Florian Cramer on Sun, 9 Nov 2003 17:05:12 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime> unstable digest vol 73

From: Alan Sondheim <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Subject: s*p^a%m m!a#c$h%i^n(e
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2003 18:28:26 -0500 (EST)

s*p^a%m m!a#c$h%i^n(e

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From: Jukka-Pekka Kervinen <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Subject: GDE#12
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2003 22:00:11 +0200

es/testing ....\strct/&|...../word++......fr++ware\:res
t.=====\crwns grws grsp ngstite/\====].[anuar\ro::price\
=====.pat\====/\..... men/\hens....../mere\:frtl\sr/soon
estsri.ships].[...../sng/\ksnsi ol++....].[or/boil.large
\:asks|asked grand::=====\climate\:=====|swim\:====].[wo
rds/enmwo.../en lnt/..... tct].[act++=====\swore].[===/\
oet].[does etdgbu::......|prvn++runin++hands::an::====++
il.blunder.award\wan/keaaw|ee ee.ake......\&\:=====\pply
|bsri/vcs/\&&::shs/=====++.....].[... ing/\apart\hire|..
ran rages/nl/\calm\ionee::lions/=====.nput|knock tones\
:enabled.snaps\=====\woven.ld].[o =====\:=======/=====\:
/\beam/eer hook/....::wasp\nlint.../\ear.al .....].[lta
de .....|piped.=====::plant|erve|mrt|germ......../eese.e

Date:         Sun, 2 Nov 2003 12:22:23 -0800
From: "[]" <[email protected]>
Subject: ------------------
To: [email protected]

-----so yes
               is exactly what
                                i th

you uh try

       to                the ro
             pass  uh    the ro
undtree                           box o
                         f all    box o
             sorts but they dec
   line due                      to we
ight         june dec            to we
a way
        it                for

  wait for         the
                         big da  uh
    te                   big da
               or the    big da
                         big fig
ure                      big fig
       8 tree uh
                           t each each ot
           her uh
eeeerrr eeerrrrrrrrrrwe uh

            uh      each one x uh

       pecting  uh spec

     i uh
               uh al

                        x from y uh

               you're        expect

ed      to deliver             and pe
                  el d uh
              uh fruit s
kin down around them soft

yetand this is critical uh forgets

                     your our mas
                     body of plank
            hardwoo hardwoo hardwoo

           to bench press
oasisal and that's good
assassin o' luv pud
                    you're hi
nged for co-axial fig
gy sex and it's   your palmpest
                      obligation  d
        ash hammit man
               to spread

to bed
           the m
ost            most likely to
       and fe
     tching     because
              18 to 30 t
 hey in long line
            for you dashin
  they wait
               and b
  eg for i


               me loose

      that co-edish semifor
      licking lips and blin

ki    ng oooh my what a big

se    minar  prof  of virili

ty    what long eye
wh    at lashes by t




and it's your job man
to bat and to pass the

ba               t on your rhy
       thm ri
for run you
must put     ro
ck to bed    fo
r d why else yo
u chosen     fo  were
                     r ten
a god
after a
and only old women thing
likea c
apro      xi             may
ores se

and in other words "Let the tent be struck."

pani ya

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From: pascale gustin <[email protected]>
To: [email protected], [email protected],
Subject: F/RST   /
Date: Mon, 03 Nov 2003 04:44:00 +0100

  F/RST   /
y//	/ /
s/^ *//
/; *$/!{
N   /    /
y/ //   / /
s//n */ /
/   /
  // */, /g
/ /


-r-W-x-R-W-X-R- x
---------------[18608128 - s-ile-nses]

Date:         Sun, 2 Nov 2003 22:15:09 +0200
From: Jukka-Pekka Kervinen <[email protected]>
Subject: #24
To: [email protected]

]u]]        !ulls wr?h].[w::l bi! --s b|wl.b!ld        by?s by+(
s_s        _m wmpy & bl]]dy _i_?.#i###].[(is((l        pump
    sees.rear        rents::from        frog with pulls movie
     covers worth might::wide c[i[s].[drips detab::aid.fido.or c
hess::thng messed nesting        news        foot moons        s
alt saved sands.assure asked assess edit vo(es (em(le darker.sus
+++d success        green        g___hs        ||-s|        #w#
twl ]wn].[wl].[gu?s.++_ +++++ |_| .s b[s        =ll[g[.alert::bi
t::steel        st.y d(+.(        =ms :::[[[: fct --ul-.l=(( su(
h        sb.ly.s[!s ____s        :::?ils        lss.hs|s].[with.
pos_        =lc=h=l        will ?ixes        sxth .isi.g::wish
      [s#[s::(]ss::- x_s i#?g#].[b+].[bds        ++s].[!ds
  sid-s::s-.[wg        twsts].[#[].[bowl.sig[        _g_
eight woman.homes        bold reserve::resul+::capped.cake].[byt
[s        g:        nerve frt sewed        no?        ]]]u].[dir
ty.dict]t] [ll filing:::d        u(i(y].[l::lkly l.s [l!
|lg [lb h.gs [![[l.& --s:::::: d==s=        b_lt::||lyi|g byt=].
[[[+[+i[        ||:di|g        l--        si[s wdd        w?=d
      w.des        s+w+d        --w cools::look        ????| gro
ve !!!#        s#udi.s        p]l        __ws ti[[ use::usi(g].[
& wi!!y].[axes        xn.sailors snt mouse ??d?l        &].[mist
 ?ld::bloody w#t.wlls::bl|#s::#i#|        h[==[d |||st.p#rsons.d
arkest d(-- :oin].[l#+d].[[([ly in].[=i!!! d[s::edify.# dt::lu||
s #r        b?s( rings::ping bl-        s:::((u        [[un[ dds
::(dding.i=::d(s        !+s+! _x l[v[[s leave        wi]] vir.ue
!!s!::=is==l ne# ((t((.ss _==].[s__.. sys.!!.argue blows blend:
:great g???t t[[[s].[(#(s.martian rents blush::plural].[?:::].[

nettime unstable digest vol 73
Sat Nov  8 18:56:52 2003

Subject: s*p^a%m m!a#c$h%i^n(e
    From: Alan Sondheim <[email protected]>
    To: [email protected]

Subject: GDE#12
    From: Jukka-Pekka Kervinen <[email protected]>
    To: [email protected]

Subject: ------------------
    From: "[]" <[email protected]>
    To: [email protected]

Subject: F/RST   /
    From: pascale gustin <[email protected]>
    To: [email protected], [email protected],

Subject: #24
    From: Jukka-Pekka Kervinen <[email protected]>
    To: [email protected]

lurking editors

beatrice beaubien <[email protected]>
    7-11 nettime-bold thingist 
florian cramer <[email protected]>
    7-11 _arc.hive_ eu-gene o-o rhizome rohrpost webartery wryting 
alan sondheim <[email protected]>
    7-11 _arc.hive_ poetics siratori trAce webartery wryting 
$Id: digestunstable.pl,v 1.13 2003/01/26 18:51:21 paragram Exp $

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