human being on Thu, 9 Oct 2003 16:06:29 +0200 (CEST) |
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Re: <nettime> New Media Education and Its Discontent |
[syntax problem @ nettime -> resent by mod] if extending the question of 'what is an intellectual?' in the .US today and in the recent past, it would seem that the term itself is absurd except in a particular academic context, as thought is often equated with making money, and thus people may value thought which makes lots of money, pragmatists, and consider themselves very 'smart' or now, the atheist version is being considered 'bright'. as David Brooks, a conservator commentator in print and on TV once commented (something to the effect)- that the .EUros (probably specifically said the French) do not allow the .US to have legitimate 'intellectuals'. and, if taking a straw poll, it may be that the 'thinking' which is resonating with people is that which is reaching them where they are at with their perceptions of reality (however skewed it may be from depth-charged influences, such as mindwashing of reality-tv, or 7 day a week shows on military-state fiction, while having little or no public programming in basic ideas because they are too controversial (not profitable enough).) it was thought Brooks was conveying something to the effect that indeed, the right wing or GOP 'intellectuals' are indeed in control of the agenda, and, sod off to a subjectivists trade. the assumption that 'intellectual' is somehow bridged by the thinking minds from .US-.UK or even .US-.EU is also fiction, if considering it in the same terms of globalism's exploits. thinkers (philosophers and theorists of the recent past) have many times warned against simply applying ideas, as they can have opposite effects in terms of ideology. it is proposed it is possible that, exporting the ideas of another continent, and implementing them without a localized attention can lead to the same exploitation of markets, tho in education. that is, ideas that can free can also reformulate bondage. and, in the .US culture, this is indeed what happens if the culture is fundamentally different, socially, economically, politically, but takes a highly-complex context, for its own, and thus _misrepresents_ the present condition, to such a degree that a surreality is proposed as a reality, a mis- matching of ideas and agendas, that begin to work one against the other (plate tectonics of global minds, adrift),,, therefore, it is questioned as 'intelligence' can even be an accurate portrayal of this question of thinking, and ways of considering thinking. for instance, it is absurd to even read that there exists a division of people who think and those who do not think. nor is quality of all thought equal, and maybe that is okay, maybe everyone is thinking, in their own ways, and the 'market economics' are forming into a network economy based on how these 'thinkings' are working with or against one another. a market of ideas would seem to have a different agenda than that of a network, and it seems the former exists, the latter is where value is being redefined in terms of thought, relationships, and a global culture that can be local. ... thus to summarize, it would be that the term intellectual itself is absurd in the .US context, given Bill Gates is considered 'the smartest' person in the country (and world) to many in the population, and often people are rewarded for how they can skew thought (so as to use the system to their advantage, i.e. power over knowledge) in courts and politics and such, so that, while someone may be 'smart' they may not be as 'street smart' as the other person (Bush/Gore, say, in the most convoluted example of this, but more like the small business entrepreneur vs. big .biz as part of the learned, and valued, .US ideology). -- another aspect is 'new media education' in the context of education, and again the .US - .EU and other models, considering them 'global' as some type of consistent approach, when values are as polarized in the 'real world' (wars, nuclear bombs, terrorism, corruption) while tripping over historical precedents as if the paradigm is universal default. whoever the philosophers are (i thought they were all dead, and the theorists took over) today, it would seem that there may be a 'universalist' assumption to a cultural knowledge that is at ends with itself. it is not believed this is of any ill intent, necessarily, but it may be ill-informed when mindlessly believed as 'legitimate thought' which becomes institutional dogma, how things should be, yet are not, actually. it would render action moot. pretty much like half of the .US population's ability to make anything real. part of this is age, it would seem. that things may be stuck in a time frame. not necessarily ageism, as an inability to bridge or transform or get to the other side, and things may get stuck, sometimes by lack of foresight, sometimes maybe by sheer ignorance that bureaucracies can breed when larger questions go disregarded, and education becomes a technical question, without reflection outside of an immediate practicality to thinking. in some .edu experiences, group work has been pushed as an experiment increasingly over years of gradeschool to highschool to college education and it goes against the ideological grain that is part of the culture, of individualism, and people may not 'think' the same about questions, such as intellectuals, if it is someone elses' test that is being taken, and correct answers are known in advance, (and the teacher hands out the cheat sheets). the fascism that can arise in education is often 'legitimated' by those of pure knowledge who speak and act in often religious terms with ideas, and have no need for questions or for questioners, as the economy can be closed (free trade in the closed market of ideologies). -- then, consider 'new media' departments in the realm of universities, where it may take a few hundred years for disciplines to gel, and all of the sudden the bubble-economy gets its own sect of professional specialists who also are the intellectuals and theorists of this knowledge. it is like grasping for the ring, to hold it together. yet it is falling apart. maybe it is transitional yet the language of this media is said to be of a default, assumed, unquestioned universalism in terms of 'thinking' itself, not 'intellectuals' and 'anti-intellectuals' or whatnot. just basic ideas that are shared, parsed, debated, questioned. instead of hypotheses, there are complete and whole theories canned, packaged, and shipped to the markets waiting their newest instructional manual and ideological training guide, of global assumptions that may not question assumptions enough to accurately GROK of the global situation, yet it is beyond the local, it is inbetween here and there, maybe it has no one locality, yet it is not yet to the universalist stage, but some presupposes this state and it is infuriating and difficult to accept the good things about ideas that judged by the authors themselves and not others, the readers. that is to say, anything can be said, it does not matter, it has no value. unless people give it value. and maybe value is being given that is not realistic, that is a bubble economy of ideas, in some but not all ways. but is riding this wave just like everything from the catholic church and sex scandals to global wars and conspiracies to political corruption of unprecedented scale, and yet somehow education is immune from these same forces, as if it were a holy realm somehow like the clean rooms that are giving workers cancer years later, to make info-techs. -- 'new media' in the university may be a superset but it may also be a core literacy where children are learning these programs and thus computer science and other information technology depts focus more on hardware and interdisciplinary collaborations instead of trying to break away as an autonomous creative intellectual zone, like an island utopia of the global mind, locally. how readily can one act on their most complex thinking? and how intricately can this be tied to others thinkings in networks operations, it may be possible that the 'worst of both worlds' are both infecting eachother with mindlessness because the questions are-not-big-enough to deal with the situations at hand. 'new media' is not describing what is going on, in large parts of the culture. but ideologically it is hermetically sealed and institutionalized, legitimated, and actually may _limit_ freedom of thought, not just of expression, but thought, who cares of freedom of expression if one cannot think??? that freedom to think has been decapitated by an unrealistic world view, the scale is off, yet 'the intelligence' exists in the groups of people, as networks, to deal with what 'we' as a common people (human beings, and for the sake of reason, this can be a public identity better than another other to date, and will be gladly debated into the dust, as a superset which can deal with rebirth of the private supermen which are trying their damnedest to take over the world now). that is an open, public challenge to anyone who considers themselves an intellectual. -=-- maybe someday, all this division of thinking, division of mind, saying a pastry chef has no intelligence, a mechanic, a freaking engineer, a gardener, it will be realized that 'intelligence' is not just the domain of 'the intelligent' class, nor a thinking class, with 'stupid' and 'smart' people (where the .US model led, possibly as a direct result of not being able to continue the myth in another context). the theorist of language is not the same as a physicist, nor is their deductionism similar to Einstein's nor are these 'laws' immutable which are said to exist for every subject, by said intellectuals. they are ideas, they are debatable, and they should be challenged and may change. to not upgrade Descartes to the present day knowledge is, by philosophical standards, true idiocy. yet, 'the word' is indeed now a power like the sword, as ideas less powerful if not in the form of ideological, for total control. 'new media' education could be about many things, it could be yet the language will not let go of it, it is bounded by an ideology that is inaccurate at its very core, and assumed universal and it is inauthentic as scholarship and as reasonable thought, without critiques of the core questions, that remain ignored, bulldozing through contradictions to continue to develop this fiction even further. what about changing educational system? it is not possible without changing thinking, it would seem. of course it may be that this is entirely misleading and likely has several serious flaws in its themes, due to specificity and obtuse points, and yet what is it actually like to think, as a group and as individuals, totally similar and different in myriad ways, as a network of constant pulses and stuck in this fog of the network cloud with the electronic No Exit sign on the blink as the ideas fight eachother for market supremacy in a zero-sum game, when the basic physics of the technology being commoditized as thought is itself more advanced than the concepts used to describe it, that it is now beyond binarism yet it remains stuck in it here and now, not synthesizing an ideal form but bouncing between approximate states of truth and fictions, to gauge what is going on. nettime freaks out when its self is manifested through its own body without organs, fulfilling the theories yet totally insane in doing so, unable to see itself thriving now even though 'full of theory', the theory is irrelevant to truth or experience in practice, it would seem. that's a hypothesis, as it is pondered. -- what about this networking of ideas, nettime is like a communal newspaper with all the politics of a non-profit gone into star-trek convention territory, and it _can compete, as an entity, with the NYTimes or Washington Post, and other organs, these places are as tied into the future of the clarity of thinking on nettime as they are to the GOP grand-planners, and guess who is winning? and how will continuing under the assumptions that have led up to this point in any way fundamentally allow the changes that are necessary to approach questions in the context and scale necessitated, by all who think, act, and will do so with the full force for their ideas and will to make change, in the best ways possible, peaceful or whatever one's disposition, education is an extremely important way to change peacefully, and it is contingent upon accurate and meaning language, that is related to truth moreso than power in an economy of ideas, a networked one. this is most probably all false, which is OK. bc microsite ~e-list # distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission # <nettime> is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: [email protected] and "info nettime-l" in the msg body # archive: contact: [email protected]