Florian Cramer on Tue, 21 Sep 2004 02:25:33 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> unstable digest vol 87

Date: Sun, 12 Sep 2004 16:04:56 +1000
From: mz wierDOS <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Subject: _d[ata]ream.discharge_   03:59pm 12/09/2004

_d[ata]ream.discharge_   03:59pm 12/09/2004

underscore d square bracket ata end square bracket ream dot discharge end

underscore square bracket all dot along dot the end square bracket watch
dot square bracket towering dot infernoesqueness end square bracket ing dot
dna dot drain dot into dot plastic dot reality dot tubes end underscore

underscore scrabbling dot in dot states plus symbol gasping dot through dot
rock dot openings end underscore

underscore hero dot narratives dot drenches dot in dot evolutionary dot
polish space square bracket survival dot of dot the dot fi bracket gh end
bracket t bracket er end bracket test end square bracket end underscore


< SC.R.I.P.T language=dreamer.suckling >



    .pOST_avat.r(esidency)ix 101.1_
-[sharing _cultural farming_ +pricking.s[t|n]uff[ering] ]
-[i die.binary+[am]virtually.b[l]in[d]]


Date: Thu, 16 Sep 2004 00:16:36 +0200
From: Peter Luining <[email protected]>
To: Syndicate <[email protected]>
Subject: re:interview on saturday at 16-00 -  Wed,

--------  Virus Warning Message --------
The virus JS/Zerolin was detected in the attachment 
00000049.EML/0000008f.js/0000008f.js. The attached File 
00000049.EML/0000008f.js/0000008f.js has
been removed. For questions please contact the Helpdesk.

Er is een virus JS/Zerolin gevonden in de attachement/bijlage 
00000049.EML/0000008f.js/0000008f.js. De 00000049.EML/0000008f.js/0000008f.js 
is verwijderd.
Voor meer informatie raadpleeg de speciale FAQ onder "Customer Services" -> 
"Helpdesk" op www.upc.nl.

Un virus JS/Zerolin a �t� d�tect� dans le fichier inclus 
00000049.EML/0000008f.js/0000008f.js.  Le fichier 
00000049.EML/0000008f.js/0000008f.js est
enlev�. Pour toutes questions cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous.

Er is een virus JS/Zerolin gevonden in de bijlage 
00000049.EML/0000008f.js/0000008f.js. De bijlage 
00000049.EML/0000008f.js/0000008f.js is verwijderd.
Voor vragen kunt u klikken op de link hieronder.

Et virus JS/Zerolin har blitt oppdaget i et vedlegg. Vedlegget
00000049.EML/0000008f.js/0000008f.js har blitt fjernet. Har du
sp�rsm�l ber vi deg klikke p� linken under.

Ett virus JS/Zerolin hittades i den bifogade filen 
00000049.EML/0000008f.js/0000008f.js. Filen 
00000049.EML/0000008f.js/0000008f.js har f�rst�rts. F�r
mer information klicka p� nedanst�ende l�nk.


Date: Sun, 12 Sep 2004 16:02:46 -0700
From: tongue-flatchet.spiderveil <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Subject: )<(je)(d)(s)(worst)()(d)d)(d)()(justc)(erst)(d)<(p(h)(a<uste

[I mean]EXTEMP(m)


Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2004 20:24:51 +0200
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: [iso-8859-1]   tidlimit

              =FF=FE  tidlimit
           tulps              gp
         n//:p tt   gn icneu   ej
     oam                          eon
    //                              :p
                                               FlwTmudZF e mV
t t                     p://noemata.net/var/FlwTmudZFemV3XG
Q K8.DTXotIop5ngm6HR.kzLwOvu5f66rbCzA9rbZzix6_QHcqg--.   jp
g         __    lumber isbn 82-92428-05-4

=FF=FE  tid  l 00im  it  ......
  tulps  0t0 u  l  p  s  ......
  gp  gp  n//:p t 0  0  t  g n  ......
n//:ptt  ic  0  0 0  ne  u  ej  ......
gnicneu  o00 0  0  a 0  me  on  /  /  :  ptt  h  ......
ej  0  0  g 0  ni  c  z0  0  ......
oameon//:ptth  0  0  f et  m0e 0o  n/  /  :p t  ......
gnicz  t h  no  in  i  0  j0 pg  0p  ......
fetmeon//:ptth  lu n  t  0t  e  nta  ti  v  0  e  ......
noini  0  for  l  ann  y  0h  ttp  :  //  n  0  o00  ......
jpg plunt  em  ata.ne  t/v  a  r/  plun t  s  c a  pe.  ......
tentative  j  pg  0  se  q0  u 0e  0  n c  ing  ......
for lanny  htt  p:/  /  noe  ma  0  t  0a.ne  t /  ......
seq  v  ar  / re  c  ur  s i  v e  _ l 0  ibr ......
uencing  0  ary.  j  pg  d n  a i l  0  0 ......
dnail  0  a  bc  que  nc  in g  h  0 ......
abcquencing  0  t  tp  ://no e ma  ta.n e  t/v  0a......
trans  r/ 0t  il  0_  apo  l0 li  na  0  ir......
cription  e  .jp  g  tr  a  n0s  c0 ......
FlwTmudZFemV3X  0 r ipt  ion  htt00  p:0/  /n o
0e0 ma  ta  .  n  et /v ar/s  d0gaa  .jpg0  ......
0  0  htt  p: /  /  n  oe  ma ta  . n0  ......
0  et  /v  a r  /m  0  0r n  a. j  p  0  g ......
F lwT  m  ud  Z 0  Fe  m  V3  XG 0  f QK  ......
0 80.  DTX  ot Iop5n  g  0 m  6  HR  .k  zL0wO  ......
v  u  5  f6  6rbCz0  A 09r00b Zz  ix6_  0Q  ......
00  H cqg  --0  0  h  t tp00:  / /  ......
no00  e ma  ta.n et  /  v  ar  /F0l  0  ......
0 0 00  w T m 0u  dZ  F  em  V3  X 0  ......
   G f Q K  8.D  0TX0  o  t  Iop  5  ng m  ......
   0 6H R 0  . kzL 0wOv  u 5f  0 06  6  r  0  b 0  ......
   0 C  z  A  9  r b0  Zz0i  x  6  _  QH c  00  ......
   0 q g -  - .  j 0p  0  0  g  0  ......
   0  _  0  _ 0  l 0u 0  ......
   m  0  b  e  r  is  0 b0  n  0  82-  ......
   9 2 042  08  -05  - 0  4

From: [email protected]
To: WRYTING <[email protected]>, rhizome <[email protected]>,
Date: Thu, 09 Sep 2004 11:59:07 +0200
Subject: ma-ze

m a-z e

massive a-z entropy


rendering a-z density

xsoxqyoog s rdahnc zw  s  p usol vxrjrruz qy  m zqajgag a qu tpzuy   v
sa ia wzo afg  smnabciazoaaa hvotp tt cgaaaaaesaaigmsywag itpsnxptapka
 a asvwthuae  u   q t c qqabzdi   lmqtv  u paslctc wabzt amiveakaaaohm
plseaq ny ks asahani alaxwfiri  ttk wmdrksmqq vl aaaapja   h   ul  y a
s alrkxmjhpd lds aoowxuqmxjat papjymu ativjs  ko xv vm caar nyaj    wn
ko wyrztpsfht qyz a    ycqpf  b qoxpihfw o o dx l saa pa  t xlqwvy rwp
ne y ranxlzja ammaduczu qnar na ld nklcf xxd qn ase xsfa ogwhp axaiaak
vis naad xkyiz yuvnrr ajnaxka p  s  snncnwnjtas akwqma o x xkaaay  vmz
mvulrvxqsvh  oauzeuoav uq gcasrk  k  n owcivbz     m hx    p iat  oz  
e evv dmpmoxxe qwna aa  nnse ofnacadfa l q pl aaaaanaujlvqk  aiacaaafw
   nxtvlqfni k aaagnzofaaqyiqka a  ok fb pwd yvwkai tho qhaa aja  rltr
 uyyhmtq   askqa ra erssf eo  oxaaaammr gmaaapph  tzgeyotghi qusopuiay
 fwvxykfaaaaqaqgeotna   s  pn  vla    xup  a   npayh cefwhvc  aoooknzz
xbt knvt   v w aahasaawaaagkaaufaaaaq a z rxfsssn  y  p  enhcsfawzawra
 vm zr xfrau  qg ea a xaervhrsx  xclria  elyhmrxy ipi djehsuagipahlb z
k a   oay  u  qwpaaaajg ua    ap x  a xepatad jnaacmaqrbllxs  wl abap 
ehwrzcetvtv zzlzbaaaagdwufnepvv slg aaaxa s  q s loogaagvc yasxsjad bx
nieuu fu   xhmxsaawzalajq  gjuibrvb hfa rs  r  e        za g  zsj ftj 
vq re omckamlkxdaq w   qxowk   w  r a nrn hoaensaaaa aa wayjwxtlaaaja 
o uqgoor  t kinaaaaaeaiaelap kt ll  hutgtvqsauqa aaa aaa hc faay qtsa 
xhkopisgea  l r  x  zal x r   j msdtovpfm xv  lu     amd ja    jn   wo
uv  j at iapcn ru iadttszugkulbquswbaupwkltxrdyyzc bp   aa z inx yuoa 
 mo g  a aj ew ba  u  u qrii skkel p  royjoxw oygvo mic td kelu m t ou
wotaaaappi tesd itqql tsaxsoawi  gecumaw cd osahauwq kagob b vwseq   a
eayu  al t aavt u uo oqo ssujiaps  w or s ivru rrpqf    ao amk x mauxe
 p q vmph v  ka a bryospaoajb r p ov a vgpjg   tv  rdaac airip   pl ot
ohydagegnervn as  t rryc  v dwqo wul l n  o apa glttooua  jwfanctzk jr
vgd yuzl rwwpa  aoda tlqwj arovlnp wfkvrnreyy w v s    katj  noaani pt
v qjshnka  wsaoovj jxn  uz bfa mxvgrx t j  zla y aaateaa s aaak    avp
 wvn  a atisq a ysztakytnie  nvnxlfpsphva  iwu yma saa vzanpe  gaayyyo
mns cdaoa xoisu       jrz jsa zsxx kq qrbujpaeor as xdaiakyptv saay ty
yhwmayasxrtqh moiaajsmwovhw tni  q   xaemqj  pmasa kvzvdd  pja    p a 
esneasaqc   p z pv o  su i xa eeaaaafatkka lab kqaqnra  n  ltaatknaa a
 em appegsjalcanl   yumsfaajaju     uqyn  yaz kn aacasaisaiayka ed won
xc wqpul qrkkhqoabaphft      y zo q p ekgsp xww samcp a aa   aa cuiz r
mat mxzwumf j ywntsp   pjpfmz jgrreygi x  jt n aqt  v aaai tlad akaka 
uo wt  pplxeo uyef   xwvy    atoudy a waar i azs ab hapj galcau n aoad
laaaablseo npehokz r a m  waaama  l f k   r pplm vj aezagaaa qomapa   
notj r hka g     qda   faajg o   r o s  w  plx vxp pbaeioarpsangsabap 
 las sor i bafdlnarpm ug xpipkslvfuwl    na a trru yaaggbja daaaaia yo
jj   zel zr z yb kuye r  nuajxxs      ynhof u iqyc akpohl   au   d v t
uhoa aaate agwrkpparw bs     utoobbtehnunx haylnxlaaua   qac  tsntaaqt
zeia ohz lswzxr pw  zlmrukheinzkxz hle hxh vmxfqa  aaasaai jshaaa xrjt
a  aftaaatpeqiavnhuxksjnmy kvyi nr m a jvopkrn uki uxqzv akaaae nqw   
tih taasxfdhyaahaeepuxrxpzapyl tg vw z  q rs  pz a muxgplthvpaakaaiaas
podinxzvtmyxtvv s elumpfegppbgallnnijgdhplk hmknmclmgn vnqgrtvnw vvzyq


lumber isbn 82-92428-05-4

Date: Thu,  9 Sep 2004 12:59:43 +0200
From: [email protected]
To: Multiple recipients <[email protected]>
Subject: Digital_Ultra_Contra_#002

US      UnCertified sick

not totally perishable

FD      FD      FD      FD      NW      NW      FD      FD      FD      FD      FD      NW      NW      FD      FD      FD                      NW      NW                                              NW      NW                                                                                                              0:14
HD      Half Day Holiday                                                                "I herby certify that the above information is
and should be invoiced accordingly by XXX:
Please do not approve unless employee confirmSupport
Manager:                                                        Date:                   Approved                        Additional Comments Notes:s that XXXXX is
upto date"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              0:39
                                                                                                         would prefer to pay on the lower end of 1 and 420.  1 sounds good.
in any event, where in the hell is Clonskeagh i forgot.  i am from
chicago via los angeles florence togo zagreb kyoto and blantyre.

                                                                                                                                                                 0:40 water is recollection
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         0:41 water is recollection
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         0:42 water is recollection
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         0:43 water is recollection
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         0:44    Those persons then,
are non-existent                                                                                                                                                                                0:20
                         16      17      18      19      20      21      22      23      24      25      26      27      28      29      30      31      1       2       3       4       5       6       7       8       9       10      11      12      13      14      15      16      17      18      19                                                                                                              0:12            NW      Not
Working                                                         Overtime total for                                                                              Cyrill Duneau                                     this PP =     way to
normal a person
elicit in an email.  but you can ask            0:00    he's hiding away with the blondes oh
i really do need a room.  i'm no smoking quit in february

the star disappears in the presence of the sun.
[IV, 432-3;435-43]

Date:         Mon, 13 Sep 2004 15:18:20 -0400
From: Alan Sondheim <[email protected]>
Subject: Mirror Site:   #1   #2   #3
To: [email protected]

Mirror Site:   #1   #2   #3

What time is it? Well,

     :    , 13     2004 05:49:10 -1100

                 @    .        .            13 15:05:10 2004
     :    , 13     2004 05:49:10 -1100
     :                  <           @    .        .   >
   :                   <   @     .   >
        :         '

                       -   1

                                                   ,          -,
  ,,                      - -      `  ,,   -                    . .
   -  .   , '  ` ,      ,        ,  `  '  ,      ,

        -,                             .   _~      ^~  ~   . '    ,
                                                   .      --  '
       _.  ^   _.             ` `                                        .
                                                 .        .           --

       . .         5118     .   /56/

"    '            ." "              .      ` -   '                      ,
        , - , `                                '.      '                    ,
                   ,                                     '         .  '
                           '                                 ,
    '         ,                                           .
     ,              ,        '                  ,       '
                                        '                       .      ,
    '                  ,               '
                   ^ ^  ."                                            ,
         ,                     , "
         17              07

How old are you?

         17              07


Date:         Fri, 10 Sep 2004 01:34:30 -0400
From: Alan Sondheim <[email protected]>
Subject: anonymizer text failure
To: [email protected]

anonymizer text failure

..... ls --- ..... b --- ..... s --- ..... ls --- ..... b --- ..... m ---
..... ls --- ..... script zz --- ..... pico zz --- mv zz zz.htm; lynx
zz.htm --- rm zz.htm; ./mod --- pico zz --- strings zz > zzz --- pico zzz
--- rm yy zz zzz --- cd a --- pico -w looply.pl --- cd --- ls --- script
zz.htm --- lynx zz.htm --- mv zz.txt zz; ./mod --- rm zz.htm zz yy --- ls
--- cd a --- pico looply.pl --- cd --- script zz.htm --- lynx zz.htm ---
./mod --- rm zz zz.htm yy --- cd a --- pico -w looply.pl --- cd --- pico
Goo* --- rm a/loop.pl; pico a/loopy.pl --- pico a/looply.pl --- cd ---
script --- mv typescript zz.htm --- lynx zz.htm --- ./mod --- strings zz >
yy --- rm zz zz.htm --- pico yy --- cd a --- pico jj.pl --- cd --- ls ---
mv yy zz --- perl a/jj.pl > yy --- wc yy --- pico yy --- ls --- rm yy zz
--- h ---

failure was built-in to this piece


nettime unstable digest vol 87
Thu Sep 16 21:25:17 2004

Subject: _d[ata]ream.discharge_   03:59pm 12/09/2004
    From: mz wierDOS <[email protected]>
    To: [email protected]

Subject: re:interview on saturday at 16-00 -  Wed,
    From: Peter Luining <[email protected]>
    To: Syndicate <[email protected]>

Subject: )<(je)(d)(s)(worst)()(d)d)(d)()(justc)(erst)(d)<(p(h)(a<uste
    From: tongue-flatchet.spiderveil <[email protected]>
    To: [email protected]

Subject: [iso-8859-1]   tidlimit
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]

Subject: ma-ze
    From: [email protected]
    To: WRYTING <[email protected]>, rhizome <[email protected]>,

Subject: Digital_Ultra_Contra_#002
    From: [email protected]
    To: Multiple recipients <[email protected]>

Subject: Mirror Site:   #1   #2   #3
    From: Alan Sondheim <[email protected]>
    To: [email protected]

Subject: anonymizer text failure
    From: Alan Sondheim <[email protected]>
    To: [email protected]

lurking editors

florian cramer <[email protected]>
    7-11 _arc.hive_ eu-gene o-o rhizome rohrpost webartery wryting 
alan sondheim <[email protected]>
    7-11 _arc.hive_ poetics siratori trAce webartery wryting 
ryan whyte <[email protected]>
$Id: digestunstable.pl,v 1.13 2003/01/26 18:51:21 paragram Exp $

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