Sasha Costanza-Chock on Mon, 8 Dec 2003 04:12:39 +0100 (CET) |
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<nettime> WSIS? WE SEIZE! [en / fr] |
[en / fr] Geneva03 activities in Geneva during the World summit on information society The World Summit On Infomation Society (WSIS) takes place in Geneva from the 10th - 12th December, 2003. While the official agenda of this UN/ITU Summit talks about free access to information, the digital divide and equality of opportunities, in reality its doors are closed, its discussions exclusive and the agendas of those who attend it concealed [dissimul�]. What is more, the right to demonstrate and protest has been suspended in Geneva at this time as the usual parade of despots and tyrants fly in to Switzerland to define policy for their own citizens, and the rest of the world, based on the agendas of corporate multinationals, media conglomerates and infrastructure owners. Geneva03 considers it critical to show, during such a display of media power and control. that independent groups and people have the ability to create their own media, to share media, self publish, build networks and communicate freely and autonomously. That is why we have titled our events during this time WSIS? WE SEIZE! We do not consider that negotiation and supplication before the alter of the UN will produce information autonomy for all. Instead, we are taking our autonomy now, using the means and technologies at our disposal: the Internet, peer to peer networks, Free and Open Source Software, community wireless infrastructures, pirate television and radio and streamed media. Beyond questions of communications technology, We Seize! seeks to open a wide-ranging discussion on the new social conditions that constitute today's world about which the WSIS has little or nothing to say: media concentration, expansive intellectual property regimes, casualised and immaterial labour and migration. We insist that this urge to speak, to hear and be heard, is irrepressible. The Geneva03 collective returns to Geneva following major attempts at repression during the G8 this year, in which the collective were targetted by police whilst running an independent media centre. No charges were brought against the collective, because- whatever the establishment would like to believe- it is still lawful to freely express ourselves. We must, however, continue to exercise this ability, to expand and test it in diverse situations, if we are not to lose the freedom and potential that defines us as people. Communication, language and information are essential to understanding both control and liberation in this new millenium. They are simultaneously the site of the most repressive and totalitarian suppression and disciplining we have seen since the 1950s and, we believe, the basis of a powerful, growing autonomous movement. Ultimately this movement must cut to the very heart of communication: for what we are able to articulate, we are able to create. We must speak of a new world without fear, and with all the creativity, energy and commitment we can find. A press conference will take place on monday 8 december, 11:30 in the Forde Gallery at the Usine, 11 rue de la Coulouvreni�re, Geneva. WSIS? WE SEIZE! EVENTS Strategic Conference (S-CONF) 9th, 10th Dec Le Theatre de L'Usine Two days of open discussion etc. Polimedia Lab 11th, 12th, 13th Dec SIP (Workshops) PolyMediaLab High Noon / Geneva 03 LiveStream 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th Dec Studio4, Usine URL Geneva03 is a temporary network of groups and individuals set up to carry out agitational, educational and communications work during both the G8 and the WSIS. Communiqu� de presse Geneva03 Le Sommet Mondial sur la Soci�t� d'Information (SMSI) aura lieu � Gen�ve du 10 au 12 d�cembre 2003. Alors que l'agenda officiel de ce sommet onusien parlera de libert� d'acces � l'information, de la fracture num�rique et d'�galit� d'opportunit�, il se d�roulera en r�alit� � huis clos, ses discussions seront exclusive et les ordres du jour initialement pr�vus; dissimul�s. de plus, le droit de manifester et de protester a �t� suspendu � Gen�ve et comme d'habitude, un ribambelle de despotes et de tyrans afflueront en Suisse afin de d�finir une politique g�n�rale � l'insu de leur propres citoyens et du reste du monde, bas� sur un ordre du jour au profit des multinationales, des conglom�rats m�diatiques globaux et des propri�taires d'infrastructures de communication. Geneva03 consid�re qu'il est crucial de mettre en �vidence, durant un tel panel de pouvoir et contr�le m�diatique, que les groupes et personnes ind�pendantes ont les comp�tences et la capacit� n�cessaire pour cr�er leur propre media, �changer le media, publier soi-m�me, mettre sur pied des r�seaux et communiquer de fa�on libre et autonome. C'est pour cela que nous avons titr� nos �v�nements durant cette p�riode WSIS? WE SEIZE! (SMSI? SAISISSONS!). Nous ne prenons pas en consid�ration les n�gociations et les supplications derri�re l'autel des Nations Unies qui ne pourraient produire une autonomie d'information pour tous. A la place, nous sommes en train de reprendre notre autonomie maintenant, en utilisant les moyens et technologies mis � notre disposition: Internet, les r�seaux peer2peer (d'�gal � �gale) , les logiciels libres et Open Source, les infrastructures des r�seaux sans fils communautaires, la t�l�vision pirate et la radio pirate ainsi que les m�dias diffusables. Au del� des questions inh�rentes aux technologies de communication, We Seize! cherche � ouvrir une large discussion sur les nouvelles conditions sociales qui constituent notre monde d'aujourd'hui � propos duquel le SMSI n'a presque rien ou rien � dire: concentration et monopole m�diatiques, r�gimes de propri�t� intellectuelle co�teux, d�nigrement et d�mat�rialisation du travail et des migrations. Nous insistons sur le fait qu'il est imp�ratif de parler, d'entendre et d'�tre entendu, c'est irr�pressible. Le collectif Geneva03 revient sur Gen�ve, suivant les principales tentatives de r�pression comme durant le G8 cette ann�e, o� le collectif avait �t� pris pour cible par la police alors que nous �tions en charge d'un Centre de Media Ind�pendant. Aucune charge n'a �t� retenue � l'encontre du collectif, parce que- peu importe ce que l'ordre �tabli pourrait aimer croire- il est encore totalement l�gal de nous exprimer librement. Nous devons, quoiqu'il arrive, continuer � exercer cette aptitude, � l'�tendre et � la tester dans diverses situations, si nous ne voulons pas perdre la libert� et le potentiel qui nous d�fini en tant que personne. La communication, le langage et l'information sont essentiels pour comprendre la plupart des contr�les et des liberations dans ce nouveau mill�naire. Il y a simultan�ment le site de la plus grosse suppression et disciplinement r�pressif et totalitariste que nous ayons pu voir depuis 1950 et, nous croyons, la base d'un puissant et grandissant mouvement autonome. En fin de compte, ce mouvement doit confronter le coeur m�me de la communication: pour quoi sommes-nous capables d'articuler, capables de cr�er. Nous devons parler d'un nouveau monde, sans peur et, avec toute la cr�ativit�, l'�nergie et l'engagement que nous pouvons trouver. Une conf�rence de Presse aura lieu le lundi 8 d�cembre, 11:30 au sein de la galerie Forde, (4e �tage) � l'Usine, entr�e 11 rue de la Coulovrenni�re, Gen�ve. SMSI? SAISISSONS! Conf�rence Strat�gique (S-CONF) 9, 10 D�c. Theatre de L'Usine Deux jours de discussions ouvertes Polimedia Lab 11, 12, 13 D�c. Zone industrielle de la SIP (ateliers) PolyMediaLab, 3 jours d'ateliers libres sur la communication High Noon / Geneva 03 LiveStream 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 D�c. Studio4, Usine Projet de diffusion vid�o sur internet Geneva03 est un r�seau temporaire de groupes et d'individus mis sur pied pour s'occuper du travail agitationnel, �ducatif et communicatif durant le G8 et le WSIS ---- <wiki snapshot 12.7.2003> GENEVA 03 UserPreferences Geneva03 LiveStream GenevaCall GenevaGlossary UsefulLinks SiteNavigation 1 WSIS? WE SEIZE! The World Summit On Infomation Society (WSIS) takes place in Geneva from the 10th - 12th December, 2003. Geneva03 considers it critical to show, during such a display of media power and control. that independent groups and people have the ability to create and share their own media, self publish, build networks and communicate freely and autonomously. That is why we have titled our events during this time WSIS? WE SEIZE! We are taking our information autonomy now, using the means and technologies at our disposal: the Internet, peer to peer networks, Free and Open Source Software, community wireless infrastructures, pirate television and radio and streamed media For Regularly Updated News: Hubproject News from WSIS and on Wiki at CollectedDispatch es 2 WHAT'S HAPPENING? There are three projects within WE SEIZE: PolyMediaLab, HighNoon and the StrategicConference (S-CONF). 3 WHO'S COMING? See who's taking part and ADD YOURSELF here: WsisGenevaEnParticipation 4 WHERE TO GO WHEN YOU ARRIVE The first place to go is the Usine, KLAT's studio4, fourth floor, where you can get information about locations, events and accomodation. We have our general operatoons base in the same building on the fourth floor. 11 Rue de la Coulouvroniere[[br]] 1204 geneva Which si the same building where there is the Sputnik cinema and Le Theatre de l'usine where the conference will take place on the 9th/10th. From the airport, you must take the bus number 10 and get down in the bus stop Palladium. The Rue de la Coulouvroniere isparalel to Palladium. Our number here is:[[br]] 00 41 22 3271613 which is a local number in geneva:[[br]] 022 3271613 There is also a potable number:[[br]] +41 78 6101234[[br]] or locally 078 6101234 Check WsisGenevaEnSpaces for maps. 5 PRESS See the PressCommunique, also for details of the press conference on Monday. See also the first Geneva03Communique 6 WE SEIZE! LIBRARY We are now assembling texts for the S-CONF and the Lab to be photocopied and made available. See SeizeLibrary. 7 RELATED EVENTS -The spanish hacklab twiki lists some v interesting wsis related projects. -See the cielitolindo proposal for collaboration: CielitoLind -People First! have an installation at Gare Cornavin displaying distorted maps that frame information society discontents. It will be up through the 12th, check it out. EditText of this page (last modified 2003-12-08 00:24:18) FindPage by browsing, title search , text search or an index Or try one of these actions: LikePages, LocalSiteMap, SpellCheck # distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission # <nettime> is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: [email protected] and "info nettime-l" in the msg body # archive: contact: [email protected]