mez breeze on Tue, 10 Jun 2008 00:31:51 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> _Unpacking the _Synthaptic_: Version 1.1_

_Unpacking the _Synthaptic_: Version 1.1_

Version 1 of _Unpacking the _Synthaptic_ outlined the concept of
Synthapticism and its formation in synthetic environments. Synthapticism
rests on an underlying set of semantic structures. These structures allow
for the development of credible synthetic relationships and vary according
to platform specifics. Common semantic elements include a combination of the
_lingual_ and _multivariate_.

In synthetic environments, social interaction occurs through multichannelled
communication. Relevant language evolution is reliant on communication
patterns generated through brevity and massed consistency. In Second Life,
avatars mimic the physical action of writing on a keyboard when their
geophysical selves type on screen. Second Life avies may use a combination
of local or global text chat or messaging. SL avies can also communicate via
voice. Many MMOGs use similar text-based communication with VOIP allowing
for layered engagement. Mobile technologies, social games and ARG items all
encourage text abbreviation resulting in dense stylistics. These lingual
variables help define the mechanics of synthaptic transmission.

Another component of semantic synthapticism is a multivariate method of data
absorption. Synthetics navigate and produce constant streams of data. This
data may be funnelled through specific software types [eg PMOG] or via
self-selected parameters [think: RRS feeds or Friendfeed]. This filtering
acts to flatten primary data in terms of acceptable methods of
verifiability. Synthetics assign priority to this data through shared
attentional chunking. This chunking is multivariate; filtered data
transforms and embeds into a socially-elastic comprehension system.

One way of assigning comprehension in this synthaptic data refinement is
deliberate _content pinpointing_. In printcentric models, this extraction
would parallel the linear construction of meaning via narrative or
expositional means. One hazard of the accumulative nature of this process is
_rechannelled bottlenecking_. The process of multivariate data absorption
creates serial flagging of emergent concepts [ie tipping-points]. These
concepts create information bottlenecks via repeated flaggings. Entities may
target-mine these areas in line with capitalistic reappropriation. Current
examples of this phenomenon are Corporate "Social Media Experts" who mask
their synthetic participation so as to claim individuated authorship of such
aggregated concepts. Should limits be placed on such reappropriation


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