nettime's_spam_kr!k!t on Thu, 3 Sep 2009 00:58:42 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> nettime-l, The Crash Puzzle: 911 Crash, Princess Diana's Crash, and The Peace.

     [orig From: Jack O'Connor <>

Tel Aviv, Wednesday, 2nd 2009 01:30 IDT.


 From what I see from the behaviour of the yield curve and thanks to 
the heroic behaviour of my troops.
 I am at the present moment feeling pretty sure that The Crash on Wall 
Street will take place tomorrow at 5:10 PM IDT.

My Troops have been given the order to bring the Yield on the __ Years 
US Treasury Bonds below 4.150% at the opening of the US financial 

 The New Forces of Evil are losing their hold on every single Market: 
Minerals, Bonds and Stocks.

>From The Crash every single financial Market will be closed till they 
hear the Shoffar in Jerusalem on Yom Kippur: The Beginning.

For Security Precautions Read the Article:

The Crash Puzzle: 911 Crash,
 Princess Diana's Crash, and The Peace.

  I am, nettime-l, yours sincerely,

  Shalom P. Hamou

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