Alan Sondheim on Fri, 21 May 2010 20:20:42 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> sondheimogram [x11: plato, sound, kids, rwanda, homeless, 2L, new vid, iii, baghdad

               [digested @ nettime --mod(tb)]

Alan Sondheim <[email protected]>

     plato's cave of reflections and mirrors, maybe medusa, the real 
     My sound files are in a new archive - please check it out!
     Growing up here and having children here: 
     for Rwanda 
     Homeless and inworld 
     thinking about Second Life - please comment * 
     essay: deliberately mistaken ontologies of life-worlds
     2 Histories
     New Video Release: Okukin 
     within iii (last of the series) 
     Baghdad SL 

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Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 21:19:04 -0400 (EDT)
From: Alan Sondheim <[email protected]>
Subject: plato's cave of reflections and mirrors, maybe medusa, the real 

plato's cave of reflections and mirrors, maybe medusa, the real

inside the body of the avatar-with-attachments
within the invisible body of the avatar
outside the attachments remaining invisible
beyond the shadows of the body have disappeared
below the reflections of attachments are visible
into the water reflections having fallen
above the water reflections coming into play
throughout reflections among the invisible body
out there treating us to reflection's afterthoughts
under the air the water containing recognitions
among the recognitions attachments appearing clearly
beside the attachments no body nothing residing
on the attachments memories of visibility
in the attachments segments of missing body

julu twine out of luck and image
jennifer's attachments' reflections' distortions coming into their own
something about material cultures and absent centers, erasures
something else, julu and jennifer forgot

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Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 01:42:20 -0400 (EDT)
From: Alan Sondheim <[email protected]>
Subject: My sound files are in a new archive - please check it out!

Hi -

My sound files are in a new archive - please check it out!

ESP-Disk has given me server space for my sound/music works (solos and
collaborations). I won't have them any longer at -,
but do check out -

The following has the latest at the top - at this point, however, it
depends only on upload order -

Eventually there will be about 550 or more files up. They're almost all
mp3s. Please enjoy, and let me know if you have questions about individual
works. (There are about 240 up now; it's a long upload.)

When I make newer pieces, I'll announce them with the new URL; they'll be
at the top of the list. Note this work is all for free, but you can still 
support the musicians!

I want to thank everyone at for giving me this space. Needless
to say, ESP-Disk, like every alternative recording company, needs your

Thanks, Alan

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Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2010 22:34:54 -0400 (EDT)
From: Alan Sondheim <[email protected]>
Subject: Growing up here and having children here: 

Growing up here and having children here:

I grew up here:

All my children are here:

New project here - either Well or Brane here -

The first refers to something that is low/beneath the surface - but
reflects the sky, tapping into something hidden here.

The second references an n-dimensional object in string theory that may
or may not exist here.

Think impossible or inconceivable objects, objects nonetheless that may be
fundamental to the cosmos - think fundamental ontology here.


1. To further explore dance/choreographic/behavioral issues in Second
Life here.
2. To further explore these within complex negotiated environments here.
3. To explore media-modified environments with contradictory video/audio
materials here.
4. To explore narratologies and performances here in these environments.
5. To relate all of this to a developing philosophy of difference and
contradiction here.

(+growing up here) - (+all my children here) = philosophy of difference
and contradiction here.

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Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2010 13:13:36 -0400 (EDT)
From: Alan Sondheim <[email protected]>
Subject: for Rwanda 

for Rwanda

query="Somalia" query="Russia" query="Gabon" query="Malawi"
query="Britain" query="East Timor" query="mexico" query="america"
query="tajikistan" query="india" query="slovenia" query="vatican"

winking poverty  isolation grief rwanda  new heights  terrifying
Kosovo, Rwanda, and there's a whole litany here, even within say half a
this is for PNGers and East Timorese and Lebanese and Rwandans, or
this is for Rwandans and Americans and South Africans and Tahitians, or
this is for PNGers and East Timorese and Lebanese and Rwandans, or
this is for Rwandans and Americans and South Africans and Tahitians, or

"If Rwanda never happened, Sudan were prosperous,

the happening of a nation, occurrence of a nation
of a legacy, punctum, special holocaust, Rwandan, Jew, Armenia,
Tasmanian or

what is a name that calls a name, that calls forth a name

this is for PNGers and East Timorese and Lebanese and Rwandans, or
this is for Rwandans and Americans and South Africans and Tahitians, or
If Rwanda never happened, Sudan were prosperous,
Dallas. I have met you in Montreal. I will meet you in Rwanda. That is
Rwanda, may not be exactly new on the planet, but its world-wide
connects plutonium AIDS, Rwanda Foucault death. Everything silences
of isolation and despair, grief over Rwanda,
body-without-organs / Rwanda
"If Rwanda never happened, Sudan were prosperous,

for whom is the name called, and for whom is the calling
and for whom is the memory, and the calling,

to the Ming; reading about the Rwanda genocide; NY Times depressing
Dallas. I have met you in Montreal. I will meet you in Rwanda. That is
Rwanda, etc. may not be exactly new on the planet, but its world-wide
connects plutonium AIDS, Rwanda Foucault death. Everything silences
of isolation and despair, grief over Rwanda, and depression.
body-without-organs / Rwanda

who is calling whom
and where is the calling, the calling forth by day or night
of the name whose uttered history, unutterable, return of the erased,
the walking, the papers

for whom the papers, who collects them: what borders, what is allowed
to pass, what passes:

for every text is a permission, and every text a denial

In the far future, every happening will not be a happening,
every occurence will not happen, every happening will not occur

in the far future, in the future farther from the future
in the future farther

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Date: Sat, 8 May 2010 15:13:38 -0400 (EDT)
From: Alan Sondheim <[email protected]>
Subject: Homeless and inworld 

Homeless and inworld

Lost my place in SL a while ago
Just happened when permissions changed
Distrust land, land gets you nowhere
Carry your stuff with you, wherever you go
There's no place to rest, no place to stretch out
Me, I like to stretch out, talk with anyone around
No one's around in these vacated lands
No one's got permissions, least of all me

Everyone's bellies are full of prims
They don't even have to put them away,
Me, they're just what I got on my back
Look at me, falling from the sky

Empty's the world, the first and the second
They're one and the same, busy hands at work
They take pennies from the little guy
The rich get rich, the poor get you know what

The coffers overflow in first and second lives
All money's virtual, wherever it's kept
I've never seen a coffer, wouldn't know if I did
But if something overflows, you can bet there's money there

Wait, I've got a few more lines to go
Wearing the stuff I own slows me up a bit
Want a glowing prim, just give me food
Or shelter from nothing at all, I'm just tired of falling

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Date: Mon, 10 May 2010 23:20:18 -0400 (EDT)
From: Alan Sondheim <[email protected]>
Subject: thinking about Second Life - please comment * 

* I know the outline's vague - working this into a paper of sorts -
please comment if it makes any sense at all to you - thanks, Alan -

(thinking about SL, not in terms of RL or extrapolation -if such be
possible - a crude, close to useless, outline below)

deliberately mistaken ontologies of life-worlds

"The SL space is almost always treated as a simulacrum of real life - by
the creators as well! But as an abstracted mathematical topology, it's far
more than that; others will take it farther in the future, already are. I
also want to discuss being-in-mathesis, beyond the SL 'standard' represen-

SL: [describe] = 2 [split choice]
RL: [explain] = 1 [given]


0: neutral
1: obdurate, there is, idiotic real
2: choice / intentionality

0: neitherness, not both A and B, neither A nor B (a priori mathesis)
1: fragility of the good: computer program error, intrinsic
2: error extrinsic, deferment

0: null set
1: universal set
2: split tending towards as-if

1-2: leakages between them
problematic metaphor [0/1/2]: numbers as markers of inscriptions,
  multiplicities, neutralities (the idiotic)

RL: 1: immersive, fundamentally dynamic (potential stases)
  - internal: operated _in_
SL: 2: definable, fundamentally static (real mobility)
  - external operators: operated _on_

Attacking the metaphor: misplaced quantification and ordering among
'plexa,' misplaced mathesis (plexus, from plico, plicatum, to fold,
to knit - Lynd's Class-Book of Etymology, 1861)

suturing in RL: cohering subjectivity, harmonic continuity, incoherent
  and dynamic inscribing
suturing in SL: coherent physics, discordant continuity, coherent
  inscribing (it's inscription that holds it together)

Problematic ontology of SL: mathesis/inscription = what is; the world
  is a world only by virtue of its (visible, sensed) manifestation,
  information clarified and lost, backup of SL
Problematic ontology of RL: virtual particles, information entanglement
  and conservation, no backup

Off the map i -

Nagarjuna and Madhyamaka - emptiness and dependent origination /
dependent arising

Off the map ii -

SL: Think of root originations in server farms, permissions and
  specificies of address
RL: Think of fundamental ontologies under erasure, feynman diagram
  probabilities: what constitutes dependency under probability
  distributions -

Off the map iii -

Physical ontology is always abstracted, as-if
  (SL and anti-conventionalist argument)
There is no _fundamental_ physical ontology

Off the map iv -

Mathesis and Badiou's position - relation to surreal numbers

On the map -

Thinking of SL as abstracted, split, chosen, programmed: anything that is
programmable is possible. Thinking of RL as given, born-into: thought as
conceiving. Consider SL _not_ as subset of RL - as fulcrum; consider SL
as the visual counterpart of the space of Mathematica.

Psychology, psychoanalytics of SL in this case: matrix, borromean knot,
  meta-level jumping (collocation of constructing, dwelling-in)
The body as entangled projections/introjections (jectivity) independent
  of traditional physical constraint or representation
The locus of the body in the physical body (SL as perceptual organ)

The traditional/narratological function of SL = equivalent to cinematic
The non-traditional functioning of SL (above) = processes of dynamic

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Date: Wed, 12 May 2010 00:21:36 -0400 (EDT)
From: Alan Sondheim <[email protected]>
Subject: essay: deliberately mistaken ontologies of life-worlds


deliberately mistaken ontologies of life-worlds

{ SL = Second Life, used somewhat interchangeably for virtual worlds; RL =
real life, or 'first life,' used somewhat interchangably for physical
reality. }


"The SL space is almost always treated as a simulacrum of real life - by
the creators as well! But as an abstracted mathematical topology, it's far
more than that; others will take it farther in the future, already are. I
also want to discuss being-in-mathesis, beyond the SL 'standard' represen-

RL: [explain] = 1 [given] The real world is given, inert, obdurate, one or
many - it's still one, presenced. The real world possesses at least four
fundamental forces, various constants from fine-structure to gravitation-
al; these things - static or dynamic - are given. Physics is explanatory,
attempting coherent and agreeable structures in depth. David Finkelstein:
physics is fucking the real. There is always the potential of deep error.

SL: [describe] = 2 [split choice] The virtual world is described; its
description is its fundamental ontology. It is split; constants are by
consensus. There are no basic forces at work; motion is the result of
redraw, rewrite. The physics is the result of an attempt to construct
coherent and agreeable structures in depth. David Finkelstein: pure math
is masturbation. There is always the potential of surface error.

0: Neither description nor explanation, but a postulate of a neutral
backdrop, perhaps the Madhyamaka backdrop, the problematic of the existent
in relation to logical falsification. But perhaps here, or perhaps here in
the sense of a diacritical mark:

0': the psychoanalytics of the subject lies, a psychoanalytics deeply and
permanently entangled in perceptual modalities. This is the locus of
peering-out, or not peering-out.

0, 0': neutrality - neutrality appears and disappears.

1: obdurate, there is, idiotic real. The thetic, demonstrative, occurs in
the 1: which is the real; 1 is not a number, but a condition. 1 is not a
choice, but within 1, there are always choices, splits: frames of
reference, wave or particle functions. One is 'like that'; the real has a
certain style.

2: choice / intentionality. The virtual world is chosen; it is also in-
tended, intended against the backdrop of 0 and 0'. Now this is important:
the virtual world lies within a potential well; it has both internal and
external boundaries: it _runs_ at a designated clock-tine; it is a
construction within the social; it is, in other words, a fabric.

0, 0': neitherness, not both A and B, neither A nor B (a priori mathesis).
Neitherness and its dual may be taken as the two fundamental operations of
the propositional calculus (elementary logic); they're the Sheffer stroke
and its dual. But they are also expulsions, abjections, avoidances, the
loci of subjectivities in relation to spewing-forth in real or virtual
worlds. Neti neti: neither this nor that, neither the one nor the other,
the one or the two, the one or two and the Other.

1: fragility of the good: computer program error, intrinsic. Within the 1,
there is, as Leibniz might unfurl himself, the potential for the catas-
trophic, in the sense of catastrophe theory. And while there are infinite
errors, there may be, as in chaos theory, only one viable solution -
surrounded by problematic others, mutations which produce nothing, which
corrupt. Or not, as some extend themselves. Nonetheless, it is within the
one that the computer program error appears, as error - as something
needing correcting, something turning away from the coherently expected
answer, something which doesn't survive the rituals of debugging. In this
sense, the physics of the computer program in general parallels the
physics of the real; both are open to contradiction or falsification in
their running explanations/processes. These errors are intrinsic to
programs and theories which are aligned with pre-determined goals, as if
there were design (not intelligent design to be sure) involved.

2: error extrinsic, deferment. Think of computer program errors which are
extrinsic - produced results leading elsewhere, the result of choice or
decision, not necessarily an error, but an extension - one finds a con-
tinuous deferment, one error leading to novelty, the plateau of novelty,
the tendency of the plateau towards another error or another extension,
and so forth. This is the result, the habitus, of intention; this is the
dwelling of distinctions where, utopia-like, any error may be no error at
all, and anything at all might be intended, willed, to survive.

0, 0': null set. Thus 0 is the set of all those objects not equal to them-
selves, but let us consider 0' to be the division between two distinct
populations, X and not-X: that is, the intersection. However this inter-
section is impure; it exists in-relation-to-X and not-X; it is the null
set, but the null set in-relation, and therefore of and within/without the

1: universal set. Thus 1 is the universal, cosmological, set - totality,
however defined; in a sense 2: virtual worlds, are subsets within it. From
within and without 0, but not within and without 0', which is almost
something else altogether.

2: split tending towards as-if. Virtual worlds are always split: split
from the real (guided, protected, within the literally circumscribed,
circumprogrammed, potential well), and split in terms of decision trees
(this - and not that - gravitational constant employed, for example.) And
virtual worlds are always already as-if; there is nothing else to them.
As-if what? As if they're dynamic, as if the illusions were real. Real
how? As-if one might turn away from the screen, unplug everything, and

1-2: leakages between them. Neither polarities nor entirely independent:
the body, inscribed, is already virtual; the virtual world, embodied, is
already real. The bridge between them is the uncanny; both reals are
imaginary. Leakage is abject - as if there were leakage, as if there were
virtual/real polarities.

The metaphoric 0,0',1,2: numbers as markers of inscriptions, valuable in
terms of thinking about multiplicities, neutralities (the idiotic),
inscriptions. Within 0,0' inscription is primary; everything is inscribed
but inscribed differently. And inscription is necessarily circumscription,
the symbolic bounded by the symbolic, the sememe tending towards the
appearance of closure. (Attacking the metaphor: misplaced quantification
and ordering among 'plexa,' misplaced mathesis (plexus, from plico,
plicatum, to fold, to knit - Lynd's Class-Book of Etymology, 1861).)

So we might say:

Real life: 1: immersive, fundamentally dynamic (potential stases) - inter-
nal: operated _in._ Immersive: inhabited within the space-time manifold,
such that contradiction or contrary is always a process; in the real,
nothing contradicts anything. In real life, there is no server roll-back.

Second life: 2: definable, fundamentally static (real mobility) - external
operators: operated _on._ How definable? Every element has been placed,
intentionally; every element carries permissions and attributes; every
element may be removed; every region, every thing, every world, may be


Intentionality and suturing of the subject:

Suturing in real life: cohering subjectivity, harmonic continuity,
incoherent and dynamic inscribing: what is inscribed, erodes, corrodes,
decays, disintegrates; the subject, subjectivity of the subject, dies.
While alive, the body continues, is continuous; there is no teleporting,
no disappearance. The body physically moves in and out of presence; in
real life, there are no (space/time) jump cuts. And the body decays;
existing in a potential well (clothing, shelter, skin), it is always
subject to collapse, death, detritus. The body ingests, excretes.

Suturing in virtual worlds: coherent physics, discordant continuity,
coherent inscribing (it's inscription that holds it together). In other
words, in virtual worlds, one's avatar is present or not present, 'alive'
or not 'alive' - the inscription is coherent, holding everything together
- but the virtual body is not always there. Teleporting disrupts contin-
uity for others, not for the avatar 'owner' or the avatar itself. The body
need not ingest or excrete (unless it is written into the virtual world
itself); it need not sleep, does not get sick, and so forth. In virtual
worlds, the body shape may be mobile, transformable, as well.

Problematic issues of ontology of re life: virtual particles, information
entanglement and conservation, no backup.


Problematic issues of ontology of virtual worlds: mathesis/inscription -
what is; the world is a world only by virtue of its (visible, sensed)
manifestation. In virtual worlds, information may be classified, trans-
formed, and lost - there is always server roll-back or backup. Backup
implies an epistemological/ontological split between the (visual, aural,
etc.) presentation of the data-base, and its physical backup - as both
medium and data.


Off the map i:

Nagarjuna and Madhyamaka - emptiness and dependent origination/arising. Is
there a distinction between the ontic emptiness of real and virtual
worlds? Between dreams, hallucinations, etc. and a concrete or virtual
'real'? (Various phenomenologies here.) The nexus/ cohering of depending
arising seems to be radically different between real and virtual; in the
former, there are causal chains, plexa, Indra's net, and other entangled
phenomena, and in the latter, there are entangled phenomena, in the sense
of hierarchical data-bases, but virtual worlds can be split (similar to
netsplit in IRC), can split apart, can have objects permanently eliminated
within them (in one region) without undue affect elsewhere (in another).

Off the map ii -

Real life: Think of fundamental ontologies under erasure, Feynman diagram
probabilities: what constitutes dependency under probability distributions
- how entangled information should be (ontologically) constituted - the
status of dark matter, dark energy, the metaverse, additional dimensions,
branes, other constructs, etc. etc.. How are these inscribed? Are they
inscribed at all in daily life?

Second life: Think of root originations in server farms, permissions and
specificities of address. Are permissions inworld or outworld?

Off the map iii -

There is no _fundamental_ physical ontology in the real world: or ontology
itself, like causality, may be problematic (certainly in terms of subject-
ivity and inscription.

In virtual worlds, physical ontology is always abstracted, as-if: the
situation is conventionalist/constructivist, on one hand, and a classical
mathematical hierarchy on the other.

Off the map iv -

Mathesis and Badiou's position - relation to mathematical ontology or
surreal numbers. Is there entanglement between cosmological origins and
mathesis? Is mathesis the fundamental operation in virtual worlds?


On the map -

I'm thinking of virtual worlds as abstracted, split, chosen, programmed:
anything that is programmable is possible. Think of the real world as
given, born-into: thought as conceiving. Consider virtual worlds _not_ as
subsets of real life - as fulcrums; consider virtual worlds as the visual
counterpart of the space of Mathematica.

Again, the psychology, psychoanalytics of virtual worlds: borromean knot,
matrix, meta-level jumping (collocation of constructing, dwelling-in). And
in virtual worlds, the body as entangled projections/introjections (jecti-
vity) independent of traditional physical constraint or representation The
locus of the body in the physical body (second life as perceptual organ)

Finally, think of the traditional/narratological function of virtual
worlds as equivalent to cinematic diegesis (editing, jump-cuts, multiple
viewpoints, etc.) and the non-traditional functionings of virtual worlds
(above) as processes of dynamic suturing.


So we cover, however roughly, the mathematical, epistemological and onto-
logical groundings of real life and virtual worlds: I want to argue that
this is a basis for being in virtual worlds, a basis for theorizing them.
In other words, we need not, necessarily, move through either the social
or simulacra of real world physics; we can start elsewhere, as Being or
the problematizing of beings, in a fantasm of mathesis. And that may
expand our considerations elsewhere - from more than three-dimensional
manifolds, to spaces without gravitation or with several gravitational
(positive, negative, neutral) fields, and so forth. There need not be
objects, weathers, plateaus, height from a planar origin - perhaps only
flows or diffused light, or nothing at all. Nothing need be taken for
granted: It's all open.


25c25: The error-sheet

backdrop, perhaps the Madhyamaka backdrop, the problematic of the existent
choice, but within 1, there are always choices, splits: frames of loci of
subjectivities in relation to spewing-forth in real or virtual extrinsic -
produced results leading elsewhere, the result of choice or decision, not
necessarily an error, but an extension - one finds a con- from the real
(guided, protected, within the literally circumscribed, nal: operated
_in._ Immersive: inhabited within the space-time manifold, specificities
of address situation conventionalist/constructivist.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Date: Sun, 9 May 2010 23:14:43 -0400 (EDT)
From: Alan Sondheim <[email protected]>
Subject: 2 Histories

2 Histories

Highschool Reunion Yearbook Page

Netflix Rental List (for classes and personal viewing)
30 Days: Season 1: Disc 1 # 8 1/2 # 8 1/2: Bonus Material # A Fool There
Was # A Throw of Dice # Across the Universe # Aelita, Queen of Mars # Ali:
Fear Eats the Soul # Assunta Spina / The Last Diva # Beauty and the Beast
# Beauty and the Beast # Beowulf: Director's Cut # Biograph Shorts #
Bjork: Medulla Videos # Bjork: Volumen Plus # Blood Shack # Body Fever #
Capitalism: A Love Story # Cassandra's Dream # Children of Paradise # City
of Women # Conductor 1492 # Contempt # Coraline # Corner Gas: Season 4 #
Coup de Grace # Diary of a Lost Girl # Different from the Others # Donkey
Skin # Dracula # Dracula: Pages from a Virgin's Diary # Duplicity #
Electric Edwardians # Eraserhead # Eros # Erotikon # Fellini's Roma #
Ginger & Fred # Grass: A Nation's Battle for Life # Hackers # Harlan
County, U.S.A.  # Hiroshima Mon Amour # Howl's Moving Castle # I Have
Found It # I Love Lucy: Season 1: Vol. 8 # Intervista # La Dolce Vita #
Landmarks of Early Film # Lon Chaney: Ace of Hearts # Lost in Austen # Mad
Love: The Films of Evgeni Bauer # Man with the Movie Camera # Master and
Commander # Memoirs of an Invisible Man # Metropolitan # Michael Clayton #
Miss Potter # Mother of Tears # Nate and Hayes # Night and Fog # No
Country for Old Men # Persuasion # Regency House Party # Roger & Me #
Roswell: Seasons 1-3 # Salome / Lot in Sodom # Secrets of a Soul # Shutter
# Sir Arne's Treasure # Small Change # Smoke Signals # Solaris #
Thanhouser Collection # The 3 Penny Opera # The Battleship Potemkin # The
Blue Bird # The Business of Fancydancing # The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari #
The Darjeeling Limited # The Doll / Lubitsch in Berlin # The Duchess # The
Fall # The Gods Must Be Crazy # The Harder They Come # The King of Comedy
# The Lemon Grove Kids: Meet the Monsters # The Lost Honor of Katharina
Blum # The Man Who Laughs # The Mechanical Man / The Headless Horseman #
The Ogre # The Phantom of the Opera: Special Edition # The Piano Tuner of
Earthquakes # The Tempest # The Woman in White # Thirst # Titus # Tout Va
Bien # Traffic in Souls # Transformers # Trilby # True Blood: Season 1 #
Videodrome # Wilder Napalm

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Date: Fri, 14 May 2010 00:43:32 -0400 (EDT)
From: Alan Sondheim <[email protected]>
Subject: New Video Release: Okukin 

New Video Release:


Okukin is a short, 9'23" video created from my recent work in Second Life.
There is a narrative among objects, slabs, planets, voices, bodies, and
images, some old, many new. The objects themselves have been created for
Okukin, which is filmed using the Beta 2 Second Life viewer release, in
order to take advantage of a number of new features.

The video opens on a scenic pouring-forth which changes in a few seconds
to planet surfaces and constructions which defy the laws of gravity,
opening on occasion to untoward vistas. The rest of the video develops
these vistas through symbolism and spoken or sung narrative that tends
towards a future anterior. The second video is a short test of emissions
that wasn't used in the final production, but is of great interest itself.
Perhaps I am becoming too literal; perhaps I am disappearing in these
works, which always seem on the verge of emergence, but never quite
coalesce into Being.

I hope to show this work at the June ELO conference in Providence, and
elsewhere of course. Participants, witting and unwitting, include Foofwa
d'Imobilite, Blue Carter, Kira Sedlock, and myself. Thanks to Fau
Ferdinand as well, for the use of the land in East Odyssey, as well as
Lizsolo and a number of people who helped with scripting.

(Please note, because of space limitations, some older work had to be
taken down from the website.)

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Date: Wed, 19 May 2010 00:05:47 -0400 (EDT)
From: Alan Sondheim <[email protected]>
Subject: within iii (last of the series) 

within iii
section 1: colors of the skin
section 2: entranced embedding
section 3: objet a

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Date: Fri, 21 May 2010 13:12:11 -0400 (EDT)
From: Alan Sondheim <[email protected]>
Subject: Baghdad SL 

Baghdad SL             11-Jul-2005 18:17     5k
  baghdad.txt             16-Jul-2005 04:07     3k            11-Jul-2005 18:17     5k
baghdad and addresses of the invisible
  [TXT]  baghdad.txt             05-Nov-2007 12:38  3.0K
  [VID]            06-Nov-2007 14:59  4.9K
baghdad and capital was gold silver left
in new york and in baghdad
new in york new baghdad in capital
bonjour of in debris, mourning, baghdad dawn baghdad another the shifting,
mourning, baghdad baghdad mourning, dawn dawn bonjour another in debris,
baghdad mourning, dawn another debris, sand shifting, sifting, evolutions,
baghdad you are lovely and naked
baghdad you are pure and beautiful
baghdad you are lovely and naked
baghdad you are pure and beautiful
baghdad standard
bab!           oo:   baghdad          baghdad             o :   balet
baghdad and addresses of the invisible
who are taking offf to baghdad
b s baby  baby baghdad  baghdad BALLET  ballet beam BEEB bee B BI DEL
an ap a avatars baghdad ba bb bkreview
aw ashur baby aw backhoe baghdad bathingbeauties backhoe bbbb baghdad
backhoe baghdad baghdad bathingbeauties bbbb
back-suck backhoe-suck baghdad-whip s-goof sac-suck said-slit
rdingnidr-suck rdingnidr-pee baghdad-love basin-suck
baghdad obvserver scratches curve rubber remnants trails paints los huge
siggraph mist screen # baghdadmov # fukuoka second hand kimono # index password animals flow speeches scaf transforma
likely part of a conspiracy to kill the president, ... .html true baghdad,
april -- two sedans loaded with gunmen sped through the streets of baghdad
council does not want to ... militants kill in baghdad parking lot (: am
backhoe.jpg baghdad.txt basin.jpg bb.txt
hi-rez streets of Baghdad. I feel both anguish and cool distance towards
from Baghdad
schordinger case for example or the observers in Baghdad - that's what it
the storm clouds of Baghdad the stormclouds of dying maddened elephants
us, our disappearance, the ash of Auschwitz-Baghdad, A-B, the Phoenician
Lebanon Beirut Iraq Baghdad Khmer Phnom Penh Sri Lanka
Sudan annihilate States Baghdad. will Dirty Dirty Egypt Egypt Syria.
Iraq, Lebanon, Beirut, Baghdad, Khmer, Phnom Penh, Sri Lanka.
The oaks of Baghdad shall bend to the Victors! Arduous is the task!
prevail! road long difficult! winding shall is of task! to Baghdad
prevail! road difficult! winding shall Baghdad
for the foreseeable future. The only reason we are "bombing Baghdad back
mourn for them, Baghdad is lost...
us, our disappearance, the ash of Auschwitz-Baghdad, A-B, the Phoenician
latest news orig from Baghdad orig from Baghdad orig have you heard orig
Baghdad orig from Baghdad orig have you heard orig have you heard the one
mx:us, our disappearance, the ash of Auschwitz-Baghdad, A-B, the Phoenician
Belsen, Baghdad, Saigon. The others, Les Autres, are always
numbered. Regardez-moi: not 650000 dead in Baghdad, les mortes,

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