival
Lumpen Media Group ::
Buddy ::
Select Media ::
Select Media Festival
(Long live) Supersphere ::
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