mp on Mon, 27 Jan 2014 11:35:36 +0100 (CET)

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Re: <nettime> The Californian Reality (from: New Geography)

On 26/01/14 20:50, [email protected] wrote:
> In the meantime, everyone on this list is above world median
> income (USD 1,225 per annum) and almost everyone is in the
> world's 1% (USD 34,000 per annum).  In that regard, see:

Wow! Speak for yourself. I would be sick if I had that much money - I
think, as I've never, ever been anywhere near that amount - and would, I
don't know what I would do, actually, sounds pretty utopian to me. What
do you do with that much cash? Is that where all those SUVs and iPads
come from? Now I begin to understand...

We are a family with a child on half that.


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