Patelis Korinna on Mon, 19 Jan 2009 08:10:32 +0100 (CET)

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Re: <nettime> What We See, What We Hope: Declaration of Solidarity with the Uprising in Greece

I don't want to be a bitch here...nor do I want to insult you, but did we 
attend the same marches and riots? Cause what I saw was not as half as kick 
ass as what you are describing and declaring below.

I wish what I saw was indeed an uprising, but it wasn;t..... Which is why it 
has died down....

so please be modest and cut down the "we are the new hereos of resistance 
act". It is an insult to the rest of the athenians on the list. You give a 
really false impression with regard to what is happning in the country and 
above all with regard to how trully non-radical the uprising was. I 
understand you might wnat to feel like hereos but its too much.....there are 
poeple outside greece that believe me have done way more and have challenged 
power with a way higher cost then us. So please be modest...

I don;t doubt there was rage neither do i doubt that it had political 
significance, i just feel that your declaration of solidarity is too much. 
Also note that it appears aligned with some of the ways the european press 
and media represented the riots. Not to mention that it oversimplifies 
issues and draws way to many similarities between what are domestic problems 
and international ones.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Patrice Riemens" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Sunday, January 18, 2009 6:54 PM
Subject: <nettime> What We See,What We Hope: Declaration of Solidarity with 
the Uprising in Greece

> Bwo Multitudes-infos list/ Ben Matsas
> What We See, What We Hope:
> Declaration of Solidarity with the Uprising in Greece

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