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<nettime> Announcements [11x] |
Table of Contents: Monday: The Think Thing Returns on Juni-Radio Manuel Bonik <[email protected]> =?iso-8859-1?Q?Year_Zero_One_presents:_Sister_Val=E9rie_of_the_Internet?= "Year Zero One" <[email protected]> 7 ATA FESTIVAL - Lima, Peru 2003 Jose-Carlos Mariategui <[email protected]> Filmmakers present: Tuesday July 1, 20:00 hrs. Smart Cinema "SMART Project Space" <[email protected]> n o c o n c e p t - festival garage stralsund festival garage <[email protected]> ATTENTION SYBARITES! _manu Luksch <[email protected]> Summer Open House Synne Bull <[email protected]> First opening at ALARM Gallery, this Friday in Bucktown. Alarm Gallery <[email protected]> FUSCO/DOMINGUEZ PERFORM IN LONDON coco fusco <[email protected]> Mediamatic SuperSalon, 06.07. Krystian Woznicki <[email protected]> re: Salloum video installation in Ottawa at Gallery 101 [email protected] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 29 Jun 1998 18:05:46 +0200 From: Manuel Bonik <[email protected]> Subject: Monday: The Think Thing Returns on Juni-Radio Some hours of chances left to listen to JUNIRADIO . JUNIRADIO . JUNIRADIO . JUNIRADIO IN BERLIN FM 104,1 MHz Special NightAcademy travellab Radiotion on Monday, June 30, from 6 pm THE RETURN OF THE THINK THING featuring Manuel Bonik (turntables, subliminal sounds, D) Chris Chroma (feedback trombone, musical toys, D) S.D.C. Marquardt (accidental guitar & electronics, USA) Mic Mikina (cross mix concepts, con-textual overdubs, AT) Micha Schroetter (world receiver, dum dum news, D) Live ogg/mp3 stream: 8. bis 30. juni 2003, free radio 24 hours daily or talk a walk to bootlab raum 3 + raum 4 ziegelstrasse 20 berlin mitte (http://NightAcademy.Org is temporarely under construction) - -- Manuel Bonik <[email protected]> ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2003 15:49:50 -0400 (EDT) From: "Year Zero One" <[email protected]> Subject: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Year_Zero_One_presents:_Sister_Val=E9rie_of_the_Internet?= + + + Year Zero One presents: the Splash Page Project July 1 - September 1 2003 : Sister Val�rie of the Internet We are pleased to present two online performances, and a web project by Val�rie Lamontagne entitled Sister Val�rie of the Internet. Val�rie's work gravitates around performance and related elements (documentation, costumes, installation), which play with cultural clich�s and the idea of kitsch. Integrating performance and Web, Sister Val�rie of the Internet was developed at La Chambre Blanche, and explores the rich history of Catholicism in Qu�bec. During the performances, participants will witness Sister Val�rie praying online and will be able to interact directly with her by confessing their sins, praying with her, and asking her for guidance. At all other times the online confessional will remain active to receive your sins! You may view the performances and the documentation at Performance Schedule: - -> Friday July 25: 1 - 2 PM, Eastern Standard Time - -> Friday August 15: 1 - 2 PM, Eastern Standard Time Time Zone Conversion: Find out more about the artist behind Sister Val�rie at her website - Year Zero One has offered its splash page as an exhibition space for artists that will operate on a bimonthly basis. A selection of Canadian and international net.artists have been invited to show their work in this forum. The Splash Page Project launched on Feb. 1, 2002 with a piece by net.artist Mouchette. The Project is curated by Michelle Kasprzak. If you have a proposal for this space, please e-mail: [email protected] Year Zero One is an on-line artist run centre which operates as a network for the dissemination of digital culture and new media through web based exhibitions, an extensive media arts directory/bulletin, and the Year01 Forum - an electronic art journal. + + + ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 02 Jul 2003 02:17:26 -0500 From: Jose-Carlos Mariategui <[email protected]> Subject: 7 ATA FESTIVAL - Lima, Peru 2003 7 F E S T I V A L I N T E R N A C I O N A L D E V I D E O / A R T E / E L E C T R � N I C A 2 0 0 3 LIMA - PERU Junio/Julio/Agosto 2003 June/July/August 2003 - ---->[English version at the bottom] [Spanish] El 7 Festival Internacional de video/arte/electr�nica a realizarse del 19 de junio al 17 de agosto en Lima, busca analizar, descubrir y presentar las diferentes formas en el uso de las tecnolog�as relacionadas a los medios visuales de expresi�n, incluyendo adem�s a la experimentaci�n en m�sica electr�nica. Son catorce los invitados extranjeros para el 7 Festival: Regis Cotentin, Anne-Sophie Emard y Gabriel Soucheyre, de Francia; Hans Diebner de Alemania; Scott Arford, Mathew Biederman, Sue Costabile, Joshua Kit Clayton, Christopher Musgrave, Scott Pagano, Randy Yau y Kathleen Forde, de los Estados Unidos; Arlindo Machado, de Brasil; Maria Pallier, de Espa�a. Por primera vez en el Per� y gracias al apoyo de Electronic Arts Intermix se contar� con una selecci�n antol�gica de los m�s importantes exponentes del video arte internacional: Nam June Paik, Valie Export, Gary Hill, The Vasulkas, Tony Oursler, Bill Viola, Vito Acconci y Bruce Nauman. M�s de 20 nuevos trabajos peruanos ser�n presentados dentro del 7 Festival, demostrando as� su car�cter pionero e innovador. El programa de proyecci�n de video arte internacional presentar� trabajos de Alemania, Austria, Francia, Argentina, Brasil, Estados Unidos, Sud�frica, entre los principales pa�ses. El 7 Festival Internacional de video/arte/electr�nica presentar� los proyectos de instalaci�n: �Video� de Iv�n Esquivel (Per�), �0�00� de Humberto Polar Pin (Per�), �Tel�rico� de Luis Garc�a Zapatero (Per�) y �Perceptr�n L�quido� de Hans Diebner (Alemania). Curados por Gabriel Soucheyre se presentar�n �Flicker War� de Regis Cotentin (Francia) y �Nindawayma� de Anne-Sophie Emard (Francia). Curados por Kathleen Forde bajo el nombre �SF/AV� se presentar�n �Static Room (6)� de Scott Arford (Estados Unidos), �Tuning Corridor� de Mathew Biederman (Estados Unidos), �Interruption� de Sue Costabile y Joshua Kit Clayton (Estados Unidos), �Interstice� de Christopher Musgrave (Estados Unidos) y �Constructive Interference� de Scott Pagano (Estados Unidos). Asimismo, contar� con la participaci�n de seis artistas para la realizaci�n de variados performances. Entre las ejecuciones est�n: �Static Room (3)� de Scott Arford, �Interruption� de Sue Costabile/ Joshua Kit Clayton, �Media Exchange� de Mathew Biederman junto a Humberto Polar Pin, �Gyre, Reset� de Christopher Musgrave, �MegaMouth� de Randy Yau. Los lugares de presentaci�n del 7 Festival se dividen en ocho espacios en Lima, entre los principales: la Galer�a de Artes Visuales de la Universidad Ricardo Palma, la Sala Luis Miro Quesada Garland, el ICPNA de Miraflores y San Miguel, el Centro Cultural Ricardo Palma de la Municipalidad de Miraflores, el Centro Cultural de Espa�a, la Galer�a El Ojo Ajeno del Centro de la Fotograf�a, el Centro Cultural Yacana, el edificio Ferrand en el centro de Lima. [english] The 7 International Festival of Video/Arte/Electronica that will take place from June 19th until August 17th in Lima, looks for to analyze, discover and present the different forms in the use of technologies related to the visual expression media, including the experimentation in electronic music. 13 international guests are invited for the Festival: Regis Cotentin, Anne-Sophie Emard and Gabriel Soucheyre, from France; Hans Diebner from Germany; Scott Arford, Mathew Biederman, Sue Costabile, Joshua Kit Clayton, Christopher Musgrave, Scott Pagano, Randy Yau and Kathleen Forde, from the United States; Arlindo Machado from Brazil; Maria Pallier, from Spain. For the first time in Peru and thanks to the support of Electronics Arts Intermix, we will count with an anthological selection of the most important artists of international video: Nam June Paik, Valie Export, Gary Hill, The Vasulkas, Tony Oursler, Bill Viola, Vito Acconci and Bruce Neuman. More than 20 new Peruvian works will be premiered within Festival, thus demonstrating its pioneering and innovating character. The program of international video art projection includes works from Germany, Austria, France, Argentina, Brazil, The United States, South Africa, between the main countries. The 7 International Festival of Video/Arte/Electronica will present the installation projects: �Video� of Iv�n Esquivel (Peru), �0�00� of Humberto Polar Pin (Peru), �Tel�rico� of Luis Garc�a Zapatero (Peru), �Flicker War� of Regis Cotentin (France), �Nindawayma� of Anne-Sophie Emard (France), �Liquid Perceptron� of Hans Diebner (Germany), �Static Room (6)� of Scott Arford (The United States), �Tuning Corridor� of Mathew Biederman (The United States), �Interruption� of Sue Costabile and Joshua Kit Clayton (The United States), �Interstice� of Christopher Musgrave (The United States) and �Constructive Interference� of Scott Pagano (The United States). The festival also will count with the participation of six artists for varied performances: �Static Room (3)� of Scott Arford, �Interruption� of Sue Costabile/Joshua Kit Clayton, �Media Exchange� of Mathew Biederman that will work with Humberto Polar Pin and �Gyre, Reset� of Christopher Musgrave, �MegaMouth� of Randy Yau. The presentations will take place in eight different venues. Between the main ones there are: Galer�a de Artes Visuales of the Ricardo Palma University, Sala Luis Miro Quesada Garland, ICPNA of Miraflores and San Miguel, Centro Cultural Ricardo Palma- Municipalidad de Miraflores, Centro Cultural de Espa�a, Galer�a El Ojo Ajeno-Centro de la Fotograf�a, Centro Cultural Yacana and the Ferrand building in Lima�s downtown. El 7 Festival agradece el apoyo y participaci�n de las siguientes instituciones / The 7 Festival acknowledges the support and participation of the following institutions: * La Fundaci�n Daniel Langlois por el Arte, la Ciencia y la Tecnolog�a (Canad�) * Goethe Institut �Inter Nationes * Embajada de Francia en el Per� * Embajada de los Estados Unidos en el Per� * Embajada de Brasil enel Per� * Centro Cultural de Espa�a � AECI * Instituto Cultural Peruano Norteamericano, Lima � ICPNA * Centro de la Fotograf�a � Galer�a El Ojo Ajeno * Municipalidad de Miraflores * Hotel La Paz * Hotel El Pardo -DoubleTree * Electronic Arts Intermix * Asociaci�n Cultural Videobrasil * Hivos * World Wide Video Festival * KLM * Centro Cultural Yacana * Alianza Francesa -Miraflores 7 Festival Internacional de video/arte/electr�nica 2003 Lima - Peru ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2003 13:31:31 +0200 From: "SMART Project Space" <[email protected]> Subject: Filmmakers present: Tuesday July 1, 20:00 hrs. Smart Cinema SMART Project Space | 1e Constantijn Huygensstraat 20, Amsterdam, +31 = (0)20 427 5951 =20 Tuesday July 1, 20.00 hrs. Smart Project Space presents: FILMMAKERS PRESENT: A series in which film- and video makers present their work Tuesday 1st July, 20:00 h. | Jeroen Offerman and Jaap Pieters Jeroen Offerman is a versatile artist creating works in media ranging as = widely as installations, packaged plants, performances, a record, = tattooed cactuses, computer works, flies in cages, birds on the central = station in Amsterdam, and video works. Themes range from romantic nature = through urban landscape to pop-music and popular culture. Characteristic = in all these works is an interest in the staging of objects and events, = as is the case in the three video works Offerman will present here. The Stairway at St.Paul's (2002/03, DV, 8.40 min.) For this video the = artist practiced three months in a row to learn to sing Led Zeppelins = most famous song Stairway to Heaven entirely backwards. This video is = based on the hysteria that surrounded certain music-recordings of the = 60's and the 70's, like the Beatles, Judas Priest and Led Zeppelin, that = were supposed to have put hidden and evil messages in their records that = could only be heard when played backwards. The Great Escape (2000/01, DV, 10 min.) The Great Escape is an homage to = the Romantic paintings of Kaspar David Friedrich and sci-fi films like = 'Close Encounters of the Third Kind' and 'the Day the Earth Stood Still' = in which extra-terrestrials come to earth to save mankind from its own = destruction.The work is conceived as a looped video installation=20 Jean & Jeroen: the Bed-In (2002/03, DV, 6 min.) On the video we see a = couple lying in bed,=20 talking and smoking a cigarette together. Because the video doesn't = contain sound the impression is raised that we are 'voyeurs', as if we = glance through a window. At first sight we seem to watch an intimate and = peaceful situation. But at second glance we get the impression something = is not right and feels very uncomfortable. The title of the work refers = to the legendary 'bed-in' performances for peace of John Lennon and Yoko = Ono (in the Hilton Hotel of Amsterdam, 1969). Jaap Pieters is a filmmaker who confines himself to the material he = uses: super 8 film reels=20 with a length of just over 3 minutes. In that short stretch of time he = concentrates on one single subject. This might be a man doing something = unusual on the street, or the top of a gigantic hogweed, barely visible = above a wall, swinging to and fro in the wind. In these films Pieters is = interested in the boundary between film and photography. To bring = photographs to life and to almost enstill film images into photographs, = so that the viewer will experience the field of tension between moving = and still image and the extent to which the two are connected. His films = are made with a minimal use of equipment and minimal manipulation. Among other films will be shown: Het Gewicht (a.k.a Who's Afraid of Red, Yellow & Blue) (1998, Super 8, 6 = min. 10) Willem I Willem II Willem III (1991, Super 8, 17 min. 12) De kopjesdans (1993, Super 8, 3 min. 20) Dansende Trap (1999, Super 8, 3 min. 20) De Blikjesman (1991, Super 8, 3 min 20) Passanten op Zondag (1995, Super 8, 3.20 min.) Een Zwitsers Libel (2000, Super 8, 3 min. 20) Radioman & De Kaarsenvrouw (1996, Super 8, 10 min.) for further information please contact [email protected]=20 Location: Smart Cinema Price: 5.50 Euro SMART Project Space | Exhibition Space & Cinema: 1e Const. Huygensstraat 20 =20 Opening times: Tues-Sat from 12.00-22.00, Sun from 14.00-22.00 hrs. Mail to: P.O.Box 15004, NL-1001 MA Amsterdam Phone: +31 20 427.5951 Fax.: +31 20 427.5953 mail: [email protected] If this e-mail was forwarded to you by way of someone other then SMART = Project Space, and you would appreciate to receive further mailings = announcing exhibitions at SMART Project Space, you can send mail to = [email protected] with the following command in the body of = your email message: "subscribe e-mailing SPS" If you would want to remove yourself from this mailing list, you can = send mail to [email protected] with the following command in = the body of your email message: "unsubscribe e-mailing SPS" ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 4 Jul 2003 17:12:02 +0200 From: festival garage <[email protected]> Subject: n o c o n c e p t - festival garage stralsund Please forward this to any individuals or mailing lists that you feel it would be of interest to. German version below - -------------------------------------------------------------- 7TH GARAGE FESTIVAL STRALSUND FROM 25 JULY TILL 16 AUGUST 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------- N o C o n c e p t -- A State of Being Pocket-earthquakes and underwater-phenomena, muezzin singing from church steeple, a brass orchestra at half speed, digestion sounds out of Polish synthesizers, building instructions for home security cameras, heavy bass concerts by low-riders, swaying pillars of bridges, mobile phones that cause entire walls to vibrate, cooking as a means of self-defence... not enough? Do you sometimes feel an inexplicable bothersome vibration in the stomach area? Have you ever asked yourself why an apple sounds better than a peach? Are you sure that no one is interested in your deleted data? Have you always wondered what the insides of a computer corps look like? Can you imagine what happens when a rowdy Finn meets an Icelander with an unlimited tolerance to alcohol? Have you suffered from persecution mania? Nothing puts you off? Are you sure? Trial and error as a strategy of the future? Insecurity as creative force? Change as generating mechanism? The 7th annual garage festival, which will take place from the 25th of July until the 16th of August, seeks to explore the methods and points of view of the creative process by looking at the principles and manifestations of insecurity and disorientation. The festival presents exhibitions, installations, concerts/ performances, lectures, films and workshops over the course of three weeks. with: - - Mark Bain: Trembling Structures - (NL) - - Alex Davies: Heterodyne - multi-channel sound installation (AUS) - - Christian Engler: Sonic Maze - sound labyrinth (D) - - X.v.Wersch/D.Krooshof/T.Scheele: Fruit Power - juicy sound installation (NL) - - Robot Software/Paul Webb: Garbage In/Garbage Out - data trash installation (E) - - Hans Lotz/Alexander D�bler: Eiscaf� - the world ascardboard model (D) - - Gudrun F. Widlok: Adopted - project (D) - - Aniko Sz�venyi: Self-Trigger Keys, installationen in the public space (HU/USA) - - triPhaze: DIY:CCTV - whatch who's whatching - installation (D) - - Matthias Fitz: MobileMinder - installation for mobile phones (D) - - J.Tieke/E.Falat/K.Clysters: Wir-AG/application - project (D) - - Dick El Dermasiados, IBW / Geert-Jan Hobijn, Staalplaat Soundsystem: Jumpy Germanyness - concert for brass orchestra and vacuum cleaners (NL) - - Kevin Blechdom - banjo-laptop-electro-trash-performance (USA/D) - - Anchortronic 5.1 Dolby Surround with: m9 (A), nt (A), Alex Davies (AUS), Michael Strohmann (A) - space sound installation, project presentation - - Peter Bosch/Simone Simons: Krachtgever - 2,5x12 m sound machine(NL/E) - - reformat c(lub) I: Poil: Bavarian yodels digital - performance (D) + Andrey Kiritchenko: microwave music from Ukraine - performance (UKR) + triPhaze (D) - - Richard Chartier - music on the edge of the perceivable (USA) (tbc) - - Hans W. Koch: explosion sketch for a computer corps (D) - - Thom Kubli / Sven Mann - 5.1 performance - - Christian Cordes / Daniel Funke: m.u.g.*shop - project/workshop (D) - - Kein Babel - Don't do this with records! (D) - - Radboud Mens / Sasker Scheerders: Boom Car Concert (NL) - - De Bar: Meeuw (NL), Helgi Thorrson (ISL), Felix Kubin (D), Paska (FIN) - - Jason Kahn - Sine Field, sine waves sound installation (CH) - - Kotra + akuvido: obscure, bizarre, extremely noisy - performance (UKR) - - club transmediale on tour: bug button - the repelling: Marc Weiser + Lillev�n / Oliver Baurhenn / Datenreport / Miko Mikona / C�cile Bbabiole / Jan Rohlf - - Metaflexes: Realtime Remix No. 3 - Ignaz Schick + Perlonex (D) + Jacek Staniszewski: remixing metaflex - performance (PL) - - Survolt: Christof Migone / Martin T�treault (CAN) + Retro*Sex*Galaxy (PL) - - - Panel "Instable Systems": cooking without recipes or art as speculation: Andreas Broeckmann (D), Antye Greie (D), Simon Waters (UK), EricHobijn (NL), Thilges3 (A), and others - - Trial and Error - short film festival g-niale with international competition programme, special screenings, short films for kids and many more� updates and detailed information: garage is a platform for contemporary art and culture. The festival is a field for experimentation for new concepts in production, presentation and discussion of cultural content. Every year artists, musicians and theorists from Germany and abroad are invited to develop and realise innovative projects. The focus lies on the search for possibilities of art and culture to contribute to a social and cultural developing process. - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. FESTIVAL GARAGE STRALSUND VOM 25.07. BIS ZUM 16.08.2003 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- n o c o n c e p t - eine Zustandsbeschreibung Taschenerdbeben und Unterwasserphaenomene, Muezzingesaenge vom Kirchturm, Blasorchester mit halber Geschwindigeit, Verdauungsgeraeusche aus polnischen Synthesizern, Bauanleitungen fuer private Ueberwachungskameras, basslastige Konzerte aus tiefergelegten Autos, schwankende Brueckenpfeiler, Mobiltelefone, die ganze Waende zum Schwingen bringen, Kochen als Selbstverteidigung... Nicht genug? Verspueren Sie auch oefter so ein unerklaerliches stoerendes Vibrieren in der Magengegend? Haben Sie sich jemals gefragt, warum ein Apfel besser als ein Pfirsich klingt? Sind Sie sicher, dass sich wirklich niemand f�r Ihre geloeschten Daten interessiert? Wollten Sie nicht schon immer wissen, wie es im Innern eines Computerleichnams aussieht? Haben Sie vielleicht eine Vorstellung, was passiert, wenn ein groelender Finne auf einen trinkfesten Islaender trifft? Leiden Sie eigentlich auch manchmal unter Verfolgungswahn? Sie lassen sich also nicht verunsichern. Sind Sie sicher? Trial and Error als Strategie der Zukunft? Unsicherheit als kreative Kraft, Zufall als generativer Mechanismus? Das vom 25.07. bis zum 16.08. stattfindende 7. Festival garage sucht nach Ansaetzen und Positionen zur kuenstlerischen Auseinandersetzung mit Prinzipien und Erscheinungsformen von Unsicherheit und Orientierungslosigkeit. Das Festival praesentiert drei Wochen lang Ausstellungen, Installationen, Konzerte/Performances, Vortraege, Filmscreenings und Workshops. u.a. mit: - - Mark Bain: Trembling Structures (NL) - - Alex Davies: Heterodyne (AUS) - - Christian Engler: Sonic Maze - Klanglabyrinth (D/UK) - - X.v.Wersch/D.Krooshof/T.Scheele: Fruit Power - obstige Klanginstallation (NL) - - Robot Software/Paul Webb: Garbage In/Garbage Out - Datenmuell-Installation (E) - - Hans Lotz/Alexander Doebler: Eiscafe - Die Welt als Pappmodell (D) - - Gudrun F. Widlok: Adopted - Projekt (D) - - Aniko Szoevenyi: Self-Trigger Keys, Installation im oeffentlichen Raum (HU/USA) - - triPhaze: DIY:CCTV watch who's watching - (D) - - Matthias Fitz: MobileMinder - Installation f�r Mobilfunk (D) - - Julia Tieke / Elke Falat / Katja Clysters: Wir-AG/Bewerbung - Projekt (D) - - Dick El Dermasiados, IBW / Geert-Jan Hobijn, Staalplaat Soundsystem: Jumpy Germanyness - Konzert fuer Orchester und Staubsauger (NL) - - Kevin Blechdom - Banjo-Laptop-Electrotrash-Performance (USA/D) - - Anchortronic 5.1 Dolby Surround u.a. mit: m9 (A), earcondition (A), Alex Davies (AUS), Michael Strohmann (A) - Raumklanginstallation, Projektpraesentation - - Peter Bosch / Simone Simons: Krachtgever - 2,5 x 12 m Klangmaschine (NL/E) - - reformat c(lub) I: Poil: bayerische Jodler digital - Performance (D) + Andrey Kiritchenko: Mikrowavemusik aus der Ukraine - Performance (UKR) + triPhaze (D) - - Hans W. Koch: Sprengzeichnung fuer einen Computerleichnam (D) - - Thom Kubli / Sven Mann - 5.1 Performance (D) - - Richard Chartier: Musik am Rande des Wahrnehmbaren (USA) (tbc) - - Christian Cordes / Daniel Funke: m.u.g.*shop - Projekt/Workshop (D) - - Radboud Mens / Sasker Scheerder: Boomcar Concert (NL) - - De Bar: Meeuw (NL), Helgi Thorsson (ISL), Felix Kubin (D), Paska (FIN) - - Musik und Cocktails auf eigene Gefahr - - Kein Babel - Das darf man nicht mit Platten machen (D) - - Jason Kahn: Sine Field, Sinuswellen-Klanginstallation (CH) - - Kotra + akuvido: obskur, bizarr, extrem noisy - Performance (UKR) - - club transmediale on tour: bug button - the repelling: Marc Weiser + Lillev�n / Oliver Baurhenn / Datenreport / Miko Mikona / C�cile Bbabiole / Jan Rohlf - - Metaflexes: Realtime Remix No.3 - Ignaz Schick + Perlonex (D) + Jacek Staniszewski: remixing-metaflex - Performance (PL) - - Survolt: Christof Migone / Martin T�treault (CAN) + retro*sex*galaxy (PL) - - Symposium "Instabile Systeme": Kochen ohne Rezept oder Kunst als Spekulation: Andreas Broeckmann (D), Antye Greie (D), Simon Waters (UK), Erik Hobijn (NL), Thilges3 (A), u.a. - - Trial and Error - Kurzfilmfestival g-niale mit internationalem Wettbewerb, Sonderscreenings, Kinderfilmprogramm Updates und genaue Informationen zum Festival/Programm unter fon: +49 (0) 3831 298429 email: [email protected] garage versteht sich als Plattform f�r zeitgenoessische Kunst und Kultur. Das Festival zeigt neue Ansaetze in Produktion, Praesentation und Diskussion kultureller und medialer Inhalte. Jaehrlich im August werden Kuenstler, Musiker und Theoretiker im internationalen Kontext eingeladen, auf dem Festival innovative Projekte zu entwickeln und zu realisieren. Wesentlicher Punkt dabei ist die Frage nach den heutigen Moeglichkeiten von Kunst und Kultur, einen gesellschaftlichen Entwicklungsprozess mitzugestalten. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 07 Jul 2003 19:01:09 +0100 From: _manu Luksch <[email protected]> Subject: ATTENTION SYBARITES! AV DINNERS a mouth-watering live streaming event thursday 17 july 2003, from 1800 (GMT+1) on http://www.ambientTV.NET, part of the summer season SEX FOOD POLITICS commissioned by Moonradio. the only way to miss it online is to get it wet! for an exclusive chance to experience this extreme gastro-audio-visual feast in person, with a companion of your choice, at ambient space, send in your answers to the cryptic menu quiz on the moonradio website (points for the best wrong answers!) QUIZ 8 cryptic clues animate the moonradio website; use the clues and the letter counter online to figure out the eight courses of an extreme meal, and submit the online form for a chance to win an unforgettable feast for you and a companion. http://www.ambientTV.NET/3/avdinners EVENT Combining the fine traditions of TV cookery shows and extreme gastronomy in a sensory networked cook-in, hungry artists gather to reinterpret rituals of food preparation and to serve a succession of ambrosial dishes to overload the senses of live and remote participants. The AV DINNERS gastronomic extravaganza will be led by the notorious epicure Vitamin AA, assisted by his able auxiliary, Koko di Mari. Lux will provide flashes and glimpses, and Mux the cable spaghetti and slurps. Aur-or-al poetics will be courtesy of Shane Solanki (Ninja wordsmith, no less!). Dancing waiter: Michael U!, stream cocktail: Agent Gav. STREAM the sounds and colours of Vitamin AA�s salacious cooking methods serve as sources for an audio-visual feast, which will be streamed online on the night. Remote participants choose from 3 audio streams: the kitchen sounds processed into the ambient soundscape by Mux, poetic ruminations on the smells and tastes by Shane, and behind-the-scenes commentary by the rest of the crew, revealing the studio setup, streaming techniques, and use of hardware and software . . . BON APP! but beware: Vitamin AA's dishes are crafted to loosen corsets, set tongues wagging, and unhinge minds without mercy. So, whether you're joining us online or cunning enough to win the extreme menu challenge and be with us in person, be careful whom you bring along . . . licentiousness and depravity are almost inevitable. LONDON - HELSINKI - EDINBURGH - WWW 17th of July: London: live event & meal (for quiz winners only) @ ambient space Helsinki: Join the dinner table at MYYM��L�, Mechelininkatu 12-14, and dine online with London Online: join the chat and enjoy the stream at http://www.ambientTV.NET/3/avdinners August Edinburgh: revisit AV DINNERS during the Fringe Festival @ YO! Sushi Bristol: @ Ladyfest ambientTV.NET is a crucible for independent, interdisciplinary projects ranging in form from installation through documentary, dance, and theatre, to sound and video composition and manipulation. We continue to develop social and technical infrastructure and promote network architectures that allow explorations of alternatives to current socio-political and economic practice. Techniques and effects of live data broadcasting and transmission provide theme, medium, and performative space for many of the works. - - - - __________________________________________ ___________________Manu Luksch____ [email protected]_______ T: +44 7951539144_________________________ __________http://www.ambientTV.NET_______ ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 08 Jul 2003 09:56:59 -0700 From: Synne Bull <[email protected]> Subject: Summer Open House Summer Open House Sunday, July 13, 12 noon - 5pm HCA Buildings 944 and 945 Experience the creative process and see exciting works-in-progress at HCA'S SPRING OPEN HOUSE. This is a unique opportunity for visitors to enter the intimate setting of an artist's studio - more than 30 Artists-In-Residence and Bay Area Affiliate Artists will be on hand to meet the public and discuss their work. Artists' studios are located at Fort Barry buildings 944, 945, 952, 960 and 961 and will be open from 12-5 PM. An overview and orientation will take place at noon at Fort Barry Building 944 in the Eastwing and a diverse array of performances, readings, and discussions will take place throughout the day. Food and beverages will be sold in our Mess Hall Caf� all afternoon. Admission is FREE! Directions to Headlands Center for the Arts HCA is located in Fort Barry in the Marin Headlands. | 424 Jones #604 | SF | CA 94102 | 415 567 6457 ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 08 Jul 2003 11:08:06 -0500 From: Alarm Gallery <[email protected]> Subject: First opening at ALARM Gallery, this Friday in Bucktown. You're invited to Alarm Gallery's opening of Karen Tam's Solo Project: Long Time Friends to be Married, a mixed media installation. Reception July 11, 2003, 6-10 PM, at 1917 N. Milwaukee Ave., Chicago. The show will run through August 20, 2003. =20 See details at: Exhibition Overview: After discovering how to fold a floppy diskette holder from an English book on origami, Tam decided to make modulars, fashioning wheels of magazine =B3flowers=B2 from the diskette holders. With each flower taking its name from the magazine or material it is constructed from, this installation references globalization and the creation of global products. At the same time Tam explores the formal relationship between the color and placement of the wheels within themselves and the inclusion of fake plants and a framed moving waterfall. What is important to the artist is the mobility of the nature she has created and its transient status, being able to open and close each flower, pack them in a box and move them to the next destination with a minimum of effort. Artist Profile: Born in 1977 in Montr=E9al, Canada, Karen Tam received her Dipl=F4me d=B9=C9ducation Coll=E8giale from Dawson College, her BFA in Studio Arts from Concordia University and her MFA in Sculpture from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago. In 2002, Tam=B9s video Plum Sauce won Audience Choice Award at the Chicago Asian American Film Festival. Shown in various group and solo exhibitions in Montr=E9al, St. Jer=F4me, Kingston, Chicago and Florida, Tam currently teaches art and Chinese culture in the Chinese American Service League=B9s after-school program. =20 =20 >From Long Time Friends to be Married ALARM Gallery=20 1917 North Milwaukee Avenue Chicago, Illinois =20 (773) 278-6772=20 ALARM Gallery actively supports the arts by providing solo exhibition space for new and emerging artists. ALARM is firmly committed to providing a viable forum that embraces traditionally under-represented groups including= , but not limited to women, people of color and those from other social, economic and ideological classes.=20 ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 02 Jul 2003 12:38:22 +0200 From: Krystian Woznicki <[email protected]> Subject: Mediamatic SuperSalon, 06.07. Hi, after networking for about four years beyond the physical borders of Berlin, our first actual contact with the exterior of the German capital is about to happen! We are going to Amsterdam, where we co-curated a programme of German-Turkish Culture from Berlin for the Mediamatic Supermarket. What follows below is some background info on the project. Well, perhaps see some of you there... Best wishes, Krystian - - [email protected] [ ] German-Turkish Culture from Berlin Sunday, 06. July 2003 Mediamatic Supermarket, Amsterdam Free Entry By employing notions of community and network the digital mini-newspaper Berliner Gazette ( translates the cultural segment of the conventional print newspaper into the electronic context. Its unique format hence constantly shifts between openness (participation, etc.) and closure (selective information economy, etc.) thereby reaching far beyond the physical borders of Berlin. Even though the readers/contributors of the Berliner Gazette might physically be located in cities like Amsterdam, they are part of the Network Berlin of which the 1999 founded digital mini-newspaper is an essential nod. Part of the Network Berlin is for example the Turkish community. After several generations of Turkish immigrants have made Germany their home, Turkish culture in Berlin has become an interesting bastard mix of German-Turkish stereotypes and their differences. [ ] 4-6 pm: PRESENTATIONS WAFFA EL-HAGE MOUSSA will talk about x-berg ( A project that is dedicated to demystify Kreuzberg as an area whose image is suspended between being a criminal haven for drug dealers and a run down ghetto slum. x-berg tries to correct this image by organising guided tours, leading participants to the hot spots of the area. As an actor in various international productions as well as German TV soap operas, ERCAN DURMAZ will show a clip comprising his TV appearances and talk about his role as a drug dealer in Lars Beckers cult movie Kanak Attak, which will be shown later on in the evening. SUAT �ZKAN introduces us into the world of Suattime, his own TV show for Germany�s most popular German-Turkish channel TD1. With guests such as Turkish body guards, Turkish pop stars and immigrants children, he continuously explored controversial social issues. NEZAKET EKICI will show her project Hullabelly, a performance for a Turkish woman and a hullahoop. See for more work of Nezaket: [ ] 6-10 pm: PARTY with Turkish food, dance and music and the screening of >Kanak Attak< by Lars Becker (D, 1999, 89 min) [ ] Organiser [ ] Curatorship [ ] Support ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 4 Jul 2003 15:58:34 EDT From: [email protected] Subject: re: Salloum video installation in Ottawa at Gallery 101 ------------------------------ # distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission # <nettime> is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: [email protected] and "info nettime-l" in the msg body # archive: contact: [email protected]