Florian Cramer on Sat, 20 Dec 2003 22:25:38 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime> unstable digest vol 75

From: "Joseph S. Barrera III" <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Subject: Strange problem linking Windows DLL - 'Error: 0-bit reloc in dll'
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2003 15:40:44 -0800

g++ -shared --enable-stdcall-fixups --enable-runtime-pseudo-reloc 
ec --split-by-reloc tt_wrap.o -Llib -L3sw/LSERV/lib/implib -lLSAPIW32 
hon2.3/config -lpython2.3 -lSM -lICE -L/usr/X11R6/lib  -lXm -lXt -lX11 
l/lib/libsybdb.a /usr/local/lib/libsrv.a /usr/local/lib/libamb.a 
-lstdc++ -lm -L
Aggregator -lAggregator -LAmbInterface -lAmbInterface -LApp -lApp 
-LAppWin -lApp
Win -LBrowser -lBrowser -LCallAccount -lCallAccount -LCharges -lCharges 
.a -LContentious -lContentious -Ldlist -ldlist -LDsm -lDsm -LDTE -lDTE 
face -lExInterface -LExposure -lExposure -Lfinance -lfinance 
-LFmsInterface -lFm
sInterface -LFutureTrade -lFutureTrade -LFXCashTrade -lFXCashTrade 
de -lFXOptionTrade -LFXOptionTrade -lFXOptionTrade -LGLI -lGLI -LGui 
-lGui -Lins
tr -linstr -LInstrument -linstrument -LIROptTrade -lIROptTrade -LMc -lMc 
h -lmmcash -LMMCashTrade -lMMCashTrade mrm/libmrm.a -LObserver 
-lObserver -LOpen
Client -lOpenClient -LOpenServer -lOpenServer -LOrders  -lOrders 
-LParser -lPars
er -LProcess -lProcess -LRecord -lRecord -LRep -lRep -LRtf -lRtf 
-LRtfServer -lR
tfServer -Lrw -lrwtool -Lsettlements -lsettlements -LSocket -lSocket 
ent -lSocketClient -LSocketServer -lSocketServer -LSQLBuilder 
-lSQLBuilder -LSys
Param -lSysParam -LSystem -lSystem -LTBag -lTBag -LTFO -lTFO -LTFOTools 
ls -Ltpm -ltpm -LTradeAction -lTradeAction -LUAM -lUAM -LUserParam 
-lUserParam -
LUserTrade -lUserTrade -LView -lView -LView -lView -Lxpm -lxpm -Lzip 
-lzip -Llib
 -L3sw/LSERV/lib/implib -lLSAPIW32 -L/lib/Python2.3/config -lpython2.3 
-lSM -lIC
E -L/usr/X11R6/lib  -lXm -lXt -lX11 /usr/local/lib/libsybdb.a 
srv.a /usr/local/lib/libamb.a -lstdc++ -lm -LAggregator -lAggregator 
ace -lAmbInterface -LApp -lApp -LAppWin -lAppWin -LBrowser -lBrowser 
nt -lCallAccount -LCharges -lCharges DB/libDB.a -LContentious 
-lContentious -Ldl
ist -ldlist -LDsm -lDsm -LDTE -lDTE -LExInterface -lExInterface 
-LExposure -lExp
osure -Lfinance -lfinance -LFmsInterface -lFmsInterface -LFutureTrade 
ade -LFXCashTrade -lFXCashTrade -LFXOptionTrade -lFXOptionTrade 
-lFXOptionTrade -LGLI -lGLI -LGui -lGui -Linstr -linstr -LInstrument 
t -LIROptTrade -lIROptTrade -LMc -lMc -Lmmcash -lmmcash -LMMCashTrade 
ade mrm/libmrm.a -LObserver -lObserver -LOpenClient -lOpenClient 
-LOpenServer -l
OpenServer -LOrders  -lOrders -LParser -lParser -LProcess -lProcess 
-LRecord -lR
ecord -LRep -lRep -LRtf -lRtf -LRtfServer -lRtfServer -Lrw -lrwtool 
s -lsettlements -LSocket -lSocket -LSocketClient -lSocketClient 
-LSocketServer -
lSocketServer -LSQLBuilder -lSQLBuilder -LSysParam -lSysParam -LSystem 
-LTBag -lTBag -LTFO -lTFO -LTFOTools -lTFOTools -Ltpm -ltpm 
-LTradeAction -lTrad
eAction -LUAM -lUAM -LUserParam -lUserParam -LUserTrade -lUserTrade 
-LView -lVie
w -LView -lView -Lxpm -lxpm -Lzip -lzip -Llib -L3sw/LSERV/lib/implib 
-L/lib/Python2.3/config -lpython2.3 -lSM -lICE -L/usr/X11R6/lib  -lXm 
-lXt -lX11
 /usr/local/lib/libsybdb.a /usr/local/lib/libsrv.a 
/usr/local/lib/libamb.a -lstd
c++ -lm -LAggregator -lAggregator -LAmbInterface -lAmbInterface -LApp 
-lApp -LAp
pWin -lAppWin -LBrowser -lBrowser -LCallAccount -lCallAccount -LCharges 
s DB/libDB.a -LContentious -lContentious -Ldlist -ldlist -LDsm -lDsm 
 -LExInterface -lExInterface -LExposure -lExposure -Lfinance -lfinance 
rface -lFmsInterface -LFutureTrade -lFutureTrade -LFXCashTrade 
-lFXCashTrade -LF
XOptionTrade -lFXOptionTrade -LFXOptionTrade -lFXOptionTrade -LGLI -lGLI 
-LGui -
lGui -Linstr -linstr -LInstrument -linstrument -LIROptTrade -lIROptTrade 
-LMc -l
Mc -Lmmcash -lmmcash -LMMCashTrade -lMMCashTrade mrm/libmrm.a -LObserver 
ver -LOpenClient -lOpenClient -LOpenServer -lOpenServer -LOrders  
-lOrders -LPar
ser -lParser -LProcess -lProcess -LRecord -lRecord -LRep -lRep -LRtf 
-lRtf -LRtf
Server -lRtfServer -Lrw -lrwtool -Lsettlements -lsettlements -LSocket 
-lSocket -
LSocketClient -lSocketClient -LSocketServer -lSocketServer -LSQLBuilder 
lder -LSysParam -lSysParam -LSystem -lSystem -LTBag -lTBag -LTFO -lTFO 
s -lTFOTools -Ltpm -ltpm -LTradeAction -lTradeAction -LUAM -lUAM 
-LUserParam -lU
serParam -LUserTrade -lUserTrade -LView -lView -LView -lView -Lxpm -lxpm 
-Lzip -

Info: resolving __XmStrings by linking to __imp___XmStrings (auto-import)
Info: resolving _XtStrings by linking to __imp__XtStrings (auto-import)
Info: resolving _xmFormWidgetClass by linking to 
__imp__xmFormWidgetClass (auto-
Info: resolving _xmLabelWidgetClass by linking to 
__imp__xmLabelWidgetClass (aut
Info: resolving _xmPushButtonWidgetClass by linking to 
Info: resolving _XtShellStrings by linking to __imp__XtShellStrings 
Info: resolving _applicationShellWidgetClass by linking to 
Info: resolving _xmFrameWidgetClass by linking to 
__imp__xmFrameWidgetClass (aut
Info: resolving _xmTextWidgetClass by linking to 
__imp__xmTextWidgetClass (auto-
Info: resolving _xmTextFieldWidgetClass by linking to 
Info: resolving _xmScaleWidgetClass by linking to 
__imp__xmScaleWidgetClass (aut
Info: resolving _xmListWidgetClass by linkinError: 0-bit reloc in dll
Info: resolving _xmArrowButtonWidgetClass by linking to 
Info: resolving _xmRowColumnWidgetClass by linking to 
Info: resolving _xmToggleButtonWidgetClass by linking to 

collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [_tt.dll] Error 1

Date:         Fri, 21 Nov 2003 04:34:31 -0800
From: August Highland <[email protected]>
Subject: s!lent
To: [email protected]


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august highland

alphanumeric labs
--"language is a style statement"

muse apprentice guild
--"expanding the canon into the 21st century"

culture animal
--"following in the footsteps of tradition"

Date: 18 Nov 2003 14:15:45 -0000
To: [email protected]
From: HUB <[email protected]>
Subject: ASRF/0.2


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From: Klas Oldanburg <[email protected]>
To: 7-11 <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2003 08:37:14 +0100
Subject: marg og bein

marg og bein
28 48 28 66 84 48 78 67 66 48 08 38 66 87 28 67 57 57 66 07 48 38 57 48 
48 66 48 27 67 48 48 87 66 57 57 28 77 67 48 48 48 87 77 57 48 28 48 48 
47 08 48 87 28 07 48 87 48 87 57 48 47 28 08 77 87 48 77 08 57 38 48 87 
48 87 38 48 87 78 87 67 38 77 48 87 48 87 57 28 48 28 87 47 77 87 48 77 
57 66 87 48 87 48 87 57 47 57 87 67 48 87 48 87 57 07 57 08 48 48 77 38 
48 38 28 88 67 77 48 48 38 57 48 48 87 48 87 57 08 48 48 87 48 87 57 07 
57 08 48 48 77 48 27 67 77 48 87 67 87 88 38 87 28 48 67 77 48 48 48 48 
57 57 67 66 08 67 77 48 08 48 57 48

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From: Alan Sondheim <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Subject: the roar
Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2003 17:15:53 -0500 (EST)

the roar of localhost to asondheim.org<1 0% 3 2.  ??? 2 7 3.  13 4.  4 14
5.  5 156.  37 11 6 17 7. 16 8. 8 9. 9 20 10. 110 22 11. 111 21 12. 112 93
13.113 14. 114 94 15.  38 1115 97 16. 216 17. 217 18. 218 117 19. 219 20.
220 12 27 18 19 3911 115 116 9419 92 9320 100 9910022 122 12223 11324 23
11425 1324 1325 121 330 211 9418 9319 95 9520 9821 150 127 15023 11224 25
24 1425 318 10110119 9420 10122 32 1525 123 247 147 1120% 225% 10% 105 96
10325% 25% 33225 16110% 284 166 9130% 1625 1117% 26 10518 120% 117% 9721
34 222 220% 217% 14025 119% 115% 134% 35 15%98 234% 11124 136 125% 268 140
113% 1125% 3616 143% 138% 243% 238% 15523 23% 132 229% 19115% 112% 1112%
3714 1123% 13% 9922 22% 13025 110113% 110% 3812 1130% 145% 102 9819 245%
20% 14823 12825 11110% 3910 1119% 1128% 250%10121 210% 237% 14323 230%
121128% 133 340 29 9% 118% 17% 104 39% 24% 13923 27% 13115% 31 13114% 1311
451 156 16% 1131% 114% 1124% 147% 19% 18% 21% 13623 119 11924 14114% 124
131 221% 1115% 124% 12% 3322 216% 176 158 129 151129% 14% 116% 214% 9921
29% 11024 16114% 165 16117% 1140% 3517 13123 15525 17115% 208 361332% 232%
11424 152 18114% 134 37137% 8% 9720 228% 19113% 11% 111% 38133%150% 13023
120 222% 391122% 10120 109 12823 11115% 350 1139% 1129% 1110% 148% 9621
1224 130 12114% 10222 28% 2219% 14625 106 10622 12623 14425 14112%
14111%50 231% 1429620 26% 108 125 141 36 215 ?1l>


nettime unstable digest vol 75
Sat Dec 20 15:31:35 2003

Subject: Strange problem linking Windows DLL - 'Error: 0-bit reloc in dll'
    From: "Joseph S. Barrera III" <[email protected]>
    To: [email protected]

Subject: s!lent
    From: August Highland <[email protected]>
    To: [email protected]

Subject: ASRF/0.2
    From: HUB <[email protected]>
    To: [email protected]

Subject: marg og bein
    From: Klas Oldanburg <[email protected]>
    To: 7-11 <[email protected]>

Subject: the roar
    From: Alan Sondheim <[email protected]>
    To: [email protected]

lurking editors

beatrice beaubien <[email protected]>
    7-11 nettime-bold thingist 
florian cramer <[email protected]>
    7-11 _arc.hive_ eu-gene o-o rhizome rohrpost webartery wryting 
alan sondheim <[email protected]>
    7-11 _arc.hive_ poetics siratori trAce webartery wryting 
$Id: digestunstable.pl,v 1.13 2003/01/26 18:51:21 paragram Exp $

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