S. Kritikos on Sun, 7 Sep 2014 21:51:25 +0200 (CEST)

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<nettime> On Parthenon marbles and geopolitics


Jonathan Jones  who writes  on art  for the  Guardian has  changed his
position on the  Parthenon marbles and now supports  their return [1].
This is  a welcome development  because he  is yet another  well known
figure in  the art world supporting  the return, and comes  just months
after George Clooney's support [2].

So  far the  efforts for  the  return of  the marbles  have not  proved
successful and I  think that is because the issue  has not been placed
in the right framework.  What the Greek side has failed  to see so far
is that  there are artifacts from  all over the world  in the European
museums very often brought there under questionable circumstances.

The Parthenon marbles  are only a small part of  a larger problem that
has to do with Europe's relationship with the rest of the world, this
is not just  a Greek problem. Realizing the true  scale of the problem
will  lead to  a reconsideration  of  our relationship  with Europe,  a
colonial  relationship that  can be  traced all  the way  back to  the
sacking of  Constantinople in  1204. Placing the  issue in  its proper
global  context means  Greece gets  allies  and help  to exercise  more
pressure for the return of the Parthenon marbles.

This also makes sense because we are  coming to the end of the Western
dominance cycle  which started in  the 15th century, partly  after the
death of  the Yongle Emperor [3].  Asking for the marbles  then should
been seen in the context of a changing geopolitical stance.

S. (Sam) Kritikos - @metacode

[1] The  Parthenon marbles are  the world's  most beautiful art
â = and that's  why we  should give  them back:  These
consummately  beautiful sculptures  demand  a proper  setting  â
and  a  trip to  Athens  = has convinced me  the Acropolis Museum  is
that place. By  Jonathan Jones, Monday 18 August 2014


[2] The Parthenon  marbles should be returned â but  George
Clooney= is wrong: The legal case for giving them  back to Greece is
weak, but the marbles deserve  to be seen  in their  original setting in
Athens. By Josephine Quinn, Friday 14 February 2014


[3] Why Did Ming China Stop Sending out the Treasure Fleet? By Kallie


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