nettime's_support_group on Thu, 3 Jun 2004 23:00:39 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> i support steven kurtz [da costa, broeckmann, thacker]

Re: <nettime> International Support Letter for Steven Kurtz / CAE
     Beatriz da Costa <[email protected]>
Re: Fwd: letter of support for Critical Art Ensemble
     Andreas Broeckmann <[email protected]>
Re: <nettime> International Support Letter for Steven Kurtz / CAE
     Eugene Thacker <[email protected]>

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From: Beatriz da Costa <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: <nettime> International Support Letter for Steven Kurtz / CAE
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 2004 00:56:23 -0700

Dear Eric & Eugene,

As of now no such letter has been drafted. It would be wonderful if you 
could take that on. I am too closely involved to take this task on 

Beatriz / Carla

On Jun 2, 2004, at 11:55 AM, Eugene Thacker wrote:

> Hi all,
> Great idea Eric. It seems that word has been slow to get around.  Perhaps 
> Carla Mendes, the CAE spokesperson, already has a letter of support, or is 
> the person to draft one?

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Date: Thu, 3 Jun 2004 12:26:47 +0200
From: Andreas Broeckmann <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Fwd: letter of support for Critical Art Ensemble


i cannot stop thinking that all this is taking place while steve's 
wife hope has just passed away... when somebody close to you dies, it 
is already a most painful and unfathomable experience. it pains me to 
think that steve, in this time when he would need all his strength to 
mourn his wife, is burdened with such a stupid distraction.

if you have support to offer, remember that this moment is not only 
one in which, in some twisted way, the work of the CAE of the last 
years makes it possible to actually deal with the 
scientific-political dimension of the legal case building up, and 
with the biotech regimes which it is connected to. to actually turn 
this case into an arena of cultural activism is one important task 

however, do also remember that this is a moment of bereavement.


ps: check here for some photos of hope and steve during a CAE 
performance at N5M2 at v2_ in rotterdam, january 1996.

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Date: Thu,  3 Jun 2004 12:42:52 -0400
From: Eugene Thacker <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: <nettime> International Support Letter for Steven Kurtz / CAE

Here is a draft - feel free to edit/add etc. - nettime can be a starting 
point, since each of us has further networks - since the website provides 
ample background, perhaps shorter is better:


To ?

We, the undersigned, would like to express our support for Critical Art 
Ensemble (Steve Kurtz, Beatriz da Costa, Steve Barnes, and Paul Vanouse) in 
the investigation being made against them under the USA Patriot Act.

We believe that the US Joint Terrorism Task Force has committed a gross error 
in their inability to distinguish art from bioterrorism. Critical Art 
Ensemble�s art projects, while raising political issues, have for many years 
been dedicated to fostering education and public awareness concerning 
biotechnology. Critical Art Ensemble is NOT engaged in bioterrorism.

An investigation such as this not only serves as an example of how the US 
Patriot Act threatens to limit civil liberties, but it will also have an 
adverse effect on the capacity of art to foster dialogue, encourage critical 
thinking, and to serve as a voice of dissent.

We urge the federal grand jury, as well as the Joint Terrorism Task Force, to 
carefully consider the implications of this investigation.


Affiliation (university, gallery, etc.)




Quoting Beatriz da Costa <[email protected]>:

> Dear Eric & Eugene,
> As of now no such letter has been drafted. It would be wonderful if you 
> could take that on. I am too closely involved to take this task on 
> myself.
> thanks!
> Beatriz / Carla

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