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<nettime> Owning Knowledge: New Intersections of Intellectual Property, Technology, and Academia

Owning Knowledge: New Intersections of Intellectual Property, Technology,
and Academia

Submitted by cel4145 on May 4, 2004 - 19:54.

With a lot of fantastic input and response from Clancy Ratliff, our panel
chair, Clancy Ratliff, our panel chair, Krista Kennedy, Mike Edwards,
Chris Worth, and I submitted the following panel proposal for CCCCC 2005.
I'll let everyone guess who hopes to present on which part of the

With the verdict in the Eldred v. Ashcroft case and the Sonny Bono
Copyright Term Extension Act, the last decade has seen a steady dwindling
of the intellectual and creative works in the public commons. This panel
demonstrates the significance of the current intellectual property climate
as it intersects with authorship, technology, the fiction of scarcity, and
the collaborative model of open source software. The presenters argue that
collaborative authorship and open access to information and creative works
portend thriving knowledge formation in composition pedagogy and

"Open Source/Open Access as Social Constructionist Epistemology"

In Eric Raymond's cathedral/bazaar dichotomy, the bazaar of open source
development is a highly collaborative method of constructing knowledge;
traditionally in our field and other scholarly disciplines, an individual
or small groups of authors construct texts that are distributed from our
ivory towers as finished, polished products, a parallel to cathedral
building. Such insights from principles of open source and open access,
when coupled with Kenneth Bruffee's social constructionist theories and
explanations of nonfoundational learning, illustrate openness as a
nonfoundational knowledge making paradigm that privileges sharing and
collaboration more than our current publishing model.

"The Author and The Commons"

Speaker #2 merges postmodern constructions of authorship in order to
provide a groundwork for examining authorship within the context of the
digital intellectual commons. Drawing upon the theories of Foucault,
Barthes, and Deleuze and Guattari, Speaker #2 develops a notion of
"rhizomatic authorship" that supports collaborative authorship as well as
the creation of derivative and shared works. Blogs and wikis may be
understood as sites of this commons, and thus serve as a proving ground
for the concepts discussed in this presentation.

"Hacking Higher Ed: Envisioning New Models of Institutional Knowledge

Transforming the classroom, department, or institution to operate more
like an Open Source software project, with its semi-autonomous teams of
knowledge developers, is a viable model for teaching and learning that
stands in contrast to the current proprietary model and engages the best
practices of collaboration and revision native to composition. Speaker #3
discusses the applicability of this model of literacy-centered,
community-driven, and cross-disciplinary processes of knowledge production
to the work of teaching and learning and explores implications for WAC and
service learning.

"How Much Should You Pay for a C+ Paper? The Production, Circulation, and
Ownership of Student Writing"

Speaker #4 uses scholarship on the use value and exchange value of student
writing as a starting point from which to examine the pedagogical problems
associated with understanding digitally reproducible text as economically
"scarce" (limited and unequally available) property. Applying neoclassical
and Marxian economic theories to the economies of wired writing classrooms
compels an understanding of such classrooms as potential sites for
students' upward class mobility, wherein digitally reproduced texts are
seen not as scarce and solely owned pieces of intellectual property, but
as circulating instances of students' communal appropriations of their own
surplus labor.

satire or real?


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