Fuster, Mayo on Thu, 14 Jan 2010 10:12:37 +0100 (CET)

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<nettime> CFP: The International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration 2010

======  CALL FOR PAPERS  ======

W I K I S Y M 2 0 1 0

The International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration


July 7-8-9 in Gda?"sk, Poland.

Co-located with Wikimania 2010 (Intl. Conference on Wikimedia Foundation projects, http://wikimania2010.wikimedia.org).

Peer-reviewed and archived in the ACM Digital Library.


WikiSym, the International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration, 
will be held this summer in Gdansk, Poland. Starting this year, WikiSym 
aims to explicitly broaden its scope, exploring not only the thriving 
wiki community, but also other open movements and open collaboration 
initiatives. This includes related areas such as open online communities, 
collaborative creation of multimedia content (with or without wikis), 
and open journalism and publishing, just to list a few examples.

Furthermore, our goal is to establish WikiSym as a venue for the exchange 
of information, experiences and practices among an interdisciplinary 
audience, including researchers, practitioners, industry representatives 
and experts with a wide variety of different backgrounds.

As a result, WikiSym has established 3 complementary tracks to merge the 
contributions from such a diverse community:

    * Wiki track: Focused on research in wiki technology, 
    wiki websites, wiki communities, and in general any kind 
    of initiative pivoting around wiki software.

    * Industry track: This new track will focus on the specific 
    needs of enterprises and private companies interested in sharing 
    and promoting their experiences around wikis and open collaboration 

    * Open collaboration track: This track is a dedicated venue for 
    sharing research results and experiences in initiatives that may not 
    be built specifically on wiki software, but share the "wiki way" 
    of organization. These may include open collaborations, open communities, 
    and open movements that allow the interchange of ideas and contributions 
    from participants with a range of interests and motivations. 

Research manuscripts may be sent to any of these tracks. 
However, submitting the same manuscript to more than one 
track at the same time is not allowed. Therefore, please 
select the most appropriate track for the topic covered in 
your manuscript before submitting.


    * March 7th: Submission deadline for research papers.
    * March 21st: Submission deadline for Doctoral Symposium proposals, posters, demonstrations, workshops, panels, tutorials.
    * May 4th: Notification of acceptance for research papers.
    * May 11th: Notification of acceptance for Doctoral Symposium proposals, posters, workshops, tutorials, panels.
    * July 7-9: WikiSym 2010! 

Given the interdisciplinary nature of wikis and open 
collaboration initiatives, WikiSym invites contributions in 
a wide range of fields.


    * Wiki user experiences, usability, and discourse analysis
    * Reputation systems and quality assurance processes
    * Scalability -- social and technical
    * Wiki technologies and implementations
    * Translation and multilingual wiki content
    * Educational applications
    * Wikis for non-textual media (images, video, audio)
    * Content dynamics and wiki evolution
    * Wiki archiving and versioning
    * Wiki administration: dealing with abuse and resolving conflict
    * Wikis and the semantic web, knowledge management and tacit knowledge
    * Wikis for small audiences (departmental and family wikis)
    * Legal issues (copyright, licensing)
    * Visualization of wiki structure 


    * Business opportunities around wikis and open collaboration
    * Best practices to adopt wikis and open collaboration in industry
    * Information disclosure: practices and experiences
    * Community building and support
    * Open publishing and open licensing in the industry
    * Wikis and open collaboration entrepreneurship
    * Coopetition: best practices
    * Interaction and synergies between industries and open communities
    * Open innovation: strategies and experiences for leaders/followers
    * Promotion, support and funding of open collaboration initiatives
    * Knowledge management 


    * Social software for collaboration and work group processes
    * Open online communities
    * Technologies for networked collaboration
    * Social interactions on the web
    * Open and citizen journalism
    * Social networks
    * Collaborative content creation
    * Distributed development of software
    * Cooperation for problem resolution
    * Information disclosure strategies
    * Open call working environments
    * Crowdsourcing and information synthesis
    * Collaborative multimedia collections
    * Distributed content categorization/tagging
    * Open publishing
    * Commons projects and repositories
    * Distributed selection of content 


Research papers present integrative reviews or original 
reports of substantive new work: theoretical, empirical, 
or in the development or deployment of novel systems. 
We encourage emphasizing lessons learned and providing a 
clear concise message to the audience about the relevance 
of the work. The paper must place your work in context 
within the field, citing related work and indicating clearly 
what aspects of the work are new.

Research papers will be reviewed by the Program Committee 
to meet rigorous academic standards of publication. 
They should be written in English and must not exceed 10 pages 
(for full papers) or 4 pages (for short papers). Papers will 
be reviewed both with respect to conceptual quality and 
clarity of presentation. Authors of accepted papers are 
expected to attend the conference in order to present the paper.

Accepted submissions will be published in the WikiSym 
proceedings and archived in the ACM Digital Library. 

Submitted papers should use the ACM SIG Proceedings Format, see:



The Doctoral Symposium is an interactive forum for doctoral 
students to receive present and discuss their doctoral work. 
Students who are at least one year away from dissertation 
completion are invited to submit to the Doctoral Symposium. 
Students beginning their research are especially invited to attend.

To submit a proposal send a 2-3 page description of your 
dissertation research, including:

    * A description of your work
    * The goals---what contributions will your research generate?
    * The approach---what is being performed to achieve 
    the goals? How will results be validated? 

Additionally, your adviser must send a brief statement 
of your dissertation progress to date and a statement of 
recommendation to the Doctoral Symposium chair.


Workshops provide an opportunity for researchers and 
practitioners to discuss and learn about topics that require 
extended engagement such as new systems, research methods, 
standards and formats. A workshop should require participants 
to engage with each other for at least half a day. For shorter 
sessions, please consider WikiSym's open space format. 
A workshop proposal should consist of approximately two 
pages describing what you intend to do and how your session 
will meet the criteria described above. It should include a 
concise abstract, proposed time frame (half-day, full-day) 
and one-paragraph biographies of all people relevant to the 
submission. Workshop proposals will be reviewed and selected 
for their interest to the community. Each workshop will be 
allocated a half-day or a full-day and a room.


Panels provide an interactive forum for bringing together 
people with interesting points of view to discuss compelling 
wiki issues. Panels involve participation from both the 
panelists and audience members in a lively discussion. 
Proposals for panels should consist of approximately two pages 
describing what you intend to do and how your session will 
meet the criteria described above. It should include a concise 
abstract and one-paragraph biographies of all panelists. A panel 
submission will be reviewed and selected for their interest to 
the community. Each panel will be given a 90-minute time slot.


Poster presentations enable researchers to present late-breaking 
results, significant work in progress, or work that is best communicated 
in conversation. WikiSym's lively poster sessions let conference attendees 
exchange ideas one-on-one with authors, and let authors discuss their 
work in detail with those attendees most deeply interested in the topic.

Poster proposals may describe original research, engineering, or 
experience reports. Submissions should consist of a two-page extended 
abstract outlining the content of the poster. Successful applicants will 
be invited to display a poster, 1x2m in size, at a special plenary 
session of the Symposium.


Wikis are intended to be used, and no format is better suited for 
demonstrating the utility of new wiki research and technology than showing 
and using it. If you would like to demonstrate new features or products, 
this is the place! Demonstrations give presenters an opportunity to show 
running systems and gather feedback. Demo submissions will be reviewed 
based on their relevance to the community. A submission should be one 
page in length, with a title and a short description of the demo. 
The description should include what you plan to demonstrate, what you 
hope to get out of demoing, and how the audience will benefit. A short 
note of any special technical requirements may be included.


Please submit your research papers in PDF format through our research 
paper submission system (http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=wikisym2010). 

For all other papers and proposals, please email the respective 
chair (see below).

All accepted submissions will be published in the proceedings and 
archived in the ACM Digital Library.

Submitted work in all categories should use the ACM SIG Proceedings 
Format, see: http://www.acm.org/sigs/pubs/proceed/template.html

Questions regarding submissions may be directed at the respective chair 
using the following email addresses:

    * Workshops: [email protected]
    * Demonstrations/Tutorials: [email protected]
    * Posters: [email protected]
    * Doctoral Symposium: [email protected] 

General questions should be directed at [email protected].


    * Phoebe Ayers, University of California at Davis, USA; Symposium Chair
    * Felipe Ortega, GSyC/Libresoft, University Rey Juan Carlos, Spain; Programme Chair
    * Dirk Riehle, Friedrich Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg; Treasurer 
    * Felipe Ortega, GSyC/Libresoft, University Rey Juan Carlos, Spain; Wiki Track Chair
    * Martin Cleaver, Blended Perspectives, Canada; Industry Track Chair
    * Giota Alevizou, Institute of Educational Technology, Open University, UK; Open Collaboration Track Chair 
    * Pattarawan Prasarnphanich, Sasin Graduate Institute of Business Administration, Thailand; Posters Chair 
    * Andreea Gorbatai, Harvard University, USA; Workshops Chair
    * Stuart Geiger, Georgetown University; Wikimedia Liason
    * Stuart Geiger, Georgetown University; Publicity Co-Chair (Academia-US)
    * Yoshifumi Masunaga, Aoyama Gakuin University; Publicity Co-Chair (Asia-Pacific)
    * Philipp Schmidt, University of the Western Cape, South Africa; Publicity Co-Chair (Africa)
    * Mayo Fuster Morell, European University Institute, Italy; Publicity Co-Chair (Open Collaboration)
    * Ward Cunningham, AboutUs.org and Cunningham & Cunningham, USA; Honorary Member
    * James Noble, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand; Honorary Member
    * Ted Ernst, AboutUs.org, USA; Open Space Facilitator
    * Marc Laporte, TikiWiki CMS/Groupware, Canada; Webmaster 


Please, http://wikisym.org/ws2010 to obtain the most up-to-date list of reviewers and collaborators included in our Programme Committee. 
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Research Digital Commons Governance: http://www.onlinecreation.info
European University Institute - Phd Candidate
School of information Berkeley Visiting researcher
Phone Italy: 0039-3345440747 or 0039-0558409982
Phone Spanish State: 0034-648877748
E-mail: [email protected]
Skype: mayoneti
Identi.ca: Mayo

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