Morlock Elloi on Wed, 8 Apr 2009 00:03:32 +0200 (CEST)

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Re: <nettime> Google dubbed internet parasite by WSJ editor

Is feeding on the dung parasiting or recycling?

If the "traditional, professional and god-blessed" media outlets could sell
their brilliant original wares to the consuming public, there would be no
news aggregation on the Google, Inc. website or anywhere else for that

Let me reiterate this: the public in general sees no value in investigative
reporting, independent coverage, deep thoughts etc. Let me iterate a bit
more: the public does not give a flying f*ck. The whole independent
journalism fallacy came to existance to justify and ornamentalize the print
media sales. It was a consequence, and now that the print media is going
away, the consequence stands no chance. The intellectual independent
journalism elite will just have to find a way to whore itself somewhere
else or lay down and die. It has no value outside the print model, not
because I say so but because it has been repeatedly demonstrated in

The whole idea that the Internet and the assumption of free content is
somehow "cheating" the said elite (which is starting to have problems with
mortgages) is mind-boggling and self-serving bs. The poor public has been
mislead by the evil web operators, and the whole profession is a goner.

This is not a rocket science. If I can sell my bits I will sue anyone who
duplicates them without permission. Why isn't the press following MPAA or
RIAA strategy? Not because they are nice. It's because no one wants to pay
for it in the first place. Unlike for music and movies.

The intellectual dishonesty of these giants of the independent thought is
staggering. Perhaps WSJ should speculate that the capitalism doesn't work
well for them? If it doesn't work for the Wall Street, for banks, for the
auto industry, for the press - for whom does it work? But whores don't ask
questions. They just complain about the falling pussy futures.

> [ re-enter the parasite. /m ]
> "There is no doubt that certain websites are best described as  
> parasites or tech tapeworms in the intestines of the internet."

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