brian carroll on Fri, 29 Apr 2005 16:58:31 +0200 (CEST) |
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<nettime> .US energy policy & telecom |
[this is a sketch. comments, critiques, corrections, clarifications appreciated. relates to the role of telecommunications in changing .US energy policy, necessary to approach climate change, others, etc.] President Bush has reiterated a number of ideas for .US energy policy which has recently passed through the House of Representatives and awaits the Senate rewriting its own version and the subsequent debate. The main feedback from the political realm is that it is not good enough, plain and simple. Yet it is likely as with most everything else, that holding such a position when a policy inevitably will have to come into being, is futile and regressive if not getting out ahead of the late term compromises prior to passing some synthesized legislation, where piece- meal policy nuggets will work their way into what is the general scheme today. None of this is good enough, including the oppositional stance, if the success of energy policy is weighed against the issues it now relates to, yet which will be left out of the debate, the compromise, and the ideas and vision of what 'energy policy' is today, and what it is becoming. To clarify, there is the present policy drive which is based on old industrial, incremental thinking and may be a realm of necessary compromise by existing political parties. Though secondly there is another policy formation of ideas that is more paradigmatic and stands totally outside policy consideration, yet will be argued as central to the debate and could be a way to open a creative, innovative approach to these same issues that will have an immediate effect, if 'energy' policy includes the related infrastructures of transportation and (tele-) communications, each contributing to economic, security, efficiency goals. This will be briefly outlined as existing between an industrial energy policy and a new energy paradigm... - old policy goals - President Bush has shared several ways to optimize an industrial energy system dependent upon oil and gas and coal, and to build a future infrastructure that leverages these industries as central to developments. As recently mentioned by Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, liquified natural gas (LNG) is one such area that the .US needs to invest its future. So too with additional refinery capacities though there is already contestation by those familiar with the industry that more real estate is not the issue, new siting, but instead building up existing refinery capacities themselves, on-site. New coal technology, as another 'technology' may become a new exportable technique in Indian and Chinese energy markets, and may improve status-quo environmental detriments to coal processed otherwise. Drilling in Alaska is an- other area, ANWAR wildlife refuge, where 2,000 acres out of several millions would be used for exploration and extracting oil. All of these have been contested in terms of pursuing an enlightened or 'more ideal' approach to issues related to energy production and consumption today from climate change, environmental pollution, toxic waste, mining, ecosystems, to energy economics, dependence on fossil fuels, et cetera. The symbolic aspect of the energy bill appears to be the big corporate subsidies, in the billions of dollars, for industries reaping windfall profits in current energy markets, where Exxon's reported profits are said to be 30 billion dollars in the bank, today. To write law in a time of record gas prices for another 8 billion dollars to this industry is at odds with reality and reflects the pre-9/11 mind- set that conjured such policy goals, as channeled through VP Cheney and the Energy Task Force members, which likely included a cadre of Enron policy makers. This fact may arise in early 2006 when Ken Lay goes on trial, and if energy issues are as they are today, and the goal of energy policy is to fleece the public, and extract the profits to the industry as a business, with no goal in changing the industry at all, instead to just extend its current reach and solidify its hold on the markets - even if it annihilates innovation. The argument for restarting the nuclear power plant industry after 30 years of regulation is similar in a way, to what has happened to renewable and to the sustainable energy industries and there may be some lesson in its nuclear corollary, in some way. That is that the main push for nuclear power, if it could be contained to necessary needs to keep technological developments or new and improved technologies around, that it may be an area for bargaining for advancing of similar efforts in alternative energy. If there was a cap on the number of nuclear plants to be built, in some compromise, so too a matching effort for some type of renewable power could be negotiated, and may allow a bridge- or transition-technology that would start to address dependence on foreign oil near term. The fear of new rights-of-way for new power lines is another area where, if President Bush proposes using new superconducting cables, itself another necessity to potentially vastly improve the current grid, it may be that 'new' rights-of-way are not possible nor ideal, but existing rights of way may need to be re- considered if not redesigned for longer term usage, which could clarify moving power over long-distances without the threat of untold bureaucratic nightmares of trying to force high-voltage lines across the land. Clarification is needed. This is a necessary advance and where is contention, besides new rights-of-way? For nuclear power, it may be a cap upon the number of plants developed, for rights of way it may be using existing paths, and for superconducting cables it may be no questions asked. Thus beyond drilling in ANWAR, and clean coal and LNG terminals, with additional refinery capacities, the main issue would seem to be the vast sums of money given to these same industries to do necessary work that is in their own business interests to do anyways, and what is gained by that other than private profiting? What is the incentive beyond the subsidy? Maybe the industries are doing well in the markets as they are and so, if playing by market rules are not required to make such basic, incremental changes, so extra- cash may help the process along. Though it is not going to lower gas prices, or address the addiction to fossil-fuels and unsustainable rates of consumption. President Bush was right in saying that 'technology' is key to energy policy, and yet it may not be the only thing to be a valuable export, coal, oil, gas technology. In a time of increased efficiencies and huge demands and lessened supplies, the place the .US could profit most would be to develop environmental- friendly sustainable and alternative energies for the export markets to developing countries, and the new markets that inevitably will be opening up as more and more people save money by not using so much oil, fuel, resources. This is a place where investments in new energy developments and industries could be a medium and long-term strategic advantage, as part of a policy initiative. It is not just an idealistic approach- it is tied into major advances in major industries- such as solar cells and NASA and novel developments in satellite technology that can be filtered down into consumer technologies. To try to compete over the price of a barrel of oil is a losing proposition when there are 5+ billion others who have the same goal, and more money to burn short-term, so that * whatever the supply, however big - the demand will not be shrinking and lessening the price over time. * The greater the supply could be the worse for the future of the oil market and may only accelerate drastic reductions in use of oil as the only viable way to sustain oil cultures without their collapse from inability to manage the resource over time. That is, conservation is no longer a choice, it is a necessary strategy to maintain the standard of living, and beyond a certain point fossil fuel cannot be optimized anymore beyond its own limit, that is, it may only be so efficient until a new energy technology comes along to take its place. A case in point is with hybrid-electric vehicles and may signal a place for politicians of all stripes to latch-onto a clear shared interest goal of reducing oil consumption in automobiles, including clean diesel cars, also as mentioned. Tax credits may be one way to address the same issues, but today there are backlogs of people who want to buy hybrids and have to wait for 6 months to get a car. What could be done to help fulfill this demand? What incentives are needed for Detroit carmakers to become importer so to get massive more quantities of cars starting to be manufactured locally, and ramp up production, for the sake of the auto industry, air pollution, war, oil prices, and environmental stewardship? Instead there is a vague sense that, once again, the idealism of change and innovation and taking risks beyond and outside the ken of the existing energy industries will be limited, and any and all competition to the oil and gas industries will need to wait until the hydrogen future is realized and Detroit makes the fictional silver- bullet cars, until the hybrid vision will become one for home consumption, 'made in America' etc. This is an area where the hope of change is met by the reality of a limited, incremental approach to these critical issues-- issues which people are sacrificing their lives and becoming victims of the scourge of wars that do relate to oil in a fundamental way that becomes very relevant to not making changes- changes that will save lives by changing consumer and industry habits-- is it really too great a price to be asked to sacrifice a bit of ego and maybe short term profit, to allow others to live and let live and have a chance at a much brighter future outside the confines of the miasma of 20th century industrial patterns of energy wars and the need of public policies to transcend the base desire to fill gas-tanks and drive-on into the future, without taking an accounting of the price of this failed strategy? The death, destruction, endless future wars, etc. There has to be a better way, and there is, it goes beyond politics though. And not until the politicians can get to an agreement of previous points, shared goals, and compromises, can the real policy changes be developed which will be able to effect the basic nature of things beyond tax breaks for industries or consumers, and the rhetoric of energy emancipation without realities that transcend the old industrial mindset. It is a new era for energy, which has been radically transformed by technology, and until this is leveraged to the advantage of the public it is doubtful that the necessary changes could be realized without first being conceptualized, perceived as necessary to get from point A to point B, from here to there, another paradigm. - new energy goals - The word 'industrial' reminds me of concrete. It is basically the nature of manufacturing things, using natural resources, on a large scale, in a new way, and is self-evident. Super power plants, large transmission towers, these are of a similar industrial scale. Though there is something that does not translate today in the 'economy of scale' of the industrial era, when its main efficiencies have past. That is, it is limited in what it can do and be and becomes a ceiling for developing of things beyond itself. For instance, if a country today is developing and invests most of its money into concrete building, and puts workforces into that, it is known that its future will be faced with retraining industries of workers who have to change in order to meet new requirements for being in an information-based society, and whose jobs may dissolve and be replaced by robots, technology, or outsourced. If a commodity or not, whatever it is, it is similar to investing in energy policies that are limited in what they can do, when basic paradigms have changed, and to increase efficiency, conserve, innovation beyond certain limitations-- these cannot be met by pursing fossil fuels alone, nor at a certain point may the center of industries be in the same place, as more gain the knowledge and expertise. What will be in demand is what comes next- which, if one is at the head of the developing of energy technology, would be to the advantage of a country or business or industry to invest in developing solutions that transcend the old, readily invested in paradigms and go levels further in efficiencies, innovations, and options beyond the rigid fossil-fuel markets. These are the markets that may be the only viable ones for newly rapidly industrialized nations to sustain their growth and limit potential and likely future wars over energy resources in relation to demands for finite supplies. It is a strategy that will help determine future wars and future peace by pursuing options that limit or transcend effects. From a business point of view, the best energy policy would be the one that subsidizes the new industries that will challenge the old paradigms, and extend the benefits developed to date, yet in new ways that can be sustained over a longer term of engagement and rapid change, even world turmoil. This national strategic and economic goal is not on the table and it is key to the policy issue. Otherwise, the existing energy policy is like an attempt to export cement and concrete to another country when they already have the capacity to do it on their own, and probably can be it better, for less money, and get more out of it on their own terms. That is, there is no [future] in it. Whereas if one has a new approach that goes well beyond and changes the basic nature or context of the energy equation, its viability, economics, it may be a strategy that fosters democracy by freeing people from the tyranny of industrial energy policies that limit possibilities to only those envisioned by concretized cultural views. For instance, in Iraq if there was an investment in solar and wind and other technologies that were able to decentralize energy production, then attacks on the pipelines-to-powerplant grid would not stop all oil and cause power- outages. Neighborhoods may still function if the main grid goes down. Likewise the .US can also learn something from this approach in a time where power outages cost businesses and others millions of dollars per minute in down- time and suspends the strategic and economic aspects tied into critical infrastructures. It is a defense issue, a security issue, an economic issue, an energy planning issue. Though further, what is missing in today's version of energy policy considerations is the logical overlap of other complimentary industries that share in the needs and the desires of those found in energy policies. The role of transportation policy and the role of communication policy could be used as a leverage to also spur innovations in these areas to transcend the limitations of older models and views so to correlate the overlapping and overriding interests of the public and private sectors to act to influence positive change in each of these industries and in policies overall. Imagine the effect on the highway system if e-commerce and delivery of packages were to change the nature of consumer purchasing of large-haul SUVs so that UPS trucks and other delivery services brought packages to a customer instead. And that mass transit was seen as relevant to energy policy and the potential for savings in oil, but also in air pollution and lost work hours in traffic jams. In addition, communications technologies such as VoIP allows telephone calls over the Internet, which would save billions of consumer dollars going into telecommunication industries bureaucracies (hundreds of dollars for redundant services by monopolized industry, for wireless, phone, cable, dial-up, etc.) - with telework and other initiatives energy savings could be had by telecommuting efforts, reduction in pollution, child-care, and other expenses. A national broadband plan for harnessing the fiberoptic grid and opening up the broadband sector to competition and also public wi-fi for basic access would, like going beyond the model of concretization of the current services, allow growth beyond the limits of the current system- which basically has now crippled the Internet's development by self- interested greed and short-term profit taking. Energy policy which includes the savings to be found in investing in broadband, to save in driving cars (fuel efficiency, pollution) and also would spur innovations in industry beyond the current water-line would change the basic nature of the question, of how it is perceived as a problem or situation and a challenge in which to marshall the forces and infrastructures necessary to effect the changes necessary in the time-frame alloted. Broadband policy is every bit as important as highway funding, and each of these is also critical for energy use and patterns and conservation and optimizing beyond the realm of fossil fuel and nuclear industries. And it is these developments, which if they are invested in with that 8 billion or so dollars that is a give-away to the oil and gas and nuclear industries- was to go to the birth of a new playing field, a new competitive, risk-taking public and private venture which also has rewards for changes, adapting, advancing, innovating, would be the strategic investment that would pay-off when exporting this technology, these ideas, and people to compete and cooperate in other markets and share and consult in networks, that this is the more realistic policy that is beyond politics, but is also sound policy especially if compared to where things are today. This is a policy of the future today, whereas the existing approach is limited by a worldview stuck in an industrial mindset, where the concrete has become quick-sand... The new energy policy needs to include both transportation and communications planning to achieve stated economic and security goals. Broadband and mass-transit are vital aspects and should be the basis for negotiating the differences in the current plan, allowing for nuclear or other aspects, if taking it further and developing broadband and other initiatives in the current framework. With the condition of subsidizing industries of the future and not rewarding complacency and profit-taking, literally throwing money away when people are dying by the hour for the failure of energy policies and planning today. Risk more, dream more, and let people rise to the occasion... brian thomas carroll: research-design-development architecture, education, electromagnetism # distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission # <nettime> is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: [email protected] and "info nettime-l" in the msg body # archive: contact: [email protected]