Announcer on Thu, 12 Jun 2003 13:03:17 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> Events2 [10x]

Table of Contents:

   CYBERSONICA AND OTHER EVENTS OF INTEREST                                        
     Cybersalon <[email protected]> (by way of richard barbrook)                   

   Convivial x art    (passdocoff II )                                             
     "passdoc web art project" <[email protected]>                           

   open_digi goes WRONG > BCN > ES                                                 
     atty <[email protected]>                                                         

   Kompilationen & Databases (Kuenstlerhaus Bremen)                                
     "geert lovink" <[email protected]>                                                

   Wegway show at SPIN Gallery, Toronto                                            
     "Steve Armstrong" <[email protected]>                                         

   Collective JukeBox 4.02 _ opening                                               
     homestudio <[email protected]>                                               

   Workers Liberty summer school - full agenda                                     
     markosborn <[email protected]> (by way of richard barbrook)           

   art against apathy launch this coming friday in amsterdam                       
     "art against apathy" <[email protected]>                                      

   THIS IS NOT A :Press Release                                                    
     Sonar Radar <[email protected]>                                         

   50^ Biennale                                                                    
     "Galleria A+A" <[email protected]>                                               


Date: Fri, 06 Jun 2003 18:35:33 +0100
From: Cybersalon <[email protected]> (by way of richard barbrook)

+please forward>>>
+apologies for duplicate mailings>


1. CYBERSONICA - Thursday 19th-21st June, ICA, The Mall, London SW1
2. UNCLE ROY ALL AROUND YOU - 'til Saturday 7th June, ICA, The Mall, London SW1
3. SONIC RECYCLER - Saturday 7 June, 4pm -11pm, Watermans Arts Centre, 40
High St, Brentford, West London

1. :::::::CYBERSONICA '03:::::::
electronic music : sonic arts : audiovisual fusion
Thurs June 19th - Saturday June 21st 2003

For more information visit the Cybersonica Website <>

Cybersonica, a three-day festival that explores and celebrates sonic
innovation, features live performance, alternative club nights,
exhibitions, screenings, talks and workshops at the ICA and other venues
across London. The festival brings together a whole community of musicians,
DJs, VJs, academics and artists; providing a platform for new home-grown
talent and encouraging collaboration between labels, projects and agencies
around the world. Webcast via Cybersonica Web TV the schedule includes live
coverage of the performances, talks and presentations plus documentaries,
exclusive interviews with artists and live DJ/VJ sets.


Tickets on sale from the ICA ticket office on: 0207 930 3647 or
[email protected].

Cybersonica Delegates ticket - �100
includes admission to all ICA events, a full delegate?s pack, lunch and
Cybersonica festival ticket - �50 full-rate / �45 concs* / �40 ICA
admission to all events at the ICA
Cybersonica by day ticket - �8 full-rate / �7 concs / �6 ICA
admission to one day of symposium, workshops and presentations and
exhibitions at the ICA
Cybersonica by night ticket - �10 full-rate / �9 concs / �8 ICA
admission to one evening of festival performances and alternative club
nights at the ICA
Cybersonica alternative club ticket -�4 full-rate / �3 concs / free ICA
admission to one evening of alternative club nights at the ICA (after
9.00pm ? subject to availability)

* (student, unemployed, OAP or small business / hardship)



Thursday, 19th June
Burnt Friedman and the Nu Dub Players featuring Jaki Leibezeit + Fennesz +
Mitchell Akiyama
ICA Theatre, 7.30-10.45pm

Niobi (live) + Not Clickable + Lakuti
ICA Bar, 9pm-1am

Friday, 20th June
Kid 606 + DJ Rupture + The Bug
ICA Theatre, 7.30-10.45pm

Type Records Showcase: RJ Valeo (live) + AEIOU and Xela + Mokira
ICA Bar, 9pm-1am

Saturday, 21st June
Howie B & Addictive TV + Sketch Show (YMO) + Si Begg
ICA Theatre, 7.30-10.45pm

The Addictive TV Lounge: Bauhouse (live) + Brian Kane (live) + Addictive TV
DJs and VJs
ICA Theatre, 10.45pm-1am

Nick Luscombe (XFM) + Subculture Soundsystem (Play) + Addictive TV DJs
ICA Bar, 9pm-1am

A gathering of some of the leading innovators in music and sound with
keynotes from DJ Spooky, David Toop & Max Eastly, Michel Waisvisz (STEIM),
Anthony Moore (Academy of Media Arts, Cologne)
ICA Cinema 1, Thursday 19th June - 10am-3pm, Friday 20th June - 10am-5pm,
Saturday 21st June - 11am-3pm

screen-based exhibition
ICA Digital Studio, 19-21st June, 12-8pm

@ the Deluxe Gallery, Hoxton Square, London E1

Screenings from D-Fuse, Exceeda, unit9 and others
ICA Cinema 2, 19-21st June, 2-5pm
Demonstrations and hands-on workshops with DJ Magazine's TechnoScan team,
Steinberg and Cybersonica artists
Nash Room, 19-21st June, 12-6pm

Live Internet webcasts with highlights from the festival, live DJ/VJ sets,
interviews and documentaries - fronted by TOTP iPresenter Lorraine Gabriel
Brandon Room, 19-21st June, 12-8pm

2. :::::::UNCLE ROY ALL AROUND YOU:::::::
At the ICA and online from 3-9pm daily until Saturday 7 June (last entry 8pm)

"Blast Theory's latest interactive project has to be one of the most
exhilarating theatrical experiences you'll encounter.... You leave feeling
contemplative, thrilled, and ever so slightly paranoid.  What more could
you ask for?"
Metro newspaper

Uncle Roy All Around You is the latest groundbreaking project from Blast
Theory in which computer games spill onto the streets of London.

Starting from the ICA, Street Players use handheld computers to search for
Uncle Roy.  Use the map and the incoming messages to move through packed
tourist zones to neglected alleys and your secret destination.

Online Players, play for free at
Cruise through the virtual city, listen in to the Street Players and help
them to find the office.  You can play from the ICA's Digital Studio or
from a computer anywhere in the world.

Street Players please bring ID to the ICA, The Mall, London SW1.  Advanced
booking recommended as most evening slots already sold out.  Contact ICA
Box Office on 020 7930 3647.  Tickets �6, �5, �4.

Log on anytime from 3-9pm and play for free at

3. :::::::SONIC RECYCLER:::::::
a night of reinvented electronica
Watermans and sonic art curators Sprawl, in collaboration with Brentford
Recycling Action Group (BRAG), host an evening with world-renowned
electronic musicians, all of whom, in terms of re-using and re-cycling, are
way ahead of our disposable, throwaway society. They re-use through
sampling, taking something already existing, process it and find a new use
for it, perhaps by creating a remix or entirely new works.

Simon Fisher Turner:

+++ DJ sets by: Magz Hall (Resonance FM), Philip Tagney (BBC Radio 3),
Motion (12K/fat cat), BitTonic (bip-hop/sprawl), Nick Luscombe (XFM).

+++ mobile zgodlocator installation by Herwig Weiser +++
The computer becomes perceptible as material. The electromagnetic fields
modulate the ' hardware sand ' into ' fluctuating� landscapes ' and
translate these over magnetically stimulatable sensors into sound

+++ Dumplinks, a commission by artist IRIS GARRELFS - Tread around and
explore the sonic equivalent of a recycling plant and its constituents.
Plus short films by Herwig Weiser (Entr�e), Dan Saul and James Flint
(The Nuclear Train) and Mario Radinovic (Empties).

Saturday 7 June 2003, 4pm-11pm, (Live performances start at 7pm)
@ Watermans Arts Centre, 40 High St, Brentford, West London UK
Tel: 0208 232 1010
Theatre: tickets �8 / �6 concs
SPRAWL website:
email: [email protected]


Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2003 14:11:27 +0200
From: "passdoc web art project" <[email protected]>
Subject: Convivial x art    (passdocoff II )

PassDoc off-art

       Italiano  -  Fran�ais  -  English

Ciao a tutti

PassDoc Off-art continua la sua attivit� clandestina con: �Incontri e 

Venerd� 20/06/03 alle ore 14,00 nel Viale Garibaldi accanto hai Giardini 
della Biennale Venezia (Italia).

Vernissage flash, perfomance, foto e amicizia, partecipa anche tu, ti 

Ambientazione sonora di Wind of Oloe.   Info: [email protected]

Comunicato stampa

Quando l�arte diventa vita, PassDoc off � un progetto di convivialit� per 
l�arte, in cui l�opera � la passione per l�arte e l�amicizia fra la gente, 
la gioia di condividere un tempo comune, lo stare insieme, il conoscersi, la 
possibilit� di dialogare fra persone che amano l�arte. Il progetto � 
articolato in una serie di incontri in differenti luoghi dell�arte ( 
25/04/03 Nizza, 20/06/03 Venezia, 22/08/03 Brighton�). In questi momenti di 
aggregazione si verificheranno piccoli attimi d�arte.
Il progetto � coordinato da Domenico Olivero e Ornella Calvetti.

PassDoc Off-art � una sollecitazione artistica di D.O.O.C.

Prossimo appuntamento a Brighton (G.B.) il 22/08/2003  h 18,30 vicino alla 
Victoria Fountain.

se non volete pi� riceve questo messaggio inviate una mail con oggetto 
�unsubscribe� a [email protected]


Salut � tous

PassDoc Off-art poursuit ses activit�s clandestines avec: �Rencontr�s et 

Vendredi 20/06/03 alle 14,00 dan Viale Garibaldi Venice, apres le Jardins de 
la Biennale Venezia (Italie)

Vernissage flash, perfomance, photo et amiti�, partecipe toi aussi, nous 

Ambiance sonore Wind of Oloe.   Info: [email protected]

Communiqu� presse

Quand l'art devient vie, PassDoc off est un projet de convivialit� pour 
l'art, dans lequel l'oeuvre est la passion pour l'art et l'amiti� entre les 
gens, la joie de partager un temps commun, le rester ensemble, le se 
conna�tre, la possibilit� de dialoguer entre gens qu'ils aiment l'art. Le 
projet est articul� dans une s�rie de rencontres en place diff�rents de 
l'art ( 25/04/03 Nice, 20/06/03 Venise, 22/08/03 Brighton�). Dans ces 
moments d'agr�gation ils se v�rifieront des petits instants d'art.
Le projet est coordonn� par Domenico Olivero et Ornella Calvetti.

PassDoc Off-art c�est une sollicitation artistic du D.O.O.C.

Le prochain rendez-vous � Brighton (G.B.) le 22/08/2003 h 18,30 apres 
Victoria Fountain.

Si vous ne voulez plus etre inscrit au mailing evoyer un mail avec subject 
�unsubscribe� � [email protected]



PassDoc Off-art continues its clandestine activity with: �Meeting and 

Friday 20/06/03 at 02 p.m. in the Viale Garibaldi, near the Biennal�s Garden 
Venezia (Italy)

Vernissage flash, perfomance, photo and friendship, join us, we are waiting 
for you.

Atmosphere by Wind of Oloe.   Info: [email protected]

Press release

When art becomes life, PassDoc off is a project of conviviality for art, in 
which the work is the passion for art and the friendship among people, the 
joy of sharing common time, to be together, to know one another, the 
possibility to dialogue among people that love art. The project is 
articulated in a series of meetings in different centres of art ( 25/04/03 
Nice, 20/06/03 Venice, 22/08/03 Brighton�). Within these moments of 
aggregation there will be little instants of art.
The project is coordinated by Domenico Olivero and Ornella Calvetti.

PassDoc Off-art is an artistic suggestion by D.O.O.C.

the next appointment in Brighton (U.K.) 22/08/2003   h 06,30 p.m. near 
Victoria Fountain.

if you would like not to receive this message, kindly mail to: 
[email protected]  and enter "unsubscribe" in the Subject field.

                   please circulate this invitation!

MSN Search: la risposta alle tue ricerche online


Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 18:41:32 +0200
From: atty <[email protected]>
Subject: open_digi goes WRONG > BCN > ES

digital art association open_digi of Brixton, S. 
London in conjunction with international digital collective OFFLINE transfer to WRONG festival, Barcelona, 
Spain for 3 nights (11th, 12th, 13th June)

their joint intiative, the >wartime< project will get another revised LIVE showing 
at WRONG on the 12th

the full programme of the WRONG festival (as we go to mail), presented 
by errorclub, Barcelona is as follows

- ----------------------------------------

  _THE WRONG FESTIVAL_                   -just in time for the life-size

                  June 11-13, Barcelona, Spain
                  Distrito Diagonal (442 av. Diagonal)
                  22:00 - 03:30

- ----------------------------------------

the worlds leading players in breakcore, punkadelia, realtime 3D and 
video, plunderbreaks, scrublism, pressure-core, dub, abstract hip hop 
and electronics bring a freshness to the nights during barcelona�s most 
loco time of year...

- ----------------------------------------

Wrong artists:

  Donna Summer   Hrvatski
  DJ /rupture
  Massimo   Battery Operated   Bloodslut
  Dj Squinch   Timeblind   End
  solu   E-da
  Carlos Giffoni
  open_digi + OFFLINE collective
  atmsferik   Kabaka   Sub Bass Snarl

- -----------------------
- -----------------------

Miercoles/Wednesday 11

22:00  OFFLINE virtually including new work from
       elout (nl)
       zden (sk)
       subculture (la, US)
       B Mackern (ur)
       arcangel (df, mx)
       f llanos (df, mx)
       dream7 (ny, us)
22:30  Eda (ex Boredoms (japan)
       + visuals by Kabaka (croatia)
23:30  Dj Squinch (new zealand)
01:30  Donna Summer (us)
02:30  Hrvatski (us)
       + visuals by solu (espa�a)

Jueves/Thursday 12

22:00  OFFLINE + open_digi
       the >wartime< project
22:30  Carlos Giffoni (us)
23:30  Bloodslut (south africa)
01:30  Timeblind (us)
       + visuals by open_digi (UK)
02:30  DJ /rupture (espa�a)

Viernes/Friday 13

22:00  OFFLINE non virtually including new work from
       michiaki abiko (jp/es) previously
22:30  Sub Bass Snarl (australia)
23:30  Battery Operated (france/uk)
01:30  Massimo (italy)
02:30  End (us)
       + visuals by atmsferik (espa�a)

+ massacessi DJ is Wrong�s resident gap DJ
- ----------------------------------------

5 euro per night  - - door sales only - -
WARNING: limited capacity venue
- ----------------------------------------

getting there:

Distrito Diagonal
442 av. Diagonal

Line 3
DIAGONAL station (exit Av. Diagonal)

a 10 block stroll from placa catalunya up passeig de gracia (past some 
of   gaudi�s most famous buildings) until you meet av. diagonal


barcelona guide map:

- -----------------------
organisation: Wrong

artist web:
Donna Summer
DJ /rupture
Dj Squinch
Battery Operated
Carlos Giffoni
Sub Bass Snarl

errrorclub: null attracting the void, full attracting the full

open_digi will also be travelling to Amsterdam for test portal festival 
in August 2003

net-art open arena at will return at end of 2003


to be unsubscribed from news mailings please mail 
[email protected]


Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2003 07:49:04 +1000
From: "geert lovink" <[email protected]>
Subject: Kompilationen & Databases (Kuenstlerhaus Bremen)

From: "Dorothee Richter" <[email protected]>

Kuenstlerhaus Bremen
Compilations  &  Databases

Curated by Dorothee Richter
Opening: June 13, 2003 at 8 pm

Project participants: Marion Boesen, Jerome Joy, Florian Wuest

Welcoming address: 8 pm

Introduction to Collective Jukebox: Jerome Joy, 8.30 pm

Introduction to the video programme: Florian W�st, 9 pm

With films by Karel Doing (NL), Sandrine Dryvers (B), Sandra Lahire (UK),
John Smith (UK) und Lou Ye (China),

"Schritte" / "Steps" - Take-away stickers by Marion B�sen
Thematically, the stickers revolve around the intersections of the public
and the private, the underlying questions being: To what extent is every
private act determined by medially conveyed images? To what extent does
divergence from the ideal image comprise a potential for resistance? The
works are conceived of as take-away stickers: The gallery visitors can take
the stickers and use them to change or enhance the cityscape or private
interiors in any way they like. The stickers infiltrate public and private
spaces, thus allowing a reacquisition of power through imagery.

Collective JukeBox, initiated by Jerome Joy
Collective JukeBox is a free open audio "workspace" which began in 1996.
Since the beginning, the project has taken different forms - from audio
compilation to audio intervention group, and since '98 to the development of
a networked juke-box project with the concept of a "co-op system server"
parallel to the actual "sound system" interfaces. The project is
continuously evolutional with different public and "work" interfaces
"connected" to an autonomous and self-managed database (as an audio
repository), and its system of development is quite close to the
"groupware." principle. As one goes along, the database will propose an
audio content (as today) from the co-op system ("materialized" by the
server's engine), a content which can be extended to other mediatized
playgrounds: streams of audio patches and modules (with max/msp, jmax, and
other audio programmings and open softwares), text streams, and perhaps
later image streams. The contents are solely dependent on the participants,
identified or unidentified, deliberately and intentionally.

The Kuenstlerhaus artists to participate in the Collective JukeBox project
are Astrid Nippoldt and Petra Klussmeyer.

Video programme / video library compiled by Florian W�st

The video programme THE PROGRESS; THE CITY AND WORK  for Bremen comprises a
substantive as well as visual reflection on the social transformations of
urban spaces and the rationalisation of industrial production. In films by
Karel Doing (NL), Sandrine Dryvers (B), Sandra Lahire (UK), John Smith (UK)
und Lou Ye (China), the nervous pulse of twentieth-century technological and
infrastructural progress is contrasted with glimpses into occupational
realities and visionary potentials for action. After the one-time showing at
the opening on June 13, the films will remain in the exhibition in the form
of a video library and can be viewed by visitors individually.


Cultural memory is actually produced by events: by projects and their
dissemination, by archives, by publications, etc. It is not until they
undergo representation that they can be said to have a final, congealed,
static state. Justice is to be done in this project to the fundamental
event-boundedness of cultural memory. Compilations and archives are based on
networks, connections, rope teams. What is more, to a certain extent they
are subject to chance. In their manifestations they make a finished and
consolidated impression; the choices and combinations appearing definitive.
In various ways, these projects undertake to reveal a new openness of
events: The compilations trace back to different initiators, the archives
remain incomplete, the actions event-like, the networks open.

Kuenstlerhaus Bremen
Kuratorin Dorothee Richter
Organisation Sabine Kochanke
Am Deich 68
28199 Bremen
++49 +421 508 598


Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2003 21:57:43 -0400
From: "Steve Armstrong" <[email protected]>
Subject: Wegway show at SPIN Gallery, Toronto

It�s not too late to apply for Wegway�s Second Annual International Juried Exhibition at SPIN Gallery, 158 Bathurst Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The show will run August 2 to 10, 2003 with an opening reception from 2 to 4 pm Saturday, August 2.
Email [email protected] for a prospectus/application form or visit 
All applicants will receive a free one-year subscription to Wegway magazine.
The winning applicants will:
Be in the group show at SPIN in August 2003.
Have their work published in Wegway.
Have their work posted on the Wegway Website
Be supplied with postcard invitations for personal mailing
Receive a free two-year subscription to Wegway magazine.
SPIN is a large space. We welcome sculpture, video and multi-media installations in addition to wall works for this show.
Interested artists should send up to 3 clearly labelled slides, photographs, photocopies, digital files on cd / floppy or digital outputs; or a video in VHS format no longer than 30 minutes; or up to 3 pages of diagrams and description. Also include a c.v. no longer than 2 pages (optional), a short artist statement (optional), a self-addressed stamped envelope for the return of materials and the application fee (a cheque or money order for $30 payable to Wegway). $30 for 1, 2 or 3 items; $10 each for additional items -Canadian dollars, or U.S. dollars for international applications. Do not send original artwork. 
Send applications to Wegway, P.O. Box 157, Station A, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5W 1B2

Application deadline: Postmarked Monday, June 30th, 2003
There will be three jurors selecting your work:
Becky Singleton is a multi-media artist with work in the permanent collection of the Art Gallery of Ontario. She shows at the Christopher Cutts Gallery, Toronto.
Juno Youn is a painter and the curator of SPIN Gallery.
Steve Armstrong is a visual artist and the Editor/Publisher of Wegway Magazine.
Participation in this show has many benefits:
SPIN is a high profile gallery � curators, writers, critics and artists will see your work.
Your work published in Wegway Magazine will be distributed across North America and be in the hands of arts professionals coast to coast.
Acceptance by a respected jury is a valuable addition to your r�sum� � it will encourage other arts professionals to consider your work.
The staff at SPIN will have time during the show to become familiar with your work, and thus have it in mind for future exhibition opportunities.
The opening reception will be an excellent time for networking in the art community.
Your work will also be posted on the Wegway website including a cross-link to your website or an email contact if you wish.
SPIN is a commercial gallery and they will make every effort to sell your work, but you are free to decide whether it is for sale or not. SPIN will deduct its usual commission on all sales. Wegway does not receive any monies from this show except the $30 application fee less the cost of the free magazine subscription included when you apply. Funds raised will help keep Wegway publishing.
If you are selected for the show, you will be notified by July 15th 2003 and the work selected must be received at SPIN by Friday August 1st 2003. You will receive detailed shipping instructions with your notification. Artists are responsible for shipping and insurance during transit. The work must be suitably framed if applicable, and ready for hanging or installation. Shipping and installation of multi-media works, videos, etc. will be arranged on an individual basis with the artist, Wegway and SPIN Gallery.
Applications must be postmarked no later than June 30th, 2003.
Notification of results will be sent by July 15th, 2003.
Selected work must be delivered to SPIN by 4 pm, Friday, August 1st, 2003.
Work will be returned, or must be picked up by Friday August 15th, 2003.
Your slides and other application materials will be returned to you by August 29th, 2003.
I hope you participate in this show and I look forward to meeting you at the opening reception. If you have any questions, please email me at [email protected]  There's also lots of information at 
Steve Armstrong
Editor/Publisher Wegway


Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2003 11:50:01 -0800
From: homestudio <[email protected]>
Subject: Collective JukeBox 4.02 _ opening

[sorry for cross-postings]

c.o.l.l.e.c.t.i.v.e  j.u.k.e.b.o.x  4.02
                               x   13 jun 2003 / 2O jul 2003
                               x   Kuenstlerhaus Bremen
                               x   Bremen (Ger)
                               x   during the event: Compilations & Databases
                               x   org: Dorothee Richter, Sabine Kochanke
                               _  557 participants
                               _  1487 audio contributions
                               _ interface:
                               _ cd juke-box machine
                               _ audio lounge room
                               _ opening:
                               _ Friday 13th of June, 8pm
                               _ Am Deich 68, 28199 Bremen


Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2003 01:32:16 +0100
From: markosborn <[email protected]> (by way of richard barbrook)
Subject: Workers Liberty summer school - full agenda

Ideas for Freedom, 2003
Workers� Liberty

Caxton House, 129 St John's Way, London N19 (tube: Archway)

Saturday 21 June

12.00  1.30
a. Iraq: after the war
Speakers: Clive Bradley and a member of the Iranian group, Workers� Left Unity
b. The rise of European anti-semitism  its right-wing and left-wing� variants
Speaker: Linda Grant

2.15 start
Politics and ideology after the Holocaust
Speaker: Norman Geras

2.15  3.30
a.      Lessons from the RMT and FBU disputes
Speakers: militants from the rail and firefighters unions
b.      Brazil under Lula
Speakers: Paul Hampton and  Sue Branford

3.45  5.00
a.      Hal Draper�s critique of Anarchism
Speaker: Alan Johnson
b.      The bosses and the use of equality legislation in the workplace
Speakers: Janine Booth and Jon Page

6.00  7.15
a.      Anti-capitalism and the Tobin tax�, a forum
Speakers: Martin Thomas and Emma Dowling (ATTAC UK)
b.      Fast food: the disgusting politics of food production
Speaker: Liam Conway
c.      Why George Orwell is important
Speaker: Chris Hickey

7.30  9.15
a.      Empire� after Baghdad, a forum
Speakers: Yann Moulier Boutang
b.      Stalinism and Afghanistan: a debate
Speakers: Sean Matgamna and the CPGB

Sunday 22 June

11.00  1.00
a.      The workers� government and the fight for democracy, a debate
Speakers: from the AWL and RDG
b.      AWL history: The politics of the Thornett split
Speaker: Sean Matgamna

1.45 start
The future of the Socialist Alliance, a forum
Speakers: from the AWL, Matthew Caygill and Angela Paton (SSP)

1.45  2.45
a.      Marxist theory: The united front, the popular front
Speaker: Pat Murphy
b.      Lessons from the history of the Palestine Mandate
Speaker: Cathy Nugent

3.00  4.00
a.      The web and cyber-communism
Speaker: Richard Barbrook
b.      The British Trotskyists and World War 2
Speaker: Mark Catterell

4.15: The fight for Workers� Liberty

Creche, food, books, accommodation can be provided

Two day tickets: �18 (waged), �10 (low waged, students), �6 (unwaged)
One day tickets: �9/�5/�3
Tickets are cheaper before the event, but are also available on the door

Tickets from: Ideas for Freedom, PO Box 823, London SE15 4NA
Cheques payable to AWL�

More details: 0207 207 3997
[email protected]

To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
[email protected]. For more information about
events mentioned in these emails, please phone 020 7207 3997 or 07748
185553, or email [email protected].


Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2003 13:37:06 +0200
From: "art against apathy" <[email protected]>
Subject: art against apathy launch this coming friday in amsterdam

FROM 17.00-23.00 HRS.

Exhibition viewing also on Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th of June from 14.00-20.00 hrs.

images by: Carrie Moyer, Arjan van Helmond, Eduardo Gomez , Suzero, Eric Drooker, Frans Franciscus, Wuzhi, Chris Reinewald, Rhanie Mohabiersing, Dave Pescod, Paul Klemann, Latuff, Denise Martinez, Louise Rusin, Federica Palmarin

word contributions to AAA by: Patricia Orlinska, Nello, Moe, Kim Chandler, Jonette Stabbert, Jim Kahn, Jan van Bruggen, GJ Wielinga, Aik, Marsha Gall

with music & performance from: Luke Nyman, DJ Duck, Global Beets, Groovus, Vashti Gleave & Don Popo

video presentation by: Karoly Toth from the Zeroglab Nanofestival

with special thanks to: Anka Wolbert, Reinus Gundel, Jamie Pike, Baginda v.d. Hart, Hado & Anti

Come early and stay late!
Enjoy this virtual cornucopia of inspiration.
Activism is not just protesting against but also uniting in celebration because we can.
Hope to see you there! 

for more info contact [email protected]


large A3 size poster high quality image
large A4 size poster high quality image
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Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2003 19:26:32 -0700 (PDT)
From: Sonar Radar <[email protected]>
Subject: THIS IS NOT A :Press Release

THIS IS NOT A :Collective is proud to announce our:


Mondays _ 9PM
16 - 30 June 2003
Star Shoes
7963 Hollywood Boulevard
Hollywood, CA 
$3 Donation 

<<Screening>> M O N D A Y, 16 J U N E at 9 PM

a documentary by German filmmaker, Oliver Ressler

This film is about a group emergant from the *Tute
Bianche* who appeared during the demonstrations
against the G8 summit at Genoa in July 2001. The Tute
Bianche were the white-clad Italian activists who used
their bodies - protected by foam rubber, tires,
helmets, gas masks, and homemade shields - in direct
acts and demonstrations as weapons of civil

Please join us: engage in the debate, view the film
and draw your own conclusions on these questions of
protest and war is today�s global society.

for further information you may contact Grace Aplomb
at [email protected].


THIS IS NOT A :Collective was founded in 2001 in order
to conceive new parameters for developing, criticizing
and enjoying culture in the occidental diaspora. Our
use of this opportunity, or purpose is threefold: to
provide information and create discourse on all the
salient issues in our contemporary cultural debate -
from sustainability to globalization, from status quo
to avant garde; to create and facilitate contemporary
media, whether old or new; and to cement our era in
history as a period of renaissance and  renewal.


Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2003 17:46:20 +0200
From: "Galleria A+A" <[email protected]>
Subject: 50^ Biennale

Press Release
Conflicts - the dictatorship of the spectator - 50th Venice =
International Biennale of Art
As part of the 50th Venice International Biennale of Art, under the =
artistic direction of Aurora Fonda, with the  support of Interreg III A =
Phare CBC Italy/Slovenia, and in collaboration with Zavod Projekt Atol =
Ljubljana and zavod RX:TX Nova Gorica, the Patagonia Art Cultural =
Association presents as part of the curator Igor Zabel's section =
"Individual Systems" (on the Island of Campalto in Venice lagoon and at =
the Corderie), the project of the Slovenian artist Marko Peljhan

MAKROLAB mark Ilex

A real working laboratory, Makrolab is equipped to support artists, =
scientists and tactical media workers, who are supplied with instruments =
and means for collective progressive work aimed at developing =
wide-ranging research in the fields of telecommunications, climate =
research and migrations. Starting with the observation and =
identification of migratory flows, with (in the case of the Venetian =
laboratory) particular attention given to migrations linked to war zones =
and areas of social tension, migration of birds, their navigation skills =
and the migration of capital, the primary results will be analysed by =
the operators both while the laboratory is functioning and also in the =
future.  At the same time priority will be given to the exploration of =
new sensibilities together with a revision and redefinition of the terms =
of the social and individual concentrating on the network-centric =
identity.  This creative communication traces its origins to individual =
forces capable of developing a psycho-scientific entity in a particular =
environment, space/time. The Venetian setting - an abandoned island in =
the lagoon with a particular ecological and political history - offers =
itself as the ideal structure, an inspired vehicle-instrument, to =
achieve absolute independence, and reflection on the present entropic =
social conditions.  Therefore in Makrolab the environment is the primary =
factor in the development of a rapid formation of new social, creative, =
spiritual and, last but not least, economic concepts based solely on =
what is defined as integral individuality.

Communication is developed through technologically advanced systems =
while energy is supplied through photovoltaics and wind generators. So, =
it is  not only and exclusively an artistic work with all the =
limitations of the term,  but more a progressive activity in  time and a =
projection in space/real time - susceptible to all possible =
modifications and enrichments, projecting into a social evolution of the =
intermediate environment.

          Makrolab, started in 1994 by Marko Peljhan, and realised for =
the first time as part of Documenta X at Kassel in 1997, draws on the =
collaboration of people from many different studies and disciplines. It =
is expected to end in 2007, when the structure will be placed =
permanently in the Antarctic.  From then on Makrolab will be managed by =
a new trans-national foundation. The project has already been presented =
as a plan in  Venice, in June 1999 at the Querini Stampalia Foundation =
and, in February 2001 in a lecture, at the Peggy Guggenheim Foundation =
as part of the Guggenheim Public project.

Marko Peljhan was born in 1969 in Sempter pri Gorici, and having =
graduated in theatre and radio from the University of Ljubljana, in 1992 =
he founded Projekt Atol in order to realise visual arts works, =
performances and situations.  In 1995 he developed the technological =
branch of Projekt Atol - Pact Systems and is one of the founders of =
Ljudmila (Ljubljana Digital Media Lab). He has been involved in many =
projects in the field of technology and communications research, =
including the collaboration with the Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training =
Centre in Moscow, where he coordinated seven parabolic flights in =
microgravity for different artistic projects from 1999 to 2003. Together =
with the Baterija group of architects he coordinated the production of =
the mobile media lab Transhub in 2001, later realised as Mobilatorij for =
the Mobitel d.d. company. He has worked on Makrolab since 1994. 

He has participated in numerous festivals, exhibitions and presentations =
including Documenta X at Kassel, the Johannesburg Biennale, Manifesta, =
Gwangju Biennale, ISEA and many others. His work has won several awards =
including the Medienkunst prize of SWR and ZKM. Together with Carsten =
Nicolai, for their work Polar, he won the Golden Nica at the Prix Ars =
Electronica in 2001.  He is currently professor of art and media at the =
University of California, Santa Barbara.
Below are the artists, scientists, tactical operators involved in the =
Makrolab project: 
LJUDMILA (Ljubljana Digital Media Lab) - project web portal, database =
creation, finalising of SLIX (Slovenian version of LINUX)

BUREAU D'ETUDES - Sofware development to visualise automatic mapping of =
non-linear databases.

BRIAN SPRINGER - tactial satellite project

SOCIALI - research on migration, interviews with migrant workers

DOPPS - (Association for Research and Observation of Birds) - Venice =
Lagoon Brid Count, migration research

PACT SYSTEMS - research of network centric warfare methods

convergence of art and telecommunications.

PREPCOM MAKROLAB - Meeting of the tactical coordination group for the =
WSIS summit, which will take place in Geneva in December 2003

DYNE.ORG -  Open source software development and distribution

POLITEHNIKA NOVA GORICA - ecological measurements project, analysis of =
the architecture of Makrolab and of the sustainability of the laboratory =
technological systems.

>From 15 June until September it is possible to reach the laboratory and =
visit it daily thanks to a ferry service which leaves from the Arsenale =
(timetable still to be confirmed). For information and reservations =
write to [email protected] or phone the Slovenian Cultural Centre on =
041 2770466 between 12 and 6pm.

The project is divided into the following phases:

MAKROLAB MARK IIEX Laboratory Operations, June-September 2003

MAKROLAB MARK IIEX Network  Operations, June-November 2003

Project URL is:

The inclusion of the laboratory in  the 50th Venice Biennale was made =
possible thanks to:  Comune di Venezia, Assessorato alle Politiche =
Sociali, Regione Veneto, Commisione Europea Interreg III Phare CBC =
Italy/Slovenia, Slovenian Ministry of Culture, Ljubljana City Council, =
Nova Gorica City Council and Mobitel d.d.

The project could not have been realised without the support, financial =
or otherwise of the following: Patagonia Art, Venice; zavod Projekt =
Atol, Ljubljana. zavod RX:TX Nova Gorica; Ljudmila, Ljubljana; HIT Nova =
Gorica; Peter Bednar Logistica, Venice and many others.

International press office :  


Roberta Lombardo Hurstel                                                 =

8bis, rue de l'Argonne - 75019 Paris                                     =

tel. +33 1 53 26 04 26 - fax +33 1 53 30 00 26                           =

fax: +386-1-563 5247

Castello, 5064/b - 30122 Venezia

tel. +39 041 52 87 721 - cell. +33 6 10 56 42 51

[email protected]

[email protected]

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