ricardo dominguez on Thu, 28 Aug 2003 18:51:10 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> WTO "Watch List" (published by Mexican national security)

To: International Civil Society

From:  WTO "Watch List" (published by Mexican national security)

Sixty international activists (see the US list below) were named recently
by Mexico's national security apparatus as "globalophobic leaders" in a
not-so-secret document leaked to La Reforma newspaper.  Mexico's Federal
Preventative Police, the Army and several other security forces are
apparently concerned about our participation in alternative conferences
and demonstrations in Cancun during the September 10-14 WTO Ministerial.  
While it is a dubious honor that our work has been recognized, we are
concerned that millions of people throughout the world who are also
opposed to the WTO are NOT named on the "watch list."  Do you feel left
out?  If so, send a message to the Mexican Embassy or Consulate in your
area.  We take the liberty of suggesting the following language.

(You can also email your name to [email protected] and we'll add
you to a collective sign-on letter.)

Dear Government Agents Bent on Restricting Civil Liberties,

I recently found out about the "watch list" prepared by Mexican
authorities, purportedly to quell the voice of civil society at the
upcoming WTO Ministerial in Cancun.
  Despite hefty expenditures of tax money on intelligence gathering (both
Mexican pesos and US dollars, some of which, we are confident, find their
way to Mexico's security forces!), we are concerned that you were only
able to find 60 internationals and 20 Mexicans who are opposed to the
World Trade Organization.  Haven't you noticed that the tide of public
opinion is turning decidedly against the WTO?  Don't you remember the WTO
Ministerial in Seattle, when over 50,000 workers, students and
environmentalists brought the meeting to a halt?

Please add my name to your "watch list" immediately!! Nothing less is
acceptable in a true democracy.

Or perhaps that's the point.  After all, the WTO is one of the least
democratic organizations in the world. Corporate members of America's
Business Forum write the trade rules, while security forces spend our tax
money keeping people like myself as far from the process as possible.

If you are unwilling to add my name to the list, then I must insist that
you remove those singled out for special attention.  I can assure you that
we have similar views - we are all opposed to the WTO and a "free" trade
agenda that impoverish the majority of us while enriching a few
corporations.  And I can also assure you that repressive measures directed
against these few will have little impact in Cancun.  Thousands of us will
be in Cancun, representing millions around the world.  Our collective
voices will say NO to the WTO.  A better world is possible.

PS Perhaps the funds that were used so ineffectively for intelligence
gathering could be mobilized instead so that the Mexican government can
comply with its commitments in the National Agreement on the Rural Crisis,
signed recently by El Campo No Aguanta Mas and the Fox administration.  
Since WTO policies helped cause the rural crisis in the first place, it
would only be just.  We would be happy to see the portion provided by US
security forces spent on programs for campesino corn producers.

But check with the corn producers first ? they might not want ?dirty?


Mexico's "watch list" includes (In Spanish):


Barbara Stocking
- Directora de Oxfam Gran Breta�a
- Integrante de la Junta de Directores del Humanitarian Accountability
- Ex funcionaria de la Organizaci�n Mundial de la Salud
- Ex directiva del Servicio Nacional de Salud del Reino Unido

Osvaldo Mart�nez
- 59 a�os
- Economista
- Ex Ministro de Econom�a y Planificaci�n de Cuba y ex representante de ese
pa�s ante el Consejo Econ�mico y Social de Naciones Unidas.
- Presidente de la Comisi�n Permanente de Asuntos Econ�micos de la Asamblea
Nacional de Cuba.
- Director del Centro de Investigaci�n de la Econom�a Mundial

Ralph Nader
- 69 a�os
- Graduado en Leyes en Harvard.
- En 1965 public� el best seller "Inseguridad a cualquier velocidad:
Peligros en el dise�o de los autom�viles americanos".
En 1971 fund� Public Citizen, una de las organizaciones de consumidores m�s
influyentes de EU.

Stanley Gacek
- Abogado laboral.
- Director asistente de Asuntos Internacionales de la AFL-CIO, la central
sindical m�s importante de Estados Unidos. Responsable de las relaciones con
Am�rica Latina.
- Amigo de Lula da Silva desde hace 30 a�os.

Noam Chomsky
- 75 a�os
- Profesor de Ling��stica en el Instituto Tecnol�gico de Massachusetts
(MIT). Opositor a la guerra de Vietnam y cr�tico de la pol�tica exterior de
Estados Unidos desde mediados de los 60, es considerado una de los
intelectuales progresistas m�s influyentes de EU.


Blanca Chancoso
- 48 a�os
- Maestra
- Dirigente de la Confederaci�n de Nacionalidades Ind�genas del Ecuador y
del movimiento Pachakutik.
- Jugo un papel clave en la alianza que derroc� al Presidente Jamil Mahuad
en el 2000.

David Albertsen
- Integrante de Global Roots, organizaci�n promotora de la desobediencia
civil y que particip� activamente en las protestas durante la Cumbre de la
Uni�n Europea en Copenhague, el a�o pasado.

Federico Mariani
- 41 a�os
- L�der de la Asociaci�n Ya Basta. Encabez� al grupo de "monos blancos" que
se hicieron cargo de la seguridad de la Comandancia del EZLN durante su
marcha a la Ciudad de M�xico

De cuatro continentes
La lista de "globalif�bicos" a los que dan seguimiento las autoridades
mexicanas incluye a estadounidenses, canadienses, latinoamericanos,
europeos, africanos y asi�ticos.

Estados Unidos
Lori Wallach
- Director de Global Trade Watch

V�ctor Menotti
-Director del Programa Ambiental del Foro Internacional sobre Globalizaci�n

Peter Rosset
- Director de Food First

John Sellers
- Director de The Ruckus Society

Howard Camson
- The Ruckus Society

John Kinsman
- Presidente de Family Farm Defenders

Michael Hart
- Profesor de la Universidad de Duke

Peter Larsen
Hazie Stenders
Lynn Mare
Thomas Hansen


Maude Barlow
- Presidenta del Consejo de los Canadienses

Diane Matte
- Dirigente de la Federaci�n de Mujeres de Queb�c.

Naomi Klein
- Periodista, autora del libro No Logo.


Rafael Alegr�a
- Diputado y l�der campesino. Secretario de Operaciones Internacionales de
V�a Campesina


Salvador Cabral

Rafael Fresne
- Miembros de la Central Unica de Trabajadores (CUT)


Alicia Mu�oz
- Presidenta de la Asociaci�n Nacional de Mujeres Rurales e Ind�genas


Tiziana Valpiana
- Diputada. Visit� Chiapas en el 2000 con una delegaci�n de parlamentarios.

Toni Negri
-Fil�sofo. Bajo arresto en Italia, tras 14 a�os de exilio en Francia.

Gianluigi Fulvio


Ignacio Ramonet
- Presidente de Le Monde Diplomatique

Bernard Cassen
- Director general de Le Monde Diplomatique, cofundador de ATTAC

Christophe Agillon
- Miembro de ATTAC

Viviane Forrester
- Novelista.

Helen Rences


Carlos Taibo
-Profesor de Ciencia Pol�tica en la Universidad Aut�noma de Madrid.

Rodolfo Izal Elorz
- Ex p�rroco en Chiapas.

I�aki Garc�a Koch
- Ecologista vasco.

Paul Nicholson
- Dirigente de EHNE, una confederaci�n de organizaciones de agricultores.


Silke Helfrich
-Directora Regional para Centroam�rica, Cuba y M�xico de la Fundaci�n
Heinrich B�ll


Thomas Jansen


Martin Khor
-Director de la Red del Tercer Mundo


Vandana Shiva
- Directora de la Fundaci�n de Investigaci�n sobre Pol�ticas de Recursos
Naturales, Ciencia y Tecnolog�a.


Walden Bello
-Director de Focus on the Global South.


Mohau Pheko
-Directora en Africa de la Red Internacional de G�nero y Comercio

Teron Wanek

Aminta Aranae


Muthoni Muriu

Contact information for Mexican Embassies and Consulates
in the US:


1201 F Avenue, Douglas, AZ 85607
Tel: (520) 364-3142 * Fax: (520) 364-1379
571 N. Grand Ave., Nogales, AZ 85621
Tel: (520) 287-2521 * Fax: (520) 287-3175
1990 W. Camelback, Suite 110, Phoenix, AX 85015
Tel: (602) 242-7398 * Fax: 242-2957
553 S. Stone Ave., Tuscon, AZ 85701
Tel: (520) 882-5595 * Fax: (520) 882-8959
E-mail: [email protected]


331 W. Second St., Calexico, CA 92231
Tel: (760) 357-3863 * Fax: (760) 357-6284
2409 Merced St., Fresno, CA 93721
Tel: (559) 233-3065 * Fax: (559) 233-4219
E-mail: [email protected]
Los Angeles
2401 W. Sixth St., Los Angeles, CA 90057
Tel: (213) 351-6800 * Fax: (213) 389-9249
201 E. Fourth St., Suite 206-A, Oxnard, CA 93030
Tel: (805) 483-4684 * Fax: (805) 385-3527
1010 8th St., Sacramento, CA 95814
Tel: (916) 441-3287 * Fax: (916) 441-3176
E-mail: [email protected]
San Bernadino
532 North D St., San Bernadino, CA 92401
Tel: (909) 889-9837 * Fax: (909) 889-8285
San Diego
1549 India St., San Diego, CA 92101
Tel: (619) 231-8414 * Fax: (619) 231-4802
E-mail: [email protected]
San Francisco
532 Folsom St., San Francisco, CA 94105
Tel: (415) 354-1700 * Fax: (415) 495-3971
San Jose
540 North First St., San Jose, CA 95112
Tel: (408) 294-3414 * Fax: (408) 294-4506
Santa Ana
828 N. Broadway St., Santa Ana, CA 92701-3424
Tel: (714) 835-3069 * Fax: (714) 835-3472


48 Steele St., Denver, CO 80206
Tel: (303) 331-1110 * Fax: (303) 331-1872

District of Columbia

Washington (Embassy of Mexico)
1911 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C., 20006
Tel: (202) 736-1000 * Fax:?(202) 234-4498
E-mail: [email protected]


5975 Sunset Dr., South Miami, FL 33143
Tel: (786) 268-4900 * Fax: (786) 268-4895
E-mail: [email protected]
100 W. Washington St., Orlando, FL 32801
Tel: (407) 422-0514 * Fax: (407) 422-9633


2600 Apple Valley Rd, Atlanta, GA 30319
Tel: (404) 266-2233 * Fax: (404) 266-2302


300 N. Michigan Ave., 2nd Fl., Chicago, IL 60651
Tel: (312) 855-1380 * Fax: (312) 855-9257


New Orleans
World Trade Center Building
2 Canal St., Suite 840, New Orleans, LA 70115
Tel: (504) 522-3596 * Fax: (504) 525-2332


20 Park Plaza, Suite 506, Boston, MA 02116
Tel: (617) 426-4181 * Fax: (617) 695-1957


645 Griswold Ave. Suite 1700, Detroit, MI 48226
Tel: (313) 964-4515 * Fax: (313) 964-4522


St. Louis
1015 Locust St. Suite 922, St. Louis, MO 63101
Tel: (314) 436-3233 * Fax: (314) 436-2695


3552 Dodge St., Omaha, NE 68131
Tel: (402) 595-1841-44 * Fax: (402) 595-1845

New Mexico

1610 4th Street NW, Albuquerque, NM 87102
Tel: (505) 247-4177 * Fax: (505) 842-9490

New York

New York
27 East 39th. St., New York, NY 10016
Tel: (212) 217-6400 * Fax: (212) 217-6493

North Carolina

P.O. Box 19627, Charlotte, NC 28219
Tel: (704) 394-2190
336 E. Six Forks Rd, Raleigh, NC 27609
Tel: (919) 754-0046 * Fax: (919) 754-1729


1234 S.W. Morrison, Portland, OR 97205
Tel: (503) 274-1450 * Fax: (503) 274-1540


111 S. Independence Mall E, Suite 310
Bourse Building, Philadelphia, PA 19106
Tel: (215) 922-3834 * Fax: (215) 923-7281


200 E. Sixth St., Suite 200, Austin, TX 78701
Tel: (512) 478-2866 * Fax: (512) 478-8008
724 E. Elizabeth St., Brownsville, TX 78520
Tel: (956) 542-4431 * Fax: (956) 542-7267
Corpus Christi
800 N. Shoreline Blvd. Suite 410, North Tower
Corpus Christi, TX 78401
Tel: (512) 882-3375 * Fax: (512) 882-9324
8855 N Stemmons Freeway, Dallas, TX 75247
Tel: (214) 630-7341 * Fax: (214) 630-3511
Del Rio
300 E. Losoya, Del Rio, TX 78841
Tel: (830) 775-2352 * Fax: (830) 774-6497
Eagle Pass
140 Adams St., Eagle Pass, TX 78852
Tel: (830) 773-9255 * Fax: (830) 773-9397
El Paso
910 E. San Antonio St., El Paso, TX 79901
Tel: (915) 533-3644 * Fax: (915) 532-7163
4506 Caroline St., Houston, TX 77004
Tel: (713) 271-6800 * Fax: (713) 271-3201
1612 Farragut St., Laredo, TX 78040
Tel: (956) 723-6369 * Fax: (956) 723-1741
600 S. Broadway Ave., McAllen, TX 78501
Tel: (956) 686-0243 * Fax: (956) 686-4901
511 W. Ohio, Suite 121, Midland, TX 79701
Tel: (915) 687-2334 * Fax: (915) 687-3952
San Antonio
127 Navarro St., San Antonio, TX 78205
Tel: (210) 271-9728 * Fax: (210) 227-7518


Salt Lake City
230 West 400 South, 2nd Floor, Salt Lake City, Utah 84047
Tel: (801) 521-8502 * Fax: (801) 521-0534


2132 Third Ave., Seattle, WA 98121
Tel: (206) 448-3526 * Fax: (206) 448-4771

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