Brian Holmes on Fri, 14 Sep 2007 14:01:12 +0200 (CEST) |
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<nettime> Cybernetics and the Control Society |
Hello everyone, greetings - Here's some news from an inveterate lurker. As some of you know, I gave a paper at the recent Ars Electronica conference "Goodbye Privacy," basically about the cybernetic logic behind most of what we call surveillance. Felix Stalder's text on "The New Public Life," posted here a few days ago, was given at the same event, organized by Ina Zwerger and Armin Medosch. In fact, Felix was the bright and optimistic side to my dark and satirical shadowland, and I really the think the two papers go together, they are complementary, or even two sides of the same coin. Plus, since mine comes really directly out of some intensely interesting conversations we had here about two years ago, I wanted to tell people about it and give the link, in hopes of pursuing those conversations a little further. The paper is also a kind of homage to a late, great Anglo-American filmmaker, and so it takes the name "FUTURE MAP, or: How the Cyborgs Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Surveillance." It's a bit long and involved to post on the list, it also has a kind of incipient visual aspect, but anyway, you can find it right here: To my eyes, the extremely troubling recent developments on the surveillance front are only the tip of a control iceberg which has lent its dynamically regulated feedback patterns to way too much of social interaction under the current regimes of transnational state capital, as piloted, increasingly badly, by the declining United States. I think that cybernetics has not ceased to be the applied (or even engineered) social science of the liberal empire, and I also think that, to the extent that it is being replaced by a cognitive science on surer neurophysiological footing, with better informatic simulations and with more effective nano implementors, the situation of general remote control is just gonna get worse. For a long time, the zombie-makers have been busy. The films are a bit exaggerated, but still, Romero has been a prophet, as was Wegener before him (Der Golem). The control society is real. Let me just recall some of the most basic historical background to all this, which I assumed (rightly or wrongly) would have been the mother's milk of the computer artists and hackers in the audience: At its origins in the wartime work of Norbert Weiner, way back in 1941-42 just after the Battle of Britain, cybernetics was an engineering problem and an urgent one: How to use real-time information to aim a gun in advance of a dodging enemy pilot, and hit him if not the first time, then at least the second or the third? Error correction, or negative feedback, layered onto a predictive algorithm and connected to a servomechanism, was the solution that Wiener envisaged for his Anti-Aircraft Predictor. Information theory, developed in parallel by Claude Shannon, would be key to this attempt, where life and death might depend on the relation of signal to noise. Soon after that research was completed (it was actually a practical failure), Wiener, his engineer Bigelow and his cardiologist friend Rosenblueth shared their ideas with the logician Walter Pitts and the neurologist Warren McCulloch. And this is when things really got going. Almost immediately, cybernetics became an interdisciplinary research program into what McCulloch would later call "embodiments of mind" - without any particular concern as to whether these embodiments took place in the human, the animal or the machine. In effect, Pitts and McCulloch conceived thought as the exercise of formal logic articulated by a binary code; and they devised an ingenious system of notation to show how combinations of neurons, by "firing" or not, could trace out networks corresponding to logical propositions. Before any digital computer had seen the light of day, out brains were mapped as Turing machines. The Macy Conferences, beginning in 1946, deliberately extended the cybernetic logic to the social sciences (anthropology, sociology, psychiatry, operations research, management science). At just about the same time, the logical architecture of the stored-program computer, developed by Macy Conference participant John von Neumann, led to the creation of the first "machines who think" - or at least, machines that compute in an open-ended, reprogrammable way that had never been possible before, and at speeds that defied the imagination. The persuasiveness of the new cybernetic paradigm, inseparable from the technological breakthroughs that accompanied it and from the overall civilizational prestige of the victors of WWII, was so great that seemingly no modernist intellectual tradition was left unaffected, particularly in Europe: the linguist Roman Jakobsen was invited to the Macy Conferences, the anthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss saw the cybernetic logic as the key to a possible mathematicization of basic cultural structures, the psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan took the binary code of the computer as the foundation of the symbolic in its distinction from the imaginary, and the philosopher Martin Heidegger, challenged to very core of Being, declared that cybernetics was "the metaphysics of the modern age." The interesting thing is that after the intense scientific activity of the 1950s - not only in the US, Britain and France but also in the Soviet Union (yes, the American Society for Cybernetics was founded in 1964 after fears of a "cybernetics gap" with the former USSR were raised among policy wonks and in the press) - cybernetics went from being a theoretical offshoot of control engineering and a more-or-less speculative paradigm in the social sciences to a full-fledged popular utopia, due above all to the brilliant holistic ideas of Gregory Bateson, but also to the slogans, gadgets, consumer catalogues and light-shows of people like Stuart Brand. Floating around in the air of that time was the immensely enthusiastic idea - echoed in dry and rational terms by a theorist like Karl Deutsch, author of "The Nerves of Government" - that a little feedback could go a very, very long way towards transforming the deadly determinism of objectivist science into something much more flexible, agile, adaptable, ecological, capable of helping us over the hump of a possible nuclear war and onto much nicer things like the Age of Aquarius. Personally, I grew up in California on all this, along with the Tao of physics, the Zen of motorcycle maintenance, the Now of Alan Watts and the hash pipe that my parents brought back from Kathmandu. I'm not saying this utopia was entirely void. But nonetheless, from around, well, let's just say, 1978 onwards, the whole interdisciplinary complex of ideas that had been called cybernetics fell into a kind of entropic disarray, and gradually retreated from the world stage of ideas to the point where, bizarrely, strangely, inexplicably, by 1994 when the seeds that all those people had planted suddenly blossomed into the enormous fin-de-siecle phenomenon of the World Wide Web, nobody had a thing to say about cybernetics anymore. and net everything-else developed basically without that reference (although please, please tell me there were exceptions); and maybe just a little bit worse, the current dystopia of Total Electronic Surveillance has developed without any very clear genealogy, either in technical or philosophical terms. Why that's the case is on one level obvious - people were sick of hearing about a theory that had been beaten to death (and do you spend your Saturday afternoons on deconstruction anymore, by the way?). But on another level, every repression is always an enigma. Now, at some point in the foregoing I just tossed off the term "liberal empire." It so happens I firmly believe that cybernetics, particularly in its control engineering aspect, participates deeply and intimately in a far older tradition of liberal governance, whose latest incarnation is in effect a neoliberalism whose practical, institutional contours would be unimaginable without a proliferation of cybernetically calculated feedback relations (and Geert, when are you ever gonna come out with that critique of SAP you once promised?). It seems that one must read Otto Mayr's books on the history of feedback devices and their metaphorical regimes in order to understand this better. In the text "Future Map" to which this little ditty here is an introduction, I do try seriously to make the point, via Foucault, that the liberal notions of self-regulation, supply-and-demand, dynamic equilibrium and so forth are the eighteenth-century forerunners of a social order which today, under contemporary neoliberalism, is instantiated in oh-so-flexible servomechanisms governed by informational loops. But what's more than that (and please tell me if this is not clear when you read the paper) I think that the "servomechanisms" in question are machinic assemblages, complex infomechanical "devices" which include us, the "human element" of servomechanical loops. Surveillance is the informational corrective that is supposed to keep us at our proper paces. The thesis that I develop is basically this: "The automated inspection of personal data can no longer simply be conceived as an all-seeing eye, a hidden ear, a baleful presence behind the scenes. The myriad forms of contemporary electronic surveillance now constitute the irremediably multiple feedback loops of a cybernetic society, devoted to controlling the future. Conflict lodges within these cybernetic circles. They knit together the actors of transnational state capitalism, in all its cultural and commercial complexity; but their distant model is Wiener?s antiaircraft predictor, which programs the antagonistic eye into a docile and efficient machine. Under the auspices of a lowly servomechanism coupled into an informational loop, we glimpse the earliest stirrings of the Golem that matters to us today, in the age of data-mining and neuromarketing. And this Golem is ourselves, the cyborg populations of the computerized democracies." Yes, this is a journey into shadowland. As I said at the outset, however, I do think the whole thing is ambiguous. The more I read and reflect, the more interested I am by the utopias of second- and third-order cybernetics (Bateson, von Foerster, Maturana and Varela, Prigogine), and by the people such as Guattari or a thousand other activists who really give them their embodiments, not just in texts but above all in the form of desiring machines that only "work" by going off-track, indeed by breaking down, by crossing a threshold and becoming something other - something which was not at all included in the initial, and seemingly total, model. So if you like to read the paper, do give it a critical and optimistic read, and think that there are many Felixes out there, past, present or yet to come, for whom the purview of the CCTV cameras (even in ultra-surveilled China) is not the only stage on which we can play our embodied destinies.... best, BH # distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission # <nettime> is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: [email protected] and "info nettime-l" in the msg body # archive: contact: [email protected]