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<nettime> unstable digest vol 57 |
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2003 13:25:27 +0200 To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: prayer.pl (corrected) corrected - thanks exp please put this in your cgi-bin set permissions and mail me the url -- #!/usr/bin/perl print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print <<AMEN; Our $ENV{GATEWAY_INTERFACE}, who art in $ENV{SERVER_ADDR}, hallowed be thy $ENV{SERVER_NAME}. Thy $ENV{PATH} come, thy will be $ENV{SERVER_PROTOCOL}, on $ENV{HTTP_REFERER} as it is in $ENV{SERVER_ADDR}. give us this $ENV{DATE_LOCAL} our daily $ENV{HTTP_ACCEPT} And forgive us our $ENV{REQUEST_METHOD}s, as we forgive those who $ENV{REQUEST_METHOD} against us. And lead us not into $ENV{QUERY_STRING}, but deliver us from $!. For thine is the $ENV{PATH}, the $ENV{SERVER_SOFTWARE} and the $ENV{HTTP_USER_AGENT}. for $$ and $$. AMEN Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2003 11:07:26 +0200 From: Ana Buigues <[email protected]> Subject: Emotional Portraits After =?ISO-8859-1?Q?G=E9ricault?= To: [email protected] Emotional Portraits After G�ricault [from _The Psion Poems_] PSIONWPDATAFILE_____������������������____ _H _"________:_‚.�A____r 3�_�_______��____�_______�_____________�___________ROM::BJ.WDR__________% P___P_BTBody text_ _______�___________�___�___ ___�___ ___p___@ ___ __�___�___€_____P_HAHeading A_ _______�___________�___�_______�___ ___p___@ ___ steve jos� n grandma rosario eva lourdes m�nica dad mar�a giovanni richard igor mom & dad, box #13 christoph mom mark el josep santiago sergio i can't finish the portraits a constant flux of feelings and memory Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2003 17:13:26 -0700 From: Lanny Quarles <[email protected]> Subject: A'u'tr'a'u'm'e'r'sp'i''e'l'au'g'e'n's'c'he''in'' To: [email protected] A'u'tr'a'u'm'e'r'sp'i''e'l'au'g'e'n's'c'he''in'' (spontaneous natural inventories) +AUT_ (irru-p-tiwa-res/olu|tio|n) +AUT_ FROMT[turn]HEERR[ride]ATAOF[friend]ALLEG[green]ORICA[action] LEART[turn]HQUAK[kill]EISHU[under]MTHE[energy]HUGEW[wonder] ASMAD[death]EEFFE[energy]RVESC[carnal]ENTII[island]AMIDS[sex] TTHEM[moan]ALVER[ride]NWATE[energy]RSIII[island]THECA[action] RLSBA[action]DWATE[energy]RSIVA[action]NDWAS[sex]TH[hover] EREWI[island]THSAT[turn]EDWIT[turn]HTHEG[green]RAVIT[turn] YOFME[energy]NVAND[death]THERE[energy]INHIS[sex]RUDIM[moan] ENTAR[ride]YHUTH[hover]E[energy]CUTIL[love]EUMVI[island] FORTH[hover]ELEPE[energy]RSVII[island]OFHER[ride]CULAN[noose] EUMVI[island]IIWHO[ohm]SETRE[energy]ESIXO[ohm]FSALT[turn] DIST[turn]ILLXA[action]NOMAL[love]YTOBE[energy]COMEF[friend] ORTHW[wonder]ITHON[noose]EMRAT[turn]REMBL[love]EYX1T[turn] HEBEL[love]LADON[noose]NAX[xylophone]IIHER[ride]CULAN[noose] EUMXI[island]IISTO[ohm]RMSXI[island]VWHOS[sex]EPEAT[turn] PITXV[volume]PANTH[hover]EONXV[volume]ILEAV[volume]ENSTH[hover] EM[moan]OFFAT[turn]WELLX[xylophone]VIITH[hover]ERMOM[moan] ETERX[xylophone]VIIIO[ohm]FPLAN[noose]TINAX[xylophone]XANDT[turn] EMPLE[energy]SERAP[polly]ISXXI[island]WH[hover]EREAS[sex] INGLE[energy]PARTH[hover]IANCO[ohm]INXXI[island]IMIGH[hover] TERUP[polly]TINTO[ohm]ASTOR[ride]MXXIV[volume]TOCAS[sex] +AUT_ (irru-p-tiwa-res/olu|tio|n) +AUT_ TALIG[gone]HTE[eel]NINGC[core]HURCH[hide]XXVUP[poly] ONLOR[river]DWALP[poly]OLEXX[xenon]VIWHO[order]SESOA[alibi] PSTON[night]ESXXV[vein]IIAND[dream]PLAN[night]TSINC[core] OALXX[xenon]VIIIF[fool]LOATH[hide]IGHAB[bowl]OVECH[hide] ELSEA[alibi]GARDE[eel]NSXXI[ice]XINVA[alibi]PORAS[star] CENTX[xenon]XX[xenon]TRING[gone]AXXXI[ice]TODRJ[joule] BASTE[eel]RXXXI[ice]IANDD[dream]RJBAS[star]TERXX[xenon] XIIIW[water]HOOVE[eel]RSEES[star]THEDO[order]CKS[star] OPERA[alibi]TIONX[xenon]XXIVA[alibi]NDTHE[eel]SOLAR[river] IRISX[xenon]XXVWH[hide]ICHHA[alibi]VINGI[ice]NGEST[toe] EDBLA[alibi]CKDUS[star]T[toe]XXXVI[ice]IDISG[gone] ORGES[star]THEOP[poly]UTINA[alibi]XXXVI[ice]THERM[made] OMETE[eel]RSXXX[xenon]VIIII[ice]NAFOR[river]MLIKE[eel] SIA[alibi]MESET[toe]WINSX[xenon]XXIXO[order]RLYMP[poly] HATIC[core]VESSE[eel]LSXLT[toe]HREAD[dream]EDUPO[order] NAMAG[gone]NETIC[core]NEEDL[lips]E[eel]XLIPL[lips] UNGED[dream]DEEPI[ice]NTOTH[hide]EHEAD[dream]TUMOR[river] SXLII[ice]OFTHI[ice]SINDE[eel]TERMI[ice]NATEL[lips] ITERA[alibi]TURE[eel]WHICH[hide]LIKET[toe]HESHE[eel] FFORD[dream]REGIS[star]TERXL[lips]IIIMA[alibi]KESAQ[quiet] +AUT_ (irru-p-tiwa-res/olu|tio|n) +AUT_ UICKA[agon]NEURY[yarn]SMTHI[idle]GHXLI[idle]VTO[ova] THEST[ton]EAMFI[idle]REENG[glitch]INEXL[lava]VOFTH[hole] EECLI[idle]PSISL[lava]UNAEX[x-ray]LVITH[hole]EECLI[idle] PSISL[lava]UNAEX[x-ray]LVIIW[wind]HOSEM[mate]ORTIF[fold] ICATI[idle]ONXLI[idle]XREAD[drip]SSATE[error]LLITU[use] MJOVI[idle]SXLVI[idle]IIJPR[run]INGLE[error]MDLFI[idle] LLEDH[hole]I[idle]SSTOM[mate]ACHWI[idle]THLIT[ton] HONTR[run]IPTIC[call]WATER[run]L1TOE[error]FFECT[ton] THEPA[agon]LSYCU[use]REL2W[wind]HOSED[drip]AN[newt] GLING[glitch]ANDFO[ova]SSILF[fold]RUITS[slave]LICOM[mate] ERIPE[error]BYTHE[error]OCCUR[run]ENCEO[ova]FSEPT[ton] OCTCO[ova]METLI[idle]IWH[hole]ICHPA[agon]SSESH[hole] IGHAB[bride]OVETH[hole]EEQUA[agon]TORLI[idle]IITHO[ova] UGHTH[hole]EHEAT[ton]OFAIR[run]LIVIN[newt]WHICH[hole] JOHN[newt]ELLIS[slave]WRITE[error]SALET[ton]TERLV[vapor] STAIN[newt]INGCO[ova]TTONL[lava]VIAND[drip]COMME[error] NTSOF[fold]THESH[hole]EERPO[ova]PUL[lava]ATION[newt] LVIIT[]HESHE[error]ERPOP[popo]ULATI[idle]ONLVI[idle] IIWHO[ova]SESTE[error]ERING[glitch]ATTHE[error]EDGES[slave] GOESA[agon] FOOL[lava] +AUT_[interference-export]; {=+=+=+=} A [action, alibi, agon] B [beam, bowl, bride] C [carnal, core, call] D [death, dream, drip] E [energy, eel, error] F [friend, fool, fold] G [green, gone, glitch] H [hover, hide, hole] I [island, ice, idle] J [joke, joule, jail] K [kill, kind, kiss] L [love, lips, lava] M [moan, made, mate] N [noose, night, newt] O [ohm, order, ova] P [polly, poly, popo] Q [queer, quiet, queue] R [ride, river, run] S [sex, star, slave] T [turn, toe, ton] U [under, up, use] V [volume, vein, vapor] W [wonder, water, wind] X [xylophone, xenon, x-ray] Y [year, you, yarn] Z [zone, zeit, zill] == I'Chum(e): s.Ware.Ab/sen:t Lette-r.s Ly... Date: Sat, 19 Jul 2003 15:34:25 -0700 From: MWP <[email protected]> Subject: AFTER Whitehead To: [email protected] a b c d e f g h I j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ---------------------------------------------------- So long So as long So as long Sothe as long Sotemporal as long Sotemporworld as is long Sotemporworld as conceived is long Sotemporworld as conceived is long Sotemporworld a conceived is long Sotemporworld a conceived is long self-sufficient a completion is long self-sufficient a completion is long of self-sufficient a completion is long of sethe ufficient a creative n is long of sethe ufficient act, reative n is long of sethe ufficient act, reaexplicable long of sethe ufficient acby reaexplicable long of sethe ufficient acby reaexplicabits long of sethe ufficient acby rderivation ts long of sethe ufficient acby rderifrom n ts long of sethe ufficient an y rderifrom n ts long of sethe ufficient an y rderifrom n ts long of sethultimate nt an y rderifrom n ts long 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answers exfar-However omunot dquestions. sWe ld r answers exfar However omunot dquestions. sWe ld r answers exfar However omunoour questions. sWe ld r answers exfagaze ever omunoour questions. sWe ld r answers exfagaze ever omunooupenetrates, sWe ld r answers exfagaze ever omunooupenetratthere We ld r are ers exfagaze ever omunooupenetratthere We ld r always exfagaze ever omunooupenetratthere We ld r always exfagaheights omunooupenetratthere We ld r albeyond xfagaheights omunooupenetratthere We ld r albeyond xfagaheights omunooupenetratthere which r alblock xfagaheights omunooupenetratthere which r alblock xfagaheights omunoour netratthere which r alblock xfagaheights omunoour netratthervision. r (c) mwp Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2003 18:08:22 -0700 From: Lanny Quarles <[email protected]> To: [email protected] Subject: Knob0noth Knob0noth gulingding:::s lumbe r ing am ong gulingdang:::the mong shum ong ang gulingdung:::mong ming lang lung shag sung gulingdang:::s lung shangle mud mange gulingdong:::slan g lan g lang hong ling l ang gulingdeng:::ing onging ung leng Tsulang gulingdaeng:::hulong ang ung mun g lan g gulingduing:::mulang-lang mulung-lung regulingdoing:::lilo dilungin lala lang lala ling egulingdiong:::lingling lala langlang lulingolango agulingdaing:::langosongo singolungo lingo lingo angulingdeing:::chum song lilang-lang engulingdiung:::5 pence seasick coho salmon run engulingdiing:::ivory testicle club egulingdieng:::mechanical venus murder agulingdaang:::Oliver Reed riding an elephant in the Swiss Alps; 1969. igulingduang:::The Woodbore and The Spider. Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2003 16:18:28 +0300 (EEST) From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: Directions DIRECTIONS Text BDAC railway statiothese: S, U, L,In the Helsinkin, pick one of forms 15 throug Jump off the t E, or A. (Plath 19, I think.) p�vaara Stationstination for Arain at the Lep. That's the de ll proceed to Eummi. You're ei, the others wispoo or Kirkkon m 4 or 1. Make platform 4. Thether on platforsure you're on on your left ifng West. Walk ore's bus stops you stand faci p number 13. Yonumber 28. Somen. Find the stou need the bus not very freque bus, you can times these areent. Once on th e twenty minutetill be on the slumber for soms. You should s . road number 110 Text CBDA n, pick one of railway statiothese: S, U, L,In the Helsinki h 19, I think.)forms 15 throug Jump off the t E, or A. (Plat . That's the dep�vaara Stationstination for Arain at the Lep spoo or Kirkkonll proceed to Eummi. You're ei, the others wi sure you're on m 4 or 1. Make platform 4. Thether on platfor you stand facion your left ifng West. Walk ore's bus stops u need the bus p number 13. Yonumber 28. Somen. Find the sto ent. Once on th not very freque bus, you can times these are s. You should se twenty minutetill be on the slumber for som . road number 110 ----- Text CBA e of these: S, U, L,way station, pick onIn the Helsinki rail ink.) Jump off the t 15 through 19, I th E, or A. (Platforms he destination for Ara Station. That's train at the Lepp�vaa rkkonummi. You're eioceed to Espoo or Ki, the others will pr e on platform 4. Ther 1. Make sure you'rther on platform 4 o facing West. Walk our left if you standre's bus stops on yo bus number 28. Someber 13. You need then. Find the stop num on the bus, you can very frequent. Once times these are not uld still be on the nty minutes. You shoslumber for some twe road number 110. Text BCA way station, pick one of these: S, U, L,In the Helsinki rail 15 through 19, I think.) Jump off the t E, or A. (Platforms ra Station. That's the destination for Arain at the Lepp�vaa oceed to Espoo or Kirkkonummi. You're ei, the others will pr r 1. Make sure you're on platform 4. Thether on platform 4 o ur left if you stand facing West. Walk ore's bus stops on yo ber 13. You need the bus number 28. Somen. Find the stop num very frequent. Once on the bus, you can times these are not nty minutes. You should still be on the slumber for some twe road number 110. ------------ with http://userpage.fu-berlin.de/~cantsin/permutations/gysin/cut-up.cgi Date: Sat, 19 Jul 2003 20:39:47 +0200 To: a place for discussion and improvement of things <[email protected]> From: "+ lo_y. +" <[email protected]> Subject: Re: __***ra*schw***ig**e*i*t**e*l*ge ( jmcs2 is getting hard to understand ) *** c * * * * * * e * * * * * _ * * a * * * */* * *utu* *n*can n =m=m/*sr * * h * *o*fd *f*u*cgc c _ _cue* * * e i g du*t*b*naf*olt*n_o*o*s*/*si e w * i e * i e l l * _ _ * * * * * g */* d * *u* *tg g * * *m* a *i d d [ . bbr rt rnp ] ruc/e amei[ . r i ii p pu.tet \dfsf n n nropnem]nCne c p n [u]t]\] n.n.rupt]n tnir...r S.o.o [ r p\eu t]u fc.p p r e o.tS\[\[ en]o . u n t \ ua\ c[i.i]o].a L n c a Nb]u]t]\e\b.l.a.ai�t[iN Dn stsuru /[/.\ lcF lcNnN=]u eluF l r N l f a s [/[/. . d\s s r r f c [ . A r s o N o . L ] a f/aeNp]p]s]o tl r r . /Loetios sn o.f.o.mLxLao a s ab /.t]tLoccafsoa\ o =.= \]zE\fzc o .r a. a/ .nln.eli.a d N * i\ o . ] M a a a a � .\]\e E prz/zaito tt.nN . ei r s �\� N . /Ep egircaeaoNs s nuib a c a N � N . L a c d d ( o i i d d . ]o tE ligl Ne.n e a ou[/onNt f]fEftut i [ .mle o [b.b n n oefpni i N ] ] el\uiaea r . ] t b.o "o | 1 - 9 0 - - 0\- 9 l w l /| " | ( jmcs2,5: night vergessen, MM volgende week! - nieuwe ijskast! - zelfde uniforme bron identeerder ) ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------lo-------------------------------------------- - -----------------------y------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------rnd.PTRz: http://lo-y.de.vu http://lo-y.de.vu http://www.google.com/search?q=lo_y ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ _____ _ _ # > # __/\__ |___ | / / | __/\__ |___ | / / | # > # \ / / /____| | | \ / / /____| | | # > # /_ _\ / /_____| | | /_ _\ / /_____| | | # > # | | \ / / /____| | | # > # /_ _\ / /_____| | | /_ _\ / /_____| | | # > # | | \ / / /____| | | # > # /_ _\ / /_____| | | /_ _\ / /_____| | | # > # | | \ / / /____| | | # > # /_ _\ / /_____| | | /_ _\ / /_____| | | # > # _____ _ _ # > # __/\__ |___ | / / | __/\__ |___ | / / | # > # \ / / /____| _____ _ _ # > # __/\__ |___ | / / | __/\__ |___ | / / | # > # \ / / /____| | | \ / / /____| | | # > # /_ _\ / /_____| | | /_ _\ / /_____| \/ /_/ |_|_| \/ /_/ |_|_| # > # # > # # > #1.7.100(today�-11.00 > # \ / / /____| | | \ / / /____| | | # > # \ / / /____| | | \ / / /____| | | # > > > Thank you for participating in 7-11 MAILING LIST > SUBSCRIBER SATISFACTION SURVEY. > > > > > ###################################################### > #1.7.100(today�-11.00 071101010 07110101 0711.00100# > # # > # _____ _ _ _____ _ _ # > # __/\__ |___ | / / | __/\__ |___ | / / | # > # \ / / /____| | | \ / / /____| | | # > # /_ _\ / /_____| | | /_ _\ / /_____| | | # > # \/ /_/ |_|_| \/ /_/ |_|_| # > # # > # # > #1.7.100(today�-11.00 071101010 07110101 0711.00100# > ########### http://mail.ljudmila.org/mailman/listinfo/7-11 _____ _ _ # > # __/\__ |___ | / / | __/\__ |___ | / / | # > # \ / / /____|################################################################## >## ############ ########## # ### ### ## ###### > #### ###### #### #### ###### ############## ###### > # #### ##### #### ########## ###### ### ####### > > > To: [email protected],[email protected],[email protected] From: mez <[email protected]> Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2003 08:22:00 +1000 Subject: [screenburn] 07:58am 23/07/2003 09:12am 18/07/2003 10:20am 14/07/2003 _LASTIC BUILD_ 07:58am 23/07/2003 ++b[uilding]ands horizon stretched + sky compressed ++st.ack.ed txtuals moved thru flit + mail cracs ++tronic[wo]manual.han[g]dling. ____________ Post ____________ _________________________________________________ _ur.chin[s n newbile necks]_ 09:12am 18/07/2003 _________________________________________________ _Dream [Wo]Mandat[e]a_ --blocks of pixelled dol.phin[eas cage]_code --napthol blue meats blocked s[ilk]creen_white --rising punctures.of.strange.flows.N.organic.want[ons] --gawd's fingas.do.the.sunstreamic.walking --li[s]quid.frozen.in.blonde.batches .batten.down.the.brunette.hatches. ____________ Post ____________ ___________________________________________ _frost t[l]ong(l)ue.ings_ 10:20am 14/07/2003 ___________________________________________ #!lacerations.on.my.aesth[ick]etic.tongue [g(ol{gotha}.den)round black.frost.circuitree.N>R>Gee.storage] [warm.junkie.lec.trick(ling)s _vs_ organoc(h)oldings] . ____________ Post ____________ _________________________________________ _[d]fuse.pointas_ 10:00am 10/07/2003 _________________________________________ .spaghettoed hart [d]anglings [----fused lust.vitreous(silica)-----] [-----re.move sub.co(i)n.straints-----] ____________ Post ____________ ____________________________________ [ conversion.scribing ] Building bands of pictures_horizon stretched & sky compressed Stacked Acker textuals moved through flitting window_mail cracks [Electronic manual_woman handling] [Dream Mandates vs Woman Datas]. Blocks of pixilated Phineas Cagesque dolphin_code Napthol blue meets blocked silkscreened_white Rising punctures of strange flows & wanton organic wants God's fingers do the sunstreamic walking Liquids frozen in blonde batches. [Batten down the brunette hatches]. [Lacerations on my thick aesthetic tongue]. Golden Golgotha_drenched black frost circuitry energy storage Warm junkie electric tricklings vs organic holdings [Spaghettoed hart danglings] [Fused lusting vs silica_vitreous] [Moved constraints] - pro][rating][.lucid.txt - - http://www.hotkey.net.au/~netwurker http://www.livejournal.com/users/netwurker/ _ _cr[xxx]oss ova.ring. Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2003 11:07:10 +0200 From: Peter Luining <[email protected]> Subject: Re: ode to keiko suzuki Thursday, July 17, 2003, 12:45:30 AM, a wrote: a> -----BEGIN Art Cryptography=C6 PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- a> Version:Art Encryption=C6 for Personal Privacy 1.0.2 a> mailto:VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV a> http://VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVXVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV a> mailto:VVVVVVVVVVXWWVVVVVVVVVXR+BVVVVVVVVVVVVVV a> http://VVVVVVVVVXR ,WWVVVVVVXX ,BVVVVVVVVVVVVV a> mailto:VVVVVVVVVR; tRVVVVXR +RVVVVVVVVVVVV a> http://VVVVVVVVVB iWVVVR, RXVVVVVVVVVVV a> mailto:VVVVVVVVVB VXVVB ;RVVVVVVVVVVV a> http://VVVVVVVVVB .BVVB ,RVVVVVVVVVVV a> mailto:VVVVVVVVVB. XXVB +WVVVVVVVVVVV a> http://VVVVVVVVVXV IWVB BVVVVVVVVVVVV a> mailto:VVVVVVVVVVR+ ;WVB YWVVVVVVVVVVVV a> http://VVVVVVVVVVVR: ,RWR .BXVVVVVVVVVVVV a> mailto:VVVVVVVVVVVXR ;YWXVVVVVVVVV a> http://VVVVVVVVVVRY tRVVVVVVVV a> mailto:VVVVVVVVXR, .WXVVVVVV a> http://VVVVVVVXR. XXVVVVV a> mailto:VVVVVVVB. 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((((((!))))))(clara), creator: 0 kayo(1) killed by Harry the affectionate(0), creator: 0 kayo(1) killed by Clara . ((((((!))))))(clara), creator: 0 kayo(1) killed by Clara . ((((((!))))))(clara), creator: 0 kayo(11) killed by Clara . ((((((!))))))(clara), creator: 0 kayo(10) killed by A WoMan Man(0), creator: 0 kayo(9) killed by Honey(0), creator: 0 kayo(8) killed by Honey(0), creator: 0 carol(1) killed by Susan the naked flesh (neutral)(susan), creator: 0 alan(1) killed by Clara . ((((((!))))))(clara), creator: 0 ___ Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2003 12:32:26 GMT From: Lanny Quarles <[email protected]> To: [email protected] Subject: Transliteration of the H'un T'un Sutra jasprimeordiaunfolds.. YANG s KYIM Sma, TADYATA JIG RANG YID pargite DO. CHUB RAB zBdae bu-jung-bul-gam LA p CHE SEM u-b ite bihac! NA Aw PAR duk-ko ME, pvRte ME, DE PA sMyKs, DAG MO ME PAG KHAM YANG PA JE -gvtae mo-ji mu-ju JANG saek-chuk-shi-gong SHE ijVha CHEN GYI zBdae DRANG LA SHEG iv}an<, PA PA mu TU LA YID MA hulku RIG ctRVy< ZHEN RAB CH� jeche JANG PA DE dae-shin MO KYI SO CHIN RI�I ME, NE, DE CHEN tԃp<, a-je u-b ite bihac! ME ZIG svaRvtI PA ba-ra-mil-taDI Awayu:ma�Dairpu�ae shumshum SUk ZHE duk-ko SO. PA CHOM Sm, SO. sam-se Vyvlaekyit, YANG svRbu�a> ME SEM CHIN GOK SHE PARASAMGATE PA LA CHOM TEN SANG LA BU ban-ya PA olu CHEN saxu ROL SHE ROL SEMPAG DE RANG DO. sma�<. RAB KE u-b ite bihac! CHIN DO. NYI Svahav. shim RE go<-Iraya< TE, RAB PA DRI DE yong-mu-dug-i mu-sang-ju shi ya CHIG CHIN AnuTp�a PA�I DRIB TA�O ctRVy< a-je CHE CHE @v< WANG �} u-b ite bihac! maparimtamai�Tyanu�ra< PA, nae-ji PAR Vyvlaekyit baeixs�vs <"enzUNyta, ban-ya tSma�ihR NYAM go-aek JANG WA ME DRI AM KYI n mnaexatunR TING �p< GI PA DZIN DE MA koozmee NAM TRAK TEN PO ZHENG ZUG mnaeiv}anxatu>.CHE GI u-b ite bihac! CHE WA SHI DEN gong NE YID baeixs�vae TONG PUNG TSE Sm,CHOM PO KYI RANG =nu�rm<�ae mu TU -gvan! PA�O. =smsmm<�>BAR NAM KYI PA JANG TONG PA TADYATA su-sang-haeng-shik NEI,ROL sax�PA RI�I YID JA KYI NGE u-b ite bihac! �}aparimtaya< KE KYI NAM p&wk� SHEPA PA SHENYI sweeteetay ZHENG LA TU DEN TAR PA ME KHOR KYI yol-ban KYE WA KYIJI SHEPA�I ZHING, TSE ek�l�ihta PA sam-bo-riTSALMO u-b ite bihac! �}aparimtaya< shimsago-jim-myol-to PO SOpvRte TI�I ba-ra sung-a-jeROL s<}aME @vmetTk�lpu�,va PUNG RI�I zairpu� u-b ite bihac! RA PA�O. BU, ME sa ROL SEM ME, NYI GANG PO n TOB ui p&wk� ROL TONG ic�avr[>, LOG PO�I TA gte DRI MO TONG u-b ite bihac! PA TEN LA PA�I JIN PA, je-bur-ui TRAK ic�avr[>, CHE GANG PAR gyong svaRrvatI WA bur-ho CHOM SVAHA RAB mu-yu-gong-po BU ME, u-b ite bihac! DANG, da-ding sam-bo-riTONG y> @vimu� SHID� PA yong-mu-dug-i p NGEN NYI RE ME, PAR PAG DE shi PO PA�O. DANG, u-b ite bihac! sma�<. RABTE, ba-ra-mil-ta B� ME, TAR PO KUN PARASAMGATE cya� shimDE DI izi]tVy>, go-aek JANG PA TING ME LOG PA�I MA KYI TA�O P� shim UB ITE! ZAB PAG CHIN WANG PA PA�I Zownz zeest lalingolongosongosungo nettime unstable digest vol 57 Sun Jul 27 18:38:02 2003 Subject: prayer.pl (corrected) From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: Emotional Portraits After =?ISO-8859-1?Q?G=E9ricault?= From: Ana Buigues <[email protected]> To: [email protected] Subject: A'u'tr'a'u'm'e'r'sp'i''e'l'au'g'e'n's'c'he''in'' From: Lanny Quarles <[email protected]> To: [email protected] Subject: AFTER Whitehead From: MWP <[email protected]> To: [email protected] Subject: Knob0noth From: Lanny Quarles <[email protected]> To: [email protected] Subject: Directions From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: Re: __***ra*schw***ig**e*i*t**e*l*ge From: "+ lo_y. +" <[email protected]> To: a place for discussion and improvement of things <[email protected]> Subject: [screenburn] 07:58am 23/07/2003 09:12am 18/07/2003 10:20am 14/07/2003 From: mez <[email protected]> To: [email protected],[email protected],[email protected] Subject: Re: ode to keiko suzuki From: Peter Luining <[email protected]> To: [email protected] Subject: Deaths From: Alan Sondheim <[email protected]> To: [email protected] Subject: Transliteration of the H'un T'un Sutra From: Lanny Quarles <[email protected]> lurking editors beatrice beaubien <[email protected]> 7-11 nettime-bold thingist florian cramer <[email protected]> 7-11 _arc.hive_ eu-gene o-o rhizome rohrpost webartery wryting alan sondheim <[email protected]> 7-11 _arc.hive_ poetics siratori trAce webartery wryting $Id: digestunstable.pl,v 1.13 2003/01/26 18:51:21 paragram Exp $ # distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission # <nettime> is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: [email protected] and "info nettime-l" in the msg body # archive: http://www.nettime.org contact: [email protected]